File: browser.php
<?php /** * @version $Id: browser.php 10707 2008-08-21 09:52:47Z eddieajau $ * @package Joomla.Framework * @subpackage Environment * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. */ // Check to ensure this file is within the rest of the framework defined('JPATH_BASE') or die(); /** * Browser class, provides capability information about the current web client. * * Browser identification is performed by examining the HTTP_USER_AGENT * environment variable provided by the web server. * * This class has many influences from the lib/Browser.php code in * version 3 of Horde by Chuck Hagenbuch and Jon Parise * * @package Joomla.Framework * @subpackage Environment * @since 1.5 */ class JBrowser extends JObject { /** * Major version number. * * @var integer */ var $_majorVersion = 0; /** * Minor version number. * * @var integer */ var $_minorVersion = 0; /** * Browser name. * * @var string */ var $_browser = ''; /** * Full user agent string. * * @var string */ var $_agent = ''; /** * Lower-case user agent string. * * @var string */ var $_lowerAgent = ''; /** * HTTP_ACCEPT string * * @var string */ var $_accept = ''; /** * Platform the browser is running on. * * @var string */ var $_platform = ''; /** * Known robots. * * @var array */ var $_robots = array( /* The most common ones. */ 'Googlebot', 'msnbot', 'Slurp', 'Yahoo', /* The rest alphabetically. */ 'Arachnoidea', 'ArchitextSpider', 'Ask Jeeves', 'B-l-i-t-z-Bot', 'Baiduspider', 'BecomeBot', 'cfetch', 'ConveraCrawler', 'ExtractorPro', 'FAST-WebCrawler', 'FDSE robot', 'fido', 'geckobot', 'Gigabot', 'Girafabot', 'grub-client', 'Gulliver', 'HTTrack', 'ia_archiver', 'InfoSeek', 'kinjabot', 'KIT-Fireball', 'larbin', 'LEIA', 'lmspider', 'Lycos_Spider', 'Mediapartners-Google', 'MuscatFerret', 'NaverBot', 'OmniExplorer_Bot', 'polybot', 'Pompos', 'Scooter', 'Teoma', 'TheSuBot', 'TurnitinBot', 'Ultraseek', 'ViolaBot', 'webbandit', 'www.almaden.ibm.com/cs/crawler', 'ZyBorg', ); /** * Is this a mobile browser? * * @var boolean */ var $_mobile = false; /** * Features. * * @var array */ var $_features = array( 'html' => true, 'hdml' => false, 'wml' => false, 'images' => true, 'iframes' => false, 'frames' => true, 'tables' => true, 'java' => true, 'javascript' => true, 'dom' => false, 'utf' => false, 'rte' => false, 'homepage' => false, 'accesskey' => false, 'optgroup' => false, 'xmlhttpreq' => false, 'cite' => false, 'xhtml+xml' => false, 'mathml' => false, 'svg' => false ); /** * Quirks * * @var array */ var $_quirks = array( 'avoid_popup_windows' => false, 'break_disposition_header' => false, 'break_disposition_filename' => false, 'broken_multipart_form' => false, 'cache_same_url' => false, 'cache_ssl_downloads' => false, 'double_linebreak_textarea' => false, 'empty_file_input_value' => false, 'must_cache_forms' => false, 'no_filename_spaces' => false, 'no_hidden_overflow_tables' => false, 'ow_gui_1.3' => false, 'png_transparency' => false, 'scrollbar_in_way' => false, 'scroll_tds' => false, 'windowed_controls' => false, ); /** * List of viewable image MIME subtypes. * This list of viewable images works for IE and Netscape/Mozilla. * * @var array */ var $_images = array('jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'pjpeg', 'x-png', 'bmp'); /** * Create a browser instance (Constructor). * * @param string $userAgent The browser string to parse. * @param string $accept The HTTP_ACCEPT settings to use. */ function __construct($userAgent = null, $accept = null) { $this->match($userAgent, $accept); } /** * Returns a reference to the global Browser object, only creating it * if it doesn't already exist. * * This method must be invoked as: * <pre> $browser = &JBrowser::getInstance([$userAgent[, $accept]]);</pre> * * @access public * @param string $userAgent The browser string to parse. * @param string $accept The HTTP_ACCEPT settings to use. * @return JBrowser The Browser object. */ function &getInstance($userAgent = null, $accept = null) { static $instances; if (!isset($instances)) { $instances = array(); } $signature = serialize(array($userAgent, $accept)); if (empty($instances[$signature])) { $instances[$signature] = new JBrowser($userAgent, $accept); } return $instances[$signature]; } /** * Parses the user agent string and inititializes the object with * all the known features and quirks for the given browser. * * @param string $userAgent The browser string to parse. * @param string $accept The HTTP_ACCEPT settings to use. */ function match($userAgent = null, $accept = null) { // Set our agent string. if (is_null($userAgent)) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $this->_agent = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); } } else { $this->_agent = $userAgent; } $this->_lowerAgent = strtolower($this->_agent); // Set our accept string. if (is_null($accept)) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'])) { $this->_accept = strtolower(trim($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'])); } } else { $this->_accept = strtolower($accept); } // Check if browser excepts content type xhtml+xml if (strpos($this->_accept, 'application/xhtml+xml')) { $this->setFeature('xhtml+xml'); } // Check for a mathplayer plugin is installed, so we can use MathML on several browsers if (strpos($this->_lowerAgent, 'mathplayer') !== false) { $this->setFeature('mathml'); } // Check for UTF support. if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET'])) { $this->setFeature('utf', strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET']), 'utf') !== false); } if (!empty($this->_agent)) { $this->_setPlatform(); if (strpos($this->_lowerAgent, 'mobileexplorer') !== false || strpos($this->_lowerAgent, 'openwave') !== false || strpos($this->_lowerAgent, 'opera mini') !== false || strpos($this->_lowerAgent, 'operamini') !== false) { $this->setFeature('frames', false); $this->setFeature('javascript', false); $this->setQuirk('avoid_popup_windows'); $this->_mobile = true; } elseif (preg_match('|Opera[/ ]([0-9.]+)|', $this->_agent, $version)) { $this->setBrowser('opera'); list($this->_majorVersion, $this->_minorVersion) = explode('.', $version[1]); $this->setFeature('javascript', true); $this->setQuirk('no_filename_spaces'); if ($this->_majorVersion >= 7) { $this->setFeature('dom'); $this->setFeature('iframes'); $this->setFeature('accesskey'); $this->setFeature('optgroup'); $this->setQuirk('double_linebreak_textarea'); } } elseif (strpos($this->_lowerAgent, 'elaine/') !== false || strpos($this->_lowerAgent, 'palmsource') !== false || strpos($this->_lowerAgent, 'digital paths') !== false) { $this->setBrowser('palm'); $this->setFeature('images', false); $this->setFeature('frames', false); $this->setFeature('javascript', false); $this->setQuirk('avoid_popup_windows'); $this->_mobile = true; } elseif ((preg_match('|MSIE ([0-9.]+)|', $this->_agent, $version)) || (preg_match('|Internet Explorer/([0-9.]+)|', $this->_agent, $version))) { $this->setBrowser('msie'); $this->setQuirk('cache_ssl_downloads'); $this->setQuirk('cache_same_url'); $this->setQuirk('break_disposition_filename'); if (strpos($version[1], '.') !== false) { list($this->_majorVersion, $this->_minorVersion) = explode('.', $version[1]); } else { $this->_majorVersion = $version[1]; $this->_minorVersion = 0; } /* IE (< 7) on Windows does not support alpha transparency in * PNG images. */ if (($this->_majorVersion < 7) && preg_match('/windows/i', $this->_agent)) { $this->setQuirk('png_transparency'); } /* Some Handhelds have their screen resolution in the * user agent string, which we can use to look for * mobile agents. */ if (preg_match('/; (120x160|240x280|240x320|320x320)\)/', $this->_agent)) { $this->_mobile = true; } switch ($this->_majorVersion) { case 7: $this->setFeature('javascript', 1.4); $this->setFeature('dom'); $this->setFeature('iframes'); $this->setFeature('utf'); $this->setFeature('rte'); $this->setFeature('homepage'); $this->setFeature('accesskey'); $this->setFeature('optgroup'); $this->setFeature('xmlhttpreq'); $this->setQuirk('scrollbar_in_way'); break; case 6: $this->setFeature('javascript', 1.4); $this->setFeature('dom'); $this->setFeature('iframes'); $this->setFeature('utf'); $this->setFeature('rte'); $this->setFeature('homepage'); $this->setFeature('accesskey'); $this->setFeature('optgroup'); $this->setFeature('xmlhttpreq'); $this->setQuirk('scrollbar_in_way'); $this->setQuirk('broken_multipart_form'); $this->setQuirk('windowed_controls'); break; case 5: if ($this->getPlatform() == 'mac') { $this->setFeature('javascript', 1.2); $this->setFeature('optgroup'); } else { // MSIE 5 for Windows. $this->setFeature('javascript', 1.4); $this->setFeature('dom'); $this->setFeature('xmlhttpreq'); if ($this->_minorVersion >= 5) { $this->setFeature('rte'); $this->setQuirk('windowed_controls'); } } $this->setFeature('iframes'); $this->setFeature('utf'); $this->setFeature('homepage'); $this->setFeature('accesskey'); if ($this->_minorVersion == 5) { $this->setQuirk('break_disposition_header'); $this->setQuirk('broken_multipart_form'); } break; case 4: $this->setFeature('javascript', 1.2); $this->setFeature('accesskey'); if ($this->_minorVersion > 0) { $this->setFeature('utf'); } break; case 3: $this->setFeature('javascript', 1.5); $this->setQuirk('avoid_popup_windows'); break; } } elseif (preg_match('|amaya/([0-9.]+)|', $this->_agent, $version)) { $this->setBrowser('amaya'); $this->_majorVersion = $version[1]; if (isset($version[2])) { $this->_minorVersion = $version[2]; } if ($this->_majorVersion > 1) { $this->setFeature('mathml'); $this->setFeature('svg'); } $this->setFeature('xhtml+xml'); } elseif (preg_match('|W3C_Validator/([0-9.]+)|', $this->_agent, $version)) { $this->setFeature('mathml'); $this->setFeature('svg'); $this->setFeature('xhtml+xml'); } elseif (preg_match('|ANTFresco/([0-9]+)|', $this->_agent, $version)) { $this->setBrowser('fresco'); $this->setFeature('javascript', 1.5); $this->setQuirk('avoid_popup_windows'); } elseif (strpos($this->_lowerAgent, 'avantgo') !== false) { $this->setBrowser('avantgo'); $this->_mobile = true; } elseif (preg_match('|Konqueror/([0-9]+)|', $this->_agent, $version) || preg_match('|Safari/([0-9]+)\.?([0-9]+)?|', $this->_agent, $version)) { // Konqueror and Apple's Safari both use the KHTML // rendering engine. $this->setBrowser('konqueror'); $this->setQuirk('empty_file_input_value'); $this->setQuirk('no_hidden_overflow_tables'); $this->_majorVersion = $version[1]; if (isset($version[2])) { $this->_minorVersion = $version[2]; } if (strpos($this->_agent, 'Safari') !== false && $this->_majorVersion >= 60) { // Safari. $this->setFeature('utf'); $this->setFeature('javascript', 1.4); $this->setFeature('dom'); $this->setFeature('iframes'); if ($this->_majorVersion > 125 || ($this->_majorVersion == 125 && $this->_minorVersion >= 1)) { $this->setFeature('accesskey'); $this->setFeature('xmlhttpreq'); } if ($this->_majorVersion > 522) { $this->setFeature('svg'); $this->setFeature('xhtml+xml'); } } else { // Konqueror. $this->setFeature('javascript', 1.5); switch ($this->_majorVersion) { case 3: $this->setFeature('dom'); $this->setFeature('iframes'); $this->setFeature('xhtml+xml'); break; } } } elseif (preg_match('|Mozilla/([0-9.]+)|', $this->_agent, $version)) { $this->setBrowser('mozilla'); $this->setQuirk('must_cache_forms'); list($this->_majorVersion, $this->_minorVersion) = explode('.', $version[1]); switch ($this->_majorVersion) { case 5: if ($this->getPlatform() == 'win') { $this->setQuirk('break_disposition_filename'); } $this->setFeature('javascript', 1.4); $this->setFeature('dom'); $this->setFeature('accesskey'); $this->setFeature('optgroup'); $this->setFeature('xmlhttpreq'); $this->setFeature('cite'); if (preg_match('|rv:(.*)\)|', $this->_agent, $revision)) { if ($revision[1] >= 1) { $this->setFeature('iframes'); } if ($revision[1] >= 1.3) { $this->setFeature('rte'); } if ($revision[1] >= 1.5) { $this->setFeature('svg'); $this->setFeature('mathml'); $this->setFeature('xhtml+xml'); } } break; case 4: $this->setFeature('javascript', 1.3); $this->setQuirk('buggy_compression'); break; case 3: default: $this->setFeature('javascript', 1); $this->setQuirk('buggy_compression'); break; } } elseif (preg_match('|Lynx/([0-9]+)|', $this->_agent, $version)) { $this->setBrowser('lynx'); $this->setFeature('images', false); $this->setFeature('frames', false); $this->setFeature('javascript', false); $this->setQuirk('avoid_popup_windows'); } elseif (preg_match('|Links \(([0-9]+)|', $this->_agent, $version)) { $this->setBrowser('links'); $this->setFeature('images', false); $this->setFeature('frames', false); $this->setFeature('javascript', false); $this->setQuirk('avoid_popup_windows'); } elseif (preg_match('|HotJava/([0-9]+)|', $this->_agent, $version)) { $this->setBrowser('hotjava'); $this->setFeature('javascript', false); } elseif (strpos($this->_agent, 'UP/') !== false || strpos($this->_agent, 'UP.B') !== false || strpos($this->_agent, 'UP.L') !== false) { $this->setBrowser('up'); $this->setFeature('html', false); $this->setFeature('javascript', false); $this->setFeature('hdml'); $this->setFeature('wml'); if (strpos($this->_agent, 'GUI') !== false && strpos($this->_agent, 'UP.Link') !== false) { /* The device accepts Openwave GUI extensions for * WML 1.3. Non-UP.Link gateways sometimes have * problems, so exclude them. */ $this->setQuirk('ow_gui_1.3'); } $this->_mobile = true; } elseif (strpos($this->_agent, 'Xiino/') !== false) { $this->setBrowser('xiino'); $this->setFeature('hdml'); $this->setFeature('wml'); $this->_mobile = true; } elseif (strpos($this->_agent, 'Palmscape/') !== false) { $this->setBrowser('palmscape'); $this->setFeature('javascript', false); $this->setFeature('hdml'); $this->setFeature('wml'); $this->_mobile = true; } elseif (strpos($this->_agent, 'Nokia') !== false) { $this->setBrowser('nokia'); $this->setFeature('html', false); $this->setFeature('wml'); $this->setFeature('xhtml'); $this->_mobile = true; } elseif (strpos($this->_agent, 'Ericsson') !== false) { $this->setBrowser('ericsson'); $this->setFeature('html', false); $this->setFeature('wml'); $this->_mobile = true; } elseif (strpos($this->_lowerAgent, 'wap') !== false) { $this->setBrowser('wap'); $this->setFeature('html', false); $this->setFeature('javascript', false); $this->setFeature('hdml'); $this->setFeature('wml'); $this->_mobile = true; } elseif (strpos($this->_lowerAgent, 'docomo') !== false || strpos($this->_lowerAgent, 'portalmmm') !== false) { $this->setBrowser('imode'); $this->setFeature('images', false); $this->_mobile = true; } elseif (strpos($this->_agent, 'BlackBerry') !== false) { $this->setBrowser('blackberry'); $this->setFeature('html', false); $this->setFeature('javascript', false); $this->setFeature('hdml'); $this->setFeature('wml'); $this->_mobile = true; } elseif (strpos($this->_agent, 'MOT-') !== false) { $this->setBrowser('motorola'); $this->setFeature('html', false); $this->setFeature('javascript', false); $this->setFeature('hdml'); $this->setFeature('wml'); $this->_mobile = true; } elseif (strpos($this->_lowerAgent, 'j-') !== false) { $this->setBrowser('mml'); $this->_mobile = true; } } } /** * Match the platform of the browser. * * This is a pretty simplistic implementation, but it's intended * to let us tell what line breaks to send, so it's good enough * for its purpose. */ function _setPlatform() { if (strpos($this->_lowerAgent, 'wind') !== false) { $this->_platform = 'win'; } elseif (strpos($this->_lowerAgent, 'mac') !== false) { $this->_platform = 'mac'; } else { $this->_platform = 'unix'; } } /** * Return the currently matched platform. * * @return string The user's platform. */ function getPlatform() { return $this->_platform; } /** * Sets the current browser. * * @param string $browser The browser to set as current. */ function setBrowser($browser) { $this->_browser = $browser; } /** * Retrieve the current browser. * * @return string The current browser. */ function getBrowser() { return $this->_browser; } /** * Retrieve the current browser's major version. * * @return integer The current browser's major version. */ function getMajor() { return $this->_majorVersion; } /** * Retrieve the current browser's minor version. * @return integer The current browser's minor version. */ function getMinor() { return $this->_minorVersion; } /** * Retrieve the current browser's version. * @return string The current browser's version. */ function getVersion() { return $this->_majorVersion . '.' . $this->_minorVersion; } /** * Return the full browser agent string. * * @return string The browser agent string. */ function getAgentString() { return $this->_agent; } /** * Returns the server protocol in use on the current server. * * @return string The HTTP server protocol version. */ function getHTTPProtocol() { if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'])) { if (($pos = strrpos($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'], '/'))) { return substr($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'], $pos + 1); } } return null; } /** * Set unique behavior for the current browser. * * @param string $quirk The behavior to set. * @param string $value Special behavior parameter. */ function setQuirk($quirk, $value = true) { $this->_quirks[$quirk] = $value; } /** * Check unique behavior for the current browser. * * @param string $quirk The behavior to check. * @return boolean Does the browser have the behavior set? */ function hasQuirk($quirk) { return !empty($this->_quirks[$quirk]); } /** * Retrieve unique behavior for the current browser. * * @param string $quirk The behavior to retrieve. * @return string The value for the requested behavior. */ function getQuirk($quirk) { return isset($this->_quirks[$quirk]) ? $this->_quirks[$quirk] : null; } /** * Set capabilities for the current browser. * * @param string $feature The capability to set. * @param string $value Special capability parameter. */ function setFeature($feature, $value = true) { $this->_features[$feature] = $value; } /** * Check the current browser capabilities. * @param string $feature The capability to check. * @return boolean Does the browser have the capability set? */ function hasFeature($feature) { return !empty($this->_features[$feature]); } /** * Retrieve the current browser capability. * * @param string $feature The capability to retrieve. * @return string The value of the requested capability. */ function getFeature($feature) { return isset($this->_features[$feature]) ? $this->_features[$feature] : null; } /** * Determines if a browser can display a given MIME type. * * @param string $mimetype The MIME type to check. * @return boolean True if the browser can display the MIME type. */ function isViewable($mimetype) { $mimetype = strtolower($mimetype); list($type, $subtype) = explode('/', $mimetype); if (!empty($this->_accept)) { $wildcard_match = false; if (strpos($this->_accept, $mimetype) !== false) { return true; } if (strpos($this->_accept, '*/*') !== false) { $wildcard_match = true; if ($type != 'image') { return true; } } /* image/jpeg and image/pjpeg *appear* to be the same * entity, but Mozilla doesn't seem to want to accept the * latter. For our purposes, we will treat them the * same. */ if ($this->isBrowser('mozilla') && ($mimetype == 'image/pjpeg') && (strpos($this->_accept, 'image/jpeg') !== false)) { return true; } if (!$wildcard_match) { return false; } } if (!$this->hasFeature('images') || ($type != 'image')) { return false; } return (in_array($subtype, $this->_images)); } /** * Determine if the given browser is the same as the current. * * @param string $browser The browser to check. * @return boolean Is the given browser the same as the current? */ function isBrowser($browser) { return ($this->_browser === $browser); } /** * Determines if the browser is a robot or not. * * @return boolean True if browser is a known robot. */ function isRobot() { foreach ($this->_robots as $robot) { if (strpos($this->_agent, $robot) !== false) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Determine if we are using a secure (SSL) connection. * * @return boolean True if using SSL, false if not. */ function isSSLConnection() { return ((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on')) || getenv('SSL_PROTOCOL_VERSION')); } }