File: toolbar.php
<?php /** * @version $Id: toolbar.php 10707 2008-08-21 09:52:47Z eddieajau $ * @package Joomla.Framework * @subpackage HTML * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. */ // Check to ensure this file is within the rest of the framework defined('JPATH_BASE') or die(); //Register the session storage class with the loader JLoader::register('JButton', dirname(__FILE__).DS.'toolbar'.DS.'button.php'); /** * ToolBar handler * * @package Joomla.Framework * @subpackage HTML * @since 1.5 */ class JToolBar extends JObject { /** * Toolbar name * * @access private * @var string */ var $_name = array (); /** * Toolbar array * * @access private * @var array */ var $_bar = array (); /** * Loaded buttons * * @access private * @var array */ var $_buttons = array (); /** * Directories, where button types can be stored * * @access private * @var array */ var $_buttonPath = array (); /** * Constructor * * @access protected * @param string The toolbar name * @var string The type of setup file */ function __construct($name = 'toolbar') { $this->_name = $name; // Set base path to find buttons $this->_buttonPath[] = dirname(__FILE__).DS.'toolbar'.DS.'button'; } /** * Returns a reference to a global JToolBar object, only creating it if it * doesn't already exist. * * This method must be invoked as: * <pre> $toolbar = & JToolBar::getInstance( $name );</pre> * * @access public * @param string $name The name of the toolbar. * @return JToolBar The JToolBar object. */ function & getInstance($name = 'toolbar') { static $instances; if (!isset ($instances)) { $instances = array (); } if (empty ($instances[$name])) { $instances[$name] = new JToolBar($name); } return $instances[$name]; } /** * Set a value * * @access public * @param string The name of the param * @param string The value of the parameter * @return string The set value */ function appendButton() { // Push button onto the end of the toolbar array $btn = func_get_args(); array_push($this->_bar, $btn); return true; } /** * Get a value * * @access public * @param string The name of the param * @param mixed The default value if not found * @return string */ function prependButton() { // Insert button into the front of the toolbar array $btn = func_get_args(); array_unshift($this->_bar, $btn); return true; } /** * Render * * @access public * @param string The name of the control, or the default text area if a setup file is not found * @return string HTML */ function render() { $html = array (); // Start toolbar div $html[] = '<div class="toolbar" id="'.$this->_name.'">'; $html[] = '<table class="toolbar"><tr>'; // Render each button in the toolbar foreach ($this->_bar as $button) { $html[] = $this->renderButton($button); } // End toolbar div $html[] = '</tr></table>'; $html[] = '</div>'; return implode("\n", $html); } /** * Render a parameter type * * @param object A param tag node * @param string The control name * @return array Any array of the label, the form element and the tooltip */ function renderButton( &$node ) { // Get the button type $type = $node[0]; $button = & $this->loadButtonType($type); /** * Error Occurred */ if ($button === false) { return JText::_('Button not defined for type').' = '.$type; } return $button->render($node); } /** * Loads a button type * * @access public * @param string buttonType * @return object * @since 1.5 */ function & loadButtonType($type, $new = false) { $false = false; $signature = md5($type); if (isset ($this->_buttons[$signature]) && $new === false) { return $this->_buttons[$signature]; } if (!class_exists('JButton')) { JError::raiseWarning( 'SOME_ERROR_CODE', 'Could not load button base class.' ); return $false; } $buttonClass = 'JButton'.$type; if (!class_exists($buttonClass)) { if (isset ($this->_buttonPath)) { $dirs = $this->_buttonPath; } else { $dirs = array (); } $file = JFilterInput::clean(str_replace('_', DS, strtolower($type)).'.php', 'path'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.path'); if ($buttonFile = JPath::find($dirs, $file)) { include_once $buttonFile; } else { JError::raiseWarning('SOME_ERROR_CODE', "Could not load module $buttonClass ($buttonFile)."); return $false; } } if (!class_exists($buttonClass)) { //return JError::raiseError( 'SOME_ERROR_CODE', "Module file $buttonFile does not contain class $buttonClass." ); return $false; } $this->_buttons[$signature] = new $buttonClass($this); return $this->_buttons[$signature]; } /** * Add a directory where JToolBar should search for button types * * You may either pass a string or an array of directories. * * {@link JParameter} will be searching for an element type in the same order you * added them. If the parameter type cannot be found in the custom folders, * it will look in JParameter/types. * * @access public * @param string|array directory or directories to search. * @since 1.5 */ function addButtonPath($path) { if (is_array($path)) { $this->_buttonPath = array_merge($this->_buttonPath, $path); } else { array_push($this->_buttonPath, $path); } } }