File: en-GB.com_content.ini
# $Id: en-GB.com_content.ini 11654 2009-03-08 19:57:29Z willebil $ # Joomla! Project # Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. # License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php # Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM ACCESS LEVEL=Access Level ADD=Add ALIGN=Align ALT TEXT=Alt Text ALREADY EXISTS=Already exists ALTERNATIVE READ MORE TEXT=Alternative Read more: PARAMALTREADMORE=Enter text that will display alongside the dynamic <em>Read more</em> of the IntroText. It will be displayed instead of the main Article title where used. ARCHIVES=Archives ARTICLES BEING MOVED= Articles being moved: ARTICLES BEING COPIED=Articles being copied: ARTICLE CATEGORY NOT PUBLISHED=Article Category not published ARTICLE MUST HAVE A TITLE=Article must have a Title ARTICLE MUST HAVE SOME TEXT=Article must have some text ARTICLE SECTION NOT PUBLISHED=Article Section not published ARTICLE # NOT FOUND=Article #%d not found ARTICLE RATING=Article Rating AUTHOR=Author AUTHOR ALIAS=Author Alias AUTHOR FILTER=Author Filter BORDER=Border BOTTOM=Bottom CAPTION=Caption CONTENT=Content CREATED=Created DATE=Date DESCNEWITEMSFIRST=New Article defaults to the first position. Ordering can be changed after this Article has been saved. DESCRIPTION=Description DISPLAY NUM=Display # DOWN=Down EDIT IMAGE=Edit Image EDIT ITEM=Edit Article EDITOR=Editor EMAIL=E-mail EMAIL_MSG=The following page from the "%s" Web site has been sent to you by %s ( %s ).\n\nYou can access it at the following URL:\n %s EMAIL_ERR_NOINFO=You must enter your valid e-mail address and a valid e-mail for the recipient. FILTER=Filter FINISH PUBLISHING=Finish Publishing GREEN=Green HITS=Hits HITS FILTER=Hits Filter IMAGES=Images INFO=Info INSERT=Insert INTRO TEXT=Intro Text INVALID RATING=Invalid Rating ITEM=Article ITEM SENT BY=Article sent by %s ITEM SUCCESSFULLY SAVED.=Article successfully saved. ITEMS=Articles ITEM TITLE=Article Title KEY NOT FOUND=Key not found KEYWORDS=Keywords LAST MODIFIED=Last Modified MESSAGE SUBJECT=Message Subject METADATA=Metadata MORE=More... NEVER=Never NEW ITEM=New Item NO IMAGE=No Image NO=No NUM=# ON_NEW_CONTENT=A new Article has been submitted by [ %s ] titled [ %s ] from Section [ %s ] and Category [ %s ] OPTIONAL=Optional ORDER=Order ORDERING=Ordering PAGE=Page PDF=PDF PGB TOC ALIAS PROMPT=Table of Contents Alias: PGB PAGE TITLE=Page Title: PGB INS PAGEBRK=Insert Pagebreak PGB ARTICLE PAGEBRK=Article Pagebreak PLEASE SELECT A CATEGORY=Please select a Category PUBLISHED=Published PUBLISHING=Publishing REGISTER TO READ MORE...=Register to read more... READ MORE=Read more: %s REGISTERED USERS ONLY=Registered Users Only REQUIRED=Required REMOVE=Remove SEND EMAIL=Send e-mail SELECT CATEGORY=Select Category SELECT SECTION=Select Section SHOW ON FRONT PAGE=Show on Front Page SOURCE=Source START PUBLISHING=Start Publishing STATE=State SUB-FOLDER=Sub-folder SUBMIT AN ARTICLE=Submit an Article THANK_SUB=Thank you for your submission. It will be reviewed before being posted on the site. THANKS FOR RATING!=Thanks for rating! THE MODULE=The Module THIS CATEGORY IS CURRENTLY EMPTY=This Category is currently empty. THIS ITEM HAS BEEN SENT TO=This Article was sent to TITLE=Title TITLE ASC=Title asc TITLE DESC=Title desc TITLE FILTER=Title Filter TOP=Top UNABLE TO LOAD DATA=Unable to load data. UNCATEGORIZED=Uncategorised UP=Up VERSION=Version VIEW ALL=View All WARNUSER=Please either Cancel or Save the current change. WRITTEN BY=Written by %s YES=Yes YOU ALREADY RATED THIS ARTICLE TODAY!=You already rated this Article today! YOUR EMAIL=Your E-mail YOUR FRIENDS EMAIL=Your friend's e-mail YOUR NAME=Your Name TOGGLE EDITOR=Toggle editor