File: en-GB.com_media.ini
# $Id: en-GB.com_media.ini 13311 2009-10-24 04:13:49Z ian $ # Joomla! Project # Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. # License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php # Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM CLEAR COMPLETED=Clear Completed *CLICK FOR IMAGE CODE*=*Click for Image Code* *CLICK FOR URL*=*Click for URL* *CLICK TO ENLARGE*=*Click to Enlarge* *CLICK TO OPEN*=*Click to Open* ADD MORE FILES=Add more files ADD FILE=Add file ALIGN=Align BROWSE=Browse BROWSE FILES=Browse files CAPTION=Caption CODE=Code CONFIGURATION PROBLEM=Configuration Problem CREATE=Create CREATE FOLDER=Create Folder DETAIL VIEW=Detail View DELETE FILE=Delete file DELETE FOLDER=Delete folder DELETE ITEM=Delete item DESCFTP=To upload, change and delete media files, Joomla! will most likely need your FTP account details. Please enter them in the form fields below. DESCFTPTITLE=FTP Login Details DIMENSIONS=Dimensions<br /> W x H px DIRECTORIES=Directories DIRECTORY=Directory DIRECTORY UP=Directory Up DOES NOT EXIST.=does not exist! ERROR. FILE ALREADY EXISTS=Error. File already exists ERROR. UNABLE TO UPLOAD FILE=Error. Unable to upload file. FILESIZE=Filesize FILES/FOLDERS IN=files/folders in FIRST.=first. FOLDERS=Folders HEIGHT=Height IMAGE CODE=Image Code IMAGE DESCRIPTION=Image Description IMAGE URL=Image URL IMAGE/URL CODE=Image/URL Code IMAGES FOLDER=Images Folder INSERT=Insert INSERT IMAGE=Insert Image INSERT YOUR TEXT HERE=Insert your text here JCLIENTHELPER::SETCREDENTIALSFROMREQUEST FAILED=Unable to connect to the server with the given credentials LEGAL EXTENSIONS LABEL=Legal Extensions (File Types) LEGAL EXTENSIONS DESC= Extensions (file types) you are allowed to upload (comma separated). LEGAL IMAGE EXTENSIONS LABEL=Legal Image Extensions (File Types) LEGAL IMAGE EXTENSIONS DESC= Image Extensions (file types) you are allowed to upload (comma separated). These are used to check for valid image headers. RESTRICT UPLOADS=Restrict Uploads RESTRICT UPLOADS DESC=Restrict uploads for lower than manager users to just images if Fileinfo or MIME Magic isn't installed. CHECK MIME=Check MIME Types CHECK MIME DESC=Use MIME Magic or Fileinfo to attempt to verify files. Try disabling this if you get invalid mime type errors IGNORED EXTENSIONS LABEL=Ignored Extensions IGNORED EXTENSIONS DESC=Ignored file extensions for MIME type checking and restricted uploads LEGAL MIME TYPES LABEL=Legal MIME Types LEGAL MIME TYPES DESC=A comma separated list of legal MIME types for upload ILLEGAL MIME TYPES=Illegal MIME Types ILLEGAL MIME TYPES DESC=A comma separated list of illegal MIME types for upload (blacklist) MAX=Max = MAXIMUM SIZE LABEL=Maximum Size MAXIMUM SIZE DESC=The maximum size for an upload (in bytes). Use zero for no limit. Note: your server has a maximum limit. MEDIA MANAGER=Media Manager NAME=Image Name NO IMAGES FOUND=No Images Found NOT EMPTY!=the directory is not empty! NOT SET=Not Set NUMFILES=Files: NUMFOLDERS=Folders: PLEASE DELETE ALL FILES/FOLDER IN=Please delete all files/folder in PLEASE INPUT A FILE FOR UPLOAD=Please input a file for upload PX=px REMOVE FROM QUEUE=Remove from queue SELECT FILE=Select File SIZE=Size START UPLOAD=Start Upload TITLE=Image Title THERE ARE=There are THIS COMPONENT MANAGES SITE MEDIA=This Component manages site media THIS FILE TYPE IS NOT SUPPORTED=This file type is not supported THUMBNAIL VIEW=Thumbnail View UNABLE TO DELETE:=Unable to delete: UP=Up UPLOAD=Upload UPLOAD COMPLETE=Upload Complete UPLOAD FAILED=Upload Failed! UPLOAD FILE=Upload File UPLOAD FILES=Upload Files UPLOAD FAILED. FILE ALREADY EXISTS=Upload FAILED! File already exists. WARNSAFEMODE=Directory creation not allowed while running in SAFE MODE because this can cause problems. WARNDIRNAME=Directory name must only contain alphanumeric characters and no spaces. WARNFILENAME=File name must only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, hyphens and spaces. WARNFILETYPE=This file type is not supported. WARNFILETOOLARGE=This file is too large to upload. WARNINVALIDIMG=Not a valid image. WARNINVALIDMIME=Illegal or invalid mime type detected. WARNNOTADMIN=Uploaded file is not an image file and you are not a manager or higher. WARNIEXSS=Possible IE XSS Attack found.