File: MigratingFromV5ToV6.md
Because the V6 is not backward compatible with the V5, here's a guide to help you to migrate your code: ### Existing data in cache during migration :anger: :exclamation: If you update PhpFastCache from v5 to v6 you need to clear up the whole cache otherwise you may get this kind of error: ``` Notice: Undefined index: e in /phpfastcache/src/phpFastCache/Core/Pool/DriverBaseTrait.php on line ... Fatal error: Uncaught phpFastCache\Exceptions\phpFastCacheInvalidArgumentException: $expiration must be an object implementing the DateTimeInterface in ... ``` ### Setting up a default config #### :clock1: Then: PhpFastCache used to set a default global config using the `CacheManager::setup()` method ```php namespace My\Custom\Project; $instance = CacheManager::setup([ 'path' => 'somewhere' ]); $instance = CacheManager::getInstance('Files'); ``` #### :alarm_clock: Now: This method has been changed is now replaced by the `CacheManager::setDefaultConfig()` method. Using the old `CacheManager::setup()` method will trigger a `phpFastCacheInvalidConfigurationException` ```php namespace My\Custom\Project; $instance = CacheManager::setDefaultConfig([ 'path' => 'somewhere' ]); $instance = CacheManager::getInstance('Files'); ``` ### Type hint of Driver instances #### :clock1: Then: Driver instances used to implements a `phpFastCache\Cache\ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface` interface. ```php namespace My\Custom\Project; $instance = CacheManager::getInstance('Files'); if($instance instanceof \phpFastCache\Cache\ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface) { // Some code } ``` #### :alarm_clock: Now: This has been changed and they now implements a `phpFastCache\Core\Pool\ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface` interface ```php namespace My\Custom\Project; $instance = CacheManager::getInstance('Files'); if($instance instanceof \phpFastCache\Core\Pool\ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface) { // Some code } ``` ### Type hint of Item instances #### :clock1: Then: Item instances used to implements a ``phpFastCache\Cache\ExtendedCacheItemInterface`` interface. ```php namespace My\Custom\Project; $instance = CacheManager::getInstance('Files'); $item = $instance->getItem('key'); if($item instanceof \phpFastCache\Cache\ExtendedCacheItemInterface) { // Some code } ``` #### :alarm_clock: Now: This has been changed and it now returns a `phpFastCache\Core\Item\ExtendedCacheItemInterface` interface ```php namespace My\Custom\Project; $instance = CacheManager::getInstance('Files'); $item = $instance->getItem('key'); if($item instanceof \phpFastCache\Core\Item\ExtendedCacheItemInterface) { // Some code } ``` ### Catching \InvalidArgumentException #### :clock1: Then: Code used to catch a `\InvalidArgumentException` interface. ```php namespace My\Custom\Project; $instance = CacheManager::getInstance('Files'); try{ $item = $instance->getItem(array()); }catch(\InvalidArgumentException $e){ //Catched exception code } ``` #### :alarm_clock: Now: This has been changed you now MUST catch `\phpFastCache\Exceptions\phpFastCacheInvalidArgumentException` class ```php namespace My\Custom\Project; $instance = CacheManager::getInstance('Files'); try{ $item = $instance->getItem(array()); }catch(\phpFastCache\Exceptions\phpFastCacheInvalidArgumentException $e){ //Catched exception code } ``` :warning: Please note that `\phpFastCache\Exceptions\phpFastCacheInvalidArgumentException` implements `\Psr\Cache\InvalidArgumentException` as per PSR-6. ### Catching \LogicException #### :clock1: Then: Code used to catch a `\LogicException`. ```php namespace My\Custom\Project; $instance = CacheManager::getInstance('Files'); try{ $item = $instance->getItem(array()); }catch(\LogicException $e){ //Catched exception code } ``` #### :alarm_clock: Now: This has been changed you now MUST catch `\phpFastCache\Exceptions\phpFastCacheLogicException` interface ```php namespace My\Custom\Project; $instance = CacheManager::getInstance('Files'); try{ $item = $instance->getItem(array()); }catch(\phpFastCache\Exceptions\phpFastCacheLogicException $e){ //Catched exception code } ``` ### Allowed characters in key identifier :warning: As of the V6, the following characters can not longer being a part of the key identifier: `{}()/\@:` If you try to do so, an `\phpFastCache\Exceptions\phpFastCacheInvalidArgumentException` will be raised. You must replace them with a safe delimiter such as `.|-_` ### Cache clear method The deprecated method `phpFastCache\Cache\ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface::clear()` is now definitely removed. #### :clock1: Then: In the V5 the method `phpFastCache\Cache\ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface::clear()` was deprecated. ```php namespace My\Custom\Project; $instance = CacheManager::getInstance('Files'); if($instance instanceof \phpFastCache\Cache\ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface) { $instance->clear(); } ``` #### :alarm_clock: Now: In the V6 we removed it. Use `phpFastCache\Cache\ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface::clean()` instead. ```php namespace My\Custom\Project; $instance = CacheManager::getInstance('Files'); if($instance instanceof \phpFastCache\Core\Pool\ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface) { $instance->clean(); } ``` ### Mongodb driver has changed :warning: As of the V6, the Mongodb driver has been updated #### :clock1: Then: In the V5 the driver was making use of of the [deprecated class Mongo](http://php.net/manual/fr/class.mongo.php). #### :alarm_clock: Now: In the V6 we made an important change: We now make use of [Mongodb Driver](http://php.net/manual/fr/set.mongodb.php) Only your code configuration will have to be updated, PhpFastCache manages all the abstract part by itself. ### DriverStatistic class name has changed :warning: As of the V6, DriverStatistic class name has changed for a better classes name normalization #### :clock1: Then: In the V5 the class was named `phpFastCache\Entities\driverStatistic` #### :alarm_clock: Now: In the V6 it has changed and is now `phpFastCache\Entities\DriverStatistic` (with a **D** uppercase), you may need to re-fetch your git repository completely on some operating systems (especially Windows, meh).