File: en-GB.com_menus.ini
# $Id: en-GB.com_menus.ini 11625 2009-02-15 15:32:42Z kdevine $ # Joomla! Project # Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. # License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php # Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM A DESCRIPTION FOR THE MENU=A description for the Menu A PROPER TITLE FOR THE MENU=A proper title for the Menu ADVANCED PARAMETERS=Advanced Parameters ALIAS=Alias ALIGNMENT OF THE IMAGE=Alignment of the image ALL CATEGORIES=All Categories ALL SECTIONS=All Sections AN ARTICLE=An Article ARTICLE=Article ARCHIVE=Archive ARCHIVED ARTICLE LIST LAYOUT DESC=The Archived Article Layout displays Articles that have been Archived and is searchable by date. ARTICLES COLUMN=Articles Column AUTHOR ALPHABETICAL=Author - Alphabetical AUTHOR NAMES=Author Name AUTHOR REVERSE-ALPHABETICAL=Author - Reversed Alphabetical AUTO=Auto AUTO ADD=Auto Add AUTO HEIGHT=Auto Height ATOM=ATOM BASIC PARAMETERS=Basic Parameters BLOG=Blog CANNOT SAVE: EMPTY MENU TYPE=Cannot Save: Empty Menu Type CATEGORY DESCRIPTION=Category Description CATEGORY LIST - SECTION=Category List - Section CATEGORY NAME=Category Title CATEGORY NAME LINKABLE=Category Title Linkable CATEGORY ORDER=Category Order CHANGE MENU ITEM=Change Menu Item CHANGE TYPE=Change Type CHOOSE A CATEGORY...=Choose a Category... CHOOSE A SECTION...=Choose a Section... CID=CID COLUMNS=Columns COMPLETE RESET LAYOUT=Complete Reset Layout COMPLETE RESET LAYOUT DESC=Create a Completed Password Reset Layout View COMPONENT PARAMETERS=Component Parameters COMPONENTS=Components CONFIRM DELETE MENU TYPE=Confirm Delete Menu Type CONFIRM RESET LAYOUT=Confirm Reset Layout CONFIRM RESET LAYOUT DESC=Create a Confirmed Password Reset Layout view CONTACT TO LINK=Contact to Link CONTENT TO LINK=Content to Link COPY OF MENU CREATED=A Copy of Menu '%s' created containing of %s Menu Item(s) COPY MENU=Copy Menu COPY MENU ITEMS=Copy Menu Item(s) COPY TO MENU=Copy to Menu CREATED DATE AND TIME=Created Date and Time DATE COLUMN=Date Column DATE FORMAT=Date Format DEFAULT ITEM LABEL=Default Menu Item DEFAULT ITEM DESC=The Default Menu Item DEFAULT LOGIN LAYOUT DESC=Create a Default User Login Layout view DEFAULT LOGIN LAYOUT=Default Login Layout DEFAULT REMIND LAYOUT=Default Remind DEFAULT REMIND LAYOUT DESC=Create a Default Username Reminder Layout view DEFAULT RESET LAYOUT=Default Reset Layout DEFAULT RESET LAYOUT DESC=Create a Default Password Reset Layout view DEFAULT MENU ITEM SET=Default Menu Item Set DEFAULT REGISTER LAYOUT=Default Registration Layout DEFAULT REGISTER LAYOUT DESC=Create a Default User Registration Layout view DEFAULT USER LAYOUT=Default User Layout DEFAULT USER LAYOUT DESC=This layout displays a greeting message when the User accesses the registered zone. It is only associated with the <em>mod_login</em> module. DELETE MENU=Delete Menu DESCNEWITEMSLAST=New Menu Items default to the last position. Ordering can be changed after this Menu Item is saved. DESCRIPTION FOR PAGE=Description for page DESCRIPTION IMAGE=Description Image DESCRIPTION TEXT=Description Text DISPLAY IN=Display in DISPLAY SELECT=Display Select EDIT MENU=Click to Edit this Menu Item EDIT MENU ITEMS=Edit Menu Item(s) EDIT MENU NAME=Edit Menu Title ELEMENT NOT DEFINED FOR TYPE=Element not defined for Menu Type EMAIL ICON=E-mail Icon EMPTY CATEGORIES=Empty Categories EMPTY CATEGORIES IN SECTION=Empty Categories in Section ERROR SAVING MENU ITEM=Error Saving Menu Item ERRORMENUNAMEEXISTS=A Menu already exists with that unique name. You must enter a unique name. EXTERNAL LINK=External Link EXTERNAL LINK PARAMETERS...=Create a Menu Item that links to another Web site. FEED DESCRIPTION=Feed Description FILTER FIELD=Filter Field FORM=Form FRONTPAGE=Front Page HEIGHT=Height HITS=Hits ICON=Icon IMAGE ALIGN=Image Align INACTIVE=Inactive INTERNAL LINK=Internal Link INVALID ID PROVIDED=Invalid ID provided ITEM DESCRIPTION=Item Description ITEM MUST HAVE A TITLE=Item must have a Title ITEM RATING=Item Rating ITEM TITLES=Item Titles ITEM(S) SENT TO THE TRASH=%s Item(s) sent to the Trash. ITEMID=ItemID LAYOUT=Layout LEAST HITS=Least Hits LINK=Link LINK DESCRIPTIONS=Link Descriptions LINKED TITLES=Linked Titles MAKE YOUR ITEM TITLES LINKABLE=Make your Item Titles linkable MAX LEVELS=Max Levels MENU=Menu MENU BEING COPIED=Menu being Copied MENU DETAILS=Menu MENU ITEM=Menu Item MENU ITEM DETAILS=Menu Item Details MENU ITEM MOVED DOWN=Menu Item moved down MENU ITEM MOVED UP=Menu Item moved up MENU ITEM PARAMETERS=Menu Item Parameters MENU ITEM SAVED=Menu Item Saved MENU ITEM TYPE=Menu Item Type MENU ITEM TO LINK TO...=Menu Item to Link to... MENU ITEMS=Menu Item(s) MENU ITEMS & MODULES UPDATED=Menu Item(s) and Modules updated MENU ITEMS BEING COPIED=Menu Item(s) being copied MENU ITEMS BEING DELETED=Menu Item(s) being deleted MENU ITEMS BEING MOVED=Menu Item(s) being moved MENU ITEMS COPIED TO=%s Menu Item(s) copied to %s MENU ITEMS MOVED TO=%s Menu Item(s) moved to %s MENU ITEMS PUBLISHED=%s Menu Item(s) published MENU ITEMS SET PUBLIC=%s Menu Item(s) set to Public access MENU ITEMS SET REGISTERED=%s Menu Item(s) set to Registered access MENU ITEMS SET SPECIAL=%s Menu Item(s) set to Special access MENU ITEMS UNPUBLISHED=%s Menu Item(s) unpublished MENU LINK=Menu Link MENU LINK PARAMETERS...=This Menu Item creates a Link to an existing Menu Item. It will take the parameter setup of the target Menu Item. MENU TYPE=Unique Name MENUS=Menus MISCELLANEOUS=Miscellaneous MODIFIED DATE AND TIME=Modified Date and Time MODULE TITLE=Module Title MODULE(S) BEING DELETED=Module(s) being deleted MODULE NAME=Module Name MOD_MENU=mod_menu MOST HITS=Most Hits MOST RECENT FIRST=Most recent first MOVE MENU ITEMS=Move Menu Items MOVE TO MENU=Move to Menu NAME COLUMN=Name Column NEW MENU=New Menu NEW MENU CREATED=New Menu created [%s] NEW MENU NAME=New Menu Title NEW MODULE NAME=New Module Name NUM MODULES=# Modules NO, ORDER BY PRIMARY ORDER ONLY=No, Order by Primary Order Only NUM ARTICLES COLUMN=# Articles Column NUM CATEGORY ITEMS=# Category Items NUM INTRO=# Intro NUM LEADING=# Leading NUMBER 5=5 NUMBER 10=10 NUMBER 15=15 NUMBER 20=20 NUMBER 25=25 NUMBER 30=30 NUMBER 50=50 NUMBER 100=100 NUMBER OF ITEMS TO DISPLAY AS LINKS.=Number of Items to display as Links. OLDEST FIRST=Oldest first ON CLICK, OPEN IN=On Click, Open in OPML=OPML ORDER BY=Order ORDER ITEMS BY CATEGORY=Order Items by Category ORDER THAT THE ITEMS WILL BE DISPLAYED IN.=Order that the Items will be displayed in. OTHER=Other OTHER CATEGORIES=Other Categories PAGINATION=Pagination PAGINATION RESULTS=Pagination Results PARAMADD=By default, http:// will be added unless it detects http:// or https:// in the URL you provide. This allows you to switch off this functionality. PARAMETERS - ADVANCED=Parameters Advanced PARAMARTICLES=Show/Hide the # of Articles in the Feed PARAMAUTHOR=Show/Hide the name of the Article Author (only affects this page) PARAMHORIVERT=Show/Hide the horizontal & vertical scrollbars. PARAMCATDESC=Show/Hide the Category Description PARAMCATEG=Show/Hide the Category the Item belongs to PARAMCATEGLINK=Make the Category Title a Link to the actual Category page PARAMCATITEMS=Show/Hide the number of Items in each Category PARAMCATLIST=Show/Hide the List of Categories in list view page PARAMCATLISTCAT=Show/Hide the List of Categories in table view page PARAMCOLUMNS=When displaying the Intro text, set how many columns to use per row PARAMSHOWHIDE=Show/Hide the Category Description. It will appear below the Category Name. PARAMSHOWHIDELINKS=Show/Hide the description text of the Links PARAMCREATEDATE=Show/Hide the Item Creation Date (only affects this page) PARAMDATEFORMAT=The format of the date displayed (using PHPs strftime command Format). If left blank, it will load the format from your language file. PARAMEMAIL=Show/Hide the Item E-mail button (only affects this page) PARAMFEEDDESC=Show/Hide the description text of the Feed PARAMHEIGHT=Height of the IFrame window PARAMHEIGHTAUTO=The height will automatically be set to the size of the external page. This will only work for pages on your own domain. If you see a JavaScript error, make sure this parameter is disabled. This will break XHTML compatibility for this page. PARAMIMAGE=The image for this page must be located in the /images/stories folder. Select the required image from the dropdown list. To display no image, select <i>None Selected</i>. PARAMINTRO=Number of Articles to display with the Intro text shown. PARAMITEMDESC=Show/Hide the description or Intro text of an Article. PARAMLEADING=Number of Articles to display as a leading (full width) Article. 0 will mean that no Articles will be displayed as leading. PARAMMODIFYDATE=Show/Hide the Item Modification Date (only affects this page) PARAMORDERBY=This overrides the Ordering of the Items. PARAMORDERBYSEC=Order that the Items will be displayed in. PARAMOTHERCAT=Show/Hide the Description for the list of other Categories PARAMOTHERCATSECTION=Show/Hide the List of Categories in list view page PARAMTABLECATSEC=Show/Hide the List of Categories in table view page PARAMPAGINATIONRESULTS=Show/Hide Pagination Results Information ( e.g 1-4 of 4 ) PARAMPDF=Show/Hide the Item PDF button (only affects this page) PARAMPRINT=Show/Hide the Item Print button (only affects this page) PARAMRATING=Show/Hide the Item Rating (only affects this page) PARAMSECTIONLINK=Make the Section Title a link to the actual Section page PARAMSECURE=Selects whether or not this link should use SSL and the Secure Site URL PARAMSHOWFEEDLINK=Select whether or not the Feed Links will be displayed. PARAMSPECCAT=Shows Contacts only from the selected Category PARAMWIDTH=Width of the iframe window. You can enter an absolute figure in pixels or a relative figure by adding a %. PARAMWORDCOUNT=Allows you to limit the amount of visible Item description text. 0 will show all the text. PARAMWHENVIEWCAT=When viewing a Category, Show/Hide the list of other Categories PARAMETERS - BASIC=Parameters (Basic) PARAMETERS - COMPONENT=Parameters (Component) PARAMETERS - SYSTEM=Parameters (System) PDF ICON=PDF Icon PLEASE ENTER A MENU NAME=Please enter a Unique Name for your Menu PLEASE ENTER A MODULE NAME FOR YOUR MENU=Please enter a Module Title for your Menu PLEASE ENTER A NAME FOR THE COPY OF THE MENU=Please enter a title for the copy of the Menu. PLEASE ENTER A NAME FOR THE NEW MODULE=Please enter a title for the new Module. PLEASE SELECT A CATEGORY=Please select a Category PLEASE SELECT A MENU FROM THE LIST=Please select a menu from the list PLEASE SELECT AN ARTICLE=Please select an Article POLL=Poll PRIMARY ORDER=Primary Order READ MORE=Read more... RSS=RSS SCROLL BARS=Scrollbars SEARCH=Search SECTION NAME=Section Title SECTION NAME LINKABLE=Section Title Linkable SECTION TITLE=Section Title SELECT=Select SELECT AN ARTICLE=Select an Article SELECT ARTICLE=Select Article SELECT ITEM=Select Item SELECT MENU ITEM TYPE=Select Menu Item Type SEPARATOR=Separator SEPARATOR PARAMETERS...=This Menu Item creates a Menu Placeholder or a Separator within the Menu. <br />Use to break up long Menus or to add temporary Menu Items to aid visualisation of the Menu. SHOW AUTHOR=Show Author SHOW CREATED DATE AND TIME=Show Created Date and Time SHOW A FEED LINK=Show a Feed Link SHOW THE SEARCH AREAS CHECKBOXES=Show the search areas check boxes SHOW/HIDE EMPTY(NO ITEMS) CATEGORIES=Show/Hide Empty(no Items) Categories SHOW/HIDE EMPTY(NO ITEMS) CATEGORIES IN SECTION VIEW=Show/Hide Empty(no Items) Categories in Section view SHOW/HIDE PAGINATION SUPPORT=Show/Hide Pagination support SHOW/HIDE THE CATEGORY DESCRIPTION=Show/Hide the Category Description SHOW/HIDE THE CATEGORY IMAGE=Show/Hide the Category Image SHOW/HIDE THE DATE COLUMN=Show/Hide the Date column SHOW/HIDE THE DESCRIPTION BELOW=Show/Hide the Description below SHOW/HIDE THE DISPLAY SELECT DROPDOWN=Show/Hide the Display Select dropdown SHOW/HIDE THE FEED LINK COLUMN=Show/Hide the Feed Link column SHOW/HIDE THE FEED NAME COLUMN=Show/Hide the Feed Name column SHOW/HIDE THE FILTER ABILITY=Show/Hide the Filter availability SHOW/HIDE THE IMAGE OF THE FEED=Show/Hide the image of the Feed SHOW/HIDE THE ITEMS TITLE=Show/Hide the Item Title SHOW/HIDE THE TABLE HEADINGS=Show/Hide the Table Headings SSL ENABLED=SSL Enabled STEP=Step SUBMIT=Submit TABLE HEADINGS=Table Headings TELEPHONE COLUMN=Telephone Column THE DEFAULT MENU ITEM MUST BE PUBLISHED=The default menu item must be published. THE MENU NAME CANNOT CONTAIN A '=The Menu Name cannot contain a <dfn title="single quote mark">'</dfn> character. THERE ARE NO PARAMETERS FOR THIS ITEM=There are no Parameters for this Menu Item THERE ARE NO ADVANCED PARAMETERS FOR THIS ITEM=There are no Advanced Parameters for this Menu Item TIPLINKS=If Yes, it will show links to Registered content even if you are not logged in. The User will need to Login to see the full Article. TIPIFYESTITLECONTENTITEMS=If Yes, the Title of Articles will be hyperlinked to the Article itself. TIPIFSETTOSHOWAUTHOR=If set to Show, the Name of the Author will be displayed. This a global setting but can be changed at Menu and Item levels. TIPIFSETTOSHOWDATETIMECREATED=If set to Show, the Date and Time an Article was created will be displayed. This a global setting but can be changed at Menu and Item levels. TIPIFSETTOSHOWDATETIMEMODIFIED=If set to Show, the date and time an Article was last modified will be displayed. This a global setting but can be changed at Menu and Item levels. TIPIFSETTOSHOWREADMORELINK=If set to Show, the Read more... link will show if Main text has been created for the Article. TIPIFSETTOSHOWVOTING=If set to Show, a Voting system will be enabled for Articles TIPPRINTPDFEMAIL=Print, PDF, and E-mail will utilise Icons or Text TIPIFSETTOSHOWHITS=If set to Show, the hits for a particular Article will be displayed. This a global setting but can be changed at Menu and Article levels. TIPNAMEUSEDTOIDENTIFYMENU=This is the name used by Joomla! to identify this Menu within the code so it must be unique. We recommend that you do not have any spaces in your unique name TIPPARAMLISTMENUITEM=Parameter list will be available once you save this new Menu Item. TIPTITLEMAINMENUMODULEREQUIRED=Title that will be given to the <code>mod_mainmenu</code> Module in the Module Manager. If left blank, a Module will not be created and the Menu will not be available for display in the Front-end. TITLE ALPHABETICAL=Title (Alphabetical) TITLE REVERSE-ALPHABETICAL=Title (Reverse Alphabetical) TYPE=Type TYPEARTICLAYDESC=Choose an Article view Layout. TYPEARCHLAYDESC=Choose an Archive view Layout. TYPECATEGLAYDESC=Choose a Category view Layout. TYPECATEGORIESDESC=This View shows all Web Link Categories TYPECATEGORYDESC=This view shows a Web Link Category TYPEFRONTLAYDESC=Front Page is a specialised view of the Articles Component that shows specially selected Articles that have been set to Show on the Front Page. TYPELOGINDESC=Choose a Login view Layout TYPEREGISTERDESC=Create a new Registration form layout TYPEREMINDDESC=Create a new password Reminder form layout TYPERESETDESC=Create a new password Reset form layout TYPESECTLAYDESC=Choose a Section view Layout. TYPEPOLLDESC=Create a new Poll view Layout. TYPESEARCHDESC=Create a new Search view Layout. TYPEUSERDESC=Create new User associated view layouts TYPEWEBLINKDESC=This view displays a single Web Link layout TYPEWRAPPERDESC=This view displays a Wrapper layout URL TO OPEN IN AN IFRAME=URL to open in an IFrame USE SEARCH AREAS=Use Search Areas USER FORM LAYOUT=User Form Layout USER FORM LAYOUT DESC=This layout allows a User to edit their account details, choose a new password, language preference for both back-end and front-end, and also their time zone. <br />Users with publishing permissions will also be able to choose a text editor. <br />Users with administrator permissions will be able to choose what Help Site they prefer on the back-end. USER SELF-MANAGEMENT=User Self-Management VIEW MENUS=View Menus VIEW MENU ITEMS=View Menu Item(s) WEB LINK=Web Link WHICH FIELD SHALL THE FILTER APPLY TO=Select which field the filter will be applied to WORD COUNT=Word Count WRAPPER=Wrapper WRAPPER URL=Wrapper URL YOU CANNOT TRASH THE DEFAULT MENU ITEM=You cannot trash the default menu item. YOU CANNOT UNPUBLISH THE DEFAULT MENU ITEM=You cannot unpublish the default menu item. ARTICLE ORDER=Article Order ORDER THAT THE ARTICLES WILL BE DISPLAYED IN.=Order in which Articles will be displayed.