File: behavior.php
<?php /** * @version $Id: behavior.php 13341 2009-10-27 03:03:54Z ian $ * @package Joomla.Framework * @subpackage HTML * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. */ defined('JPATH_BASE') or die(); /** * Utility class for javascript behaviors * * @static * @package Joomla.Framework * @subpackage HTML * @version 1.5 */ class JHTMLBehavior { /** * Method to load the mootools framework into the document head * * - If debugging mode is on an uncompressed version of mootools is included for easier debugging. * * @static * @param boolean $debug Is debugging mode on? [optional] * @return void * @since 1.5 */ function mootools($debug = null) { static $loaded; // Only load once if ($loaded) { return; } // If no debugging value is set, use the configuration setting if ($debug === null) { $config = &JFactory::getConfig(); $debug = $config->getValue('config.debug'); } // TODO NOTE: Here we are checking for Konqueror - If they fix thier issue with compressed, we will need to update this $konkcheck = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), "konqueror") : null; if ($debug || $konkcheck) { JHTML::script('mootools-uncompressed.js', 'media/system/js/', false); } else { JHTML::script('mootools.js', 'media/system/js/', false); } $loaded = true; return; } function caption() { JHTML::script('caption.js'); } function formvalidation() { JHTML::script('validate.js' ); } function switcher() { JHTML::script('switcher.js' ); } function combobox() { JHTML::script('combobox.js' ); } function tooltip($selector='.hasTip', $params = array()) { static $tips; if (!isset($tips)) { $tips = array(); } // Include mootools framework JHTMLBehavior::mootools(); $sig = md5(serialize(array($selector,$params))); if (isset($tips[$sig]) && ($tips[$sig])) { return; } // Setup options object $opt['maxTitleChars'] = (isset($params['maxTitleChars']) && ($params['maxTitleChars'])) ? (int)$params['maxTitleChars'] : 50 ; // offsets needs an array in the format: array('x'=>20, 'y'=>30) $opt['offsets'] = (isset($params['offsets']) && (is_array($params['offsets']))) ? $params['offsets'] : null; $opt['showDelay'] = (isset($params['showDelay'])) ? (int)$params['showDelay'] : null; $opt['hideDelay'] = (isset($params['hideDelay'])) ? (int)$params['hideDelay'] : null; $opt['className'] = (isset($params['className'])) ? $params['className'] : null; $opt['fixed'] = (isset($params['fixed']) && ($params['fixed'])) ? '\\true' : '\\false'; $opt['onShow'] = (isset($params['onShow'])) ? '\\'.$params['onShow'] : null; $opt['onHide'] = (isset($params['onHide'])) ? '\\'.$params['onHide'] : null; $options = JHTMLBehavior::_getJSObject($opt); // Attach tooltips to document $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); $tooltipInit = ' window.addEvent(\'domready\', function(){ var JTooltips = new Tips($$(\''.$selector.'\'), '.$options.'); });'; $document->addScriptDeclaration($tooltipInit); // Set static array $tips[$sig] = true; return; } function modal($selector='a.modal', $params = array()) { static $modals; static $included; $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); // Load the necessary files if they haven't yet been loaded if (!isset($included)) { // Load the javascript and css JHTML::script('modal.js'); JHTML::stylesheet('modal.css'); $included = true; } if (!isset($modals)) { $modals = array(); } $sig = md5(serialize(array($selector,$params))); if (isset($modals[$sig]) && ($modals[$sig])) { return; } // Setup options object $opt['ajaxOptions'] = (isset($params['ajaxOptions']) && (is_array($params['ajaxOptions']))) ? $params['ajaxOptions'] : null; $opt['size'] = (isset($params['size']) && (is_array($params['size']))) ? $params['size'] : null; $opt['onOpen'] = (isset($params['onOpen'])) ? $params['onOpen'] : null; $opt['onClose'] = (isset($params['onClose'])) ? $params['onClose'] : null; $opt['onUpdate'] = (isset($params['onUpdate'])) ? $params['onUpdate'] : null; $opt['onResize'] = (isset($params['onResize'])) ? $params['onResize'] : null; $opt['onMove'] = (isset($params['onMove'])) ? $params['onMove'] : null; $opt['onShow'] = (isset($params['onShow'])) ? $params['onShow'] : null; $opt['onHide'] = (isset($params['onHide'])) ? $params['onHide'] : null; $options = JHTMLBehavior::_getJSObject($opt); // Attach modal behavior to document $document->addScriptDeclaration(" window.addEvent('domready', function() { SqueezeBox.initialize(".$options."); $$('".$selector."').each(function(el) { el.addEvent('click', function(e) { new Event(e).stop(); SqueezeBox.fromElement(el); }); }); });"); // Set static array $modals[$sig] = true; return; } function uploader($id='file-upload', $params = array()) { JHTML::script('swf.js' ); JHTML::script('uploader.js' ); static $uploaders; if (!isset($uploaders)) { $uploaders = array(); } if (isset($uploaders[$id]) && ($uploaders[$id])) { return; } // Setup options object $opt['url'] = (isset($params['targetURL'])) ? $params['targetURL'] : null ; $opt['swf'] = (isset($params['swf'])) ? $params['swf'] : JURI::root(true).'/media/system/swf/uploader.swf'; $opt['multiple'] = (isset($params['multiple']) && !($params['multiple'])) ? '\\false' : '\\true'; $opt['queued'] = (isset($params['queued']) && !($params['queued'])) ? '\\false' : '\\true'; $opt['queueList'] = (isset($params['queueList'])) ? $params['queueList'] : 'upload-queue'; $opt['instantStart'] = (isset($params['instantStart']) && ($params['instantStart'])) ? '\\true' : '\\false'; $opt['allowDuplicates'] = (isset($params['allowDuplicates']) && !($params['allowDuplicates'])) ? '\\false' : '\\true'; $opt['limitSize'] = (isset($params['limitSize']) && ($params['limitSize'])) ? (int)$params['limitSize'] : null; $opt['limitFiles'] = (isset($params['limitFiles']) && ($params['limitFiles'])) ? (int)$params['limitFiles'] : null; $opt['optionFxDuration'] = (isset($params['optionFxDuration'])) ? (int)$params['optionFxDuration'] : null; $opt['container'] = (isset($params['container'])) ? '\\$('.$params['container'].')' : '\\$(\''.$id.'\').getParent()'; $opt['types'] = (isset($params['types'])) ?'\\'.$params['types'] : '\\{\'All Files (*.*)\': \'*.*\'}'; // Optional functions $opt['createReplacement'] = (isset($params['createReplacement'])) ? '\\'.$params['createReplacement'] : null; $opt['onComplete'] = (isset($params['onComplete'])) ? '\\'.$params['onComplete'] : null; $opt['onAllComplete'] = (isset($params['onAllComplete'])) ? '\\'.$params['onAllComplete'] : null; /* types: Object with (description: extension) pairs, default: Images (*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.png) */ $options = JHTMLBehavior::_getJSObject($opt); // Attach tooltips to document $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); $uploaderInit = 'sBrowseCaption=\''.JText::_('Browse Files', true).'\'; sRemoveToolTip=\''.JText::_('Remove from queue', true).'\'; window.addEvent(\'load\', function(){ var Uploader = new FancyUpload($(\''.$id.'\'), '.$options.'); $(\'upload-clear\').adopt(new Element(\'input\', { type: \'button\', events: { click: Uploader.clearList.bind(Uploader, [false])}, value: \''.JText::_('Clear Completed').'\' })); });'; $document->addScriptDeclaration($uploaderInit); // Set static array $uploaders[$id] = true; return; } function tree($id, $params = array(), $root = array()) { static $trees; if (!isset($trees)) { $trees = array(); } // Include mootools framework JHTMLBehavior::mootools(); JHTML::script('mootree.js'); JHTML::stylesheet('mootree.css'); if (isset($trees[$id]) && ($trees[$id])) { return; } // Setup options object $opt['div'] = (array_key_exists('div', $params)) ? $params['div'] : $id.'_tree'; $opt['mode'] = (array_key_exists('mode', $params)) ? $params['mode'] : 'folders'; $opt['grid'] = (array_key_exists('grid', $params)) ? '\\'.$params['grid'] : '\\true'; $opt['theme'] = (array_key_exists('theme', $params)) ? $params['theme'] : JURI::root(true).'/media/system/images/mootree.gif'; // Event handlers $opt['onExpand'] = (array_key_exists('onExpand', $params)) ? '\\'.$params['onExpand'] : null; $opt['onSelect'] = (array_key_exists('onSelect', $params)) ? '\\'.$params['onSelect'] : null; $opt['onClick'] = (array_key_exists('onClick', $params)) ? '\\'.$params['onClick'] : '\\function(node){ window.open(node.data.url, $chk(node.data.target) ? node.data.target : \'_self\'); }'; $options = JHTMLBehavior::_getJSObject($opt); // Setup root node $rt['text'] = (array_key_exists('text', $root)) ? $root['text'] : 'Root'; $rt['id'] = (array_key_exists('id', $root)) ? $root['id'] : null; $rt['color'] = (array_key_exists('color', $root)) ? $root['color'] : null; $rt['open'] = (array_key_exists('open', $root)) ? '\\'.$root['open'] : '\\true'; $rt['icon'] = (array_key_exists('icon', $root)) ? $root['icon'] : null; $rt['openicon'] = (array_key_exists('openicon', $root)) ? $root['openicon'] : null; $rt['data'] = (array_key_exists('data', $root)) ? $root['data'] : null; $rootNode = JHTMLBehavior::_getJSObject($rt); $treeName = (array_key_exists('treeName', $params)) ? $params['treeName'] : ''; $js = ' window.addEvent(\'domready\', function(){ tree'.$treeName.' = new MooTreeControl('.$options.','.$rootNode.'); tree'.$treeName.'.adopt(\''.$id.'\');})'; // Attach tooltips to document $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addScriptDeclaration($js); // Set static array $trees[$id] = true; return; } function calendar() { $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); JHTML::stylesheet('calendar-jos.css', 'media/system/css/', array(' title' => JText::_( 'green' ) ,' media' => 'all' )); JHTML::script( 'calendar.js', 'media/system/js/' ); JHTML::script( 'calendar-setup.js', 'media/system/js/' ); $translation = JHTMLBehavior::_calendartranslation(); if($translation) { $document->addScriptDeclaration($translation); } } /** * Keep session alive, for example, while editing or creating an article. */ function keepalive() { // Include mootools framework JHTMLBehavior::mootools(); $config =& JFactory::getConfig(); $lifetime = ( $config->getValue('lifetime') * 60000 ); $refreshTime = ( $lifetime <= 60000 ) ? 30000 : $lifetime - 60000; //refresh time is 1 minute less than the liftime assined in the configuration.php file $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); $script = ''; $script .= 'function keepAlive( ) {'; $script .= ' var myAjax = new Ajax( "index.php", { method: "get" } ).request();'; $script .= '}'; $script .= ' window.addEvent("domready", function()'; $script .= '{ keepAlive.periodical('.$refreshTime.' ); }'; $script .= ');'; $document->addScriptDeclaration($script); return; } /** * Internal method to get a JavaScript object notation string from an array * * @param array $array The array to convert to JavaScript object notation * @return string JavaScript object notation representation of the array * @since 1.5 */ function _getJSObject($array=array()) { // Initialize variables $object = '{'; // Iterate over array to build objects foreach ((array)$array as $k => $v) { if (is_null($v)) { continue; } if (!is_array($v) && !is_object($v)) { $object .= ' '.$k.': '; $object .= (is_numeric($v) || strpos($v, '\\') === 0) ? (is_numeric($v)) ? $v : substr($v, 1) : "'".$v."'"; $object .= ','; } else { $object .= ' '.$k.': '.JHTMLBehavior::_getJSObject($v).','; } } if (substr($object, -1) == ',') { $object = substr($object, 0, -1); } $object .= '}'; return $object; } /** * Internal method to translate the JavaScript Calendar * * @return string JavaScript that translates the object * @since 1.5 */ function _calendartranslation() { static $jsscript = 0; if($jsscript == 0) { $return = 'Calendar._DN = new Array ("'.JText::_('Sunday').'", "'.JText::_('Monday').'", "'.JText::_('Tuesday').'", "'.JText::_('Wednesday').'", "'.JText::_('Thursday').'", "'.JText::_('Friday').'", "'.JText::_('Saturday').'", "'.JText::_('Sunday').'");Calendar._SDN = new Array ("'.JText::_('Sun').'", "'.JText::_('Mon').'", "'.JText::_('Tue').'", "'.JText::_('Wed').'", "'.JText::_('Thu').'", "'.JText::_('Fri').'", "'.JText::_('Sat').'", "'.JText::_('Sun').'"); Calendar._FD = 0; Calendar._MN = new Array ("'.JText::_('January').'", "'.JText::_('February').'", "'.JText::_('March').'", "'.JText::_('April').'", "'.JText::_('May').'", "'.JText::_('June').'", "'.JText::_('July').'", "'.JText::_('August').'", "'.JText::_('September').'", "'.JText::_('October').'", "'.JText::_('November').'", "'.JText::_('December').'"); Calendar._SMN = new Array ("'.JText::_('January_short').'", "'.JText::_('February_short').'", "'.JText::_('March_short').'", "'.JText::_('April_short').'", "'.JText::_('May_short').'", "'.JText::_('June_short').'", "'.JText::_('July_short').'", "'.JText::_('August_short').'", "'.JText::_('September_short').'", "'.JText::_('October_short').'", "'.JText::_('November_short').'", "'.JText::_('December_short').'");Calendar._TT = {};Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "'.JText::_('About the calendar').'"; Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] = "DHTML Date/Time Selector\n" + "(c) dynarch.com 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" + "For latest version visit: http://www.dynarch.com/projects/calendar/\n" + "Distributed under GNU LGPL. See http://gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html for details." + "\n\n" + "Date selection:\n" + "- Use the \xab, \xbb buttons to select year\n" + "- Use the " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " buttons to select month\n" + "- Hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection."; Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" + "Time selection:\n" + "- Click on any of the time parts to increase it\n" + "- or Shift-click to decrease it\n" + "- or click and drag for faster selection."; Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "'.JText::_('Prev. year (hold for menu)').'";Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "'.JText::_('Prev. month (hold for menu)').'"; Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "'.JText::_('Go Today').'";Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "'.JText::_('Next month (hold for menu)').'";Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "'.JText::_('Next year (hold for menu)').'";Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "'.JText::_('Select date').'";Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "'.JText::_('Drag to move').'";Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = "'.JText::_('(Today)').'";Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "'.JText::_('Display %s first').'";Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "0,6";Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "'.JText::_('Close').'";Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "'.JText::_('Today').'";Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "'.JText::_('(Shift-)Click or drag to change value').'";Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "'.JText::_('%Y-%m-%d').'"; Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "'.JText::_('%a, %b %e').'";Calendar._TT["WK"] = "'.JText::_('wk').'";Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "'.JText::_('Time:').'";'; $jsscript = 1; return $return; } else { return false; } } }