File: menu.php
<?php /** * @version $Id: menu.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio $ * @package Joomla * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant to the * GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or is derivative * of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or other free or open * source software licenses. See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and * details. */ // Check to ensure this file is included in Joomla! defined('_JEXEC') or die( 'Restricted access' ); jimport('joomla.base.tree'); class JAdminCSSMenu extends JTree { /** * CSS string to add to document head * @var string */ var $_css = null; function __construct() { $this->_root = new JMenuNode('ROOT'); $this->_current = & $this->_root; } function addSeparator() { $this->addChild(new JMenuNode(null, null, 'separator', false)); } function renderMenu($id = 'menu', $class = '') { global $mainframe; $depth = 1; if(!empty($id)) { $id='id="'.$id.'"'; } if(!empty($class)) { $class='class="'.$class.'"'; } /* * Recurse through children if they exist */ while ($this->_current->hasChildren()) { echo "<ul ".$id." ".$class.">\n"; foreach ($this->_current->getChildren() as $child) { $this->_current = & $child; $this->renderLevel($depth++); } echo "</ul>\n"; } if ($this->_css) { // Add style to document head $doc = & JFactory::getDocument(); $doc->addStyleDeclaration($this->_css); } } function renderLevel($depth) { /* * Build the CSS class suffix */ $class = ''; if ($this->_current->hasChildren()) { $class = ' class="node"'; } if($this->_current->class == 'separator') { $class = ' class="separator"'; } if($this->_current->class == 'disabled') { $class = ' class="disabled"'; } /* * Print the item */ echo "<li".$class.">"; /* * Print a link if it exists */ if ($this->_current->link != null) { echo "<a class=\"".$this->getIconClass($this->_current->class)."\" href=\"".$this->_current->link."\">".$this->_current->title."</a>"; } elseif ($this->_current->title != null) { echo "<a>".$this->_current->title."</a>\n"; } else { echo "<span></span>"; } /* * Recurse through children if they exist */ while ($this->_current->hasChildren()) { if ($this->_current->class) { echo '<ul id="menu-'.strtolower($this->_current->id).'"'. ' class="menu-component">'."\n"; } else { echo '<ul>'."\n"; } foreach ($this->_current->getChildren() as $child) { $this->_current = & $child; $this->renderLevel($depth++); } echo "</ul>\n"; } echo "</li>\n"; } /** * Method to get the CSS class name for an icon identifier or create one if * a custom image path is passed as the identifier * * @access public * @param string $identifier Icon identification string * @return string CSS class name * @since 1.5 */ function getIconClass($identifier) { global $mainframe; static $classes; // Initialize the known classes array if it does not exist if (!is_array($classes)) { $classes = array(); } /* * If we don't already know about the class... build it and mark it * known so we don't have to build it again */ if (!isset($classes[$identifier])) { if (substr($identifier, 0, 6) == 'class:') { // We were passed a class name $class = substr($identifier, 6); $classes[$identifier] = "icon-16-$class"; } else { // We were passed an image path... is it a themeoffice one? if (substr($identifier, 0, 15) == 'js/ThemeOffice/') { // Strip the filename without extension and use that for the classname $class = preg_replace('#\.[^.]*$#', '', basename($identifier)); $classes[$identifier] = "icon-16-$class"; } else { if ($identifier == null) { return null; } // Build the CSS class for the icon $class = preg_replace('#\.[^.]*$#', '', basename($identifier)); $class = preg_replace( '#\.\.[^A-Za-z0-9\.\_\- ]#', '', $class); $this->_css .= "\n.icon-16-$class {\n" . "\tbackground: url($identifier) no-repeat;\n" . "}\n"; $classes[$identifier] = "icon-16-$class"; } } } return $classes[$identifier]; } } class JMenuNode extends JNode { /** * Node Title */ var $title = null; /** * Node Id */ var $id = null; /** * Node Link */ var $link = null; /** * CSS Class for node */ var $class = null; /** * Active Node? */ var $active = false; function __construct($title, $link = null, $class = null, $active = false) { $this->title = $title; $this->link = JFilterOutput::ampReplace($link); $this->class = $class; $this->active = $active; $this->id = str_replace(" ","-",$title); } }