File: en-GB.plg_xmlrpc_blogger.ini
# $Id: en-GB.plg_xmlrpc_blogger.ini 10496 2008-07-03 07:08:39Z ircmaxell $ # Joomla! Project # Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. # License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php # Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM BLOGGER XML-RPC API=Blogger XML-RPC API EDIT POSTS=Edit posts NEW POSTS=New posts PARAMCATEGORY=Set the Category to place new posts into PARAMSECTION=Set the Section to retrieve posts from LOGIN FAILED=Login Failed POST CHECK FAILED=Post Check Failed POST STORE FAILED=Post Store Failed POST DELETE FAILED=Post delete failed SORRY, NO SUCH POST=Sorry, no such post. SORRY, POST IS ALREADY BEING EDITED=Sorry, the post is already being edited. NO POSTS AVAILABLE, OR AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED=No posts available or an error has occurred. METHOD NOT IMPLEMENTED=Method not implemented RETURNS A LIST OF WEBLOGS TO WHICH AN AUTHOR HAS POSTING PRIVILEGES.=Returns a list of weblogs to which an author has posting privileges. RETURNS INFORMATION ABOUT AN AUTHOR IN THE SYSTEM.=Returns information about an author in the system. RETURNS INFORMATION ABOUT A SPECIFIC POST.=Returns information about a specific post. RETURNS A LIST OF THE MOST RECENT POSTS IN THE SYSTEM.=Returns a list of the most recent posts in the system. CREATES A NEW POST, AND OPTIONALLY PUBLISHES IT.=Creates a new post and optionally publishes it. DELETES A POST.=Deletes a post. UPDATES THE INFORMATION ABOUT AN EXISTING POST.=Updates the information about an existing post.