File: zh_CN.php
<?php return array( 'Select' => '选择', 'Deselect_All' => 'Deselect All', 'Select_All' => 'Select All', 'Erase' => '删除', 'Open' => '打开', 'Confirm_del' => '确定删除此文件?', 'All' => '所有', 'Files' => '文件', 'Images' => '图片', 'Archives' => '存档', 'Error_Upload' => '上传的文件超过了允许的最大尺寸', 'Error_extension' => '此类文件不被支持', 'Upload_file' => '上传', 'Filters' => '过滤', 'Videos' => '视频', 'Music' => '音乐', 'New_Folder' => '新文件夹', 'Folder_Created' => '文件夹创建成功', 'Existing_Folder' => '文件夹已经存在', 'Confirm_Folder_del' => '确定删除此文件夹和里面的所有文件?', 'Return_Files_List' => '返回文件列表', 'Preview' => '预览', 'Download' => '下载', 'Insert_Folder_Name' => '填写文件夹名称:', 'Root' => 'root', 'Rename' => '改名', 'Back' => '返回', 'View' => '视图', 'View_list' => '列表视图', 'View_columns_list' => '列视图', 'View_boxes' => '方块视图', 'Toolbar' => '工具栏', 'Actions' => '操作', 'Rename_existing_file' => '文件已存在', 'Rename_existing_folder' => '文件夹已存在', 'Empty_name' => '请输入文件名', 'Text_filter' => '文字过滤', 'Swipe_help' => '在文件或文件夹的名称上划过已显示更多选项', 'Upload_base' => '普通上传', 'Upload_base_help' => "Drag & Drop files(modern browsers) or click in upper button to Add the file(s) and click on Start upload. When the upload is complete, click the 'Return to files list' button.", 'Upload_add_files' => 'Add file(s)', 'Upload_start' => 'Start upload', 'Upload_error_messages' =>array( 1 => 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini', 2 => 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form', 3 => 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded', 4 => 'No file was uploaded', 6 => 'Missing a temporary folder', 7 => 'Failed to write file to disk', 8 => 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload', 'post_max_size' => 'The uploaded file exceeds the post_max_size directive in php.ini', 'max_file_size' => 'File is too big', 'min_file_size' => 'File is too small', 'accept_file_types' => 'Filetype not allowed', 'max_number_of_files' => 'Maximum number of files exceeded', 'max_width' => 'Image exceeds maximum width', 'min_width' => 'Image requires a minimum width', 'max_height' => 'Image exceeds maximum height', 'min_height' => 'Image requires a minimum height', 'abort' => 'File upload aborted', 'image_resize' => 'Failed to resize image' ), 'Upload_url' => 'From url', 'Type_dir' => 'dir', 'Type' => '类型', 'Dimension' => '尺寸', 'Size' => '大小', 'Date' => '日期', 'Filename' => '文件名', 'Operations' => '操作', 'Date_type' => 'y-m-d', 'OK' => 'OK', 'Cancel' => '取消', 'Sorting' => '排序', 'Show_url' => '显示URL', 'Extract' => '解压缩到这里', 'File_info' => '文件信息', 'Edit_image' => '编辑图片', 'Duplicate' => '复制', 'Folders' => '文件夹', 'Copy' => '拷贝', 'Cut' => '剪切', 'Paste' => '粘贴', 'CB' => '粘贴板', // clipboard 'Paste_Here' => '粘贴到这个目录', 'Paste_Confirm' => '确定粘贴到这个目录? 这有可能会覆盖已经存在的文件或文件夹', 'Paste_Failed' => '文件粘贴失败', 'Clear_Clipboard' => '清除粘贴板', 'Clear_Clipboard_Confirm' => '确定清除粘贴板?', 'Files_ON_Clipboard' => '粘贴板上还有文件存在', 'Copy_Cut_Size_Limit' => '无法 %s 选择的文件,选择的文件太大,超过了允许的大小: %d MB', // %s = cut or copy 'Copy_Cut_Count_Limit' => '无法 %s 选择的文件,您选择的文件和文件夹数目超过限制: %d 个文件', // %s = cut or copy 'Copy_Cut_Not_Allowed' => ' 您没有权限 %s 文件', // %s(1) = cut or copy, %s(2) = files or folders 'Image_Editor_No_Save' => '无法保存图片', 'Image_Editor_Exit' => "Exit", 'Image_Editor_Save' => "Save", 'Zip_No_Extract' => '文件解压缩失败。文件可能已经损坏', 'Zip_Invalid' => '不支持此文件后缀,支持的后缀名: zip, gz, tar.', 'Dir_No_Write' => '您选择的目录没有写权限', 'Function_Disabled' => '%s 功能已经被服务器禁用。', // %s = cut or copy 'File_Permission' => 'File permission', 'File_Permission_Not_Allowed' => 'Changing %s permissions are not allowed.', // %s = files or folders 'File_Permission_Recursive' => 'Apply recursively?', 'File_Permission_Wrong_Mode' => "The supplied permission mode is incorrect.", 'User' => 'User', 'Group' => 'Group', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'No' => 'No', 'Lang_Not_Found' => 'Could not find language.', 'Lang_Change' => 'Change the language', 'File_Not_Found' => 'Could not find the file.', 'File_Open_Edit_Not_Allowed' => 'You are not allowed to %s this file.', // %s = open or edit 'Edit' => 'Edit', 'Edit_File' => "Edit file's content", 'File_Save_OK' => "File successfully saved.", 'File_Save_Error' => "There was an error while saving the file.", 'New_File' => 'New File', 'No_Extension' => 'You have to add a file extension.', 'Valid_Extensions' => 'Valid extensions: %s', // %s = txt,log etc. 'Upload_message' => "Drop file here to upload", 'SERVER ERROR' => "SERVER ERROR", 'forbidden' => "Forbiden", 'wrong path' => "Wrong path", 'wrong name' => "Wrong name", 'wrong extension' => "Wrong extension", 'wrong option' => "Wrong option", 'wrong data' => "Wrong data", 'wrong action' => "Wrong action", 'wrong sub-action' => "Wrong sub-actio", 'no action passed' => "No action passed", 'no path' => "No path", 'no file' => "No file", 'view type number missing' => "View type number missing", 'Not enough Memory' => "Not enough Memory", 'max_size_reached' => "Your image folder has reach its maximale size of %d MB.", //%d = max overall size 'B' => "B", 'KB' => "KB", 'MB' => "MB", 'GB' => "GB", 'TB' => "TB", 'total size' => "Total size", );