File: File.php
<?PHP /** * patTemplate Template cache that stores data on filesystem * * $Id: File.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio $ * * @package patTemplate * @subpackage Caches * @author Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> */ // Check to ensure this file is within the rest of the framework defined('JPATH_BASE') or die(); /** * patTemplate Template cache that stores data on filesystem * * $Id: File.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio $ * * Possible parameters for the cache are: * - cacheFolder : set the folder from which to load the cache * - lifetime : seconds for which the cache is valid, if set to auto, it will check * whether the cache is older than the original file (if the reader supports this) * - prefix for the filenames * * @package patTemplate * @subpackage Caches * @author Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> */ class patTemplate_TemplateCache_File extends patTemplate_TemplateCache { /** * parameters of the cache * * @access private * @var array */ var $_params = array( 'cacheFolder' => './cache', 'lifetime' => 'auto', 'prefix' => '', 'filemode' => null ); /** * load template from cache * * @access public * @param string cache key * @param integer modification time of original template * @return array|boolean either an array containing the templates or false cache could not be loaded */ function load($key, $modTime = -1) { $filename = $this->_getCachefileName( $key ); if (!file_exists($filename) || !is_readable($filename)) { return false; } $generatedOn = filemtime( $filename ); $ttl = $this->getParam('lifetime'); if ($ttl == 'auto') { if ($modTime < 1) { return false; } if ($modTime > $generatedOn) { return false; } return unserialize(file_get_contents($filename)); } elseif(is_int( $ttl)) { if ($generatedOn + $ttl < time()) { return false; } return unserialize( file_get_contents( $filename ) ); } return false; } /** * write template to cache * * @access public * @param string cache key * @param array templates to store * @return boolean true on success */ function write( $key, $templates ) { $cacheFile = $this->_getCachefileName($key); $fp = @fopen($cacheFile, 'w'); if (!$fp) { return false; } flock( $fp, LOCK_EX ); fputs( $fp, serialize($templates)); flock( $fp, LOCK_UN ); $filemode = $this->getParam('filemode'); if ($filemode !== null) { chmod($cacheFile, $filemode); } return true; } /** * get the cache filename * * @access private * @param string cache key * @return string cache file name */ function _getCachefileName( $key ) { return $this->getParam( 'cacheFolder' ) . '/' . $this->getParam( 'prefix' ).$key . '.cache'; } } ?>