File: examples.php
<?php /** * DPD France PHP examples * * @category DPDFrance * @package DPDFrance_SolutionWebmaster * @author DPD S.A.S. <ensavoirplus.ecommerce@dpd.fr> * @copyright 2015 DPD S.A.S., société par actions simplifiée, au capital de 18.500.000 euros, dont le siège social est situé 27 Rue du Colonel Pierre Avia - 75015 PARIS, immatriculée au registre du commerce et des sociétés de Paris sous le numéro 444 420 830 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) */ /* Init DPDFrance PHP Class */ require_once('classes/class-dpdfrance.php'); $run_example = 2; /* Example 1 : Retrieve and display a list of Pickup points near an address. * Get the list of Pickup points near and address, HTML + CSS display buildup. * Mandatory params : address, zipcode, city */ if ($run_example == 1) { $relais_list = DPDFrance::getPickupPoints('9 impasse Pistou', '13009', 'Marseille'); /* Build display: call CSS and create div */ $html = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/css/dpdrelais.css" media="screen"/> <div id="dpdfrance_pickup">'; /* Write each Pickup point */ foreach ($relais_list as $offset => $pointRelais) { $html .= ' <label> <div class="lignepr" id="lignepr'.$offset.'"> <div class"dpdrelais_logo" id="dpdrelais_logo"><img src="assets/img/pointrelais.png" alt="-" /></div> <div class="dpdrelais_info" id="dpdrelais'.$offset.'_info"><strong>' . $pointRelais['shop_name'] . '</strong><br/>' . $pointRelais['address1'] . ' <br/> ' . $pointRelais['zipcode'] . ' ' . $pointRelais['city'] . '</div> <div class="dpdrelais_radio"><input type="radio" name="dpdfrance_pickup" value="'.$pointRelais['relay_id'].'"></input></div> <div class="dpdrelais_popup"><a href="http://www.dpd.fr/dpdrelais/id_'.$pointRelais['relay_id'].'" target="_blank">Plus de détails</a></div> <div class="dpdrelais_distance">' . $pointRelais['distance'] . ' km <br/> ID: ' . $pointRelais['relay_id'] . '</div> </div> </label> '; } /* Close div */ $html .= '</div>'; /* Display */ echo $html; exit; } /* Example 2 : Validate a GSM number for Predict service. * This functions allows to check if the customer GSM number is OK, as it's needed for Predict service. * Mandatory params : GSM number, ISO country code. */ if ($run_example == 2) { $gsm_to_test = DPDFrance::validatePredictGSM('0636656565', 'FR'); if ($gsm_to_test == true) echo 'Votre numéro de téléphone est valide.'; /* Possible actions on success : display OK message, redirect to payment page ... */ else echo 'Merci de renseigner un numéro de téléphone mobile français valide, sur 10 chiffres, commençant par 06 ou 07.'; /* Possible actions on failure : display error message ... */ } /* Example 3 : Generate an interface file for DPD Station labelling software. * You should pass an array containing an array for each order. Let fields empty if not used. * Mandatory fields : order_reference, order_shipping_service, customer_first_name, customer_last_name, customer_zipcode, customer_city, customer_iso_code, customer_email. */ if ($run_example == 3) { $orders = array( array( 'order_reference' => 'CMD20150325', // Mandatory 'order_weight' => '2', // In kilograms 'order_amount' => '595', 'order_shipping_service' => 'predict', // Mandatory : predict, relais, or classic 'order_insurance_service' => '', // empty : default insurance service, 1 : ad valorem insurance service (extra cost) 'customer_first_name' => 'Odile', // Mandatory 'customer_last_name' => 'Deray', // Mandatory 'customer_company' => 'Red Is Dead', 'customer_address_1' => '27 Rue du Colonel Pierre Avia', // Mandatory 'customer_address_2' => '', 'customer_zipcode' => '75015', // Mandatory 'customer_city' => 'PARIS', // Mandatory 'customer_iso_code' => 'FR', // Mandatory : on 2 chars 'customer_telephone' => '0155443100', 'customer_mobile' => '0655443100', // Mandatory for Predict 'customer_email' => 'odile@redisdead.fr', // Mandatory 'customer_pickup_id' => 'P22957', // Mandatory for Relais service : Pxxxxx format 'shipper_name' => 'MONSHOPPING.COM', 'shipper_address_1' => '323 Av Denis Papin', 'shipper_address_2' => 'ZI Nord', 'shipper_zipcode' => '13340', 'shipper_city' => 'ROGNAC', 'shipper_telephone' => '0490450949', 'shipper_mobile' => '0690450949', 'shipper_email' => 'chargeur@dpd.fr', 'shipper_contract_number' => '12345', // Mandatory if you have multiple DPD contracts 'returns_service' => 'Prepared', ), array( 'order_reference' => 'CMD20150336', 'order_weight' => '1.5', 'order_amount' => '1200', 'order_shipping_service' => 'relais', 'order_insurance_service' => 1, 'customer_first_name' => 'Pascal', 'customer_last_name' => 'Paoli', 'customer_company' => '', 'customer_address_1' => '20 Cours Napoléon', 'customer_address_2' => '', 'customer_zipcode' => '20000', 'customer_city' => 'AJACCIO', 'customer_iso_code' => 'FR', 'customer_telephone' => '0494303020', 'customer_mobile' => '0688552200', 'customer_email' => 'paoli@figatelli.fr', 'customer_pickup_id' => 'P22957', 'shipper_name' => 'MONSHOPPING.COM', 'shipper_address_1' => '323 Av Denis Papin', 'shipper_address_2' => 'ZI Nord', 'shipper_zipcode' => '13340', 'shipper_city' => 'ROGNAC', 'shipper_telephone' => '0490450949', 'shipper_mobile' => '0690450949', 'shipper_email' => 'chargeur@dpd.fr', 'shipper_contract_number' => '12345', 'returns_service' => 'OnDemand', ), ); DPDStation::generateInterfaceFile($orders); } ?>