File: GetSmsCampaign.php
<?php /** * GetSmsCampaign * * PHP version 5 * * @category Class * @package SendinBlue\Client * @author Swagger Codegen team * @link https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen */ /** * SendinBlue API * * SendinBlue provide a RESTFul API that can be used with any languages. With this API, you will be able to : - Manage your campaigns and get the statistics - Manage your contacts - Send transactional Emails and SMS - and much more... You can download our wrappers at https://github.com/orgs/sendinblue **Possible responses** | Code | Message | | :-------------: | ------------- | | 200 | OK. Successful Request | | 201 | OK. Successful Creation | | 202 | OK. Request accepted | | 204 | OK. Successful Update/Deletion | | 400 | Error. Bad Request | | 401 | Error. Authentication Needed | | 402 | Error. Not enough credit, plan upgrade needed | | 403 | Error. Permission denied | | 404 | Error. Object does not exist | | 405 | Error. Method not allowed | | 406 | Error. Not Acceptable | * * OpenAPI spec version: 3.0.0 * Contact: contact@sendinblue.com * Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git * Swagger Codegen version: 2.4.12 */ /** * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen * Do not edit the class manually. */ namespace SendinBlue\Client\Model; use \ArrayAccess; use \SendinBlue\Client\ObjectSerializer; /** * GetSmsCampaign Class Doc Comment * * @category Class * @package SendinBlue\Client * @author Swagger Codegen team * @link https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen */ class GetSmsCampaign implements ModelInterface, ArrayAccess { const DISCRIMINATOR = null; /** * The original name of the model. * * @var string */ protected static $swaggerModelName = 'getSmsCampaign'; /** * Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization * * @var string[] */ protected static $swaggerTypes = [ 'id' => 'int', 'name' => 'string', 'status' => 'string', 'content' => 'string', 'scheduledAt' => '\DateTime', 'sender' => 'string', 'createdAt' => '\DateTime', 'modifiedAt' => '\DateTime', 'recipients' => 'object', 'statistics' => 'object' ]; /** * Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization * * @var string[] */ protected static $swaggerFormats = [ 'id' => 'int64', 'name' => null, 'status' => null, 'content' => null, 'scheduledAt' => 'date-time', 'sender' => null, 'createdAt' => 'date-time', 'modifiedAt' => 'date-time', 'recipients' => null, 'statistics' => null ]; /** * Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization * * @return array */ public static function swaggerTypes() { return self::$swaggerTypes; } /** * Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization * * @return array */ public static function swaggerFormats() { return self::$swaggerFormats; } /** * Array of attributes where the key is the local name, * and the value is the original name * * @var string[] */ protected static $attributeMap = [ 'id' => 'id', 'name' => 'name', 'status' => 'status', 'content' => 'content', 'scheduledAt' => 'scheduledAt', 'sender' => 'sender', 'createdAt' => 'createdAt', 'modifiedAt' => 'modifiedAt', 'recipients' => 'recipients', 'statistics' => 'statistics' ]; /** * Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses) * * @var string[] */ protected static $setters = [ 'id' => 'setId', 'name' => 'setName', 'status' => 'setStatus', 'content' => 'setContent', 'scheduledAt' => 'setScheduledAt', 'sender' => 'setSender', 'createdAt' => 'setCreatedAt', 'modifiedAt' => 'setModifiedAt', 'recipients' => 'setRecipients', 'statistics' => 'setStatistics' ]; /** * Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests) * * @var string[] */ protected static $getters = [ 'id' => 'getId', 'name' => 'getName', 'status' => 'getStatus', 'content' => 'getContent', 'scheduledAt' => 'getScheduledAt', 'sender' => 'getSender', 'createdAt' => 'getCreatedAt', 'modifiedAt' => 'getModifiedAt', 'recipients' => 'getRecipients', 'statistics' => 'getStatistics' ]; /** * Array of attributes where the key is the local name, * and the value is the original name * * @return array */ public static function attributeMap() { return self::$attributeMap; } /** * Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses) * * @return array */ public static function setters() { return self::$setters; } /** * Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests) * * @return array */ public static function getters() { return self::$getters; } /** * The original name of the model. * * @return string */ public function getModelName() { return self::$swaggerModelName; } const STATUS_DRAFT = 'draft'; const STATUS_SENT = 'sent'; const STATUS_ARCHIVE = 'archive'; const STATUS_QUEUED = 'queued'; const STATUS_SUSPENDED = 'suspended'; const STATUS_IN_PROCESS = 'inProcess'; /** * Gets allowable values of the enum * * @return string[] */ public function getStatusAllowableValues() { return [ self::STATUS_DRAFT, self::STATUS_SENT, self::STATUS_ARCHIVE, self::STATUS_QUEUED, self::STATUS_SUSPENDED, self::STATUS_IN_PROCESS, ]; } /** * Associative array for storing property values * * @var mixed[] */ protected $container = []; /** * Constructor * * @param mixed[] $data Associated array of property values * initializing the model */ public function __construct(array $data = null) { $this->container['id'] = isset($data['id']) ? $data['id'] : null; $this->container['name'] = isset($data['name']) ? $data['name'] : null; $this->container['status'] = isset($data['status']) ? $data['status'] : null; $this->container['content'] = isset($data['content']) ? $data['content'] : null; $this->container['scheduledAt'] = isset($data['scheduledAt']) ? $data['scheduledAt'] : null; $this->container['sender'] = isset($data['sender']) ? $data['sender'] : null; $this->container['createdAt'] = isset($data['createdAt']) ? $data['createdAt'] : null; $this->container['modifiedAt'] = isset($data['modifiedAt']) ? $data['modifiedAt'] : null; $this->container['recipients'] = isset($data['recipients']) ? $data['recipients'] : null; $this->container['statistics'] = isset($data['statistics']) ? $data['statistics'] : null; } /** * Show all the invalid properties with reasons. * * @return array invalid properties with reasons */ public function listInvalidProperties() { $invalidProperties = []; if ($this->container['id'] === null) { $invalidProperties[] = "'id' can't be null"; } if ($this->container['name'] === null) { $invalidProperties[] = "'name' can't be null"; } if ($this->container['status'] === null) { $invalidProperties[] = "'status' can't be null"; } $allowedValues = $this->getStatusAllowableValues(); if (!is_null($this->container['status']) && !in_array($this->container['status'], $allowedValues, true)) { $invalidProperties[] = sprintf( "invalid value for 'status', must be one of '%s'", implode("', '", $allowedValues) ); } if ($this->container['content'] === null) { $invalidProperties[] = "'content' can't be null"; } if ($this->container['sender'] === null) { $invalidProperties[] = "'sender' can't be null"; } if ($this->container['createdAt'] === null) { $invalidProperties[] = "'createdAt' can't be null"; } if ($this->container['modifiedAt'] === null) { $invalidProperties[] = "'modifiedAt' can't be null"; } if ($this->container['recipients'] === null) { $invalidProperties[] = "'recipients' can't be null"; } if ($this->container['statistics'] === null) { $invalidProperties[] = "'statistics' can't be null"; } return $invalidProperties; } /** * Validate all the properties in the model * return true if all passed * * @return bool True if all properties are valid */ public function valid() { return count($this->listInvalidProperties()) === 0; } /** * Gets id * * @return int */ public function getId() { return $this->container['id']; } /** * Sets id * * @param int $id ID of the SMS Campaign * * @return $this */ public function setId($id) { $this->container['id'] = $id; return $this; } /** * Gets name * * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->container['name']; } /** * Sets name * * @param string $name Name of the SMS Campaign * * @return $this */ public function setName($name) { $this->container['name'] = $name; return $this; } /** * Gets status * * @return string */ public function getStatus() { return $this->container['status']; } /** * Sets status * * @param string $status Status of the SMS Campaign * * @return $this */ public function setStatus($status) { $allowedValues = $this->getStatusAllowableValues(); if (!in_array($status, $allowedValues, true)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( sprintf( "Invalid value for 'status', must be one of '%s'", implode("', '", $allowedValues) ) ); } $this->container['status'] = $status; return $this; } /** * Gets content * * @return string */ public function getContent() { return $this->container['content']; } /** * Sets content * * @param string $content Content of the SMS Campaign * * @return $this */ public function setContent($content) { $this->container['content'] = $content; return $this; } /** * Gets scheduledAt * * @return \DateTime */ public function getScheduledAt() { return $this->container['scheduledAt']; } /** * Sets scheduledAt * * @param \DateTime $scheduledAt UTC date-time on which SMS campaign is scheduled. Should be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ format * * @return $this */ public function setScheduledAt($scheduledAt) { $this->container['scheduledAt'] = $scheduledAt; return $this; } /** * Gets sender * * @return string */ public function getSender() { return $this->container['sender']; } /** * Sets sender * * @param string $sender Sender of the SMS Campaign * * @return $this */ public function setSender($sender) { $this->container['sender'] = $sender; return $this; } /** * Gets createdAt * * @return \DateTime */ public function getCreatedAt() { return $this->container['createdAt']; } /** * Sets createdAt * * @param \DateTime $createdAt Creation UTC date-time of the SMS campaign (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ) * * @return $this */ public function setCreatedAt($createdAt) { $this->container['createdAt'] = $createdAt; return $this; } /** * Gets modifiedAt * * @return \DateTime */ public function getModifiedAt() { return $this->container['modifiedAt']; } /** * Sets modifiedAt * * @param \DateTime $modifiedAt UTC date-time of last modification of the SMS campaign (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ) * * @return $this */ public function setModifiedAt($modifiedAt) { $this->container['modifiedAt'] = $modifiedAt; return $this; } /** * Gets recipients * * @return object */ public function getRecipients() { return $this->container['recipients']; } /** * Sets recipients * * @param object $recipients recipients * * @return $this */ public function setRecipients($recipients) { $this->container['recipients'] = $recipients; return $this; } /** * Gets statistics * * @return object */ public function getStatistics() { return $this->container['statistics']; } /** * Sets statistics * * @param object $statistics statistics * * @return $this */ public function setStatistics($statistics) { $this->container['statistics'] = $statistics; return $this; } /** * Returns true if offset exists. False otherwise. * * @param integer $offset Offset * * @return boolean */ public function offsetExists($offset) { return isset($this->container[$offset]); } /** * Gets offset. * * @param integer $offset Offset * * @return mixed */ public function offsetGet($offset) { return isset($this->container[$offset]) ? $this->container[$offset] : null; } /** * Sets value based on offset. * * @param integer $offset Offset * @param mixed $value Value to be set * * @return void */ public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { if (is_null($offset)) { $this->container[] = $value; } else { $this->container[$offset] = $value; } } /** * Unsets offset. * * @param integer $offset Offset * * @return void */ public function offsetUnset($offset) { unset($this->container[$offset]); } /** * Gets the string presentation of the object * * @return string */ public function __toString() { if (defined('JSON_PRETTY_PRINT')) { // use JSON pretty print return json_encode( ObjectSerializer::sanitizeForSerialization($this), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ); } return json_encode(ObjectSerializer::sanitizeForSerialization($this)); } }