File: Driver.php
<?php /** * * This file is part of phpFastCache. * * @license MIT License (MIT) * * For full copyright and license information, please see the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * * @author Khoa Bui (khoaofgod) <khoaofgod@gmail.com> https://www.phpfastcache.com * @author Georges.L (Geolim4) <contact@geolim4.com> * @author Fabio Covolo Mazzo (fabiocmazzo) <fabiomazzo@gmail.com> * */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Phpfastcache\Drivers\Mongodb; use LogicException; use MongoDB\{ BSON\Binary, BSON\UTCDateTime, Client, Collection, Database, DeleteResult, Driver\Command, Driver\Exception\Exception as MongoDBException }; use Phpfastcache\Core\Pool\{ DriverBaseTrait, ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface }; use Phpfastcache\Entities\DriverStatistic; use Phpfastcache\Exceptions\{ PhpfastcacheDriverException, PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException }; use Psr\Cache\CacheItemInterface; /** * Class Driver * @package phpFastCache\Drivers * @property Client $instance Instance of driver service * @property Config $config Config object * @method Config getConfig() Return the config object */ class Driver implements ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface { const MONGODB_DEFAULT_DB_NAME = 'phpfastcache'; use DriverBaseTrait; /** * @var Collection */ public $collection; /** * @var Database */ public $database; /** * @return bool */ public function driverCheck(): bool { $mongoExtensionExists = class_exists(\MongoDB\Driver\Manager::class); if (!$mongoExtensionExists && class_exists(\MongoClient::class)) { \trigger_error('This driver is used to support the pecl MongoDb extension with mongo-php-library. For MongoDb with Mongo PECL support use Mongo Driver.', \E_USER_ERROR); } return $mongoExtensionExists && class_exists(\MongoDB\Collection::class); } /** * @param \Psr\Cache\CacheItemInterface $item * @return null|array */ protected function driverRead(CacheItemInterface $item) { $document = $this->getCollection()->findOne(['_id' => $item->getEncodedKey()]); if ($document) { $return = [ self::DRIVER_DATA_WRAPPER_INDEX => $this->decode($document[self::DRIVER_DATA_WRAPPER_INDEX]->getData()), self::DRIVER_TAGS_WRAPPER_INDEX => $this->decode($document[self::DRIVER_TAGS_WRAPPER_INDEX]->getData()), self::DRIVER_EDATE_WRAPPER_INDEX => (new \DateTime())->setTimestamp($document[self::DRIVER_EDATE_WRAPPER_INDEX]->toDateTime()->getTimestamp()), ]; if (!empty($this->getConfig()->isItemDetailedDate())) { $return += [ self::DRIVER_MDATE_WRAPPER_INDEX => (new \DateTime())->setTimestamp($document[self::DRIVER_MDATE_WRAPPER_INDEX]->toDateTime() ->getTimestamp()), self::DRIVER_CDATE_WRAPPER_INDEX => (new \DateTime())->setTimestamp($document[self::DRIVER_CDATE_WRAPPER_INDEX]->toDateTime() ->getTimestamp()), ]; } return $return; } return null; } /** * @param \Psr\Cache\CacheItemInterface $item * @return mixed * @throws PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException * @throws PhpfastcacheDriverException */ protected function driverWrite(CacheItemInterface $item): bool { /** * Check for Cross-Driver type confusion */ if ($item instanceof Item) { try { $set = [ self::DRIVER_DATA_WRAPPER_INDEX => new Binary($this->encode($item->get()), Binary::TYPE_GENERIC), self::DRIVER_TAGS_WRAPPER_INDEX => new Binary($this->encode($item->getTags()), Binary::TYPE_GENERIC), self::DRIVER_EDATE_WRAPPER_INDEX => ($item->getTtl() > 0 ? new UTCDateTime((\time() + $item->getTtl()) * 1000) : new UTCDateTime(\time() * 1000)), ]; if (!empty($this->getConfig()->isItemDetailedDate())) { $set += [ self::DRIVER_MDATE_WRAPPER_INDEX => ($item->getModificationDate() ? new UTCDateTime(($item->getModificationDate() ->getTimestamp()) * 1000) : new UTCDateTime(\time() * 1000)), self::DRIVER_CDATE_WRAPPER_INDEX => ($item->getCreationDate() ? new UTCDateTime(($item->getCreationDate() ->getTimestamp()) * 1000) : new UTCDateTime(\time() * 1000)), ]; } $result = (array)$this->getCollection()->updateOne( ['_id' => $item->getEncodedKey()], [ '$set' => $set, ], ['upsert' => true, 'multiple' => false] ); } catch (MongoDBException $e) { throw new PhpfastcacheDriverException('Got an exception while trying to write data to MongoDB server', 0, $e); } return isset($result['ok']) ? $result['ok'] == 1 : true; } throw new PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException('Cross-Driver type confusion detected'); } /** * @param \Psr\Cache\CacheItemInterface $item * @return bool * @throws PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException */ protected function driverDelete(CacheItemInterface $item): bool { /** * Check for Cross-Driver type confusion */ if ($item instanceof Item) { /** * @var DeleteResult $deletionResult */ $deletionResult = $this->getCollection()->deleteOne(['_id' => $item->getEncodedKey()]); return $deletionResult->isAcknowledged(); } throw new PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException('Cross-Driver type confusion detected'); } /** * @return bool */ protected function driverClear(): bool { return $this->collection->deleteMany([])->isAcknowledged(); } /** * @return bool * @throws MongodbException * @throws LogicException */ protected function driverConnect(): bool { if ($this->instance instanceof Client) { throw new LogicException('Already connected to Mongodb server'); } $timeout = $this->getConfig()->getTimeout() * 1000; $collectionName = $this->getConfig()->getCollectionName(); $databaseName = $this->getConfig()->getDatabaseName(); $driverOptions = $this->getConfig()->getDriverOptions(); $this->instance = $this->instance ?: new Client($this->buildConnectionURI($databaseName), ['connectTimeoutMS' => $timeout], $driverOptions); $this->database = $this->database ?: $this->instance->selectDatabase($databaseName); if (!$this->collectionExists($collectionName)) { $this->database->createCollection($collectionName); } $this->collection = $this->database->selectCollection($collectionName); return true; } /** * Checks if a collection name exists on the Mongo database. * * @param string $collectionName The collection name to check. * * @return bool True if the collection exists, false if not. */ protected function collectionExists($collectionName): bool { foreach ($this->database->listCollections() as $collection) { if ($collection->getName() === $collectionName) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Builds the connection URI from the given parameters. * * @param string $databaseName * @return string The connection URI. */ protected function buildConnectionURI($databaseName = ''): string { $servers = $this->getConfig()->getServers(); $options = $this->getConfig()->getOptions(); $protocol = $this->getConfig()->getProtocol(); $host = $this->getConfig()->getHost(); $port = $this->getConfig()->getPort(); $username = $this->getConfig()->getUsername(); $password = $this->getConfig()->getPassword(); if( \count($servers) > 0 ){ $host = \array_reduce($servers, static function($carry, $data){ $carry .= ($carry === '' ? '' : ',').$data['host'].':'.$data['port']; return $carry; }, ''); $port = false; } return \implode('', [ "{$protocol}://", $username ?: '', $password ? ":{$password}" : '', $username ? '@' : '', $host, $port !== 27017 && $port !== false ? ":{$port}" : '', $databaseName ? "/{$databaseName}" : '', \count($options) > 0 ? '?'.\http_build_query($options) : '', ]); } /** * @return Collection */ protected function getCollection(): Collection { return $this->collection; } /******************** * * PSR-6 Extended Methods * *******************/ /** * @return DriverStatistic */ public function getStats(): DriverStatistic { $serverStats = $this->instance->getManager()->executeCommand('phpFastCache', new Command([ 'serverStatus' => 1, 'recordStats' => 0, 'repl' => 0, 'metrics' => 0, ]))->toArray()[0]; $collectionStats = $this->instance->getManager()->executeCommand('phpFastCache', new Command([ 'collStats' => (isset($this->getConfig()['collectionName']) ? $this->getConfig()['collectionName'] : 'Cache'), 'verbose' => true, ]))->toArray()[0]; $array_filter_recursive = function ($array, callable $callback = null) use (&$array_filter_recursive) { $array = $callback($array); if (\is_object($array) || \is_array($array)) { foreach ($array as &$value) { $value = \call_user_func($array_filter_recursive, $value, $callback); } } return $array; }; $callback = function ($item) { /** * Remove unserializable properties */ if ($item instanceof \MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime) { return (string)$item; } return $item; }; $serverStats = $array_filter_recursive($serverStats, $callback); $collectionStats = $array_filter_recursive($collectionStats, $callback); $stats = (new DriverStatistic()) ->setInfo('MongoDB version ' . $serverStats->version . ', Uptime (in days): ' . \round($serverStats->uptime / 86400, 1) . "\n For more information see RawData.") ->setSize($collectionStats->size) ->setData(\implode(', ', \array_keys($this->itemInstances))) ->setRawData([ 'serverStatus' => $serverStats, 'collStats' => $collectionStats, ]); return $stats; } }