File: en-GB.com_modules.ini
# $Id: en-GB.com_modules.ini 10496 2008-07-03 07:08:39Z ircmaxell $ # Joomla! Project # Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. # License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php # Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM ADMIN=admin ADMINISTRATOR=Administrator ADMIN MENU= Admin Menu ADMIN SUBMENU=Admin Sub Menu ALL=All CACHE TIME=Cache Time CACHING=Caching COMPONENT LIST=Component List COPY OF=Copy of %s CUSTOM HTML=Custom HTML CUSTOM OUTPUT=Custom Output EDIT=Edit EDIT MENU=Click to Edit this Menu EDIT MODULE=Click to Edit this Module FEED DISPLAY=Feed Display FOOTER=Footer GO=Go ITEMS STATS=Item Stats LATEST NEWS=Latest News LOGGED IN USERS=Logged in Users LOGIN FORM=Login Form MENU TAG ID=Menu Tag ID MODULE=Module MODULE_POSITION_TIP_TEXT=You may select a Module position from the dropdown box of pre-defined positions or enter your own Module position by typing in the name. MODULE_POSITION_TIP_TITLE=Module Positions MODULE CLASS SUFFIX=Module Class Suffix MODULE MANAGER=Module Manager MODULE MUST HAVE A TITLE=Module must have a title MODULE NAME=Module Name MODULE PARAMETERS=Module Parameters MODULE TYPE=Module Type MODULE(S)=Module(s) MODULES=Modules MENU ASSIGNMENT=Menu Assignment NEVER=Never NEW MODULE=New Module NEW=New NO CACHING=No Caching NUM=# ONLINE USERS=Online Users PAGES=Pages PARAMMODULECLASSSUFFIX=A suffix to be applied to the CSS class of the Module. This allows for individual Module styling. POPULAR ITEMS=Popular Articles PUBLISH=Enable PUBLISH ITEM=Enable Module PUBLISHED=Enabled RESET=Reset SELECT FROM LIST=Select Menu Item(s) from the List SELECT WHETHER TO CACHE THE CONTENT OF THIS MODULE=Select whether to Cache the content of this Module SELECT POSITION=Select Position SELECT TEMPLATE=Select Template SELECT TYPE=Select Type SHOW TITLE=Show Title SITE MODULES=Site Modules THE TIME BEFORE THE MODULE IS RECACHED=The period of time in minutes before the Module is re-cached. THERE ARE NO PARAMETERS FOR THIS ITEM=There are no Parameters for this Module THIS MODULE DISPLAYS THE BREADCRUMBS=This Module displays the Breadcrumbs THIS MODULE ALLOWS THE DISPLAYING OF A SYNDICATED FEED=This Module allows the display of a Syndicated Feed TOOLBAR=Toolbar UNASSIGNED=Unassigned UNPUBLISH=Disable UNPUBLISH ITEM=Disable Module UNPUBLISHED=Disabled UNREAD ITEMS=Unread Messages USER STATUS=User Status VARIES=Varies WARNMAINMENU=You cannot delete the <em>mod_mainmenu</em> Module because it is a core Menu. WARNMODULES=cannot be deleted they can only be uninstalled as they are Joomla! Modules. WHO\'S ONLINE=Who's Online YOU CAN ONLY PREVIEW NEW MODULES.=You can only preview new Modules.