File: view.html.php
<?php /* * @package Joomla 1.5 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * * @component Phoca Component * @copyright Copyright (C) Jan Pavelka www.phoca.cz * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL */ defined('_JEXEC') or die(); jimport( 'joomla.application.component.view'); phocagalleryimport( 'phocagallery.image.image'); phocagalleryimport( 'phocagallery.image.imagefront'); phocagalleryimport( 'phocagallery.file.filethumbnail'); phocagalleryimport( 'phocagallery.rate.rateimage'); phocagalleryimport( 'phocagallery.picasa.picasa'); class PhocaGalleryViewDetail extends JView { function display($tpl = null) { global $mainframe; $document = &JFactory::getDocument(); $params = &$mainframe->getParams(); $user = &JFactory::getUser(); $slideshow = JRequest::getVar('phocaslideshow', 0, '', 'int'); $download = JRequest::getVar('phocadownload', 0, '', 'int'); $uri = &JFactory::getURI(); // PLUGIN WINDOW - we get information from plugin $get = ''; $get['detail'] = JRequest::getVar( 'detail', '', 'get', 'string'); $get['buttons'] = JRequest::getVar( 'buttons', '', 'get', 'string' ); $get['ratingimg'] = JRequest::getVar( 'ratingimg', '', 'get', 'string' ); $tmpl['picasa_correct_width_l'] = (int)$params->get( 'large_image_width', 640 ); $tmpl['picasa_correct_height_l'] = (int)$params->get( 'large_image_height', 480 ); $tmpl['action'] = $uri->toString(); // START CSS $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::base(true).'/components/com_phocagallery/assets/phocagallery.css'); // PARAMS - Open window parameters - modal popup box or standard popup window $detail_window = $params->get( 'detail_window', 0 ); // Plugin information if (isset($get['detail']) && $get['detail'] != '') { $detail_window = $get['detail']; } $tmpl['detailbuttons'] = $params->get( 'detail_buttons', 1 ); // Plugin information if (isset($get['buttons']) && $get['buttons'] != '') { $tmpl['detailbuttons'] = $get['buttons']; } // Standard popup window if ($detail_window == 1) { $tmpl['detailwindowclose'] = 'window.close();'; $tmpl['detailwindowreload'] = 'window.location.reload(true);'; } else if ($detail_window == 4 || $detail_window == 5) {// highslide $tmpl['detailwindowclose'] = 'return false;'; $tmpl['detailwindowreload'] = 'window.location.reload(true);'; } else if ($detail_window == 7) { $tmpl['detailwindowclose'] = ''; $tmpl['detailwindowreload'] = ''; } else {//modal popup window $tmpl['detailwindowclose'] = 'window.parent.document.getElementById(\'sbox-window\').close();'; $tmpl['detailwindowreload'] = 'window.location.reload(true);'; } $tmpl['displaydescriptiondetail'] = $params->get( 'display_description_detail', 0 ); $tmpl['displaytitleindescription'] = $params->get( 'display_title_description', 0 ); $tmpl['descriptiondetailheight'] = $params->get( 'description_detail_height', 16 ); $tmpl['fontsizedesc'] = $params->get( 'font_size_desc', 11 ); $tmpl['fontcolordesc'] = $params->get( 'font_color_desc', '#333333' ); $tmpl['fontb'] = PhocaGalleryRenderInfo::getPhocaIc((int)$params->get( 'display_phoca_info', 1 )); $tmpl['detailwindowbackgroundcolor'] = $params->get( 'detail_window_background_color', '#ffffff' ); $tmpl['descriptionlightboxfontcolor'] = $params->get( 'description_lightbox_font_color', '#ffffff' ); $tmpl['descriptionlightboxbgcolor'] = $params->get( 'description_lightbox_bg_color', '#000000' ); $tmpl['descriptionlightboxfontsize'] = $params->get( 'description_lightbox_font_size', 12 ); $tmpl['displayratingimg'] = $params->get( 'display_rating_img', 0 ); $tmpl['displayicondownload'] = $params->get( 'display_icon_download', 0 ); $tmpl['detailwindow'] = $params->get( 'detail_window', 0 ); $tmpl['externalcommentsystem'] = $params->get( 'external_comment_system', 0 ); $tmpl['emt'] = PhocaGalleryRenderFront::getString(); // Download from the detail view which is not in the popupbox if ($download == 2 ){ $tmpl['displayicondownload'] = 2; } // Plugin Information if (isset($get['ratingimg']) && $get['ratingimg'] != '') { $tmpl['displayratingimg'] = $get['ratingimg']; } // NO SCROLLBAR IN DETAIL WINDOW if ($detail_window == 7) { } else { $document->addCustomTag( "<style type=\"text/css\"> \n" ." html,body, .contentpane{overflow:hidden;background:".$tmpl['detailwindowbackgroundcolor'].";} \n" ." center, table {background:".$tmpl['detailwindowbackgroundcolor'].";} \n" ." #sbox-window {background-color:#fff;padding:5px} \n" ." </style> \n"); } // PARAMS - Get image height and width $tmpl['largewidth'] = $params->get( 'large_image_width', 640 ); $tmpl['largeheight'] = $params->get( 'large_image_height', 480 ); $tmpl['boxlargewidth'] = $params->get( 'front_modal_box_width', 680 ); $tmpl['boxlargeheight'] = $params->get( 'front_modal_box_height', 560 ); $front_popup_window_width = $tmpl['boxlargewidth'];//since version 2.2 $front_popup_window_height = $tmpl['boxlargeheight'];//since version 2.2 // YOUTUBE // Standard popup window if ($detail_window == 1) { $tmpl['windowwidth'] = $front_popup_window_width; $tmpl['windowheight'] = $front_popup_window_height; } else {//modal popup window $tmpl['windowwidth'] = $tmpl['boxlargewidth']; $tmpl['windowheight'] = $tmpl['boxlargeheight']; } // PARAMS - Slideshow $tmpl['slideshowdelay'] = $params->get( 'slideshow_delay', 3000 ); $tmpl['slideshowpause'] = $params->get( 'slideshow_pause', 0 ); $tmpl['slideshowrandom'] = $params->get( 'slideshow_random', 0 ); // MODEL $model = &$this->getModel(); $item = $model->getData(); // Access check - don't display the image if you have no access to this image (if user add own url) // USER RIGHT - ACCESS - - - - - - - - - - $rightDisplay = 0; if (!empty($item)) { $rightDisplay = PhocaGalleryAccess::getUserRight('accessuserid', $item->cataccessuserid, $item->cataccess, $user->get('aid', 0), $user->get('id', 0), 0); } if ($rightDisplay == 0) { $mainframe->redirect('index.php?option=com_user&view=login', JText::_("ALERTNOTAUTH")); exit; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - phocagalleryimport('phocagallery.image.image'); //Javascript Slideshow buttons phocagalleryimport('phocagallery.render.renderdetailbutton'); $detailButton = new PhocaGalleryRenderDetailButton(); $item->reloadbutton = $detailButton->getReload($item->catslug, $item->slug); $item->closebutton = $detailButton->getClose($item->catslug, $item->slug); $item->closetext = $detailButton->getCloseText($item->catslug, $item->slug); $item->nextbutton = $detailButton->getNext((int)$item->catid, (int)$item->id, (int)$item->ordering); $item->prevbutton = $detailButton->getPrevious((int)$item->catid, (int)$item->id, (int)$item->ordering); $slideshowData = $detailButton->getJsSlideshow((int)$item->catid, (int)$item->id, (int)$slideshow, $item->catslug, $item->slug); $item->slideshowbutton = $slideshowData['icons']; $item->slideshowfiles = $slideshowData['files']; $item->slideshow = $slideshow; // Download $item->download = $download; // Get file thumbnail or No Image $item->filenameno = $item->filename; $item->filename = PhocaGalleryFile::getTitleFromFile($item->filename, 1); $item->filesize = PhocaGalleryFile::getFileSize($item->filenameno); $realImageSize = ''; if (isset($item->extid) && $item->extid != '') { $item->extl = $item->extl; $item->exto = $item->exto; $realImageSize = PhocaGalleryImage::getRealImageSize($item->extl, '', 1); $item->imagesize = PhocaGalleryImage::getImageSize($item->exto, 1, 1); } else { $item->linkthumbnailpath = PhocaGalleryImageFront::displayCategoryImageOrNoImage($item->filenameno, 'large'); $realImageSize = PhocaGalleryImage::getRealImageSize ($item->filenameno); $item->imagesize = PhocaGalleryImage::getImageSize($item->filenameno, 1); } if (isset($realImageSize['w']) && isset($realImageSize['h'])) { $item->realimagewidth = $realImageSize['w']; $item->realimageheight = $realImageSize['h']; } else { $item->realimagewidth = $tmpl['largewidth']; $item->realimageheight = $tmpl['largeheight']; } // ADD STATISTICS $model->hit(JRequest::getVar( 'id', '', '', 'int' )); // R A T I N G // Only registered (VOTES + COMMENTS) $tmpl['notregisteredimg'] = true; $tmpl['usernameimg'] = ''; if ($user->aid > 0) { $tmpl['notregisteredimg'] = false; $tmpl['usernameimg'] = $user->name; } // VOTES Statistics Img if ((int)$tmpl['displayratingimg'] == 1) { $tmpl['votescountimg'] = 0; $tmpl['votesaverageimg'] = 0; $tmpl['voteswidthimg'] = 0; $votesStatistics = PhocaGalleryRateImage::getVotesStatistics((int)$item->id); if (!empty($votesStatistics->count)) { $tmpl['votescountimg'] = $votesStatistics->count; } if (!empty($votesStatistics->average)) { $tmpl['votesaverageimg'] = $votesStatistics->average; if ($tmpl['votesaverageimg'] > 0) { $tmpl['votesaverageimg'] = round(((float)$tmpl['votesaverageimg'] / 0.5)) * 0.5; $tmpl['voteswidthimg'] = 22 * $tmpl['votesaverageimg']; } else { $tmpl['votesaverageimg'] = (int)0;// not float displaying } } if ((int)$tmpl['votescountimg'] > 1) { $tmpl['votestextimg'] = 'votes'; } else { $tmpl['votestextimg'] = 'vote'; } // Already rated? $tmpl['alreadyratedimg'] = PhocaGalleryRateImage::checkUserVote( (int)$item->id, (int)$user->id ); } // Back button $tmpl['backbutton'] = ''; if ($tmpl['detailwindow'] == 7) { phocagalleryimport('phocagallery.image.image'); $formatIcon = &PhocaGalleryImage::getFormatIcon(); $tmpl['backbutton'] = '<div><a href="'.JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=category&id='. $item->catslug.'&Itemid='. JRequest::getVar('Itemid', 1, 'get', 'int')).'"' .' title="'.JText::_( 'Back to category' ).'">' . JHTML::_('image', 'components/com_phocagallery/assets/images/icon-up-images.' . $formatIcon, JText::_( 'Back to category' )).'</a></div>'; } // ASIGN $this->assignRef( 'tmpl', $tmpl ); $this->assignRef( 'item', $item ); if (isset($item->videocode) && $item->videocode != '') { parent::display('video'); } else { parent::display('slideshowjs'); if ($item->slideshow == 1) { parent::display('slideshow'); } else if ($item->download > 0) { if ($tmpl['displayicondownload'] == 2) { $backLink = 'index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=category&id='. $item->catslug.'&Itemid='. JRequest::getVar('Itemid', 1, 'get', 'int'); phocagalleryimport('phocagallery.file.filedownload'); if (isset($item->exto) && $item->exto != '') { PhocaGalleryFileDownload::download($item, $backLink, 1); } else { PhocaGalleryFileDownload::download($item, $backLink); } exit; } else { parent::display('download'); } } else { parent::display($tpl); } } } }