File: en-GB.com_installer.ini
# $Id: en-GB.com_installer.ini 11788 2009-04-24 18:32:46Z kdevine $ # Joomla! Project # Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. # License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php # Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM ADMIN=Admin ADMIN MODULES=Admin Modules ADMIN LANGUAGES=Admin Languages ADMIN TEMPLATES=Admin Templates ALL=All ALREADY EXISTS!=Already Exists! ANOTHER COMPONENT IS ALREADY USING DIRECTORY=Another Component is already using directory ANOTHER TEMPLATE IS ALREADY USING DIRECTORY=Another template is already using directory ANOTHER MODULE IS ALREADY USING DIRECTORY=Another module is already using directory AUTHOR=Author AUTHOR INFORMATION=Author Information BACK TO LANGUAGE MANAGER=Back to Language Manager BACK TO TEMPLATES=Back to Templates CANNOT FIND OR READ FILE=It was not possible to find or read the selected file CANNOT FIND, READ OR WRITE FILE=It was not possible to find, read or write the selected file CLIENT=Client COMPATIBILITY=Compatibility COMPATIBLE EXTENSION=This extension functions natively with Joomla! 1.5. COMPONENT MENU LINK=Component Menu Link COMPONENT=Component COMPONENTS=Components CONTINUE ...=Continue... COPY FAILED=It was not possible to copy the selected file. COULD NOT COPY PHP INSTALL FILE.=Could not copy PHP install file. COULD NOT COPY PHP UNINSTALL FILE.=Could not copy PHP uninstall file. CURRENTLY INSTALLED=Component DELETING XML FILE=Deleting XML file DELETE FAILED=It was not possible to delete the selected file. DESCFTP=For installing or uninstalling Extensions, Joomla! will most likely need your FTP account details. Please enter them in the form fields below. DESCFTPTITLE=FTP Login Details DESCLANGUAGES=Only those Languages that may be uninstalled are accessible. The default Language may not be removed. DESCMODULES=Only those Modules that may be uninstalled are accessible. Some Core Modules may not be removed. DESCPLUGINS=Only those Plugins that can be uninstalled are accessible. Some Core Plugins cannot be removed. DESCTEMPLATES=Only those Templates that may be uninstalled are accessible. The default Template may not be removed. DIRECTORY.=Directory. DIRECTORY DOES NOT EXIST=Directory does not exist. DIRECTORY DOES NOT EXIST, CANNOT REMOVE FILES=Directory does not exist and cannot remove files. DISABLE=Disable ENABLE=Enable ERROR=Error ERRORNOTFINDJOOMLAXMLSETUPFILE=Error! Could not find a Joomla! XML setup file in the package. ERRORNOTFINDXMLSETUPFILE=Error! Could not find an XML setup file in the package. ERRORREMOVEMANUALLY=If this Extension has created tables or installed additional files, they must be removed manually. ERRORUNKOWNEXTENSION=The installer could not remove the extension as requested. Manual removal is required. EXTENSION MANAGER=Extension Manager EXTRACT ERROR=Extraction Error! FAILED TO COPY FILE TO=Failed to copy file: %s to %s FAILED TO MOVE UPLOADED FILE TO=Failed to move uploaded file to <code>/media</code> directory. FILE DOES NOT EXIST=File '%s' does not exist. FOLDER FIELD EMPTY, CANNOT REMOVE FILES=Folder field empty and cannot remove files INSTALL=Install INSTALLEXT=Install %s %s INSTALL AN EXTENSION=Install an Extension INSTALL DETECTION ERROR=Install %s - (Detection Error!) INSTALL DIRECTORY=Install Directory INSTALL FROM DIRECTORY=Install from Directory INSTALL FROM URL=Install from URL INSTALL NEW ELEMENT=Install new %s - %s INSTALL NEW EXTENSION=Install new Extension INSTALL NEW LANGUAGE - SITE=Install new language (site) INSTALL NEW TEMPLATE=Install new Template INSTALL URL=Install URL INSTALLATION FILE NOT FOUND=Installation file not found INSTALLED MODULES=Installed Modules INSTALLED PLUGINS=Installed Plugins INSTALLER - ERROR=Installer Error! INSTALLER LANG NOT INSTALLED=The language file '%s' could not be installed because the %s language package for '%s' has not been installed or does not exist. INSTALLER NOT AVAILABLE FOR ELEMENT=Installer not available for element INSTALLER NOT FOUND FOR ELEMENT=Installer not found for element INVALID URL=Invalid URL IS NOT A VALID JOOMLA! INSTALLATION FILE=is not a valid Joomla! installation file JCLIENTHELPER::SETCREDENTIALSFROMREQUEST FAILED=Unable to connect to the server with the given credentials. LANGUAGE ID EMPTY, CANNOT REMOVE FILES=Language ID empty and cannot remove files LANGUAGE=Language LANGUAGES=Languages METHOD "INSTALL" CANNOT BE CALLED BY CLASS=Method <strong>install</strong> cannot be called by class METHOD "UNINSTALL" CANNOT BE CALLED BY CLASS=Method <strong>uninstall</strong> cannot be called by class MODULE FILE=Module MODULE=Module MODULES=Modules NO CORE PACK EXISTS FOR THE LANGUAGE=No core pack exists for the language NO CUSTOM MODULES INSTALLED=No custom Modules installed NO LANGUAGES INSTALLED=No Languages installed NO LANGUAGE TAG?=The package did not specify a language tag. Are you trying to install an old language package? NO INSTALLED TEMPLATES=No Templates installed NO INSTALL TYPE FOUND=No Install Type Found NO FILE IS MARKED AS PLUGIN FILE=No file is marked as Plugin file NO FILE IS MARKED AS MODULE FILE=No file is marked as Module file NO FILE SELECTED=No file selected NO FILENAME SPECIFIED=No filename specified NOT COMPATIBLE EXTENSION=This extension does not function natively with Joomla! 1.5. It requires Legacy Mode to be ON. Please contact the extension's author for additional information. PACKAGE MANIFEST FILE INVALID OR NOT FOUND=The package manifest file is invalid or has not been found. PATH DOES NOT HAVE A VALID PACKAGE=Path does not have a valid package. PATH IS NOT A FOLDER=Path does not point to a valid folder or the folder has been deleted. PLEASE ENTER A PACKAGE DIRECTORY=Please enter a package directory PLEASE ENTER A URL=Please enter a URL PLEASE SELECT A DIRECTORY=Please select a directory PLUGIN=Plugin PLUGINS=Plugins RENAMING FAILED=It was not possible to rename the selected file. SESSION PATH IS WRITABLE=Session path writable SITE MODULES=Site Modules SITE LANGUAGES=Site Languages SITE TEMPLATES=Site Templates SQLERRORORFILE=SQL error or missing or unreadable SQL file. SUCCESS=Success TEMPLATE=Template TEMPLATE ID IS EMPTY, CANNOT REMOVE FILES=Template ID is empty, cannot remove files THE XML FILE DID NOT CONTAIN AN ADMINISTRATION ELEMENT=The XML file did not contain an administration element. THERE IS ALREADY A FILE CALLED=There is already a file called UNABLE TO DETECT THE TYPE OF INSTALL=Unable to detect the type of install %s UNABLE TO FIND INSTALL PACKAGE=Unable to find install package UNABLE TO FIND VALID XML INSTALL=Unable to find valid XML install %s UNABLE TO OPEN=It was not possible to open the selected file UNINSTALL=Uninstall UNINSTALLEXT=Uninstall %s %s UNINSTALL LANGUAGE=If you uninstall this language, all your extensions' language files for this language will be permanently deleted and cannot be used anymore! UNINSTALLLANGPUBLISHEDALREADY=Cannot remove the default language UNKNOWN=Unknown UNKNOWN CLIENT TYPE=Unknown Client Type UNKNOWNARCHIVETYPE=Unknown Archive Type UNRECOVERABLE ERROR=Unrecoverable Error! UPLOAD ERROR=Upload %s - (Upload Error!) UPLOAD FAILED=Upload %s - (Upload Failed!) UPLOAD FAILED AS=Upload failed as UPLOAD FILE=Upload File UPLOAD PACKAGE FILE=Upload Package File UPLOAD NEW=Upload new %s - (%s) UPLOAD NEW MODULE - ERROR=Upload new Module - Error! UPLOADFAILEDNOTEXIST=Upload failed as <code>/media</code> directory does not exist. UPLOADFAILEDNOTWRITABLE=Upload failed as <code>/media</code> directory is not writable. UPLOADSUCCESSOR=Upload %s - (%s) WARNCOOKIESNOTENABLED=It appears that your browser is not configured to allow cookies. This is one of the requirements for the proper functioning of Joomla! WARNCORECOMPONENT=%s is a core Component and cannot be uninstalled. WARNCORECOMPONENT2=You need to disable it if you do not want to use it. WARNCOREELEMENT=%s is a core element and cannot be uninstalled. WARNCOREMODULE=%s is a core Module and cannot be uninstalled. WARNFS_ERR01=Warning! Failed to change file permissions. WARNFS_ERR02=Warning! Failed to move file. WARNFS_ERR03=Upload failed. The target directory is not writable. WARNFS_ERR04=Upload failed. The target directory does not exist. WARNINSTALLFILE=The installer cannot continue until file uploads are enabled for the server. WARNINSTALLZLIB=The installer cannot continue until Zlib is installed. WARNINSTALLUPLOADERROR=There was an error uploading this file to the server. WARNNONONCORE=There are no non-core, custom Plugins installed. WARNPERMISSIONS=Failed to change the permissions of the uploaded file. WARNSAME=There is already a folder called '%s'. Please initially check whether:<br />• the Extension is already installed<br />• the file names in the XML file are spelled correctly<br />• there are no XML files listed inside the <code>extension.xml</code> file<br />• all of the files (not including XML files) are correctly listed in the <code>extension.xml</code> file and there are no duplicate entries<br />• there is an empty folder listed from a previous installation attempt<br /> XML SETUP FILE IS NOT FOR A=The XML setup file is not for a SERVER_CONNECT_FAILED=Remote Server connection failed THERE ARE NO CUSTOM COMPONENTS INSTALLED=There are no custom components installed. THERE ARE NO CUSTOM TEMPLATES INSTALLED=There are no custom templates installed. THERE ARE NO CUSTOM LANGUAGES INSTALLED=There are no custom languages installed. THERE ARE NO CUSTOM MODULES INSTALLED=There are no custom modules installed. THERE ARE NO CUSTOM PLUGINS INSTALLED=There are no custom plugins installed. INVALIDINSTALLFILE=Incorrect %s file detected, for more information see <a href="http://docs.joomla.org/Incorrect_Install_File">incorrect install file</a> on the documentation wiki. BLANKSCRIPTELEMENT=%s script value was blank! Set this to a value or delete the tag.