File: en-GB.com_content.ini
# $Id: en-GB.com_content.ini 12768 2009-09-17 04:46:46Z ian $ # Joomla! Project # Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. # License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php # Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM ACROSS=Across ALIAS=Alias ALTERNATIVE READ MORE TEXT=Alternative <em>Read more:</em> text AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED=An error has occurred! APPENDIX=Appendix ARCHIVE=Archive ARCHIVED=Archived ARCHIVED ARTICLE LIST LAYOUT=Archived Article List ARCHIVED ARTICLE LIST LAYOUT DESC=The Archived Article Layout displays Articles that have been Archived and is searchable by date. ARTICLE=Article ARTICLE ID=Article ID ARTICLE MANAGER=Article Manager ARTICLE MUST HAVE A TITLE=Article must have a Title ARTICLE MUST HAVE SOME TEXT=Article must have some text ARTICLE ORDER=Article Order ARTICLE PARAMETERS=Article Parameters ARTICLE RATING:: INVALID RATING:=Article Rating:: Invalid Rating: ARTICLE SELECTION=Article Selection ARTICLE SUBMISSION LAYOUT=Article Submission Layout ARTICLE SUBMISSION LAYOUT DESC=Allows Users to submit an Article. Note: this will only work for Authors and above! ARTICLE TITLE=Article Title ARTICLES BEING COPIED=Articles being copied: ARTICLES BEING MOVED=Articles being moved: AUTHOR NAMES=Author Name BLACK LIST (DEFAULT)= Blacklist (Default) BOOK=Book CALENDAR=Calendar CAPTION=Caption CATEGORY BLOG LAYOUT=Category Blog Layout CATEGORY BLOG LAYOUT DESC=This layout displays an Article Category in Blog format. CATEGORY NAME=Category Title CATEGORY NAME LINKABLE=Category Title Linkable CHAPTER=Chapter CONTENT LANGUAGE=Content Language COPY ARTICLES=Copy Articles COPY TO SECTION/CATEGORY=Copy to Section/Category CREATED=Created CREATED DATE AND TIME=Created Date and Time DESCCONTENT=This shows a single Content page DETAILAUTHOR=Author Name DETAILAUTHORALIAS=Alternative Name for the Author DETAILACCESS=Access Level for this Article DETAILCREATED=Creation Date of the Article DETAILSTART=Start Publishing date/time DETAILFINISH=Finish Publishing date/time DOWN=Down DRAFT UNPUBLISHED=Unpublished draft EDIT THE IMAGE SELECTED=Edit the image selected FILTER ATTRIBUTES=Filter attributes FILTER GROUPS=Filter groups FILTERING OPTIONS=Filtering options FILTER TAGS=Filter tags FILTER TYPE=Filter type EMAIL ICON=E-mail Icon FILTER BY TITLE OR ENTER ARTICLE ID=Filter by Title or enter an Article ID FOR EACH FEED ITEM SHOW=For each feed item show FRONT PAGE=Front Page FRONTPAGE=Front Page FRONTPAGE BLOG LAYOUT=Front Page Blog Layout FRONTPAGE BLOG LAYOUT DESC=The standard Front Page Blog Layout displays Articles that have been set as Front Page Articles in a blog format. GLOSSARY=Glossary IMAGE ALIGN=Image Align INTRO TEXT=Intro Text FULL TEXT=Full Text ITEM RATING=Article Rating ITEM RATING/VOTING=Article Rating/Voting ITEM(S) SENT TO THE TRASH=%s Article(s) sent to the Trash. ITEM(S) SUCCESSFULLY ARCHIVED=%s Article(s) successfully archived. ITEM(S) SUCCESSFULLY COPIED TO SECTION=%s Article(s) successfully copied to Section: %s, Category: %s. ITEM(S) SUCCESSFULLY MOVED TO SECTION=%s Article(s) successfully moved to Section: %s, Category: %s. ITEM(S) SUCCESSFULLY MOVED TO UNCATEGORIZED=%s Article(s) successfully moved to Uncategorised content. ITEM(S) SUCCESSFULLY PUBLISHED=%s Article(s) successfully published. ITEM(S) SUCCESSFULLY UNPUBLISHED=%s Article(s) successfully unpublished. ITEM(S) SUCCESSFULLY UNARCHIVED=%s Article(s) successfully unarchived. ITEMS BEING COPIED=Articles being copied. ITEMS BEING MOVED=Articles being moved. KEY REFERENCE=Key Reference KEYWORDS=Keywords LINKED TITLES=Title Linkable MAKE YOUR ITEM TITLES LINKABLE=Make your Article's Title a link to the actual Article. This is ideal when only the Intro Text is displayed. METADATA INFORMATION=Metadata Information METADESC=Meta Description METAKEYS=Meta Keywords METAROBOTS=Keywords for Robots METAAUTHOR=Author name within the Meta information MODIFIED=Modified MODIFIED DATE AND TIME=Modified Date and Time MOVE ARTICLES=Move Articles MOVE TO SECTION/CATEGORY=Move to Section/Category MULTI COLUMN ORDER=Multi Column Order NEVER=Never NEW DOCUMENT=New Document NO HTML=No html NOT MODIFIED=Not Modified ORDER THAT THE ARTICLES WILL BE DISPLAYED IN=Order that Articles will be displayed in. PAGEBREAK=Pagebreak PARAMDOWNORACROSS=Order articles down or across columns PARAMALTREADMORE=Enter the text that you want to appear alongside the dynamic <em>Read more:</em> link instead of the default setting of using the Article Title. PARAMAUTHOR=Show/Hide the Article Author (only affects this page) PARAMCATEG=Show/Hide the Name of the Category the Article belongs to PARAMCATEGLINK=Make the Category Title a link to the actual Category page PARAMCREATEDATE=Show/Hide the Article Creation Date (only affects this page) PARAMEMAIL=Show/Hide the Article E-mail button (only affects this page) PARAMCONTENTLANGUAGE=The Language in which this Article is written PARAMKEYREF=A text key by which an Article may be referenced (e.g. a help reference) PARAMMODIFYDATE=Show/Hide the date upon which the Article was last modified (only affects this page). PARAMPDF=Show/Hide the PDF button (only affects this page) PARAMPRINT=Show/Hide the Print button (only affects this page) PARAMRATING=Show/Hide the Article Rating (only affects this page) PARAMSECTION=Show/Hide the title of the Section the Article belongs to PARAMSECTIONLINK=Make the Section Title a link to the actual Section page PARAMETERS - ADVANCED=Parameters (Advanced) PARAMETERS - ARTICLE=Parameters (Article) PARAMNAVIGATIONARTICLE=Shows a navigation function between Articles. PART=Part PDF ICON=PDF Icon PGB TOC ALIAS PROMPT=Table of Contents Alias: PGB PAGE TITLE=Page Title: PGB INS PAGEBRK=Insert Page Break PGB ARTICLE PAGEBRK=Article Page Break PLEASE SELECT A SECTION=Please select a Section PLEASE SELECT SOMETHING=Please select a Section/Category to move the Article(s) to. #If the variable does not work in your language use following line # PLEASE MAKE A SELECTION FROM THE LIST TO=Please select an Article from the list #instead of PLEASE MAKE A SELECTION FROM THE LIST TO=Please select an Article from the list to %s READ MORE LINK=Read more... Link READMORE=Read more... REFENTRY=Refentry REMOVE=Remove RESET HIT COUNT=Reset Hit Count REVISED=Revised ROBOTS=Robots SAMPLE IMAGE=Sample Image SECTION BLOG LAYOUT=Section Blog Layout SECTION BLOG LAYOUT DESC=Displays a list of Articles in a Section in a Blog format. SECTION NAME=Section Name SECTION NAME LINKABLE=Section Title Linkable SECTION: ALL=Section: All SELECT A SECTION=Select a Section SELECT AN ITEM TO TOGGLE=Select an item to Toggle SELECT LANGUAGE=Select Language SELECT SECTION=Select Section SELECT CATEGORY=Select Category STANDARD ARTICLE LAYOUT=Article Layout STANDARD ARTICLE LAYOUT DESC=The Article Layout displays a single Article. STANDARD CATEGORY LAYOUT=Category List Layout STANDARD CATEGORY LAYOUT DESC=This layout displays Articles in a Category. STANDARD SECTION LAYOUT= Section Layout STANDARD SECTION LAYOUT DESC=Displays a list of Categories in a Section. SHOW ARTICLE TITLE=Show Article Title SHOW INTRO TEXT=Show Intro Text SHOW NAVIGATION=Show Navigation SHOW PAGE TITLE=Show Page Title SHOW TITLE=Show Title SHOW UNAUTHORIZED LINKS=Show Unauthorised Links SHOW/HIDE THE INTRO TEXT=Show/Hide the Intro text SHOW/HIDE THE ITEMS TITLE=Show/Hide the Item's Title SHOW/HIDE THE ARTICLES TITLE=Show/Hide the Article's Title SSL ENABLED=SSL Enabled STATE=State SUB-FOLDER=Sub-folder SUCCESSFULLY RESET HIT COUNT=Successfully reset Hit count SUCCESSFULLY SAVED CHANGES TO ARTICLE=Successfully saved changes to Article: %s SUCCESSFULLY SAVED ITEM=Successfully saved Article: %s SUCCESSFULLY SAVED ARTICLE=Successfully Saved Article TIMES=Times TIPFILTERGROUPS=This sets the user groups that you want filters applied to. Other groups will have no filtering performed. TIPFILTERINGOPTIONS=Filtering options to give more control over the HTML your content providers submit. You can be as strict or as liberal as you require to suit your site needs. The filtering is opt-in and the default settings provide good protection against markup commonly associated with Web site attacks. TIPSFILTERTAGS=List additional tags, separating each tag name with a space or comma. TIPSFILTERATTRIBUTES=List additional attributes, separating each attribute name with a space or comma. TIPSFILTERTYPE=Blacklist allows all tags and attributes except for those in the blacklist.<br /><strong>--</strong>The default blacklist includes the following tags: 'applet', 'body', 'bgsound', 'base', 'basefont', 'embed', 'frame', 'frameset', 'head', 'html', 'id', 'iframe', 'ilayer', 'layer', 'link', 'meta', 'name', 'object', 'script', 'style', 'title', 'xml'<br /><strong>--</strong> The default blacklist includes the following attributes:\n'action', 'background', 'codebase', 'dynsrc', 'lowsrc'<br /><strong>--</strong>You can blacklist additional tags and attributes by adding to the Filter Tags and Filter Attributes fields, separating each tag or attribute name with a space or comma.</p><p> Whitelist allows only the tags listed in the Filter Tags and Filter Attributes fields.</p><p>No HTML removes all HTML tags from the content when it is saved.</p> <p>Please note that these settings work regardless of the editor that you are using. <br />Even if you are using a WYSIWYG editor, the filtering settings may strip additional tags and attributes prior to saving information in the database. TIPSHOWFEEDITEM=Show only the Intro Text or the Full Text of the article. UNARCHIVE=Unarchive UNCATEGORIZED=Uncategorised VALIDSELECTIONLISTSENDTRASH=Please make a selection from the list to send to Trash. VALIDSELECTSECTCATCOPYITEMS=Please select a Section/Category to copy the Articles to. VALIDTRASHSELECTEDITEMS=Are you sure you want to Trash the selected Articles? This will not permanently delete the Articles. WHITE LIST=Whitelist YOU CANNOT EDIT AN ARCHIVED ITEM=You cannot edit an Archived Article. YOU MUST SELECT A CATEGORY=You must select a Category. YOU MUST SELECT A SECTION=You must select a Section.