File: OPTIONS.md
PhpFastCache has some options that you may want to know before using them, here's the list: ### File-based drivers options * * **path** See the "**Host/Authenticating options**" section * **default_chmod** _| int>octal (default: 0777)_ `[>=V4, <V7]` This option will define the chmod used to write driver cache files. * **defaultChmod** _| int>octal (default: 0777)_ `[>=V7]` New configuration name of `default_chmod` as of V7 * **securityKey** _| string (default: 'auto')_ `[>=V4]` A security key that define the subdirectory name. 'auto' value will be the HTTP_HOST value. * **htaccess** _| bool (default: true)_ `[>=V4]` Option designed to (dis)allow the auto-generation of .htaccess. * **autoTmpFallback** _| bool (default: false)_ `[>=V6]`Option designed to automatically attempt to fallback to temporary directory if the cache fails to write on the specified directory * **secureFileManipulation** _| bool (default: false)_ `[>=V6]` This option enforces a strict I/O manipulation policy by adding more integrity checks. This option may slow down the write operations, therefore you must use it with caution. In case of failure an **phpFastCacheIOException** exception will be thrown. Currently only supported by _Files_ driver. * **cacheFileExtension** _| string (default: 'txt')_ `[>=V6.0.2]` This allows you to setup a custom (but safe) cache file extension. \* Drivers like _Files_, _Sqlite_, _Leveldb_, etc. ### Global options * **fallback** _| string|bool_ (default: false)`[>=V4.2]` A driver name used in case the main driver stopped working. E.g. a missing php extension. * **fallbackConfig** _| ConfigurationOption|null_ (default: null)`[>=V7]` A dedicated `ConfigurationOption` object for the `fallback` driver, if needed. * **compress_data** _| bool (default: false)_ `[>=V4.3]` Compress stored data, if the backend supports it. Currently only supported by _Memcache(d)_ driver. * **limited_memory_each_object** _| int (default: 4096)_ `[>=V4.2]` Maximum size (bytes) of object stored in memory. Currently only supported by _Cookie_ driver. * **defaultTtl** _| int (default: 900)_ `[>=V5]` This option define a default ttl (time-to-live, in seconds) for item that has no specified expiration date/ttl. * **itemDetailedDate** _| bool (default: false)_ `[>=V6]` This option will define if the Items will make use of detailed dates such as Creation/modification date. Trying to access to these date without being explicitly enabled will throw a `LogicException` * **defaultKeyHashFunction** _| string (default: 'md5')_ `[>=V6]` This option will allow you to define a custom hash function for the `$item->getEncodedKey()` method. Callable objects are not allowed, but static method such as `\Absolute\Namespace\ToStatic::method` are allowed. * **defaultFileNameHashFunction** _| string (default: 'md5')_ `[>=V7]` This option will allow you to define a custom hash function for every I/O method that ends up to write an hashed filename on the disk. * **preventCacheSlams** _| bool (default: false)_ `[>=V6]` This option will allow you to prevent cache slams when making use of heavy cache items * **cacheSlamsTimeout** _| int (default: 15)_ `[>=V6]` This option defines the cache slams timeout in seconds ### Host/Authenticating options * * **host** _| string (default: null)_ The hostname * **path** _| string (default: null|string[temp. dir.])_ `[>=V4], [>=V6.1]` The absolute path where the written cache files belong to (system temp directory by default). **As of the V6.1** this option is also used to define (P)redis and Memcache(d) UNIX socket * **port** _| int (default: null)_ The port * **username** _| string (default: null)_ The username * **password** _| string (default: null)_ The password * **timeout** _| int (default: null)_ The timeout (in seconds) * **servers** _| array (default: null)_ Array of servers. Exclusive to Memcache(d) ### Redis/Predis specific options * **redisClient** _| \Redis (default: null)_ `[>=V7]` An optional Redis Client created outside Phpfastcache's scope. This option overrides every _Host/Authenticating_ options * **predisClient** _| \Predis\Client (default: null)_ `[>=V7]` An optional Predis Client created outside Phpfastcache's scope. This option overrides every _Host/Authenticating_ options These options differs depending the driver that you are using, see **/Examples** folder for more information about these options. \* Drivers like _CouchBase_, _MongoDb_, _(P)redis_, _Ssdb_, etc.