File: Database.php
<?php /** * ==================== * Classe Database * ==================== */ class Database { /* |-------------------------------------------------------- | Variables de connexion |-------------------------------------------------------- */ protected $server; protected $user; protected $pass; protected $db; protected $origin = array('',''); /* |-------------------------------------------------------- | L'objet MYSQLI |-------------------------------------------------------- */ public $mysqli; private $result = false; public $array_key = false; protected $results = array(); public $encoding; /* |-------------------------------------------------------- | Instantiation de la classe : connexion |-------------------------------------------------------- | 1 - les paramètres sont définis qqpart ou... | 2 - les paramètres sont passés au constructeur */ function __construct($server = null, $user = null, $pass = null, $db = null) { $this->encoding = "'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_general_ci'"; $this->mode = 'array'; // or array $this->port = null; if (defined('DB_SERVER')) { $this->server = DB_SERVER; } elseif ($server) { $this->server = $server; } if(stripos($this->server,':')) { $serv = explode(':',$this->server); $this->server = $serv[0]; $this->port = $serv[1]; } if (defined('DB_USER')) { $this->user = DB_USER; } elseif ($user) { $this->user = $user; } if (defined('DB_PASS')) { $this->pass = DB_PASS; } elseif ($pass) { $this->pass = $pass; } if (defined('DB_NAME')) { $this->db = DB_NAME; } elseif ($db) { $this->db = $db; } //dump($this->server); dump($this->user); dump($this->db); if (!$this->server or !$this->user or !$this->db) { printf("Les paramètres de connexions ne sont pas renseignés :\nserveur : %s, utilisateur : %s, base de données : %s, mot de passe : %s", $this->server, $this->user, $this->db, $this->pass); } else { $this->db_connect(); } } /* |-------------------------------------------------------- | Connexion à la DB |-------------------------------------------------------- */ private function db_connect() { $this->mysqli = new \mysqli($this->server, $this->user, $this->pass, $this->db, $this->port); if ($this->mysqli->connect_errno) { printf("La connexion a échouée: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error()); exit(); } $this->setEncoding(); $this->query("SET sql_mode = '' "); } /* |-------------------------------------------------------- | Set connection encoding |-------------------------------------------------------- */ public function setEncoding($encoding = null) { switch ($encoding) { case 'CP1251' : $this->encoding = "'" . $encoding . "'"; break; } $this->query("SET NAMES " . $this->encoding); } /* |-------------------------------------------------------- | Vérifier la connextion existante |-------------------------------------------------------- */ public function ping() { if ($this->mysqli->ping()) { return true; } return false; } /* |-------------------------------------------------------- | Type de résultat retourné par une requête |-------------------------------------------------------- | par défaut : object */ public function fetch($mode='array') { $this->mode = $mode; return $this; } /* |-------------------------------------------------------- | Dump pour voir la base à laquelle on est connecté |-------------------------------------------------------- */ public function db_name() { echo "Connecté à <strong>" . $this->db . "</strong><br />"; } /* |-------------------------------------------------------- | Récupère le dernier id généré par la requête |-------------------------------------------------------- */ function last_id() { return $this->mysqli->insert_id; } /* |-------------------------------------------------------- | Nombre de lignes affectées |-------------------------------------------------------- */ function affected_rows() { return $this->mysqli->affected_rows; } /* |-------------------------------------------------------- | Echapper une variable |-------------------------------------------------------- */ function escape($string) { return $this->mysqli->real_escape_string($string); } /* |-------------------------------------------------------- | Changer l'encodage |-------------------------------------------------------- */ public function convert($table) { return $this->query("ALTER TABLE `" . $table . "` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;"); } /* |-------------------------------------------------------- | Récupérer les champs d'une table |-------------------------------------------------------- */ public function getFields($table) { $r = $this->select("SELECT `COLUMN_NAME` FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`COLUMNS` WHERE `TABLE_SCHEMA`='" . $this->db . "' AND `TABLE_NAME`='" . $table . "' order by COLUMN_NAME"); $array = array(); if (!empty($r)) { foreach ($r as $k => $v) { $array[] = $v->COLUMN_NAME; } } return $array; } /* |-------------------------------------------------------- | RETOURNE UN RESULTAT SELECT |-------------------------------------------------------- | pour l'heure que sur les select... | */ public function select($s, $array_key = null) { $this->statement = $s; $this->array_key = $array_key; $this->pushArray(); $this->mode = 'array'; return $this->result; } /* |-------------------------------------------------------- | Traite le résultat d'une requête Select |-------------------------------------------------------- | return array assoc */ private function pushArray() { $this->results = array(); if ($this->query($this->statement)) { $n = 0; while ($row = $this->result->fetch_assoc()) { $this->results[$this->array_key ? $row[$this->array_key] : $n] = $row; ++$n; } $this->result->close(); } $this->result = $this->results; if ($this->mode == 'object') { $this->result = (array) json_decode(json_encode($this->result)); } return $this; } /* |-------------------------------------------------------- | Passe une chaine de requête à la BD |-------------------------------------------------------- | return array stdClass */ function query($s) { $this->result = $this->mysqli->query($s); $this->error($s, $this->result); return $this; } /* |--------------------------------------------------------- | Retourn un ou le premier résultat |--------------------------------------------------------- | return array stdClass - un niveau */ public function get($s) { $this->select($s); if ($this->result) { $this->result = current($this->result); } return $this->result; } /* |--------------------------------------------------------- | Insert Query |--------------------------------------------------------- */ public function insert($table=null, $array=null, $replace=false) { if (!is_array($array) or empty($table)) { return null; } if (!$this->is_table($table)) { return null; } $action = $replace ? 'replace' : 'insert'; $keys = implode(",", array_keys($array)); $values = array_values($array); $data = []; foreach($values as $v) { $data[] = $this->escape($v); } $values = "'". implode("', '", array_values($data)) ."'"; //echo $action." into ".$table." (".$keys.") values (".$values.")"; $this->query($action." into ".$table." (".$keys.") values (".$values.")"); return $this->affected_rows(); } /* |--------------------------------------------------------- | Insert / Replace Query |--------------------------------------------------------- */ public function replace($table=null, $array=null) { return $this->insert($table, $array, true); } function update($table, $data, $key = null, $key2 = null, $escape = false) { // Quelles sont les colonnes dans la table $fields = $this->getFields($table); // print_r($fields); print_r($data); $update = array(); if (!empty($fields)) { $s = "UPDATE `" . $table . "` SET "; // Recouper les colonnes avec les valeurs de $data foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if (in_array($k, $fields)) { $update[$k] = $v; } } } if (!empty($update)) { // Où mettre à jour $key_string = (!empty($key) ? $key : 'id'); $first_value = (!empty($key) && array_key_exists($key, $update)) ? $update[$key] : $update['id']; unset($update[$key_string]); if (!empty($key2) && array_key_exists($key2, $update)) { $key_string2 = $key2; $second_value = $update[$key2]; unset($update[$key_string2]); } $n = 0; $n += 1; $count = count($update); $query = []; foreach($update as $k=>$v) { $query[] = $k . "='". $this->escape($v)."'"; } $s.= implode(', ', $query); $s .= " WHERE `" . $key_string . "`='" . $first_value . "'"; # La partie ne s'incrémente pas dans ajax/blocs/sold.php ??!! if (!empty($key2)) { $s .= " AND `" . $key_string2 . "`='" . $second_value . "'"; } // echo $s."<br /><br />"; $this->query($s); } else { echo "Aucune action à effectuer"; } } /** * Retourne les tables d'une DB */ function get_tables() { $q = $this->mysqli->query("SHOW TABLES FROM " . DB_NAME); while ($r = $q->fetch_row()) { $tables[] = $r[0]; } return $tables; } function all($table, $order = null) { $s = "select * from `" . $table . "`" . ($order ? ' order by ' . $order : null); return $this->select($s); } function find($table, $id = null) { if (Lib::digital($id)) { return $this->get("select * from ".$table ." where id=".$id); } return null; } function error($s, $result) { if (!$result) { // if (in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $this->origin)) { echo "<div style='padding:14px;background:pink;'>Erreur MySQL : " . $this->mysqli->error . '</div>'; echo "<div style='padding:14px;background:powderblue;'>Requête originale : " . $s . '</div>'; echo "<div style='padding:14px;width:800px;'><pre>"; debug_print_backtrace(); echo "</pre></div>"; exit; // } else { echo "Възникна грешка !"; } } public function transaction() { $this->mysqli->autocommit(FALSE); return $this->query('start transaction'); } public function commit() { $this->mysqli->commit(); $this->mysqli->autocommit(TRUE); } function num_rows() { return $this->mysqli->num_rows; } /* |-------------------------------------------------------- | Vérifie si un champ existe |-------------------------------------------------------- | return bool */ function column($table,$column) { return (bool) $this->get("SELECT count(*) as count FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '".DB_NAME."' AND TABLE_NAME = '".$table."' AND COLUMN_NAME = '".$column."'")->count; } /* |-------------------------------------------------------- | Vérifie si une table existe |-------------------------------------------------------- | return bool */ function is_table($table) { return (bool) $this->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$table."'")->result->num_rows; } /* |-------------------------------------------------------- | Compter qqchose |-------------------------------------------------------- | return (int) */ function count($table,$col=null,$value=null) { $q = "select count(*) as total from ".$table; if ($col) { $q.= " where ".$col."='".$value."'"; } return $this->get($q)->total; } # end of class Database } ?>