File: fancybox4.php
<?php /** * @package Joomla * @subpackage com_morfeoshow * @copyright Copyright (C) Vamba & Matthew Thomson. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL. * @author Vamba (.joomlaitalia.com) & Matthew Thomson (ignitejoomlaextensions.com) * @based on com_ignitiongallery * @author Matthew Thomson (ignitejoomlaextensions.com) * Joomla! and com_morfeoshow are free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed they include or * are derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. */ defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' ); $result = $count; if($result > 0) { $x=0; if ($params_morfeo['style0'] == 1) { echo '<style>'; echo $params_morfeo['style2']; echo '</style>'; } else { ?> <style> a img, img { border: none; text-decoration: none; } #page-wrap { width: auto; margin: 0 auto; } .photo-link {padding: 5px;margin: 5px;border: 1px solid #999;display: block;width: <?php echo $params_morfeo['larghezza']?>px;text-align:center;font-size:9px;text-decoration: none;} .photo-link:hover{border-color: white;text-decoration: none;} </style> <?php } echo '<table align="left" valign="top" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<div id="page-wrap">'; foreach ($items as $file) { $x=$x+1; if ($x % $params['colonne'] == 0) { if ($file->html =='') { echo '<td align="center"><a class="photo-link" rel="one-big-group" href="'.$path1.$file->filename.'"> <img src="'.$path2.$file->filename.'" width="'.$params_morfeo['larghezza'].'">'; if ($params_morfeo['titolo'] == 0) { } else { if ($file->title == null) { $ext = array('.png','.jpg','.bmp','.gif','(',')','[',']','-','_'); $file->filename = str_replace($ext, '', $file->filename); echo $file->filename; } else { echo $file->title; }//end elsefilename }//end else titolo echo '</a>'; } else { echo '<td align="center"><a class="photo-link" rel="one-big-group" href="'.$path1.$file->filename.'"> <img src="'.$path2.$file->filename.'" width="'.$params_morfeo['larghezza'].'" title="'.$file->html.'" alt="'.$file->html.'">' ; if ($params_morfeo['titolo'] == 0) { } else { if ($file->title == null) { $ext = array('.png','.jpg','.bmp','.gif','(',')','[',']','-','_'); $file->filename = str_replace($ext, '', $file->filename); echo $file->filename; } else { echo $file->title; }//end elsefilename }//end else titolo echo '</a>'; }//fine else immagine echo'</td></tr><tr>'; }else{ if ($file->html =='') { echo '<td align="center"><a class="photo-link" rel="one-big-group" href="'.$path1.$file->filename.'"> <img src="'.$path2.$file->filename.'" width="'.$params_morfeo['larghezza'].'">'; if ($params_morfeo['titolo'] == 0) { } else { if ($file->title == null) { $ext = array('.png','.jpg','.bmp','.gif','(',')','[',']','-','_'); $file->filename = str_replace($ext, '', $file->filename); echo $file->filename; } else { echo $file->title; }//end elsefilename }//end else titolo echo '</a>'; } else { echo '<td align="center"><a class="photo-link" rel="one-big-group" href="'.$path1.$file->filename.'"> <img src="'.$path2.$file->filename.'" width="'.$params_morfeo['larghezza'].'" title="'.$file->html.'" alt="'.$file->html.'">' ; if ($params_morfeo['titolo'] == 0) { } else { if ($file->title == null) { $ext = array('.png','.jpg','.bmp','.gif','(',')','[',']','-','_'); $file->filename = str_replace($ext, '', $file->filename); echo $file->filename; } else { echo $file->title; }//end elsefilename }//end else titolo echo '</a>'; }//fine else immagine echo'</td>'; } } } echo '</div>'; echo '</td></tr><tr><td></br /></td></tr></table>';