File: CacheManager.php
<?php /** * * This file is part of phpFastCache. * * @license MIT License (MIT) * * For full copyright and license information, please see the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * * @author Khoa Bui (khoaofgod) <khoaofgod@gmail.com> https://www.phpfastcache.com * @author Georges.L (Geolim4) <contact@geolim4.com> * */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Phpfastcache; use Phpfastcache\Config\ConfigurationOption; use Phpfastcache\Core\Pool\ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface; use Phpfastcache\Exceptions\{ PhpfastcacheDriverCheckException, PhpfastcacheDriverException, PhpfastcacheDriverNotFoundException, PhpfastcacheExceptionInterface, PhpfastcacheInstanceNotFoundException, PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException, PhpfastcacheInvalidConfigurationException, PhpfastcacheLogicException, PhpfastcacheRootException, PhpfastcacheUnsupportedOperationException }; use Phpfastcache\Util\ClassNamespaceResolverTrait; /** * Class CacheManager * @package phpFastCache * * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Apc() Apc($config = []) Return a driver "Apc" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Apcu() Apcu($config = []) Return a driver "Apcu" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Cassandra() Cassandra($config = []) Return a driver "Cassandra" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Cookie() Cookie($config = []) Return a driver "Cookie" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Couchbase() Couchbase($config = []) Return a driver "Couchbase" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Couchdb() Couchdb($config = []) Return a driver "Couchdb" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Devnull() Devnull($config = []) Return a driver "Devnull" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Files() Files($config = []) Return a driver "files" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Leveldb() Leveldb($config = []) Return a driver "Leveldb" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Memcache() Memcache($config = []) Return a driver "Memcache" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Memcached() Memcached($config = []) Return a driver "Memcached" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Memstatic() Memstatic($config = []) Return a driver "Memstatic" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Mongodb() Mongodb($config = []) Return a driver "Mongodb" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Predis() Predis($config = []) Return a driver "Predis" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Redis() Redis($config = []) Return a driver "Pedis" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Riak() Riak($config = []) Return a driver "Riak" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Sqlite() Sqlite($config = []) Return a driver "Sqlite" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Ssdb() Ssdb($config = []) Return a driver "Ssdb" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Wincache() Wincache($config = []) Return a driver "Wincache" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Xcache() Xcache($config = []) Return a driver "Xcache" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Zenddisk() Zenddisk($config = []) Return a driver "Zend disk cache" instance * @method static ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface Zendshm() Zendshm($config = []) Return a driver "Zend memory cache" instance * */ class CacheManager { const AUTOMATIC_DRIVER_CLASS = 'Auto'; const CORE_DRIVER_NAMESPACE = 'Phpfastcache\Drivers\\'; use ClassNamespaceResolverTrait; /** * @var ConfigurationOption */ protected static $config; /** * @var int */ public static $ReadHits = 0; /** * @var int */ public static $WriteHits = 0; /** * @var string */ protected static $namespacePath; /** * @var ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface[] */ protected static $instances = []; /** * @var array */ protected static $driverOverrides = []; /** * @var array */ protected static $driverCustoms = []; /** * @var array */ protected static $badPracticeOmeter = []; /** * @param string $driver * @param array|ConfigurationOption $config * @param string $instanceId * * @return ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface * * @throws PhpfastcacheDriverCheckException * @throws PhpfastcacheInvalidConfigurationException * @throws PhpfastcacheDriverNotFoundException * @throws PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException * @throws PhpfastcacheDriverException */ public static function getInstance(string $driver = self::AUTOMATIC_DRIVER_CLASS, $config = null, string $instanceId = null): ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface { $config = self::validateConfig($config); $driver = self::standardizeDriverName($driver); if (!$driver || $driver === self::AUTOMATIC_DRIVER_CLASS) { $driver = self::getAutoClass($config); } $instanceId = $instanceId ?: \md5($driver . \serialize($config->toArray())); if (!isset(self::$instances[$instanceId])) { self::$badPracticeOmeter[$driver] = 1; $driverClass = self::validateDriverClass(self::getDriverClass($driver)); try { if (\class_exists($driverClass)) { $configClass = $driverClass::getConfigClass(); self::$instances[$instanceId] = new $driverClass(new $configClass($config->toArray()), $instanceId); self::$instances[$instanceId]->setEventManager(EventManager::getInstance()); } else { throw new PhpfastcacheDriverNotFoundException(\sprintf('The driver "%s" does not exists', $driver)); } } catch (PhpfastcacheDriverCheckException $e) { return self::getFallbackInstance($driver, $config, $e); } } else { if (self::$badPracticeOmeter[$driver] >= 2) { \trigger_error('[' . $driver . '] Calling many times CacheManager::getInstance() for already instanced drivers is a bad practice and have a significant impact on performances. See https://github.com/PHPSocialNetwork/phpfastcache/wiki/[V5]-Why-calling-getInstance%28%29-each-time-is-a-bad-practice-%3F'); } } self::$badPracticeOmeter[$driver]++; return self::$instances[$instanceId]; } /** * @param string $driver * @param ConfigurationOption $config * @param PhpfastcacheDriverCheckException $e * @return ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface * @throws PhpfastcacheDriverCheckException * @throws PhpfastcacheDriverException * @throws PhpfastcacheDriverNotFoundException * @throws PhpfastcacheInvalidConfigurationException */ protected static function getFallbackInstance(string $driver, ConfigurationOption $config, PhpfastcacheDriverCheckException $e) { if ($config->getFallback()) { try { $fallback = $config->getFallback(); $config->setFallback(''); \trigger_error(\sprintf('The "%s" driver is unavailable at the moment, the fallback driver "%s" has been used instead.', $driver, $fallback), \E_USER_WARNING); return self::getInstance($fallback, $config->getFallbackConfig()); } catch (PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException $e) { throw new PhpfastcacheInvalidConfigurationException('Invalid fallback driver configuration', 0, $e); } } else { throw new PhpfastcacheDriverCheckException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } } /** * @param string $instanceId * * @return ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface * * @throws PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException * @throws PhpfastcacheInstanceNotFoundException */ public static function getInstanceById(string $instanceId): ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface { if (isset(self::$instances[$instanceId])) { return self::$instances[$instanceId]; } throw new PhpfastcacheInstanceNotFoundException(\sprintf('Instance ID %s not found', $instanceId)); } /** * Return the list of instances * * @return ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface[] */ public static function getInstances(): array { return self::$instances; } /** * This method is intended for internal * use only and should not be used for * any external development use the * getInstances() method instead * * @todo Use a proper way to passe them as a reference ? * @internal * @return ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface[] */ public static function &getInternalInstances(): array { return self::$instances; } /** * @param ConfigurationOption $config * @return string * @throws PhpfastcacheDriverCheckException * @throws \Phpfastcache\Exceptions\PhpfastcacheLogicException */ public static function getAutoClass(ConfigurationOption $config): string { static $autoDriver; if ($autoDriver === null) { foreach (self::getDriverList() as $driver) { /** @var ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface $driverClass */ $driverClass = self::CORE_DRIVER_NAMESPACE . $driver . '\Driver'; if ($driverClass::isUsableInAutoContext()) { try { self::getInstance($driver, $config); $autoDriver = $driver; break; } catch (PhpfastcacheDriverCheckException $e) { continue; } } } } if (!$autoDriver || !\is_string($autoDriver)) { throw new PhpfastcacheLogicException('Unable to find out a valid driver automatically'); } self::$badPracticeOmeter[$autoDriver]--; return $autoDriver; } /** * @param string $name * @param array $arguments * @return ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface */ public static function __callStatic(string $name, array $arguments): ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface { $options = (\array_key_exists(0, $arguments) && \is_array($arguments) ? $arguments[0] : []); return self::getInstance($name, $options); } /** * @return bool */ public static function clearInstances(): bool { self::$instances = []; \gc_collect_cycles(); return !\count(self::$instances); } /** * @param ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface $cachePoolInstance * @return bool * @since 7.0.4 */ public static function clearInstance(ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface $cachePoolInstance): bool { $found = false; self::$instances = \array_filter(\array_map(function (ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface $cachePool) use ($cachePoolInstance, &$found){ if(\spl_object_hash($cachePool) === \spl_object_hash($cachePoolInstance)){ $found = true; return null; } return $cachePool; }, self::$instances)); return $found; } /** * @return string */ public static function getNamespacePath(): string { return self::$namespacePath ?: self::getDefaultNamespacePath(); } /** * @return string */ public static function getDefaultNamespacePath(): string { return self::CORE_DRIVER_NAMESPACE; } /** * @param string $path * @deprecated This method has been deprecated as of V7, please use driver override feature instead */ public static function setNamespacePath($path) { \trigger_error('This method has been deprecated as of V7, please use cache manager "override" or "custom driver" features instead', E_USER_DEPRECATED); self::$namespacePath = \trim($path, "\\") . '\\'; } /** * @param ConfigurationOption $config */ public static function setDefaultConfig(ConfigurationOption $config) { self::$config = $config; } /** * @return ConfigurationOption */ public static function getDefaultConfig(): ConfigurationOption { return self::$config ?: self::$config = new ConfigurationOption(); } /** * @return array * @deprecated As of V7 will be removed soon or later, use CacheManager::getDriverList() instead */ public static function getStaticSystemDrivers(): array { \trigger_error(\sprintf('Method "%s" is deprecated as of the V7 and will be removed soon or later, use CacheManager::getDriverList() instead.', __METHOD__), \E_USER_DEPRECATED); return [ 'Apc', 'Apcu', 'Cassandra', 'Couchbase', 'Couchdb', 'Devnull', 'Files', 'Leveldb', 'Memcache', 'Memcached', 'Memstatic', 'Mongodb', 'Predis', 'Redis', 'Riak', 'Ssdb', 'Sqlite', 'Wincache', 'Xcache', 'Zenddisk', 'Zendshm', ]; } /** * @return array * @deprecated As of V7 will be removed soon or later, use CacheManager::getDriverList() instead */ public static function getStaticAllDrivers(): array { \trigger_error(\sprintf('Method "%s" is deprecated as of the V7 and will be removed soon or later, use CacheManager::getDriverList() instead.', __METHOD__), \E_USER_DEPRECATED); return \array_merge(self::getStaticSystemDrivers(), [ 'Devtrue', 'Devfalse', 'Cookie', ]); } /** * Return the list of available drivers Capitalized * with optional FQCN as key * * @param bool $FQCNAsKey Describe keys with Full Qualified Class Name * @return string[] * @throws PhpfastcacheUnsupportedOperationException */ public static function getDriverList(bool $FQCNAsKey = false): array { static $driverList; if (self::getDefaultNamespacePath() === self::getNamespacePath()) { if ($driverList === null) { $prefix = self::CORE_DRIVER_NAMESPACE; $classMap = self::createClassMap(__DIR__ . '/Drivers'); $driverList = []; foreach ($classMap as $class => $file) { $driverList[] = \str_replace($prefix, '', \substr($class, 0, \strrpos($class, '\\'))); } $driverList = \array_values(\array_unique($driverList)); } $driverList = \array_merge($driverList, \array_keys(self::$driverCustoms)); if ($FQCNAsKey) { $realDriverList = []; foreach ($driverList as $driverName) { $realDriverList[self::getDriverClass($driverName)] = $driverName; } $driverList = $realDriverList; } \asort($driverList); return $driverList; } throw new PhpfastcacheUnsupportedOperationException('Cannot get the driver list if the default namespace path has changed.'); } /** * @param string $driverName * @return string */ public static function standardizeDriverName(string $driverName): string { return \ucfirst(\strtolower(\trim($driverName))); } /** * @param string $driverName * @return string */ public static function getDriverClass(string $driverName): string { if (!empty(self::$driverCustoms[$driverName])) { $driverClass = self::$driverCustoms[$driverName]; } else { if (!empty(self::$driverOverrides[$driverName])) { $driverClass = self::$driverOverrides[$driverName]; } else { $driverClass = self::getNamespacePath() . $driverName . '\Driver'; } } return $driverClass; } /** * @param string $driverName * @param string $className * @throws \Phpfastcache\Exceptions\PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException * @throws \Phpfastcache\Exceptions\PhpfastcacheLogicException * @throws \Phpfastcache\Exceptions\PhpfastcacheUnsupportedOperationException * @return void */ public static function addCustomDriver(string $driverName, string $className) { $driverName = self::standardizeDriverName($driverName); if (empty($driverName)) { throw new PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException("Can't add a custom driver because its name is empty"); } if (!\class_exists($className)) { throw new PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException( \sprintf("Can't add '%s' because the class '%s' does not exists", $driverName, $className) ); } if (!empty(self::$driverCustoms[$driverName])) { throw new PhpfastcacheLogicException(\sprintf("Driver '%s' has been already added", $driverName)); } if (\in_array($driverName, self::getDriverList(), true)) { throw new PhpfastcacheLogicException(\sprintf("Driver '%s' is already a part of the PhpFastCache core", $driverName)); } self::$driverCustoms[$driverName] = $className; } /** * @param string $driverName * @throws \Phpfastcache\Exceptions\PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException * @throws \Phpfastcache\Exceptions\PhpfastcacheLogicException * @return void */ public static function removeCustomDriver(string $driverName) { $driverName = self::standardizeDriverName($driverName); if (empty($driverName)) { throw new PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException("Can't remove a custom driver because its name is empty"); } if (!isset(self::$driverCustoms[$driverName])) { throw new PhpfastcacheLogicException(\sprintf("Driver '%s' does not exists", $driverName)); } unset(self::$driverCustoms[$driverName]); } /** * @param string $driverName * @param string $className * @throws \Phpfastcache\Exceptions\PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException * @throws \Phpfastcache\Exceptions\PhpfastcacheLogicException * @throws \Phpfastcache\Exceptions\PhpfastcacheUnsupportedOperationException * @return void */ public static function addCoreDriverOverride(string $driverName, string $className) { $driverName = self::standardizeDriverName($driverName); if (empty($driverName)) { throw new PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException("Can't add a core driver override because its name is empty"); } if (!\class_exists($className)) { throw new PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException( \sprintf("Can't override '%s' because the class '%s' does not exists", $driverName, $className) ); } if (!empty(self::$driverOverrides[$driverName])) { throw new PhpfastcacheLogicException(\sprintf("Driver '%s' has been already overridden", $driverName)); } if (!\in_array($driverName, self::getDriverList(), true)) { throw new PhpfastcacheLogicException(\sprintf("Driver '%s' can't be overridden since its not a part of the PhpFastCache core", $driverName)); } if (!\is_subclass_of($className, self::CORE_DRIVER_NAMESPACE . $driverName . '\\Driver', true)) { throw new PhpfastcacheLogicException( \sprintf("Can't override '%s' because the class '%s' MUST extend '%s'", $driverName, $className, self::CORE_DRIVER_NAMESPACE . $driverName . '\\Driver') ); } self::$driverOverrides[$driverName] = $className; } /** * @param string $driverName * @throws \Phpfastcache\Exceptions\PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException * @throws \Phpfastcache\Exceptions\PhpfastcacheLogicException * @return void */ public static function removeCoreDriverOverride(string $driverName) { $driverName = self::standardizeDriverName($driverName); if (empty($driverName)) { throw new PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException("Can't remove a core driver override because its name is empty"); } if (!isset(self::$driverOverrides[$driverName])) { throw new PhpfastcacheLogicException(\sprintf("Driver '%s' were not overridden", $driverName)); } unset(self::$driverOverrides[$driverName]); } /** * @param array|ConfigurationOption * @return ConfigurationOption * @throws PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException * @throws PhpfastcacheInvalidConfigurationException */ protected static function validateConfig($config): ConfigurationOption { if (\is_array($config)) { $config = new ConfigurationOption($config); \trigger_error( 'The CacheManager will drops the support of primitive configuration arrays, use a "\Phpfastcache\Config\ConfigurationOption" object instead', E_USER_DEPRECATED ); } elseif ($config === null) { $config = self::getDefaultConfig(); } else { if (!($config instanceof ConfigurationOption)) { throw new PhpfastcacheInvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('Unsupported config type: %s', \gettype($config))); } } return $config; } /** * @param string $driverClass * @return string * @throws PhpfastcacheDriverException */ protected static function validateDriverClass(string $driverClass): string { if (!\is_a($driverClass, ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface::class, true)) { throw new PhpfastcacheDriverException(\sprintf( 'Class "%s" does not implement "%s"', $driverClass, ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface::class )); } return $driverClass; } }