File: authenticate.md
# Authenticate and create SDK session The SDK offers two ways to authenticate against the API: ### Login / password ```php <?php namespace ShoppingFeed\Sdk; $credential = new Credential\Password('login', 'password'); $session = Client\Client::createSession($credential); ``` By login, we understand your **account name**, not store name or email address. This method costs 2 calls to the API: - 1 for getting your API token based on login / password info - 1 to get your session details ### Token This is the preferred way, because this method only performs 1 HTTP call ```php <?php namespace ShoppingFeed\Sdk; $credential = new Credential\Token('api_token'); $session = Client\Client::createSession($credential); ``` ### Client options Optionally, you can pass options when creating a new session with the static method. ```php <?php namespace ShoppingFeed\Sdk; $options = new Client\ClientOptions(); $options->setHandleRateLimit(false); $options->setPlatform('Magento', '2.2.0'); $credential = new Credential\Token('api_token'); $session = Client\Client::createSession($credential, $options); ``` Available options are: | Name | Description | |--------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | platform | Allow to add information regarding the platform and its version to user agent HTTP header sent by the sdk | | headers | Allow to add headers to all HTTP calls made by the SDK | | httpAdapter | Allow to set your own HTTP adapter used by the SDK (cf. [http adapter doc](./../development/http-adapter.md)) | | retryOnServerError | Allow to set the number of times the SDK should retry when a server error occurs | | handleRateLimit | Allow to enable/disable the retry of a call when server is overloaded | | logger | Allow to pass your own logger, logger should be a Psr\LoggerInterface to be compatible with the client | | baseUri | Allow to set the ShoppingFeed API baseUri to be used by the SDK |