File: en-GB.mod_mainmenu.ini
# $Id: en-GB.mod_mainmenu.ini 10498 2008-07-04 00:05:36Z ian $ # Joomla! Project # Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. # License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php # Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM ACTIVATE PARENT=Activate Parent ALIGNMENT OF THE MENU ICONS=Alignment of the Menu Images ALWAYS SHOW SUBMENU ITEMS=Always show sub-menu Items CHOOSE WHICH INDENT IMAGE SYSTEM TO UTILISE=Choose which indent image system to utilise DISPLAYS A MENU.=Displays a Menu. END LEVEL=End Level END SPACER=End Spacer END SPACER FOR HORIZONTAL MENU=End spacer for horizontal Menu EXPAND MENU=Expand Menu FLAT LIST=Flat List FULL ACTIVE HIGHLIGHTING=Full Active Highlighting HORIZONTAL=Horizontal IMAGE FOR THE FIRST SUB-LEVEL=Image for the first sub-level IMAGE FOR THE SECOND SUB-LEVEL=Image for the second sub-level IMAGE FOR THE THIRD SUB-LEVEL=Image for the third sub-level IMAGE FOR THE FOURTH SUB-LEVEL=Image for the fourth sub-level IMAGE FOR THE FIFTH SUB-LEVEL=Image for the fifth sub-level IMAGE FOR THE SIXTH SUB-LEVEL=Image for the sixth sub-level INDENT IMAGE=Indent Image INDENT IMAGE 1=Indent Image 1 INDENT IMAGE 2=Indent Image 2 INDENT IMAGE 3=Indent Image 3 INDENT IMAGE 4=Indent Image 4 INDENT IMAGE 5=Indent Image 5 INDENT IMAGE 6=Indent Image 6 JOOMLA! DEFAULT IMAGES=Joomla! default images LEGACY - FLAT LIST=Legacy - Flat List LEGACY - HORIZONTAL=Legacy - Horizontal LEGACY - VERTICAL=Legacy - Vertical LIST=List MENU=Menu MENU CLASS SUFFIX=Menu Class Suffix MENU ICON ALIGNMENT=Menu Image Alignment MENU ICON LINK=Menu Image Link MENU MODULE=Menu Module MENU NAME=Menu Name MENU STYLE=Menu Style MOD_MAINMENU=<em>mod_mainmenu</em> PARAMACTIVATEPARENT=Sets the activation ID also for all parent Menus in the tree PARAMEXPANDMENU=Expand the Menu and make its sub-menu Items always visible PARAMFULLACTIVEHIGHLIGHTING=Enable Full Active Menu Item Highlighting, including Link-Article and Link-URL. This can cause loss of XHTML compliance if more than one item is active. PARAMMENUCLASSSUFFIX=A suffix to be applied to the CSS class of the Menu Items PARAMMENUICONLINK=Link on images instead of text. Image must be selected in the Menu Items. PARAMMENUTAGID=An id attribute to assign to the root ul tag of the menu (optional) PARAMSHOWMENUICONS=Show the Menu Images you have selected for your Menu Items PARAMSHOWSUBMENUITEMS=Display all sub-menu items regardless of whether or not parent is active. PARAMSTARTLEVEL=Level to start rendering the Menu at. PARAMSTOPLEVEL=Level to stop rendering the Menu at. PARAMTARGETPOSITION=JavaScript values to position a Popup window, eg, top=50,left=50,width=200,height=300 PARAMMENUMAXDEPTH=This is the maximum number of depths before menu items are ignored due to absent parents. Increase this if you find deep child menu items not appearing in your menu. MAXIMUM MENU DEPTH=Maximum Menu Depth SELECT MENU=Select Menu SHOW MENU ICONS=Show Menu Images SHOW WHITESPACE=Show Whitespace SHOW WHITESPACE DESC=Select whether to show whitespace in rendered XHTML SPACER=Spacer SPACER FOR HORIZONTAL MENU=Spacer for horizontal Menu START LEVEL=Start Level TARGET POSITION=Target Position THE MENU STYLE=The Menu style THE NAME OF THE MENU (DEFAULT IS MAINMENU)=The name of the Menu. The default is <em>mainmenu</em>. USE PARAMS BELOW=Use Parameters below VERTICAL=Vertical