File: general_rtl.css
/** * @version $Id: general_rtl.css 11663 2009-03-08 20:27:58Z willebil $ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. */ /** * Joomla! 1.5 Admin template main RTL css file * * @author Mati Kochen * @package Joomla * @since 1.5 * @version 1.0 */ /* -- General styles ------------------------------ */ body{ direction: rtl; } #border-top.h_green div div{ background-image: url(../images/h_green/j_header_left_rtl.png); } #border-top.h_green div{ background-image: url(../images/h_green/j_header_right_rtl.png); } .button1 { background: url(../images/j_button1_right.png) 100% 0 no-repeat; margin-left: 5px; padding-right: 10px; white-space: nowrap; padding-left: 0px; } .button1 .next { background: url(../images/j_button1_prev.png) no-repeat; } .button1 a { padding: 0 6px 0 30px; } .button1, .button1 div{ float: left; } .button2-left a, .button2-left span { padding:0pt 6px 0pt 24px; } .button2-left { background:transparent url(../images/j_button2_right.png) no-repeat scroll 100%; float: right; } .button2-left .end{ background: transparent url(../images/j_button2_first.png) no-repeat scroll 0% 0; } .button2-left.off .end{ background: transparent url(../images/j_button2_first_off.png) no-repeat scroll 0% 0; } .button2-left .next{ background: transparent url(../images/j_button2_prev.png) no-repeat scroll 0% 0; } .button2-left.off .next{ background: transparent url(../images/j_button2_prev_off.png) no-repeat scroll 0% 0; } .button2-left .page, .button2-left .blank { background: url(../images/j_button2_left_cap.png) 0 no-repeat; } .button2-right a, .button2-right span { padding:0pt 24px 0pt 6px; } .button2-left .image { background:transparent url(../images/j_button2_image_rtl.png) no-repeat scroll 0% 0pt; } .button2-left .pagebreak { background:transparent url(../images/j_button2_pagebreak_rtl.png) no-repeat scroll 0% 0pt; } .button2-left .readmore { background:transparent url(../images/j_button2_readmore_rtl.png) no-repeat scroll 0% 0pt; } .button2-right { background:transparent url(../images/j_button2_left.png) no-repeat scroll 0% 0pt; float: right; } .button2-right .prev { background:transparent url(../images/j_button2_next.png) no-repeat scroll 100%; } .button2-right.off .prev { background:transparent url(../images/j_button2_next_off.png) no-repeat scroll 100%; } .button2-right .start { background:transparent url(../images/j_button2_last.png) no-repeat scroll 100%; } .button2-right.off .start { background:transparent url(../images/j_button2_last_off.png) no-repeat scroll 100%; } #border-top .version{ float: left; padding: 25px 0 0 5px; } #border-top .title{ padding-right: 180px; padding-left: 0px; float: right; } #module-status { float:left; background-position: right 5px; } #module-status span{ padding: 4px 22px 0pt 10px; } #module-status .legacy-mode { background-position: right 5px; } #module-status .preview { background-position: right 3px; } #module-status .unread-messages, #module-status .no-unread-messages { background-position: right 3px; } #module-status .loggedin-users { background-position: right 3px; } #module-status .logout { background-position: right 3px; } table.adminform td{ text-align: right; } #cpanel div.icon{ margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 5px; } .jpane-toggler span, .jpane-toggler-down span { background-position: right; padding-right: 20px; padding-left: 0px; } .jpane-toggler span{ background-image: url(../images/j_arrow_left.png); } div.toolbar { float:left; padding:0pt; text-align:left; } div.header { margin-right:10px; margin-left:0px; padding-right:55px; padding-left:0px; } .header{ background-position: right; } table.adminlist tbody tr{ text-align: right; } table.adminform th{ text-align: right; padding: 6px 4px 4px 2px; } fieldset { text-align:right; } table.adminform td.filter{ text-align: right; } table.adminform td.helpMenu{ text-align: left; } table.adminlist .pagination{ display: -moz-box; } .pagination div.limit{ float: right; margin: 0 0 0 10px; } .button2-left .page a, .button2-right .page a, .button2-left .page span, .button2-right .page span, .button2-left .blank a, .button2-right .blank a, .button2-left .blank span, .button2-right .blank span{ float: right; } div.col{ float: right; } #system-message dd.message ul { background-position: 99% center; } #system-message dd { text-indent:35px; } /* debug */ #system-debug ol, #system-debug ul{ direction: ltr; }