File: categories.php
<?php /* * @package Joomla 1.5 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * * @component Phoca Component * @copyright Copyright (C) Jan Pavelka www.phoca.cz * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL */ defined('_JEXEC') or die(); jimport('joomla.application.component.model'); class PhocagalleryModelCategories extends JModel { var $_data = null; var $_total = null; var $_context = 'com_phocagallery.categories'; function __construct() { global $mainframe; parent::__construct(); $config = JFactory::getConfig(); $paramsC = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_phocagallery') ; $default_pagination = $paramsC->get( 'default_pagination_categories', '0' ); $context = $this->_context.'.'; // Get the pagination request variables $this->setState('limit', $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($context .'limit', 'limit', $default_pagination, 'int')); $this->setState('limitstart', JRequest::getVar('limitstart', 0, '', 'int')); // In case limit has been changed, adjust limitstart accordingly $this->setState('limitstart', ($this->getState('limit') != 0 ? (floor($this->getState('limitstart') / $this->getState('limit')) * $this->getState('limit')) : 0)); // Get the filter request variables $this->setState('filter_order', JRequest::getCmd('filter_order', 'ordering')); $this->setState('filter_order_dir', JRequest::getCmd('filter_order_Dir', 'ASC')); } function getData() { global $mainframe; if (empty($this->_data)) { $query = $this->_buildQuery(); $this->_data = $this->_getList( $query );// We need all data because of tree // Order Categories to tree $text = ''; // test is tree name e.g. Category >> Subcategory $tree = array(); $this->_data = $this->_categoryTree($this->_data, $tree, 0, $text, -1); return $this->_data; } } /* * Is called after setTotal from the view */ function getTotal() { return $this->_total; } function setTotal($total) { $this->_total = (int)$total; } /* * Is called after setTotal from the view */ function getPagination() { if (empty($this->_pagination)) { jimport('joomla.html.pagination'); $this->_pagination = new PhocaGalleryPaginationCategories( $this->getTotal(), $this->getState('limitstart'), $this->getState('limit') ); } return $this->_pagination; } function _buildQuery() { global $mainframe; $user = &JFactory::getUser(); $gid = $user->get('aid', 0); // Params $params = &$mainframe->getParams(); $display_subcategories = $params->get( 'display_subcategories', 1 ); //$show_empty_categories= $params->get( 'display_empty_categories', 0 ); //$hide_categories = $params->get( 'hide_categories', '' ); $category_ordering = $params->get( 'category_ordering', 1 ); // Display or hide subcategories in CATEGORIES VIEW $hideSubCatSql = ''; if ((int)$display_subcategories != 1) { $hideSubCatSql = ' AND cc.parent_id = 0'; } // Get all categories which should be hidden /*$hideCatArray = explode( ';', trim( $hide_categories ) ); $hideCatSql = ''; if (is_array($hideCatArray)) { foreach ($hideCatArray as $value) { $hideCatSql .= ' AND cc.id != '. (int) trim($value) .' '; } }*/ //Display or hide empty categories /* $emptyCat = ''; if ($show_empty_categories != 1) { $emptyCat = ' AND a.published = 1'; }*/ phocagalleryimport('phocagallery.ordering.ordering'); $categoryOrdering = PhocaGalleryOrdering::getOrderingString($category_ordering); $query = 'SELECT cc.*, a.catid, COUNT(a.id) AS numlinks, u.username AS username, r.count AS ratingcount, r.average AS ratingaverage, uc.avatar AS avatar, uc.approved AS avatarapproved, uc.published AS avatarpublished, a.filename, a.exts, a.extm, a.extw, a.exth,' . ' CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(cc.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\', cc.id, cc.alias) ELSE cc.id END as slug' . ' FROM #__phocagallery_categories AS cc' //. ' LEFT JOIN #__phocagallery AS a ON a.catid = cc.id' . ' LEFT JOIN #__phocagallery AS a ON a.catid = cc.id and a.published = 1' . ' LEFT JOIN #__phocagallery_user AS uc ON uc.userid = cc.owner_id' . ' LEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON u.id = cc.owner_id' . ' LEFT JOIN #__phocagallery_votes_statistics AS r ON r.catid = cc.id' . ' WHERE cc.published = 1' . ' AND cc.approved = 1' //. ' AND (a.published = 1 OR a.id is null)' //. $emptyCat - need to be set in tree . $hideSubCatSql //. $hideCatSql - need to be set in tree . ' GROUP BY cc.id' . ' ORDER BY cc.'.$categoryOrdering; return $query; } /* * Create category tree */ function _categoryTree( $data, $tree, $id = 0, $text='', $currentId) { foreach ($data as $key) { $show_text = $text . $key->title; static $iCT = 0;// All displayed items if ($key->parent_id == $id && $currentId != $id && $currentId != $key->id ) { $tree[$iCT] = new JObject(); $tree[$iCT]->id = $key->id; $tree[$iCT]->title = $show_text; $tree[$iCT]->title_self = $key->title; $tree[$iCT]->parent_id = $key->parent_id; $tree[$iCT]->name = $key->name; $tree[$iCT]->alias = $key->alias; $tree[$iCT]->image = $key->image; $tree[$iCT]->section = $key->section; $tree[$iCT]->image_position = $key->image_position; $tree[$iCT]->description = $key->description; $tree[$iCT]->published = $key->published; $tree[$iCT]->editor = $key->editor; $tree[$iCT]->ordering = $key->ordering; $tree[$iCT]->access = $key->access; $tree[$iCT]->count = $key->count; $tree[$iCT]->params = $key->params; $tree[$iCT]->catid = $key->catid; $tree[$iCT]->numlinks = $key->numlinks; $tree[$iCT]->slug = $key->slug; $tree[$iCT]->hits = $key->hits; $tree[$iCT]->username = $key->username; $tree[$iCT]->ratingaverage = $key->ratingaverage; $tree[$iCT]->ratingcount = $key->ratingcount; $tree[$iCT]->accessuserid = $key->accessuserid; $tree[$iCT]->uploaduserid = $key->uploaduserid; $tree[$iCT]->deleteuserid = $key->deleteuserid; $tree[$iCT]->userfolder = $key->userfolder; $tree[$iCT]->latitude = $key->latitude; $tree[$iCT]->longitude = $key->longitude; $tree[$iCT]->zoom = $key->zoom; $tree[$iCT]->geotitle = $key->geotitle; $tree[$iCT]->avatar = $key->avatar; $tree[$iCT]->avatarapproved = $key->avatarapproved; $tree[$iCT]->avatarpublished = $key->avatarpublished; $tree[$iCT]->link = ''; $tree[$iCT]->filename = '';// Will be added in View (after items will be reduced) $tree[$iCT]->extid = $key->extid;// Picasa Album // info about one image (not using recursive function) $tree[$iCT]->filename = $key->filename; $tree[$iCT]->extm = $key->extm; $tree[$iCT]->exts = $key->exts; $tree[$iCT]->extw = $key->extw; $tree[$iCT]->exth = $key->exth; $tree[$iCT]->linkthumbnailpath = ''; $iCT++; $tree = $this->_categoryTree($data, $tree, $key->id, $show_text . " » ", $currentId ); } } return($tree); } } ?>