File: execute.php
<?php $config = include 'config/config.php'; include 'include/utils.php'; if ($_SESSION['RF']["verify"] != "RESPONSIVEfilemanager") { response(trans('forbidden') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } if (!checkRelativePath($_POST['path'])) { response(trans('wrong path') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } if (isset($_SESSION['RF']['language']) && file_exists('lang/' . basename($_SESSION['RF']['language']) . '.php')) { $languages = include 'lang/languages.php'; if (array_key_exists($_SESSION['RF']['language'], $languages)) { include 'lang/' . basename($_SESSION['RF']['language']) . '.php'; } else { response(trans('Lang_Not_Found') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } } else { response(trans('Lang_Not_Found') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } $ftp = ftp_con($config); $base = $config['current_path']; $path = $base . $_POST['path']; $cycle = true; $max_cycles = 50; $i = 0; while ($cycle && $i < $max_cycles) { $i++; if ($path == $base) { $cycle = false; } if (file_exists($path . "config.php")) { require_once $path . "config.php"; $cycle = false; } $path = fix_dirname($path) . "/"; } function returnPaths($_path, $_name, $config) { global $ftp; $path = $config['current_path'] . $_path; $path_thumb = $config['thumbs_base_path'] . $_path; $name = null; if ($ftp) { $path = $config['ftp_base_folder'] . $config['upload_dir'] . $_path; $path_thumb = $config['ftp_base_folder'] . $config['ftp_thumbs_dir'] . $_path; } if ($_name) { $name = fix_filename($_name, $config); if (strpos($name, '../') !== false || strpos($name, '..\\') !== false) { response(trans('wrong name') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } } return array($path, $path_thumb, $name); } if(isset($_POST['paths'])){ $paths = $paths_thumb = $names = array(); foreach ($_POST['paths'] as $key => $path) { if (!checkRelativePath($path)) { response(trans('wrong path').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } $name = null; if(isset($_POST['names'][$key])){ $name = $_POST['names'][$key]; } list($path,$path_thumb,$name) = returnPaths($path,$name,$config); $paths[] = $path; $paths_thumb[] = $path_thumb; $names = $name; } } else { $name = null; if(isset($_POST['name'])){ $name = $_POST['name']; } list($path,$path_thumb,$name) = returnPaths($_POST['path'],$name,$config); } $info = pathinfo($path); if (isset($info['extension']) && !(isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'delete_folder') && !check_extension($info['extension'], $config) && $_GET['action'] != 'create_file') { response(trans('wrong extension') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } if (isset($_GET['action'])) { switch ($_GET['action']) { case 'delete_file': deleteFile($path, $path_thumb, $config); break; case 'delete_files': foreach ($paths as $key => $p) { deleteFile($p, $paths_thumb[$key], $config); } break; case 'delete_folder': if ($config['delete_folders']){ if($ftp){ deleteDir($path,$ftp,$config); deleteDir($path_thumb,$ftp,$config); }else{ if (is_dir($path_thumb)) { deleteDir($path_thumb,NULL,$config); } if (is_dir($path)) { deleteDir($path,NULL,$config); if ($config['fixed_image_creation']) { foreach($config['fixed_path_from_filemanager'] as $k=>$paths){ if ($paths!="" && $paths[strlen($paths)-1] != "/") $paths.="/"; $base_dir=$paths.substr_replace($path, '', 0, strlen($config['current_path'])); if (is_dir($base_dir)) deleteDir($base_dir,NULL,$config); } } } } } break; case 'create_folder': if ($config['create_folders']) { $name = fix_filename($_POST['name'],$config); $path .= $name; $path_thumb .= $name; $res = create_folder(fix_path($path,$config),fix_path($path_thumb,$config),$ftp,$config); if(!$res){ response(trans('Rename_existing_folder').AddErrorLocation())->send(); } } break; case 'rename_folder': if ($config['rename_folders']){ if(!is_dir($path)) { response(trans('wrong path').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } $name = fix_filename($name, $config); $name = str_replace('.', '', $name); if (!empty($name)) { if (!rename_folder($path, $name, $ftp, $config)) { response(trans('Rename_existing_folder') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } rename_folder($path_thumb, $name, $ftp, $config); if (!$ftp && $config['fixed_image_creation']) { foreach ($config['fixed_path_from_filemanager'] as $k => $paths) { if ($paths != "" && $paths[strlen($paths) - 1] != "/") { $paths .= "/"; } $base_dir = $paths . substr_replace($path, '', 0, strlen($config['current_path'])); rename_folder($base_dir, $name, $ftp, $config); } } } else { response(trans('Empty_name') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } } break; case 'create_file': if ($config['create_text_files'] === false) { response(sprintf(trans('File_Open_Edit_Not_Allowed'), strtolower(trans('Edit'))) . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } if (!isset($config['editable_text_file_exts']) || !is_array($config['editable_text_file_exts'])) { $config['editable_text_file_exts'] = array(); } // check if user supplied extension if (strpos($name, '.') === false) { response(trans('No_Extension') . ' ' . sprintf(trans('Valid_Extensions'), implode(', ', $config['editable_text_file_exts'])) . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } // correct name $old_name = $name; $name = fix_filename($name, $config); if (empty($name)) { response(trans('Empty_name') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } // check extension $parts = explode('.', $name); if (!in_array(end($parts), $config['editable_text_file_exts'])) { response(trans('Error_extension') . ' ' . sprintf(trans('Valid_Extensions'), implode(', ', $config['editable_text_file_exts'])) . AddErrorLocation(), 400)->send(); exit; } $content = $_POST['new_content']; if ($ftp) { $temp = tempnam('/tmp', 'RF'); file_put_contents($temp, $content); $ftp->put("/" . $path . $name, $temp, FTP_BINARY); unlink($temp); response(trans('File_Save_OK'))->send(); } else { if (!checkresultingsize(strlen($content))) { response(sprintf(trans('max_size_reached'), $config['MaxSizeTotal']) . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } // file already exists if (file_exists($path . $name)) { response(trans('Rename_existing_file') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } if (@file_put_contents($path . $name, $content) === false) { response(trans('File_Save_Error') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } else { if (is_function_callable('chmod') !== false) { chmod($path . $name, 0644); } response(trans('File_Save_OK'))->send(); exit; } } break; case 'rename_file': if ($config['rename_files']) { $name = fix_filename($name, $config); if (!empty($name)) { if (!rename_file($path, $name, $ftp, $config)) { response(trans('Rename_existing_file') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } rename_file($path_thumb, $name, $ftp, $config); if ($config['fixed_image_creation']) { $info = pathinfo($path); foreach ($config['fixed_path_from_filemanager'] as $k => $paths) { if ($paths != "" && $paths[strlen($paths) - 1] != "/") { $paths .= "/"; } $base_dir = $paths . substr_replace($info['dirname'] . "/", '', 0, strlen($config['current_path'])); if (file_exists($base_dir . $config['fixed_image_creation_name_to_prepend'][$k] . $info['filename'] . $config['fixed_image_creation_to_append'][$k] . "." . $info['extension'])) { rename_file($base_dir . $config['fixed_image_creation_name_to_prepend'][$k] . $info['filename'] . $config['fixed_image_creation_to_append'][$k] . "." . $info['extension'], $config['fixed_image_creation_name_to_prepend'][$k] . $name . $config['fixed_image_creation_to_append'][$k], $ftp, $config); } } } } else { response(trans('Empty_name') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } } break; case 'duplicate_file': if ($config['duplicate_files']) { $name = fix_filename($name, $config); if (!empty($name)) { if (!$ftp && !checkresultingsize(filesize($path))) { response(sprintf(trans('max_size_reached'), $config['MaxSizeTotal']) . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } if (!duplicate_file($path, $name, $ftp, $config)) { response(trans('Rename_existing_file') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } duplicate_file($path_thumb, $name, $ftp, $config); if (!$ftp && $config['fixed_image_creation']) { $info = pathinfo($path); foreach ($config['fixed_path_from_filemanager'] as $k => $paths) { if ($paths != "" && $paths[strlen($paths) - 1] != "/") { $paths .= "/"; } $base_dir = $paths . substr_replace($info['dirname'] . "/", '', 0, strlen($config['current_path'])); if (file_exists($base_dir . $config['fixed_image_creation_name_to_prepend'][$k] . $info['filename'] . $config['fixed_image_creation_to_append'][$k] . "." . $info['extension'])) { duplicate_file($base_dir . $config['fixed_image_creation_name_to_prepend'][$k] . $info['filename'] . $config['fixed_image_creation_to_append'][$k] . "." . $info['extension'], $config['fixed_image_creation_name_to_prepend'][$k] . $name . $config['fixed_image_creation_to_append'][$k]); } } } } else { response(trans('Empty_name') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } } break; case 'paste_clipboard': if (!isset($_SESSION['RF']['clipboard_action'], $_SESSION['RF']['clipboard']['path']) || $_SESSION['RF']['clipboard_action'] == '' || $_SESSION['RF']['clipboard']['path'] == '') { response()->send(); exit; } $action = $_SESSION['RF']['clipboard_action']; $data = $_SESSION['RF']['clipboard']; if ($ftp) { if ($_POST['path'] != "") { $path .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $path_thumb .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $path_thumb .= basename($data['path']); $path .= basename($data['path']); $data['path_thumb'] = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $config['ftp_base_folder'] . $config['ftp_thumbs_dir'] . $data['path']; $data['path'] = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $config['ftp_base_folder'] . $config['upload_dir'] . $data['path']; } else { $data['path_thumb'] = $config['thumbs_base_path'] . $data['path']; $data['path'] = $config['current_path'] . $data['path']; } $pinfo = pathinfo($data['path']); // user wants to paste to the same dir. nothing to do here... if ($pinfo['dirname'] == rtrim($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) { response()->send(); exit; } // user wants to paste folder to it's own sub folder.. baaaah. if (is_dir($data['path']) && strpos($path, $data['path']) !== false) { response()->send(); exit; } // something terribly gone wrong if ($action != 'copy' && $action != 'cut') { response(trans('wrong action') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } if ($ftp) { if ($action == 'copy') { $tmp = time() . basename($data['path']); $ftp->get($tmp, $data['path'], FTP_BINARY); $ftp->put(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path, $tmp, FTP_BINARY); unlink($tmp); if (url_exists($data['path_thumb'])) { $tmp = time() . basename($data['path_thumb']); @$ftp->get($tmp, $data['path_thumb'], FTP_BINARY); @$ftp->put(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path_thumb, $tmp, FTP_BINARY); unlink($tmp); } } elseif ($action == 'cut') { $ftp->rename($data['path'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path); if (url_exists($data['path_thumb'])) { @$ftp->rename($data['path_thumb'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path_thumb); } } } else { // check for writability if (is_really_writable($path) === false || is_really_writable($path_thumb) === false) { response(trans('Dir_No_Write') . '<br/>' . str_replace('../', '', $path) . '<br/>' . str_replace('../', '', $path_thumb) . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } // check if server disables copy or rename if (is_function_callable(($action == 'copy' ? 'copy' : 'rename')) === false) { response(sprintf(trans('Function_Disabled'), ($action == 'copy' ? (trans('Copy')) : (trans('Cut')))) . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } if ($action == 'copy') { list($sizeFolderToCopy, $fileNum, $foldersCount) = folder_info($path, false); if (!checkresultingsize($sizeFolderToCopy)) { response(sprintf(trans('max_size_reached'), $config['MaxSizeTotal']) . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } rcopy($data['path'], $path); rcopy($data['path_thumb'], $path_thumb); } elseif ($action == 'cut') { rrename($data['path'], $path); rrename($data['path_thumb'], $path_thumb); // cleanup if (is_dir($data['path']) === TRUE){ rrename_after_cleaner($data['path']); rrename_after_cleaner($data['path_thumb']); } } } // cleanup $_SESSION['RF']['clipboard']['path'] = null; $_SESSION['RF']['clipboard_action'] = null; break; case 'chmod': $mode = $_POST['new_mode']; $rec_option = $_POST['is_recursive']; $valid_options = array('none', 'files', 'folders', 'both'); $chmod_perm = ($_POST['folder'] ? $config['chmod_dirs'] : $config['chmod_files']); // check perm if ($chmod_perm === false) { response(sprintf(trans('File_Permission_Not_Allowed'), (is_dir($path) ? (trans('Folders')) : (trans('Files')))) . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } // check mode if (!preg_match("/^[0-7]{3}$/", $mode)) { response(trans('File_Permission_Wrong_Mode') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } // check recursive option if (!in_array($rec_option, $valid_options)) { response(trans("wrong option") . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } // check if server disabled chmod if (!$ftp && is_function_callable('chmod') === false) { response(sprintf(trans('Function_Disabled'), 'chmod') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } $mode = "0" . $mode; $mode = octdec($mode); if ($ftp) { $ftp->chmod($mode, "/" . $path); } else { rchmod($path, $mode, $rec_option); } break; case 'save_text_file': $content = $_POST['new_content']; // $content = htmlspecialchars($content); not needed // $content = stripslashes($content); if ($ftp) { $tmp = time(); file_put_contents($tmp, $content); $ftp->put("/" . $path, $tmp, FTP_BINARY); unlink($tmp); response(trans('File_Save_OK'))->send(); } else { // no file if (!file_exists($path)) { response(trans('File_Not_Found') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } // not writable or edit not allowed if (!is_writable($path) || $config['edit_text_files'] === false) { response(sprintf(trans('File_Open_Edit_Not_Allowed'), strtolower(trans('Edit'))) . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } if (!checkresultingsize(strlen($content))) { response(sprintf(trans('max_size_reached'), $config['MaxSizeTotal']) . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } if (@file_put_contents($path, $content) === false) { response(trans('File_Save_Error') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } else { response(trans('File_Save_OK'))->send(); exit; } } break; default: response(trans('wrong action') . AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } }