File: DriverBaseTrait.php
<?php /** * * This file is part of phpFastCache. * * @license MIT License (MIT) * * For full copyright and license information, please see the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * * @author Khoa Bui (khoaofgod) <khoaofgod@gmail.com> https://www.phpfastcache.com * @author Georges.L (Geolim4) <contact@geolim4.com> * */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Phpfastcache\Core\Pool; use Phpfastcache\Config\ConfigurationOption; use Phpfastcache\Core\Item\ExtendedCacheItemInterface; use Phpfastcache\Exceptions\{PhpfastcacheDriverCheckException, PhpfastcacheDriverConnectException, PhpfastcacheLogicException}; /** * Class DriverBaseTrait * @package phpFastCache\Cache */ trait DriverBaseTrait { use ExtendedCacheItemPoolTrait; /** * @var ConfigurationOption the options */ protected $config = []; /** * @var bool */ protected $fallback = false; /** * @var mixed Instance of driver service */ protected $instance; /** * @var string */ protected $driverName; /** * @internal This variable is read-access only * @var string */ protected $instanceId; /** * Driver constructor. * @param ConfigurationOption $config * @param string $instanceId * @throws PhpfastcacheDriverCheckException * @throws PhpfastcacheDriverConnectException */ public function __construct(ConfigurationOption $config, $instanceId) { $this->setConfig($config); $this->instanceId = $instanceId; if (!$this->driverCheck()) { throw new PhpfastcacheDriverCheckException(\sprintf(self::DRIVER_CHECK_FAILURE, $this->getDriverName())); } try{ $this->driverConnect(); }catch(\Exception $e){ throw new PhpfastcacheDriverConnectException(\sprintf( self::DRIVER_CONNECT_FAILURE, $this->getDriverName(), $e->getMessage(), $e->getLine() ?: 'unknown line', $e->getFile() ?: 'unknown file' )); } } /** * @param ConfigurationOption $config */ public function setConfig(ConfigurationOption $config) { $this->config = $config; } /** * @return ConfigurationOption */ public function getConfig(): ConfigurationOption { return $this->config; } /** * @param $optionName * @return mixed * @deprecated Use getConfig()->getOptionName() instead */ public function getConfigOption($optionName) { \trigger_error(\sprintf('Method "%s" is deprecated, use "getConfig()->getOptionName()" instead', __METHOD__), \E_USER_DEPRECATED); return $this->getConfig()->getOption($optionName); } /** * @return ConfigurationOption */ public function getDefaultConfig(): ConfigurationOption { $className = self::getConfigClass(); return new $className; } /** * Encode data types such as object/array * for driver that does not support * non-scalar value * @param $data * @return string */ protected function encode($data): string { return \serialize($data); } /** * Decode data types such as object/array * for driver that does not support * non-scalar value * @param string|null $value * @return mixed */ protected function decode($value) { return \unserialize((string)$value); } /** * Check if phpModule or CGI * @return bool */ protected function isPHPModule(): bool { return (\PHP_SAPI === 'apache2handler' || \strpos(\PHP_SAPI, 'handler') !== false); } /** * @param \Phpfastcache\Core\Item\ExtendedCacheItemInterface $item * @return array */ public function driverPreWrap(ExtendedCacheItemInterface $item): array { $wrap = [ self::DRIVER_DATA_WRAPPER_INDEX => $item->get(), self::DRIVER_TAGS_WRAPPER_INDEX => $item->getTags(), self::DRIVER_EDATE_WRAPPER_INDEX => $item->getExpirationDate(), ]; if ($this->getConfig()->isItemDetailedDate()) { $wrap[self::DRIVER_MDATE_WRAPPER_INDEX] = new \DateTime(); /** * If the creation date exists * reuse it else set a new Date */ $wrap[self::DRIVER_CDATE_WRAPPER_INDEX] = $item->getCreationDate() ?: new \DateTime(); } else { $wrap[self::DRIVER_MDATE_WRAPPER_INDEX] = null; $wrap[self::DRIVER_CDATE_WRAPPER_INDEX] = null; } return $wrap; } /** * @param array $wrapper * @return mixed */ public function driverUnwrapData(array $wrapper) { return $wrapper[self::DRIVER_DATA_WRAPPER_INDEX]; } /** * @param array $wrapper * @return mixed */ public function driverUnwrapTags(array $wrapper) { return $wrapper[self::DRIVER_TAGS_WRAPPER_INDEX]; } /** * @param array $wrapper * @return \DateTime */ public function driverUnwrapEdate(array $wrapper) { return $wrapper[self::DRIVER_EDATE_WRAPPER_INDEX]; } /** * @param array $wrapper * @return \DateTime */ public function driverUnwrapCdate(array $wrapper) { return $wrapper[self::DRIVER_CDATE_WRAPPER_INDEX]; } /** * @param array $wrapper * @return \DateTime */ public function driverUnwrapMdate(array $wrapper) { return $wrapper[self::DRIVER_MDATE_WRAPPER_INDEX]; } /** * @return string */ public function getDriverName(): string { if (!$this->driverName) { $this->driverName = \ucfirst(\substr(\strrchr((new \ReflectionObject($this))->getNamespaceName(), '\\'), 1)); } return $this->driverName; } /** * @return string */ public function getInstanceId(): string { return $this->instanceId; } /** * @param \Phpfastcache\Core\Item\ExtendedCacheItemInterface $item * @return bool * @throws PhpfastcacheLogicException */ public function driverWriteTags(ExtendedCacheItemInterface $item): bool { /** * Do not attempt to write tags * on tags item, it can leads * to an infinite recursive calls */ if (\strpos($item->getKey(), self::DRIVER_TAGS_KEY_PREFIX) === 0) { throw new PhpfastcacheLogicException('Trying to set tag(s) to an Tag item index: ' . $item->getKey()); } if (!$item->getTags() && !$item->getRemovedTags()) { return true; } /** * @var $tagsItems ExtendedCacheItemInterface[] */ $tagsItems = $this->getItems($this->getTagKeys($item->getTags())); foreach ($tagsItems as $tagsItem) { $data = $tagsItem->get(); $expTimestamp = $item->getExpirationDate()->getTimestamp(); /** * Using the key will * avoid to use array_unique * that has slow performances */ $tagsItem->set(\array_merge((array)$data, [$item->getKey() => $expTimestamp])); /** * Set the expiration date * of the $tagsItem based * on the older $item * expiration date */ if ($expTimestamp > $tagsItem->getExpirationDate()->getTimestamp()) { $tagsItem->expiresAt($item->getExpirationDate()); } $this->driverWrite($tagsItem); $tagsItem->setHit(true); } /** * Also update removed tags to * keep the index up to date */ $tagsItems = $this->getItems($this->getTagKeys($item->getRemovedTags())); foreach ($tagsItems as $tagsItem) { $data = (array)$tagsItem->get(); unset($data[$item->getKey()]); $tagsItem->set($data); /** * Recalculate the expiration date * * If the $tagsItem does not have * any cache item references left * then remove it from tagsItems index */ if (\count($data)) { $tagsItem->expiresAt((new \DateTime())->setTimestamp(\max($data))); $this->driverWrite($tagsItem); $tagsItem->setHit(true); } else { $this->deleteItem($tagsItem->getKey()); } } return true; } /** * @param $key * @return string */ public function getTagKey($key):string { return self::DRIVER_TAGS_KEY_PREFIX . $key; } /** * @param array $keys * @return array */ public function getTagKeys(array $keys): array { foreach ($keys as &$key) { $key = $this->getTagKey($key); } return $keys; } /** * @return string */ public static function getConfigClass(): string { $localConfigClass = \substr(static::class, 0, \strrpos(static::class, '\\')) . '\Config'; if (\class_exists($localConfigClass) && \is_a($localConfigClass, ConfigurationOption::class, true)) { return $localConfigClass; } return ConfigurationOption::class; } }