File: en-GB.com_users.ini
# $Id: en-GB.com_users.ini 10496 2008-07-03 07:08:39Z ircmaxell $ # Joomla! Project # Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. # License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php # Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM BACK-END LANGUAGE=Back-end Language BLOCK USER=Block User BLOCKED=Blocked CANNOT SAVE THE USER INFORMATION=Cannot save the user information CHANGE CONTACT DETAILS=Change Contact Details CONTACT INFORMATION=Contact Information COMPONENTS -> CONTACT -> MANAGE CONTACTS=Components -> Contact -> Manage Contacts DELETE=Delete E-MAIL=E-Mail EDIT=Edit FRONT-END LANGUAGE=Front-end Language HELP SITE=Help Site HELP SITE FOR THIS USER=Help Site for this User IMAGE=Contact Image LAST VISIT=Last Visit LAST VISIT DATE=Last Visit Date LOGGED IN=Logged In LOGOUT=Logout MISC=Miscellaneous <br />Information NEVER=Never NEW PASSWORD=New Password NEW_USER_MESSAGE=Hello %s,\n\n\nYou have been added as a User to %s by an Administrator.\n\nThis e-mail contains your username and password to log in to %s\n\nUsername: %s\nPassword: %s\n\n\nPlease do not respond to this message as it is automatically generated and is for information purposes only. NEW_USER_MESSAGE_SUBJECT=New User Details NO CONTACT DETAILS LINKED TO THIS USER=No Contact details linked to this User NOTICE=Notice PARAMADMINLANGUAGE=Select the Language for the Administrator Back-end interface. This will only affect this User. PARAMLANGUAGE=Select the Language for the Front-end interface. This will only affect this User. PASSWORD DO NOT MATCH.=Passwords Do Not Match. #If the variable does not work in your language use following line # PLEASE MAKE A SELECTION FROM THE LIST TO=Please select a User from the list #instead of PLEASE MAKE A SELECTION FROM THE LIST TO=Please select a User from the list to %s PLEASE SELECT A USER=Please select a User POSITION=Position RECEIVE SYSTEM EMAILS=Receive System E-mails REGISTER DATE=Register Date SEECOMPCONTACTFORDETAILS=See Components ⇒Contact⇒ Manage Contacts for details SELECT A USER TO DELETE=Select a User to delete SELECT AN ITEM TO=Select a User to SELECT EDITOR=Select Editor SELECT LANGUAGE=Select Language SELECT GROUP=Select Group SELECT LOG STATUS=Select Log Status SUCCESSFULLY SAVED CHANGES TO USER=Successfully saved changes to User: %s SUCCESSFULLY SAVED USER=Successfully saved User: %s TIME ZONE FOR THIS USER=Time Zone for this User USER DELETED=User successfully deleted. USER DETAILS=User Details USER EDITOR=User Editor USER MANAGER=User Manager USERS=Users USER SESSION ENDED=User session ended. VERIFY PASSWORD=Verify Password WARN_ONLY_SUPER=You cannot change this User's Group because the User is the only active Super Administrator for your site. WARNDELETE=You cannot delete another Administrator. Only Super Administrators have this ability. WARNLOGININVALID=Your username contains invalid characters or is too short. WARNREG_EMAIL_INUSE=This e-mail address is already registered. WARNREG_MAIL=Please enter a valid e-mail address. WARNREG_INUSE=This username is already in use. WARNSELECTPB=Please select another Group. Public Back-end is not a selectable option. WARNSELECTPF=Please select another Group. Public Front-end is not a selectable option. WARNSUPERADMINCREATE=You cannot create a User with this User Group level. Only Super Administrators have this ability. WYSIWYG EDITOR FOR THIS USER=WYSIWYG Editor for this User YOU CANNOT DELETE A SUPER ADMINISTRATOR=You cannot delete a Super Administrator. YOU CANNOT BLOCK A SUPER ADMINISTRATOR=You cannot block a Super Administrator. YOU CANNOT DELETE YOURSELF!=You cannot delete Yourself! YOU MUST ASSIGN USER TO A GROUP.=You must assign the User to a Group. YOU MUST PROVIDE A NAME.=You must provide a name. YOU MUST PROVIDE A USER LOGIN NAME.=You must provide a User Login Name. YOU MUST PROVIDE AN EMAIL ADDRESS.=You must provide an e-mail address.