File: en-GB.com_morfeoshow.ini
# $Id: en-GB.com_morfeoshow.ini 10388 2008-06-03 11:16:20Z pasamio $ # Joomla! Project # Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. # License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php # Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM APPLY SETTINGS SAVED=Settings saved APPLY TO GALLERY SAVED SUCCESSFULLY=Changes to Gallery saved successfully ATTENTION TEMP FOLDER=<b>Warning:</b> This function could need a long time based on the number of images contained in the temporary items folder. We recommend that you often clean this folder so that you don't accumulate too many pictures. TEMPORARY IMAGES FOLDER CLEARED=Temporary Images Folder cleared with success SETTINGS FILE IS NOT WRITEABLE=Settings file is not writeable SETTINGS SAVED=Settings saved COULD NOT OPEN THE SETTINGS FILE. COULD NOT OPEN YOUR CHANGES=Could not open the settings file. Could not save your changes TEMP IMAGES FOLDER=Temp Images Folder CLICK HERE TO CLEAR TEMPORARY IMAGES FOLDER=Click here to clear temporary images folder GOOGLE MAP KEY ID=Google Map Key ID MAX IMAGES ALLOWED=Max images allowed MAXIMUM NUMBER OF IMAGES ALLOWED DESCRIPTION=Set Maximun Number of images allowed for gallery BACK=Back BACKGROUND COLOR=Background Color CANCEL=Cancel CHANGELOG=Changelog CLASSIC GALLERY=Classic Gallery CREDITS=Credits CURRENT IMAGES=Current Images DIRECTORY=Directory EDIT GALLERY=Edit Gallery EDIT DESCRIPTION=Edit Description EDIT IMAGES DESCRIPTION=Edit Image Description FILE NAME=Filename GALLERY TYPE=Gallery Format FLASH GALLERY SETTINGS=Flash Gallery Settings FULL DESCRIPTION=Full Description GALLERIES=Manage Galleries GALLERIES LIST=Galleries List GALLERY INFORMATION=Gallery information GALLERY IMAGES ARE ORDERES BY FILENAME=Gallery images are ordered by filename GALLERY TITLE=Gallery Title HEIGHT=Height IMAGE TITLE=Image Title IMAGES=Images LINK=WebLink GO TO=Go to Morfeo Configuration and insert your GOOGLE MAPS KEY in order to use this feature. LIST DESCRIPTION=Short Description MANAGE IMAGES=Manage Images SAVE=Save TEMPO=Speed INFO=Info THUMB=Thumbnail TRANSITION=Transition METADATA INFORMATION=Metadata Information METADESC INFORMATION=Metadesc Information METAKEY INFORMATION=Metakey Information UPLOAD AN IMAGE TO GALLERY=Upload an image to gallery WEB SITE LINK=Website Link ERROR: FOLDER COULD NOT BE CREATED=ERROR: Folder could not be created ERROR: IMAGE COULD NOT BE RESIZED=ERROR: Image could not be resized ERROR: FOLDER COULD NOT BE DELETED=ERROR: Folder could not be deleted ERROR: NO FILE UPLOADED=ERROR: No file uploaded ERROR: FILE TYPE NOT VALID=ERROR: File type not valid ERROR: COULD NOT MOVE FILE TO DESTINATION DIRECTORY=ERROR: Could not move file to destination directory ERROR: POSSIBLE FILE ULPOAD ATTACK. FILENAME:=ERROR: Possible file upload attack. Filename: ERROR: FILE EXCEEDED PHP MAXIMUM UPLOAD SIZE=ERROR: File exceeded PHP maximum upload size ERROR: FILE EXCEEDED PHP MAXIMUM FILE SIZE=ERROR: File exceeded PHP maximum file size ERROR: FILE EXCEEDED MAXIMUM UPLOAD SIZE=ERROR: File exceeded maximum upload size ERROR: FILE ONLY PARTIALLY UPLOADED=ERROR: File only partially uploaded GALLERY SAVED SUCCESSFULLY=Gallery saved successfully GALLERY DELETED SUCCESSFULLY=Gallery deleted successfully IMAGE SAVED SUCCESSFULLY=Image saved successfully DESCRIPTION SAVED SUCCESSFULLY=Description saved successfully FILE DELETED SUCCESSFULLY=Image deleted successfully MAXIMUN AMOUNT OF PHOTO PER ALBUM REACHED=Maximun amount of photos per album reached ARE YOU SURE YOU WISH TO DELETE AN ENTIRE GALLERY=Are you sure you wish to delete an entire gallery? MENU ITEM=Menu Item CREATE MENU ITEM=Create Menu Item MENU ITEM SAVED SUCCESSFULLY - =Menu Item saved successfully - FLICKR USER ID=Flickr User ID FLICKR USER ID DESCRIPTION=The Flickr user id of the photos to display. If this parameter isn't set the users public photos will be searched. Enter the user name. Ex: 26100973@N05 RELEVANCE=Relevance RELEVANCE DESCRIPTION=The order in which to sort returned photos. Load Relevance images from www.flickr.com or if blank load date-posted-desc. GROUP ID=Group ID GROUP ID DESCRIPTION=The id of a group which's pool to search. If specified, only matching photos posted to the group's pool will be returned. Ex:34427469792@N01 SET ID=Set ID SET ID DESCRIPTION=Display a User's specific set of photos. TAG MODE=Tag mode TAG MODE DESCRIPTION=Display photos with all tags or any tags. TAGS=Tags TAGS DESCRIPTION=A comma-delimited list of tags. Photos with one or more of the tags listed will be returned. Ex: roma, colosseo. TEXT=Text TEXT DESCRIPTION=A free text search. Photos which's title, description or tags contain the text will be returned. MAPS GALLERY SERVICE=Maps Gallery Service MAPS GALLERY SETTINGS=Google/Flickr Maps Settings GOOGLE MAPS KEY=Google Maps Key LOCATION=Location SEARCH COORDINATES=Search coordinates SEARCH LOCATION=Search Location LATITUDE=Latitude LONGITUDE=Longitude CLICK ON THE MAP=Click a point on the map to get the coordinates IMAGE ROTATOR SETTINGS=Image Rotator Settings SIMPLE VIEWER SETTINGS=Simple Viewer Settings POLAROID SETTINGS=Polaroid Settings POST CARD SETTINGS=Post Card Settings FLICKR GALLERIES=Flickr Galleries NEW GALLERY=New Gallery GOOGLE ID INFO=You must enter Google Maps key code. Without this code it is not possible to view the maps. LAYOUT FRONTEND LIST=Layout frontend list FRONTEND LIST THUMBS=Frontend list thumbs GALLERY THUMBS=Gallery thumbs CLASSIC LIST LOGO=Classic List Logo SHOW OR HIDE FRONTEND CLASSIC LIST LOGO=Show or Hide frontend classic list logo GENERAL=General LIST THUMBS WIDTH=List thumbs width LIST THUMBS WIDTH DESCRIPTION=Set width value for classic list thumbs LIST THUMBS HEIGHT=List thumbs height LIST THUMBS HEIGHT DESCRIPTION=Set height value for classic list thumbs LIST FLASH THUMBS WIDTH=List flash thumbs width LIST FLASH THUMBS WIDTH DESCRIPTION=Set width value for flash list thumbs LIST FLASH THUMBS HEIGHT=List flash thumbs height LIST FLASH THUMBS HEIGHT DESCRIPTION=Set height value for flash list thumbs GALLERY THUMBS WIDTH=Gallery thumbs width GALLERY THUMBS WIDTH DESCRIPTION=Set Gallery thumbs width GALLERY THUMBS HEIGHT=Gallery thumbs height GALLERY THUMBS HEIGHT DESCRIPTION=Set Gallery thumbs height IMAGES WIDTH=Images width IMAGES WIDTH DESCRIPTION=Set Images width IMAGES HEIGHT=Images height IMAGES HEIGHT DESCRIPTION=Set Images height FORCED CROP WIDTH=Forced crop width FORCED CROP WIDTH DESCRIPTION=Set Forced value crop width FORCED CROP HEIGHT=Forced crop height FORCED CROP HEIGHT DESCRIPTION=Set Forced value crop height FORCED RESIZE WIDTH=Forced resize width FORCED RESIZE WIDTH DESCRIPTION=Set Forced value resize width FORCED RESIZE HEIGHT=Forced resize height FORCED RESIZE HEIGHT DESCRIPTION=Set Forced value resize height PICASA USERNAME=Picasa Username PICASA SETTING=Picasa Settings ENTER PICASA USERNAME=Enter Picasa username The system will return all albums and images linked to this user PHOTO SIZE=Photo size SET MAXIMUM SIZE PICTURE=Set maximum picture size, see for supported formats: <b> http://code.google.com/apis/picasaweb/reference.html#Parameters</b> THUMB SIZE=Thumb size SET MAXIMUM THUMBS SIZE=Set cropped thumbnail size, see for supported formats: <b> http://code.google.com/apis/picasaweb/reference.html#Parameters</b> COLUMN IN MAIN PAGE=Columns in main COLUMN IN MAIN PAGE DESC=Set number of columns for thumbs on main page COLUMN IN ALBUM PAGE=Columns in album COLUMN IN ALBUM PAGE DESC=Set number of columns for every album page MAX PICS MAIN=Max pics main MAX PICS MAIN DESC=maximum of pictures on main album page MAX PICS ALBUM=Max pics album MAX PICS ALBUM DESC=maximum of pictures on every album page S=s PHOTO=photo PHOTOS=photos ALBUMS=Albums LOADING=Loading PREVIOUS=previous UPLOAD OR ADD IMAGES=Upload or Add images MANAGE IMAGEs FOR THIS GALLERY=Manage images for this gallery PLUGIN CODE=Plugin code COPY AND PASTE THIS CODE IN CONTENT ARTICLE ITEM=Copy and Paste this code into article item MULTIPLE IMAGES ADD=Add Multiple Images ADD IMAGES FROM FOLDER TO GALLERY=Add images from folder to gallery CURRENT IMAGES FOLDER=Current Images Folder SELECT FILES TO ADD=Select files to add SELECT FILES TO ADD DESCRIPTION=First of all you have to upload images to the current folder using an FTP client and then select the files you want to add to the gallery from the list. To select more than one file hold the CTRL key and select the files, to select all the files click on the first file, hold the SHIFT key and click on the last file. SELECT FILES TO ADD DESCRIPTION2=The image files that were added to the gallery will be automatically deleted from the base folder. IMAGES ADDED SUCCESFULLY=Images added successfully GOOGLE AJAX API=Google AJAX API UTILIZE OR NOT GOOGLE AJAX LIBRARIES API INSTED OF LOCAL AJAX LIBRARIES=Use Google AJAX Libraries API instead of local ajax libraries, this could increase the speed of your website. SHOUTBOX SETTING=Shadowbox Settings SET VALUE FOR THUMBS WIDTH IN SHOUTBOX GALLERY=Set value for thumbs width in Shadowbox gallery SHOW OR HIDE TITLES OF IMAGES IN THE SHOUTBOX GALLERY=Show or Hide titles of images in the Shadowbox gallery INTERFACE LANGUAGE=Language Interface SELECT LANGUAGE OF SHOUTBOX INTERFACE=Select language of Shadowbox interface AJAX FOR SHOTBOX=Ajax Adapter SELECT ADAPTER FOR SHOUTBOX=Select adapter for shadowbox BACK BUTTON=Back button SHOW OR HIDE FRONTEND BACK BUTTON=Show or Hide frontend back button IN MENU ITEM GROUP=In menu item group CLOSE THIS WINDOWS=Close this window FORMAT=Format GALLERY FORMAT=Gallery format THIS IS THE TYPE USED FOR THIS GALLERY=This is the format type used for this gallery GALLERY IMAGES LIST=Gallery Images List SINGLE UPLOAD=Single upload THUMBS WIDHT=Thumbs width TW=Thumbs width CLASSIC GALLERY SETTING=Classic gallery settings TEMPLATE=Template TEMPLATE INFO=Select template for classic gallery SIMPLEVIEWER GALLERY SETTINGS=Simpleviewer gallery settings MAX IMAGE HEIGHT=Max Image Height SET VALUE FOR MAX IMAGE HEIGHT=Height of tallest image in the gallery. Used to determine the best layout for your gallery (pixels). MAX IMAGE WIDTH=Max Image Width SET VALUE FOR MAX IMAGE WIDTH=Width of the widest image in the gallery. Used to determine the best layout for your gallery (pixels). TEXT COLOR=Text color SET VALUE FOR TEXT COLOR=Color of caption text (hexidecimal color value). FRAME COLOR=Frame color SET VALUE FOR FRAME COLOR=Color of image frame, navigation buttons and thumbnail frame (hexidecimal color value). FRAME WIDTH=Frame Width SET VALUE FOR FRAME WIDTH=Width of image frame (pixels). STAGEPADDING=Stagepadding SET VALUE FOR STAGE WIDTH=Width of padding around gallery edge (pixels). To have the image flush to the edge of the swf, set this to 0. NAV PADDING=Nav padding SET VALUE FOR NAV PADDING=Distance between image and thumbnails (pixels). COLUMS=Colums SET VALUE FOR COLUMS=Number of thumbnail columns. To disable thumbnails completely set this value to 0 ROWS=Rows SET VALUE FOR ROWS=Number of thumbnail rows. To disable thumbnails completely set this value to 0. NAV POSITION=Nav position SET POSITION OF NAVIGATOR=Position of thumbnails relative to image. Can be "top", "bottom","left" or "right". ALIGN V=Align v INFO ALIGN V=Vertical placment of the image and thumbnails within the SWF. Can be "center", "top" or "bottom".For large format galleries this is best set to "center". For small format galleries setting this to "top" or "bottom" can help get the image flush to the edge of the swf. ALIGN H=Align h INFO ALIGN H=Horizontal placement of the image and thumbnails within the SWF. Can be "center", "left" or "right".For large format galleries this is best set to "center". For small format galleries setting this to "left" or "right" can help get the image flush to the edge of the swf. MAX MAIN ALBUM=Max main albums SLIDER=Slider SETTINGS FOR SINGLE=Settings below are only for single gallery PICASA ALBUM ID=Picasa Album id PICASA ALBUM ID DESC=Enter id number of album BACKGROUND ALBUM=Album Background BACKGROUND=Enter exdecimal value for background color SET HEIGHT=Set height value for this gallery SET WIDTH=Set width value for this gallery FLICKR KEY ID=Flickr Key ID FLICKR ID INFO=The API Key must be set before any calls can be made. You can get your own at http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html IMAGE ORDER BACK=Image Order Back IMAGE ORDER FRONT=Image Order Front GALLERY DESCRIPTION=Gallery description SELECT IMAGES ORDER IN BACKEND LISTS=Select images order for showing images in backend lists SELECT IMAGES ORDER IN FRONTEND LISTS=Select images order for showing images in frontend lists SELECT WHERE SHOW GALLERIES DESCRIPTIONS=Select where show galleries descriptions TITLE ASC=Title asc TITLE DESC=Title desc ID ASC=ID asc ID DESC=ID desc DATE ASC=Date asc DATE DESC=Date desc FILENAME ASC=Filename asc FILENAME DESC=Filename desc RANDOM=Random GALLERY DESCRIPTION ON BOTTOM=Gallery description on bottom GALLERY DESCRIPTION ON TOP=Gallery description on top CSS STYLE=CSS Style SIMPLEVIEWER GALLERY SETTINGS=Simpleviever gallery settings CUSTOM CSS STYLE=Custom CSS style STYLE CLASSIC GALLERY 1=CSS Classic Gallery 1-3 STYLE CLASSIC GALLERY 2=CSS Classic Gallery 2-4 SELECT TYPE OF STYLE DEFAULT OR CUSTOM=Select type of style between Default or Custom CSS STYLE FOR CLASSIC SHADOWBOX AND FANCYBOX GALLERY 1=CSS Style for Classic Shadowbox and Fancybox gallery 1-3 CSS STYLE FOR CLASSIC SHADOWBOX OR FANCYBOX GALLERY 2=CSS Style for Classic Shadowbox and Fancybox gallery 2-4 FRONTEND LIST=Frontend List FLASH FRONTEND LIST=Flash Frontend List CLASSIC FRONTEND LIST=Classic Frontend List SET TYPE OF FRONTEND LIST VIEW=Set type of frontend list view PLUGIN ID=Plugin id SHADOWBOX 1=Shadowbox style 1 SHADOWBOX 2=Shadowbox style 2 SHADOWBOX 3=Shadowbox style 3 SHADOWBOX 4=Shadowbox style 4 FANCYBOX 1=Fancybox style 1 FANCYBOX 2=Fancybox style 2 FANCYBOX 3=Fancybox style 3 FANCYBOX 4=Fancybox style 4 ZOOM=Zoom GALLERY=Gallery CHOOSE MENU ITEM TYPE=Choose Menu Item Type SELECT MENU=Select Menu FOR GALLERY=For Gallery MENU ITEM SAVED SUCCESSFULLY=Menu Item saved with success OVERSTRETCH=Overstretch OVERSTRETCH INFO=Sets how to stretch images/movies to make them fit the display. The default stretches to fit the display. Set this to true to stretch them proportionally to fill the display, fit to stretch them disproportionally and none to keep original dimensions. WIDTH INFO=Sets the overall width of the rotator. HEIGHT INFO=Sets the overall height of the rotator. TRANSITION INFO=Sets the transition to use between images. The default, random, randomly pick a transition. To restrict to a certain transition, use these values: fade, bgfade, blocks, bubbles, circles, flash, fluids, lines or slowfade. NAVIGATOR INFO=Set this to completely hide or show the controlbar. SLIDER INFO=Sets if an image slide letf to right or viceversa. TEMPO INFO=Sets the time an image is played back. BACKGROUND INFO=Color of the display area, in HEX format. With the rotator, change this to your HTML page's color make images of different sizes blend nicely. SHUFFLE=Shuffle SHUFFLE INFO=Set this to Yes to playback the galery in random order. NUMBER OF COLS=Number of Cols SET NUMBER OF COLS FOR CLASSIC ROWS COLS FRONTEND LIST=Set number of Cols for Classic Rows Cols Frontend List THUMBS WIDTH=Thumbs Width SET THUMBS WIDTH VALUE FOR ROWS COLS LIST=Set Thumbs Width value for Rows Cols List COLUMN=Column COLUMN INFO=Set number of columns for images NO MANAGE IMAGES FOR THIS GALLERY=No manage images for this gallery SIZE UPLOAD ALLOWED=Size upload allowed SET MAXIMUM SIZE UPLOAD ALLOWED DEFAULT 2000000=Set maximun size upload allowed. Default value 2000000