File: en.php
<?php if(!isset($motclef)) {$motclef = "";} if(!isset($site)) {$site = "";} if(!isset($affiliate_rate)) {$affiliate_rate = "0";} if(!isset($commandeid)) {$commandeid = "";} if(!isset($timestamp)) {$timestamp = "";} else {$timestamp = return_date_fr($timestamp);} if(!isset($montant)) {$montant = "";} if(!isset($urlcommande)) {$urlcommande = "";} if(!isset($email)) {$email = "";} if(!isset($numitems)) {$numitems = "";} if(!isset($fname[$numitems])) {$fname[$numitems] = "";} if(!isset($yname)) {$yname = "";} if(!isset($referer)) {$referer = "";} if(!isset($comments)) {$comments = "";} if(!isset($nouveau_mot_passe)) {$nouveau_mot_passe = "";} define ("SURTITRE_INSTA","Don't miss any of our news!",TRUE); define ("TITRE_INSTA","Follow us on instragram <a href=\"https://www.instagram.com/lucangeli.it/\" target=\"_blank\">@lucangeli.it</a>",TRUE); define ("RETROUVEZNOUSSUR","Find us on",TRUE); define ("NEWSOK","The subscription to the newsletter has been taken into account.",TRUE); define ("NEWSNOK","Error, please try again.",TRUE); define ("INSCNEWS","Subscribe to the newsletter",TRUE); define ("INSCNEWS2","Don't miss any of our news",TRUE); define ("INSC","Register",TRUE); define ("QUESTION","A question ?",TRUE); define ("CONTUS","Do not hesitate to contact us",TRUE); define ("YOURMAIL","Your email",TRUE); define ("SHOP","Shop",TRUE); define ("STOCK_IN","In stock",TRUE); define ("STOCK_OUT","Out of stock",TRUE); define ("RECETTE","Discover<br />our recipe !",TRUE); define ("DECOUVRIR","Discover our story",TRUE); define ("TAPEZICI","Write here",TRUE); define ("ARTICLEMOIS","Post of the month",TRUE); define ("LIREARTICLE","Read more",TRUE); define ("NOTREEXPLOITATION","Our operation",TRUE); define ("VOSAVIS","Your opinions",TRUE); define ("PROFFESSIONALS","Professionals",TRUE); define("REMISE_PROFORMA","Trade discount",TRUE); define("ACHAT_RAPIDE","Quick shopping",TRUE); define("VOIRLEPLAN","See the map",TRUE); define("VOIRPLUS","See more",TRUE); define("VOIRPROD","See product",TRUE); define("VOIRCOLLEC","View all collections",TRUE); define("SAVOIRPLUS","Learn more",TRUE); define("ACTUS","News",TRUE); define("PARTAGERSUR","Share on"); define("SUIVEZNOUS","Follow us",TRUE); define ("TRIERPAR", "Sort by",TRUE); define ("DEFAUT", "Default",TRUE); define ("PRIX1", "Ascending price",TRUE); define ("PRIX2", "Decreasing price",TRUE); define ("ORD1", "More recent",TRUE); define ("ORD2", "Less recent",TRUE); define("OURPRODUCT","Our favorite products",TRUE); define("PAYERVALIDER","Pay and validate my order",TRUE); define("MERCICB","To pay by credit card, enter your information below:",TRUE); define("PAYMENT_OK","Your payment has been taken into account. thank you for your order.",TRUE); define("MAILPRIVE1","The Mademoiselle Camille team is pleased to count you as a very special member !!! We want to thank you by offering you a code for our very private sales."); define("MAILPRIVE2","Insert the code "); define("MAILPRIVE3","into your cart and benefit from an exceptional discount : "); define("ALERTOK","We have registered your alert, you will be informed and the product will be back in stock.",true); define("MAILCONFIRM1","Pour toute question, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter par email à :",TRUE); define("MAILCONFIRM2","ou par téléphone au 04 86 22 05 00 (coût d'un appel local), du lundi au vendredi de 09h à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 17h00.",TRUE); define("MAILCONFIRM3","A très bientôt,",TRUE); define("MAILCONFIRM4","L'Equipe ".$site."",TRUE); define("MAILCONFIRM5","Conformément aux dispositions de la loi n° 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 dite « Informatique et Libertés », modifiée par la loi n° 2004-801 du 6 août 2004, vous disposez d'un droit d'opposition, d'accès, de modification, de rectification et de suppression des données qui vous concernent. Vous pouvez l'exercer en adressant un courrier électronique à partir de la rubrique Contact du Site ou en adressant un courrier au Service Clients de ".$site." à l'adresse suivante : 18 rue de la Toulouvre 13770 Venelles",TRUE); define("MAILCONFIRM6","Suivez-nous",TRUE); define("MAILCONFIRM7","Livraison offerte<br />à partir de <b>75 €<sup>*</sup>",TRUE); define("MAILCONFIRM8","Programme de fidélité<br /><b><i>Mon</i>RituelManuka</b>",TRUE); define("MAILCONFIRM9","Parrainez une amie<br /><b>et bénéficiez d'avantages exclusifs</b>",TRUE); define("MAILCONFIRM10","* avec DPD à domicile ou en Point Relais",TRUE); define("MAILCONFIRM11"," Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez accéder à tout moment au détail de votre commande en allant dans \"Mon compte\" sur notre site. <br /><br />Nous vous remercions une nouvelle fois pour votre confiance !",TRUE); define("MAILCONFIRM12","Nous avons bien enregistré votre commande sur ".$wwwroot." et vous remercions de votre confiance.",TRUE); define("MAILCONFIRM121","Vous pouvez télécharger votre facture ici : ",TRUE); define("MAILCONFIRM122","Merci d'avoir commandé chez ".$site.".<br /><br />Votre commande est en cours de traitement. Une fois votre commande expédiée, vous recevrez un email de confirmation avec le numéro de suivi.",TRUE); define("MAILCONFIRM13","Voici les détails de votre commande n°",TRUE); define("MAILCONFIRM14","Merci pour votre commande",TRUE); define("MAILCONFIRM15","<b>Rappel de vos coordonnées : </b>",TRUE); define("DECOUVRIR","Discover", true); define("MESENVIES","My desires", true); define ("QUESOUAH", "What do you want to do now ?",TRUE); define ("POURSUIVRE","Continue my purchases",TRUE); define ("COMM","Order",TRUE); define ("VALEUR","Nutritional values",TRUE); define ("DESCRIPTION","Description",TRUE); define ("CONSEIL","Features",TRUE); define ("ENSEMBLE","THE COMPOSITION OF THE WHOLE",TRUE); define ("SIMILAIRE","SIMILAR PRODUCTS",TRUE); define ("COMMINI","Initiate order",TRUE); define ("OUBLIPASS","Forgot your password ?",TRUE); define ("INSTA","Follow us on Instagram",TRUE); define ("INSEMAIL","Your email address",TRUE); define ("INSCNEWS2","SUBSCRIBE",TRUE); define ("LIRELASUITE","READ MORE",TRUE); define ("VOIRLEBLOG","READ THE BLOG",TRUE); define ("ENSAVOIRPLUS","EN SAVOIR +",TRUE); define("PREFERES","My favorite",TRUE); define ("SURRDV", "Sur RDV uniquement",TRUE); define ("HOME", "HOME",TRUE); define ("CALLTOACTION1", "Do you have a Porsche 356 to restore?",TRUE); define ("CALLTOACTION2", "Contact us",TRUE); define ("COPYRIGHT", "All right reserved",TRUE); define ("MENTIONS", "Legales notices",TRUE); define ("AFF1","SHOW",TRUE); define ("AFF2","OF",TRUE); define ("AFF3","PRODUCTS",TRUE); define ("AFF11","Show",TRUE); define ("AFF21","products",TRUE); define ("AFF31","See all",TRUE); define ("COMPTE", "My account",TRUE); define ("DECONNECT", "Log out",TRUE); define ("LOGIN", "Log in",TRUE); define ("REGISTER", "Register",TRUE); define ("CADDIE", "My cart",TRUE); define ("PRODUCT_CADDIE", "Nb of selected product(s)",TRUE); define ("TOTAL_CADDIE", "Total amount",TRUE); define ("TOTAL_AMOUNT", "Total amount",TRUE); define ("ORDER", "ORDER",TRUE); define ("EMPTY_CADDIE", "Your basket is empty, <a class='nomal' href='$wwwroot/achat/index.php'>consult our catalog</a>",TRUE); define ("CATALOGUE", "Catalog",TRUE); define ("GUIDE", "Practical guide",TRUE); define ("SEARCH_PRODUCT", "Search",TRUE); define ("SEARCH_PRODUCT_BTN", "Search",TRUE); define ("SEARCH_BRAND", "Search by brand",TRUE); define ("SEARCH_MODELE", "Search by model",TRUE); define("MODIFY_SHIP","Change the shipping country",TRUE); define ("SEARCH_CATEGORY", "Search by category",TRUE); define ("SEARCH_TYPOLOGIE", "Search by type",TRUE); define ("SEARCH", "Search",TRUE); define("ADVANCED_SEARCH", "Advanced search"); define ("ADMIN", "Admin website",TRUE); define ("HELLO", "Hello",TRUE); define ("NO_HOME_CATEGORY", "no category appears on the home page",TRUE); define ("NO_HOME_PRODUCT", "no products appears on the home page",TRUE); define ("EMAIL", "Email",TRUE); define ("ACCES_ACCOUNT", "Access to my account",TRUE); define ("NEW_CUSTOMER", "New customer",TRUE); define ("STILL_CUSTOMER", "Still get an account",TRUE); define ("MSG_NEW_CUSTOMER","You need to open an account to purchase on this website $site.\nTo open an account, <a class=\"normal\" href=\"$wwwroot/$lg/creer-un-compte.html\">click here</a>", TRUE); define ("MSG_STILL_CUSTOMER","Log in to get time.\nIf you lost your password, <a class=\"normal\" href=\"$wwwroot/utilisateurs/$lg/oubli-mot-passe.html\">click here</a>", TRUE); define ("ERR_EMAIL_VIDE","Please, insert your email account.",TRUE); define ("ERR_EMAIL_BAD","Please provide a correct email address.",TRUE); define ("ERR_EMAIL_STILL","This address email already exists.",TRUE); define ("TRY_AGAIN","Please, try again.",TRUE); define ("CHANGE_PARAMS","My credentials",TRUE); define ("CHANGE_PARAMS2","change my credentials",TRUE); define ("ORDER_HISTORY","My orders",TRUE); define ("ORDER_HISTORY2","view my order history",TRUE); define ("CHANGE_PASSWORD","Password",TRUE); define ("CHANGE_PASSWORD2","change my password",TRUE); define ("LOGOUT","Log out",TRUE); define ("LOGOUT2","leave the site safely",TRUE); define ("PASSWORD", "Password",TRUE); define ("CANCEL", "Cancel",TRUE); define ("MSG_SUPPORT", "For any queries please feel free to contact us to the email <a href=\"mailto:$support\">$support</a>",TRUE); define ("HERE", "You are here",TRUE); define ("LIST_CATEGORY", "Categories",TRUE); define ("LIST_RUBRIQUES", "List of headings",TRUE); define ("NO_INDEX_PRODUCT", "There is no product in this category",TRUE); define ("NO_WISH_PRODUCT", "There is no product in your wishlist",TRUE); define ("REFERENCE", "REFERENCE",TRUE); define ("NO_INDEX_GIFT", "There is no gift available at the moment",TRUE); define ("PROMOTION", "Special offer",TRUE); define ("PRICE", "Price",TRUE); define ("QUANTITY", "Quantity",TRUE); define ("WARNINGTAILLE", "Oops ... You forgot to choose a size.",TRUE); define ("ADD_ALERT", "Create an alert",TRUE); define ("ADD_CART", "Add to cart",TRUE); define ("ADD_ENVIE", "Add to my desires",TRUE); define ("NO_ENVIES", "No desire is recorded",TRUE); define ("ADD_ENVIE_TXT", "You must be logged in to add a product to your desires or to see the list of your wishes saved.",TRUE); define ("MORE", "more details",TRUE); define ("NO_FIND_PRODUCT","<h5>We didn't find this product</h5><blockquote class=\"normal\">Please see full list of products ranges and <a class=\"normal\" href=\"$wwwroot/achat/index.php\">CLICK HERE</a></blockquote>",TRUE); define ("PRODUCT_CARD", "Product card",TRUE); define ("LIKE_TOO", "You will like also",TRUE); define ("ASSOCIED_PRODUCT", "Our associed products",TRUE); define ("BUY", "Buy",TRUE); define ("TELL_FRIEND", "Tell a friend",TRUE); define ("NO_FIND_ART"," <h5>We didn't find this article</h5><blockquote class=normal>Please see full list of headings and<a class=\"normal\" href=\"$wwwroot/lire/index.php\">CLICK HERE</a></blockquote>",TRUE); define ("ADVERT_CADDIE","\n\nImportant Notice: please click on Recalculate each time you modify the quantity of the products selected.\n\n",TRUE); define ("ADVERT_STOCK","\n\nCaution: The required quantity is higher than stock available.\n",TRUE); define ("PRODUCT","Product",TRUE); define ("ITEM","Item",TRUE); define ("UNIT_PRICE","Unit price",TRUE); define ("UNIT_PRICE2","- unit price no VAT ",TRUE); define ("UNIT_PRICE_HT","Unit price no VAT",TRUE); define ("TOTAL_PRICE","Total",TRUE); define ("TOTAL","TOTAL",TRUE); define ("REMISE_PRODUIT","You save",TRUE); define ("UPDATE","Update your cart",TRUE); define ("CATALOG","Our catalog",TRUE); define ("EMPTY_LIST","Empty list",TRUE); define ("STEP1","Step 1 : fill your credentials\n(Mandatory fields in order to be able to contact you)", TRUE); define ("BILL_ADDRESS","Billing Address",TRUE); define ("SHIP_ADDRESS","Shipping Adress",TRUE); define ("CUSTOMER","Customer",TRUE); define ("NAME","Surname",TRUE); define ("FIRST_NAME","First name",TRUE); define ("TELEPHONE","Phone",TRUE); define ("ADDRESS","Address",TRUE); define ("ZIP","Zip code",TRUE); define ("TOWN","Town",TRUE); define ("COUNTRY","Country",TRUE); define ("COUNTRY_SHIP","Country shipment",TRUE); define ("ZONE_SHIP","Shipment zone",TRUE); define ("TYPE_SHIP","Shipment type",TRUE); define ("SHIP_TYPE_CHOOSE","Choose your type of shipment",TRUE); define ("COUNTRY_CHOOSE","Choose your country of shipment",TRUE); define ("PAYEMENT","Payment",TRUE); define ("CHECK","Check",TRUE); define ("TRANSFER","Transfer",TRUE); define ("COMMENTS","Comments",TRUE); define ("NEXT_STEP","Next step",TRUE); define ("MSG_PAYEMENT","(*) Don't forget to specify your payment type",TRUE); define ("SHIPPING_COST","Shipping cost",TRUE); define ("SHIPPING","Shipping type",TRUE); define ("MSG_ERR_CUSTOMER","Please fill your surname.\n",TRUE); define ("SHIPPING_ZONE","Shipping zone",TRUE); define ("SHIPPING_TYPE","Means of shipping",TRUE); define ("MSG_ERR_FIRSTNAME","Please fill your firs name.\n",TRUE); define ("MSG_ERR_NAME","Please fill your surname.\n",TRUE); define ("MSG_ERR_PASSWORD","Please fill your password.\n",TRUE); define ("MSG_ERR_TEL","You did not specify a telephone number.\n",TRUE); define ("MSG_ERR_SOCIETE","You did not specify a entreprise name.\n",TRUE); define ("MSG_ERR_SIRET","You did not specify an entreprise identification number.\n",TRUE); define ("MSG_ERR_URL","You did not specify your website url.\n",TRUE); define ("MSG_ERR_EMAIL","Please fill your email.\n",TRUE); define ("MSG_ERR_ADDRESS","Please fill your address.\n",TRUE); define ("MSG_ERR_ZIP","Please fill your zip code.\n",TRUE); define ("MSG_ERR_TOWN","Please fill your town.\n",TRUE); define ("MSG_ERR_PAYEMENT","Please fill your means of payment.\n",TRUE); define ("MSG_ERR_SHIP","Please fill your means of shipping.\n",TRUE); define ("MSG_ERR_ZONE","Please fill your shipping zone.\n",TRUE); define ("MSG_ERR_TYPE","Please fill your means of shipping.\n",TRUE); define ("MSG_ERR_SHIP_COUNTRY","Please choose your country of shipment.\n",TRUE); define("OPTION_PRIX","Price of the options ",TRUE); define ("STEP2","Step 2 : Summary of your order", TRUE); define ("ORDER_DATE","Date order", TRUE); define ("TOTAL_HT","Total NO VAT",TRUE); define ("TAXE","TOTAL VAT",TRUE); define ("VAT","VAT",TRUE); define ("TOTAL_TTC","Total incl. VAT",TRUE); define ("NET","Net ",TRUE); define ("WVAT","VAT",TRUE); define ("SIRET","Entreprise identification number",TRUE); define ("APE","Sector",TRUE); define ("ORDER_VALIDATE","Confirm your order",TRUE); define ("VALIDATE_ORDER","Confirm la commande",TRUE); define ("MSG_BACK"," <li type=\"square\">If you find an error about your personal data, please <a href=javascript:window.history.back() class=normal>click here</a>.</li>\n <li type=\"square\">If you find an error about your order, please <a href=$wwwroot/achat/caddie_affichage.php class=normal>click here.</a></li>",TRUE); define ("STEP3","Step 3. Confirm your order", TRUE); define ("MSG_THANKS","Thanks for your order. It has been succedeed.",TRUE); define("ORDER_RESUME","ORDER RESUME",TRUE); define("ORDER_AMOUNT","Total amount",TRUE); define("ORDER_REFERENCE","Order reference",TRUE); define("ORDER_END","To finish your order",TRUE); define("DELETE","Delete",TRUE); define("PROFORMA","Proforma invoice",TRUE); define("PRINT_PROFORMA","Print the proforma invoice",TRUE); define("CLICK_HERE","click here",TRUE); define("SEND_TRANSFER","Make your transfer on the following bank account :\n",TRUE); define("SEND_CHECK","Send your payment to",TRUE); define("MSG_ORDER_END","\nFor any queries, don't forget to give us your order number.\n\nYou can go back to the <a class=\"normal\" href=\"$wwwroot\index.php\">home page</a>.",TRUE); define("CIVILITE","Title",TRUE); define("NAISSANCE","Date of birth (JJ/MM/AAAA)",TRUE); define("SOCIETE","Company",TRUE); define("PORTABLE","Handphone",TRUE); define("NEWSLETTER_YES","Yes I wish to be subscribed with the newsletter and to receive each month the produced catalogue",TRUE); define("COMMERCIAL_YES","I agree to receive on my e-mail address information about the updates, as well as the promotional offers from $site.",TRUE); define("CNIL","You can modify your parameters in the page My account > Change my credentials",TRUE); define("MSG_LOGIN_OK","Thanks for your confidence.\n\nPlease, keep your password secret. Never send it by email.\n\nYou can modify your parameters in the page My account > Change my credentials.\n\nThanks to <a class=\"normal\" href=\"$wwwroot/membre.php\">log in</a> if you want to continue your purchase.\n\nThanks for your confidence, your credentials are :",TRUE); define("MSG_RETAILER","Thanks for your confidence.\n\nPlease, keep your password secret. Never send it by email.\n\nYou will be able to profit from the prices retailers dice which your account will be validated. Click on the next link to <a class=\"normal\" href=\"$wwwroot/membre.php\">identify.</a>.\n\nPlease don't forget your credentials :",TRUE); define("MSG_AFFILIATE","Thanks for your confidence.\n\nPlease, keep your password secret. Never send it by email.\n\nYou will be able to profit from your affiliate account dice which your account will be validated. Click on the next link to <a class=\"normal\" href=\"$wwwroot/membre.php\">identify.</a>.\n\nPlease don't forget your credentials :",TRUE); define("MSG_ERR_FORM","Your form is incomplete or comprises errors",TRUE); define("OLD_PASSWORD","Old password",TRUE); define("NEW_PASSWORD","New password",TRUE); define("NEW_PASSWORD_CONFIRM","Re-enter new password ",TRUE); define("CHANGE","Change",TRUE); define("BACK_HOME","<a href=$wwwroot/index.php class=normal>Go back to the home page</a>",TRUE); define("EMPTY_FIELDS","Empty fields",TRUE); define("MSG_PASSWORD_CHANGE","The password was changeds.\n",TRUE); define("MSG_ERR_OLDPASS","Please insert your old password.\n",TRUE); define("MSG_ERR_OLDPASS_VALID","Your old password is wrong, please try again.\n",TRUE); define("MSG_ERR_NEWPASS","Please insert a new password.\n",TRUE); define("MSG_ERR_NEWPASS_CONFIRM","Please confirm your new password.\n",TRUE); define("MSG_ERR_TWOPASS","The two words don't match, please try again.\n",TRUE); define("FAX","Fax",TRUE); define("MSG_CHANGE_PARAMS","The change of the parameters was carried out.",TRUE); define("MSG_CHANGE_PARAMS_OK","\n\n<li><a href=\"$wwwroot/compte.php\" class=\"normal\">You can go back to to your account</a>. \n\n<li><a href=\"$wwwroot/utilisateurs/change_params.php\" class=\"normal\">You can go back to 'Change my credentials'</a>. \n\n<li><a href=\"$wwwroot/index.php\" class=\"normal\">Tou can go back to the home page</a>.",TRUE); define("GET_PASSWORD","Get a new pawwsord",TRUE); define("MSG_INSERT_EMAIL","Please insert your email to get a new password.\nA new password will be send to your email adress.",TRUE); define("SEND","Send",TRUE); define("MSG_ERR_NOEMAIL","This email doesn't exist.",TRUE); define("MSG_PASSWORD_EMAIL","Your new password was sent at your address e-mail.\n\nConsult your mail and identify again.\n\n",TRUE); define("INVOICE","Invoice",TRUE); define("NUMBER","Number",TRUE); define("ACCORD","AGREEMENT ORDER",TRUE); define("SIGNATURE","Signature",TRUE); define("MSG_TELL_FRIEND","<b>The product that you have just consulted held your attention, then also make it possible to your friends to consult it.</b>\n\n To send this card product, indicate simply the name and addresses email of your friends.\n\n Indicate also your name and your e-mail so that your friends can know of who comes this message, and click on the button TO SEND.\n\n You can also, if you wish it, address a message to them which will be included in the mall.",TRUE); define("FROM","From",TRUE); define("THEIR_NAMES","Their names",TRUE); define("THEIR_EMAILS","Their emails",TRUE); define("YOUR_MSG","Your message",TRUE); define("MANDATORY","Mandatory fields",TRUE); define("MSG_FRIEND_SEND","Your message has been sent",TRUE); define("MSG_ERR_FRIEND","Please click 'back' and fill the forms with correct answers.",TRUE); define("BACK_REFERER","Go back to the referer.",TRUE); define("RESULT_SEARCH","Search result",TRUE); define ("WEIGHT","Weight of the order",TRUE); define ("STOCK","Stock",TRUE); define ("REMAIN_STOCK","Remaining stock",TRUE); define("DELIVERY_STOCK","Delivery date envisaged",TRUE); define ("VALIDE","Validate",TRUE); define ("CLOSE","Close",TRUE); define ("REQUEST_OK","Your request was indeed taken into account",TRUE); define ("OVERLIB_STOCK","This product is currently unavailable, we can notify you by email as soon as this product arrives in stock.",TRUE); define ("COLOR","Color",TRUE); define ("SIZE","Size",TRUE); define ("REMISE","Customer reduction",TRUE); define ("REMISE_CLIENT ","customer reduction",TRUE); define ("POINT","gift point",TRUE); define ("POINT_AVAILABLE","Number of gift points",TRUE); define ("ORDER_POINT","Order point",TRUE); define ("FIDELITY","My gifts",TRUE); define ("GIFT_CATALOGUE","Gifts catalog",TRUE); define ("LOOK_CATALOGUE","Look at the catalogue",TRUE); define ("LOOK_GIFT_CATALOGUE","Look at the gift catalogue",TRUE); define ("ORDER_GIFT","Order gift",TRUE); define ("ALERT_ORDER_GIFT","Are you sure to order this gift ?",TRUE); define ("THANKS","Sincerly", TRUE); define ("MSG_ORDER_GIFT","Your order was taken into account. You soon will receive it with the address indicated below :", TRUE); define ("POINT_REMAIN","Points remaining",TRUE); define ("MSG_ERROR_ORDER_GIFT","Your number of points is insufficient to order this gift.",TRUE); define ("MY_ORDER","My orders",TRUE); define ("ORDER_HISTORY","Follow-up of order",TRUE); define ("ORDER_LIST","List of my orders",TRUE); define ("ORDER_STATUT","Order status",TRUE); define ("ORDER_RETURN","Return(s)",TRUE); define ("ORDER_RETURN2","Return voucher generator ",TRUE); define ("ORDER_RETURN3","Select the products of the order you wish to return to us to generate the correct return.",TRUE); define ("ORDER_RETURN4","Generate voucher",TRUE); define ("ORDER_RETURN5","Download my vouchern",TRUE); define ("ORDER_RETURN6","your voucher has been correctly generated.",TRUE); define ("ORDER_NUMBER","Number",TRUE); define ("GIFT_POINT","Gift points",TRUE); define ("MY_GIFT_POINT","My gift point",TRUE); define ("NOT_ENOUGH_POINT","you don't have enough gift points",TRUE); define("CODE_PROMO","Promotional code",TRUE); define("CODE_PROMO_TEXT","to profit from it, return your code and click on updating",TRUE); define("CODE_PROMO_REMISE","Promotional code",TRUE); define ("REDUCE_PRODUCT","total promotional product",TRUE); define("MSG_ERR_CODE_PROMO","Your promotional code is not valid any more or does not exist.\nIf your code seems exact to you, contact the support with following address email\n",TRUE); define("BACKUP","Backup",TRUE); define("BACKUP_ESTIMATE","Backup my estimate",TRUE); define("MSG_ESTIMATE","Thank you for your confidence, your estimate was recorded successfully.\n\n If you wish to consult your estimate, this last is in the heading '<a class=\"normal\" href=\"$wwwroot/compte.php\">My account</a>.\n\n If you wish to place order for this estimate, <a class=\"normal\" href=\"javascript:$wwwroot/achat/achat_maintenant.php\">click here</a>.",TRUE); define("MY_ESTIMATE","My estimates",TRUE); define("ESTIMATE_HISTORY","Estimates history",TRUE); define("NO_ESTIMATE","no estimate is recorded in our data base.",TRUE); define("ESTIMATE_NUMBER","Number",TRUE); define("ESTIMATE_DATE","Date",TRUE); define("ESTIMATE_AMOUNT","Amount",TRUE); define("ESTIMATE_DETAIL","Estimate details",TRUE); define("CATALOGUE_PRICE","Cataologue price",TRUE); define("SOLD_PRICE","Sold price",TRUE); define("LIST_PRODUCT","List of the products",TRUE); define("NO_ORDER","no order is recorded in our data base.",TRUE); define("ORDER_DETAIL","Order details",TRUE); define("CB","Credit card",TRUE); define ("NEWSLETTER_FORMAT","Newsletter format",TRUE); define("INVOICE_HTML","Invoice format HTML",TRUE); define("INVOICE_PDF","Invoice format PDF",TRUE); define("PROFORMA_HTML","Purchase order",TRUE); define("PROFORMA_PDF","Bon de commande format PDF",TRUE); define("THRESHOLD","threshold of exemption from payment",TRUE); define("OFFERED","offered",TRUE); if(!isset($motclef)) {$motclef = "";} define("RESULT_SEARCH_NOK","We did not find results including the key word <b>". stripslashes($motclef) ."</b>.\n\n<b>Suggestions :</b>\n<li type=square> Check the orthography of the key word.\n<li type=square> Test other words.\n<li type=square> Use more general words.\n\n<a href=$wwwroot/achat/index.php class=normal><b>Click here</b></a> to consult our catalogue directly.",TRUE); define("SELECTION","SPECIAL OFFER",TRUE); define("RETAILER","Professional account",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE","Open an affiliate account",TRUE); define("WEBSITE","Web site",TRUE); define("URL_WEBSITE","Url",TRUE); define("DESCRIPTION_WEBSITE","Web site Description",TRUE); define("BANK_ACCOUNT","Bank account",TRUE); define("BANK_ACCOUNT_CODE","Bank counter",TRUE); define("BANK_ACCOUNT_COUNTER","Bank counter",TRUE); define("BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER","Bank account number",TRUE); define("BANK_ACCOUNT_RIB","Key",TRUE); define("BANK_ACCOUNT_DOMICILIATION","Bank domiciliation",TRUE); define("IBAN","I.B.A.N",TRUE); define("BIC","BIC",TRUE); define("NOTICE_AFFILIATE","En cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous, vous envoyez votre inscription au Programme Partenaires du site $site. Votre inscription terminée, vous serez tenu de respecter les conditions détaillées dans les conditions générales d'adhésion que vous recevrez en 2 exemplaires par courrier à nous retourner signé.",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_ACCOUNT","Mon espace affilié",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_ACCOUNT_MSG","Vous êtes affilié au site $site\n\nActuellement, nous vous reversons <b>$affiliate_rate %</b> du Chiffre d'Affaire H.T. généré par votre compte.",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_ACCOUNT_URL","Votre lien affilié est",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_ACCOUNT_PROD","Générer un code HTML pour les produits affiliés",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_ACCOUNT_BAN","Voir les bannières à insérer sur votre site",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_ACCOUNT_SELL","Rapport des ventes",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_PROD_CODE","Génération d'un code HTML",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_PROD_CHOICE","Choisissez un produit de votre choix et générer le code HTML associé pour l'installer sur votre site web.\n\n Si vous préférez, vous pouvez toujours afficher le logo de notre site en <a class=\"label\" href=\"$wwwroot/modules/affiliation/affiliation_produits_liste.php?mode=generehtmlstd\">cliquant ici</a> ou bien mixer le logo du site et des produits (toutes les combinaisons sont possibles).",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_PROD_ERR","Aucun produit enregistré dans la base",TRUE); define("CATEGORY","Catégorie",TRUE); define("HTML_PROD","Code HTML par défault",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_PROD_MSG","Vous pouvez créer dès maintenant votre lien Partenaire en intégrant ce code html sur les pages de votre site : ",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_PROD_DEFAULT","Si vous souhaitez directement afficher les meilleurs produits, le générateur de liens de l'extranet Partenaires, vous aidera à créer d'autres liens personnalisés. Cliquez simplement <a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\" class=\"label\">ici</a> pour voir comment créer vos liens ! \n\nPour toute question relative a notre partenariat, envoyez un e-mail à $support en indiquant le nom de votre site dans le corps du message.\n\n<div align=\"right\">L'équipe $site.</div>",TRUE); define("HTML_DEFAULT","Générer le code HTML",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_DEFAULT_MSG","Vous pouvez créer dès maintenant votre lien Partenaire en intégrant ce code html sur les pages de votre site : ",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_DEFAULT_PROD","Si vous souhaitez directement afficher les meilleurs produits, le générateur de liens de l'extranet Partenaires, vous aidera à créer d'autres liens personnalisés. Cliquez simplement <a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\" class=\"label\">ici</a> pour voir comment créer vos liens !\n\nPour toute question relative à notre partenariat, envoyez un e-mail a $support en indiquant le nom de votre site dans le corps du message. \n\n<div align=\"right\">L'équipe Partenaires de $site</div></i></b>",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_SELL_REPORT","Rapport des ventes",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_SELL_NO","Votre compte affilié n\'a généré aucune vente",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_SELL_ORDER","Nombre de commandes",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_SELL_DATE","Date",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_TOTAL_AMOUNT","Montant total de la commande",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_STATUT","Statut",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_AMOUNT","Reversement",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_PAYMENT_OK","Paiement effectué",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_PAYMENT_NOK","Paiement à venir",TRUE); define("AFFILIATE_SELL_NUMBER","Numéro",TRUE); define("EMAIL_ORDER_CONFIRMATION","ORDER CONFIRMATION FROM $site",TRUE); define("EMAIL_ORDER_MESSAGE","Your order has just been registered on the website $site."); define("EMAIL_ORDER_DATE","Order date"); define("EMAIL_ORDER_NUMBER","Order Number"); define("EMAIL_ORDER_AMOUNT","Order Amount"); define("EMAIL_ORDER_PROFORMA","Proforma invoice"); define("EMAIL_ORDER_INVOICE","Invoice"); define("EMAIL_THANKS","Thanks for your confidence\n\nBEst regards, the team website $site.",TRUE); define("SUBJECT","Subject",TRUE); define("SUBJECT_EMAIL_BILLING_CB","[ORDER CONFIRMATION $commandeid FROM $site]",TRUE); define("MSG_EMAIL_BILLING_CB","Your order number $commandeid has just been registered on the website $site.\n\n Date : $timestamp\n Montant : $montant EUR TTC\n Your order will be validated once your payment by credit are accepted.\n\n ",TRUE); define("SUBJECT_PASSWORD_EMAIL","New password for your customer account $site",TRUE); define("OBJECT_EMAIL_PASSWORD","your password was re-initialized.\n\n"); define("IDENTIFIANT_EMAIL","Your login is"); define("IDENTIFIANT_PASSWORD","Your new password is"); define("IDENTIFIANT_CLIENT","Your customer id is"); define("SUBJECT_ACCOUNT_EMAIL","Your customer account on $site",TRUE); define("OBJECT_ACCOUNT_EMAIL","You still open your customer account on $site.\n\n"); define("SUBJECT_EMAIL_FRIEND","$yname visited the website $site and recommands you to have a look on it",TRUE); define("OBJECT_EMAIL_FRIEND","$fname[$numitems] hello !\n\n$yname visited the website $site and think it could be interesting for you :\n\nURL: $referer \n\nMy comments : \n------------------------------------ \n$comments \n------------------------------------\n\nMerci \n$site \n$support",TRUE); define("MSG_NO_STOCK","The product <b>".stripslashes(vb($prod['nom_'.$_SESSION['langue'].'']))."</b> (Reference ".vb($prod["reference"]).") is not presently in stock.\nPlease complete the form below to be notified when stock arrives :",TRUE); define("MSG_NO_STOCK1","This product is out of stock, the ".$site." team makes every effort to get it back in stock...<br />Register to be informed.",TRUE); define("MSG_NO_STOCK2","Sold out",TRUE); define("NEWS","Special feature",TRUE); define("SPECIAL","Special offer",TRUE); define("TOP","Best selling",TRUE); define("BRAND","Brand",TRUE); define("NO_BRAND","There is no product whith this brand. Please select an other brand in the select menu.",TRUE); define("SITEMAP","Sitemap",TRUE); define("DISPO","Availabality",TRUE); define("CONSEIL","Faites-vous appeler en direct par un conseiller",TRUE); define("CONTACT","Contact",TRUE); define("MSG_TICKET_OK","Your message was indeed taken into account on our site web.\n\n An answer will be brought to you under 48H.",TRUE); define("TEXTE","Message",TRUE); define("COLIS","Tracking number",TRUE); define("ALERTE_MESSAGE","You've got a message"); define("FLASH","Vente flash"); define("PERSO","Personnaliser vos vêtements"); define("SELECT_PROD","Sélectionner un produit"); define("FRONT","Impression avant"); define("TEXT_SHIRT","Votre texte"); define("FONT_SHIRT","Votre police"); define("POSITION_SHIRT","Position du texte"); define("DESIGN_SHIRT","Votre motif"); define("PHOTO_SHIRT","Votre photo"); define("BACK","Impression arrière"); define("CHOOSE_FONT","Choisir une police"); define("CHOOSE_FONTCOLOR","Choisir la couleur de la police"); define("CHOOSE_POSITION","Choisir la position"); define("CHOOSE_DESIGN","Choisir un motif"); define("WATCH_FONT","Voir les polices"); define("WATCH_DESIGN","Voir les motifs"); define("PRODUCT_CHOOSE","Vous avez choisi"); define("TOPIC_CHOOSE","Choisir un thème"); define("NO_DESIGN","Aucun motif disponible pour ce critère"); define("FONT_COLOR","Font color"); define("CRITERIA","Criteria"); define("PAY_COST","Supplement related to the type of payment",TRUE); define("CALL_ME","Besoin d'un conseil ?\n\r\n\rFaites vous rappeler par un conseiller."); define("ADHESION","adhésion"); define("NO_AVAILABLE","Not available"); define("EMAIL_CHECK","Insert an email for this check"); define("EMAIL_FRIEND","Email for this check"); define("CGV_OK","I have read the <a href=\"".get_link(1,0)."\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color:#FFA406\">general conditions of sale</a> of $site and I'm agree.",TRUE); ?>