File: Html.php
<?php /** * Html2Pdf Library * * HTML => PDF converter * distributed under the OSL-3.0 License * * @package Html2pdf * @author Laurent MINGUET <webmaster@html2pdf.fr> * @copyright 2017 Laurent MINGUET */ namespace Spipu\Html2Pdf\Parsing; use Spipu\Html2Pdf\Exception\HtmlParsingException; /** * Class Html */ class Html { const HTML_TAB = ' '; /** * @var TagParser */ protected $tagParser; /** * @var TextParser */ protected $textParser; /** * are we in a pre ? * @var boolean */ protected $tagPreIn = false; /** * parsed HTML code * @var Node[] */ public $code = array(); /** * main constructor * * @param TextParser $textParser */ public function __construct(TextParser $textParser) { $this->textParser = $textParser; $this->tagParser = new TagParser($this->textParser); $this->code = array(); } /** * Get the list of the codes, but cloned * * @return Node[] */ public function getCloneCodes() { $codes = array(); foreach ($this->code as $key => $code) { $codes[$key] = clone $code; } return $codes; } /** * parse the HTML code * * @param Token[] $tokens A list of tokens to parse * * @throws HtmlParsingException */ public function parse($tokens) { $parents = array(); // flag : are we in a <pre> Tag ? $this->tagPreIn = false; /** * all the actions to do * @var Node[] $actions */ $actions = array(); // get the actions from the html tokens foreach ($tokens as $token) { if ($token->getType() === 'code') { $actions = array_merge($actions, $this->getTagAction($token, $parents)); } elseif ($token->getType() === 'txt') { $actions = array_merge($actions, $this->getTextAction($token)); } } // for each identified action, we have to clean up the begin and the end of the texte // based on tags that surround it // list of the tags to clean $tagsToClean = array( 'page', 'page_header', 'page_footer', 'form', 'table', 'thead', 'tfoot', 'tr', 'td', 'th', 'br', 'div', 'hr', 'p', 'ul', 'ol', 'li', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'bookmark', 'fieldset', 'legend', 'draw', 'circle', 'ellipse', 'path', 'rect', 'line', 'g', 'polygon', 'polyline', 'option' ); // list of the tags to move space $tagsToSpace = array( 'span', 'font', 'label', 'strong', 'b', 'address', 'cite', 'em', 'i', 'samp', 'cite', 's', 'ins', 'u', 'big', 'small', 'sub', 'sup' ); // foreach action $nb = count($actions); for ($k = 0; $k < $nb; $k++) { // if it is a Text if ($actions[$k]->getName() !== 'write') { continue; } // if the tag before the text is a tag to clean => ltrim on the text if ($k>0) { if (in_array($actions[$k - 1]->getName(), $tagsToClean)) { $actions[$k]->setParam('txt', ltrim($actions[$k]->getParam('txt'))); } } if ($k < $nb - 1) { // if the tag after the text is a tag to clean => rtrim on the text if (in_array($actions[$k + 1]->getName(), $tagsToClean)) { $actions[$k]->setParam('txt', rtrim($actions[$k]->getParam('txt'))); } // if the tag after the text is a tag with space to move => move the space to the next write if (in_array($actions[$k + 1]->getName(), $tagsToSpace)) { if (substr($actions[$k]->getParam('txt'), -1) == ' ') { $actions[$k]->setParam('txt', rtrim($actions[$k]->getParam('txt'))); for ($subK = $k+2; $subK < $nb; $subK++) { if ($actions[$subK]->getName() === 'write') { $actions[$subK]->setParam('txt', ' '.ltrim($actions[$subK]->getParam('txt'))); break; } } } } } // if the text is empty => remove the action if (!strlen($actions[$k]->getParam('txt'))) { unset($actions[$k]); } } // if we are not on the level 0 => HTML validator ERROR if (count($parents)) { if (count($parents)>1) { $errorMsg = 'The following tags have not been closed:'; } else { $errorMsg = 'The following tag has not been closed:'; } $e = new HtmlParsingException($errorMsg.' '.implode(', ', $parents)); $e->setInvalidTag($parents[0]); throw $e; } $this->verifyMustContain($actions, 'thead', 'tr'); $this->verifyMustContain($actions, 'tfoot', 'tr'); // save the actions to do $this->code = array_values($actions); } /** * Verify some tags that must contain other tags * * @param Node[] $actions * @param string $mainTag * @param string $mustTag * * @return bool * @throws HtmlParsingException */ protected function verifyMustContain(&$actions, $mainTag, $mustTag) { $inMainTag = 0; $foundMustTag = false; foreach ($actions as $action) { if ($action->getName() == $mainTag && !$action->isClose()) { $inMainTag++; $foundMustTag = false; } if ($action->getName() == $mustTag && $inMainTag > 0) { $foundMustTag = true; } if ($action->getName() == $mainTag && $action->isClose()) { if (!$foundMustTag) { $exception = new HtmlParsingException( "The tag [$mainTag] must contain at least one tag [$mustTag]" ); $exception->setInvalidTag($action->getName()); $exception->setHtmlLine($action->getLine()); throw $exception; } $inMainTag--; } } return true; } /** * TODO remove the reference on the $parents variable * * @param Token $token * @param array $parents * * @return array * @throws HtmlParsingException */ protected function getTagAction(Token $token, &$parents) { // tag that can be not closed $tagsNotClosed = array( 'br', 'hr', 'img', 'col', 'input', 'link', 'option', 'circle', 'ellipse', 'path', 'rect', 'line', 'polygon', 'polyline' ); // analyze the HTML code $node = $this->tagParser->analyzeTag($token->getData()); // save the current position in the HTML code $node->setLine($token->getLine()); $actions = array(); // if the tag must be closed if (!in_array($node->getName(), $tagsNotClosed)) { // if it is a closure tag if ($node->isClose()) { // HTML validation if (count($parents) < 1) { $e = new HtmlParsingException('Too many tag closures found for ['.$node->getName().']'); $e->setInvalidTag($node->getName()); $e->setHtmlLine($token->getLine()); throw $e; } elseif (end($parents) != $node->getName()) { $e = new HtmlParsingException('Tags are closed in a wrong order for ['.$node->getName().']'); $e->setInvalidTag($node->getName()); $e->setHtmlLine($token->getLine()); throw $e; } else { array_pop($parents); } } else { // if it is an auto-closed tag if ($node->isAutoClose()) { // save the opened tag $actions[] = $node; // prepare the closed tag $node = clone $node; $node->setParams(array()); $node->setClose(true); } else { // else: add a child for validation array_push($parents, $node->getName()); } } // if it is a <pre> tag (or <code> tag) not auto-closed => update the flag if (($node->getName() === 'pre' || $node->getName() === 'code') && !$node->isAutoClose()) { $this->tagPreIn = !$node->isClose(); } } // save the actions to convert $actions[] = $node; return $actions; } /** * get the Text action * * @param Token $token * * @return array */ protected function getTextAction(Token $token) { // action to use for each line of the content of a <pre> Tag $tagPreBr = new Node('br', array('style' => array(), 'num' => 0), false); $actions = array(); // if we are not in a <pre> tag if (!$this->tagPreIn) { // save the action $actions[] = new Node('write', array('txt' => $this->textParser->prepareTxt($token->getData())), false); } else { // else (if we are in a <pre> tag) // prepare the text $data = str_replace("\r", '', $token->getData()); $lines = explode("\n", $data); // foreach line of the text foreach ($lines as $k => $txt) { // transform the line $txt = str_replace("\t", self::HTML_TAB, $txt); $txt = str_replace(' ', ' ', $txt); // add a break line if ($k > 0) { $actions[] = clone $tagPreBr; } // save the action $actions[] = new Node('write', array('txt' => $this->textParser->prepareTxt($txt, false)), false); } } return $actions; } /** * get a full level of HTML, between an opening and closing corresponding * * @param integer $k * @return array actions */ public function getLevel($k) { // if the code does not exist => return empty if (!isset($this->code[$k])) { return array(); } // the tag to detect $detect = $this->code[$k]->getName(); // if it is a text => return if ($detect === 'write') { return array($this->code[$k]); } // $level = 0; // depth level $end = false; // end of the search $code = array(); // extract code // while it's not ended while (!$end) { // current action /** @var Node $node */ $node = $this->code[$k]; // if 'write' => we add the text if ($node->getName() === 'write') { $code[] = $node; } else { // else, it is a html tag $not = false; // flag for not taking into account the current tag // if it is the searched tag if ($node->getName() == $detect) { // if we are just at the root level => dont take it if ($level == 0) { $not = true; } // update the level $level += ($node->isClose() ? -1 : 1); // if we are now at the root level => it is the end, and dont take it if ($level == 0) { $not = true; $end = true; } } // if we can take into account the current tag => save it if (!$not) { $code[] = $node; } } // it continues as long as there has code to analyze if (isset($this->code[$k + 1])) { $k++; } else { $end = true; } } // return the extract return $code; } /** * prepare the HTML * * @param string $html * * @return string */ public function prepareHtml($html) { // if it is a real html page, we have to convert it if (preg_match('/<body/isU', $html)) { $html = $this->getHtmlFromRealPage($html); } // replace some constants $html = str_replace('[[date_y]]', date('Y'), $html); $html = str_replace('[[date_m]]', date('m'), $html); $html = str_replace('[[date_d]]', date('d'), $html); $html = str_replace('[[date_h]]', date('H'), $html); $html = str_replace('[[date_i]]', date('i'), $html); $html = str_replace('[[date_s]]', date('s'), $html); return $html; } /** * convert the HTML of a real page, to a code adapted to Html2Pdf * * @param string $html HTML code of a real page * @return string HTML adapted to Html2Pdf */ protected function getHtmlFromRealPage($html) { // set body tag to lower case $html = str_replace('<BODY', '<body', $html); $html = str_replace('</BODY', '</body', $html); // explode from the body tag. If no body tag => end $res = explode('<body', $html); // the html content is between body tag openning and closing $content = '<page'.$res[1]; $content = explode('</body', $content); $content = $content[0].'</page>'; // extract the link tags from the original html // and add them before the content preg_match_all('/<link ([^>]*)[\/]?>/isU', $html, $match); foreach ($match[1] as $src) { $content = '<link '.$src.'/>'.$content; } // extract the css style tags from the original html // and add them before the content preg_match_all('/<style[^>]*>(.*)<\/style[^>]*>/isU', $html, $match); foreach ($match[0] as $src) { $content = $src.$content; } return $content; } }