File: en-GB.com_config.ini
# $Id: en-GB.com_config.ini 12308 2009-06-23 04:05:28Z ian $ # Joomla! Project # Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. # License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php # Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM ADD SUFFIX TO URLS=Add suffix to URLs ADMINISTRATOR ONLY=Administrator Only ALLOW USER REGISTRATION=Allow User Registration ALLOWED_USERGROUP=Minimum User Level for Media Manager ALLOWED_USERGROUP_DESC=Select the lowest user level that can use the Media Manager in the front end. Users in this group and higher groups will be able to access the Media Manager. ATOM=Atom AUTHOR NAMES=Author Names CACHE=Cache CACHE FOLDER=Cache Folder CACHE HANDLER=Cache Handler CACHE SETTINGS=Cache Settings CACHE TIME=Cache Time CACHING=Caching COMPRESS BUFFERED OUTPUT IF SUPPORTED=Compress buffered output if supported. COULD NOT MAKE CONFIGURATION.PHP WRITABLE=Could not make configuration.php writable. CREATED DATE AND TIME=Created Date and Time DATABASE=Database DATABASE PREFIX=Database Prefix DATABASE SETTINGS=Database Settings DATABASE TYPE=Database Type DEBUG=Debug DEBUG SYSTEM=Debug System DEBUG LANGUAGE=Debug Language DEBUG SETTINGS=Debug Settings DEFAULT WYSIWYG EDITOR=Default WYSIWYG Editor DESCFTP=For updating your configuration.php file, Joomla! will most likely need your FTP account details. Please enter them in the form fields below. DESCFTPTITLE=FTP Login Details ENABLE FLASH UPLOADER=Enable Flash Uploader ENABLE FLASH UPLOADER DESC=Select whether the Flash Uploader should be used or not for uploading media in the Media Manager EDIT PREFERENCES=Edit Preferences EMAIL ICON=E-mail Icon ENABLE FTP=Enable FTP ENABLE DEBUGGING=Enable Debugging ENABLE LOGGING=Enable Logging ENABLE WEB SERVICES=Enable Web Services ENTIRE SITE=Entire Site ERROR REPORTING=Error Reporting ERRORCONFIGFILE=An Error has occurred! Unable to open configuration.php file to write! FEED EMAIL=Feed Email FEEDLIMIT=Feedlimit FEED LENGTH=Feed length FOR EACH ARTICLE, SHOW=For each Article, show FORCE SSL=Force SSL FROM NAME=From Name FRONT-END USER PARAMS=Front-end User Parameters FTP=FTP FTP HOST=FTP Host FTP PASSWORD=FTP Password FTP PATH=FTP Path FTP PORT=FTP Port FTP ROOT=FTP Root FTP SETTINGS=FTP Settings FTP USERNAME=FTP Username FULL TEXT=Full Text GLOBAL CONFIGURATION=Global Configuration GLOBAL SITE META DESCRIPTION=Global Site Meta Description GLOBAL SITE META KEYWORDS=Global Site Meta Keywords GZIP PAGE COMPRESSION=GZIP Page Compression HELP SERVER=Help Server HELPREFRESH ERROR FETCH=The current Help Sites list could not be fetched from the remote server HELPREFRESH ERROR STORE=The new Help Sites list could not be saved HELPREFRESH SUCCESS=The Help Sites list has been refreshed. HOST=HOST HOSTNAME=Hostname INTRO TEXT=Intro Text ITEM RATING/VOTING=Article Rating/Voting JCLIENTHELPER::SETCREDENTIALSFROMREQUEST FAILED=Unable to connect to the server with the given credentials. LEGAL EXTENSIONS LABEL=Legal Extensions (File Types) LEGAL EXTENSIONS DESC= Extensions (File Types) for the files you allow to be uploaded (comma separated). LEGAL IMAGE EXTENSIONS LABEL=Legal Image Extensions (File Types) LEGAL IMAGE EXTENSIONS DESC=Image Extensions (File Types) you are allowed to upload (comma separated). These are used to check for valid image headers. RESTRICT UPLOADS=Restrict Uploads RESTRICT UPLOADS DESC=Restrict uploads for lower than manager users to just images if Fileinfo or MIME Magic isn't installed. CHECK MIME=Check MIME Types CHECK MIME DESC=Use MIME Magic or Fileinfo to attempt to verify files. Disable this if you get invalid mime type errors. IGNORED EXTENSIONS LABEL=Ignored Extensions IGNORED EXTENSIONS DESC=Ignored file extensions for MIME type checking and restricted uploads LEGAL MIME TYPES LABEL=Legal MIME Types LEGAL MIME TYPES DESC=A comma separated list of legal MIME types for upload ILLEGAL MIME TYPES=Illegal MIME Types ILLEGAL MIME TYPES DESC=A comma separated list of illegal MIME types for upload (blacklist) LINKED TITLES=Linked Titles LOCALE SETTINGS=Locale Settings MAIL FROM=Mail from MAIL SETTINGS=Mail Settings MAILER=Mailer MAXIMUM=Maximum MAXIMUM SIZE LABEL=Maximum Size (in bytes) MAXIMUM SIZE DESC=The maximum size for an upload (in bytes). Use zero for no limit. MEDIA SETTINGS=Media Settings MEMCACHE=Memory Cache MEMCACHE PERSISTENT=Persistent Memory Cache MEMCACHE COMPRESSION=Memory Cache Compression MEMCACHE SERVER=Memory Cache Server METADATA=Metadata METADATA SETTINGS=Metadata Settings MODIFIED DATE AND TIME=Modified Date and Time NEW USER ACCOUNT ACTIVATION=New User Account Activation NEW USER REGISTRATION TYPE=New User Registration Type NONE=None OFFLINE MESSAGE=Offline Message PATH TO LOG-FOLDER=Path to Log folder PATH TO TEMP-FOLDER=Path to Temp-folder PATH TO IMAGE FOLDER=Path to Image Folder PATH TO FILE FOLDER=Path to Media Folder PDF ICON=PDF Icon PHP MAIL FUNCTION=PHP Mail Function PORT=Port READ MORE LINK=Read more...link REFRESH=Refresh RSS=RSS SEARCH ENGINE FRIENDLY URLS=Search Engine Friendly URLs SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION SETTINGS=Select whether or not the URLs are optimised for Search Engines. SECRET WORD=Secret Word SENDMAIL=Sendmail SENDMAIL PATH=Sendmail Path SEO=SEO SEO SETTINGS=SEO Settings SERVER=Server SERVER SETTINGS=Server Settings SESSION HANDLER=Session Handler SESSION LIFETIME=Session Lifetime SESSION SETTINGS=Session Settings SHOW AUTHOR META TAG=Show Author Meta Tag SHOW THE MOST RECENT=Show the most recent SHOW TITLE META TAG=Show Title Meta Tag SHOW UNAUTHORIZED LINKS=Show Unauthorised Links SIMPLE=Simple SITE NAME=Site Name SITE OFFLINE=Site Offline SITE EMAIL=Site Email SITE SETTINGS=Site Settings SMTP AUTH=SMTP Authentication SMTP HOST=SMTP Host SMTP PASS=SMTP Password SMTP PORT=SMTP Port SMTP SERVER=SMTP Server SMTP SECURITY=SMTP Security SMTP USER=SMTP Username STATISTICS=Statistics SYSTEM=System SYSTEM DEFAULT=System Default SYSTEM SETTINGS=System Settings THE CONFIGURATION DETAILS HAVE BEEN UPDATED=The Global Configuration details have been updated. TIPALLOWUSERREG=If set to Yes, new Users allowed to self-register. TIPAUTOLOGOUTTIMEOF=Auto log out a User after they have been inactive for the entered number of minutes. Do not set too high. TIPCACHETIME=The maximum length of time in minutes for a cache file to be stored before it is refreshed. TIPCACHE=Select whether the cache is enabled or not. TIPCACHEHANDLER=The default caching mechanism is file-based. TIPDATETIMEDISPLAY=Current date and time configured to display TIPDATABASEHOSTNAME=The hostname for your database entered during the installation process. Do not edit this field unless absolutely necessary (e.g. the transfer of the database to a new hosting provider). TIPDATABASENAME=The name for your database entered during the installation process. Do not edit this field unless absolutely necessary (e.g. the transfer of the database to a new hosting provider). TIPDATABASEPREFIX=The prefix used for your database entered during the installation process. Do not edit field unless absolutely necessary (e.g. the transfer of the database to a new hosting provider). TIPDTATABASETYPE=The type of database in use entered during the installation process. Do not edit this field unless you are having to migrate to a different type of database, perhaps due to changing your hosting provider. TIPDATABASEUSERNAME=The username for access to your database entered during the installation process. Do not edit this field unless absolutely necessary (e.g. the transfer of the database to a new hosting provider). TIPDEBUGGINGINFO=If enabled, diagnostic information, language translation, and SQL errors (if present) will be displayed. The information will be displayed at the foot of every page you view within the Joomla! back-end and front-end. It is not advisable to leave the debug mode activated when running a live Web site. TIPDEBUGLANGUAGE=Select whether the debugging indicators (<bold>•...•</bold>) or (<bold>?...?</bold>) for the Joomla! Language files will be displayed. Debug Language will work without Debug System being activated, but you will not get the aditional detailed references that will help you correct any errors. TIPDEFWYSIWYG=Select the default WYSIWYG Editor for your site. Registered Users will be able to change their preference in their Personal Details if you allow that option. TIPENABLEWEBSERVICES=Enable the ability of the installation to make RPC (Remote Procedure Calls) using HTTP as the transport medium and XML as the encoding language. This function is required to ensure that many third-party extensions work. Default is No. TIPERRORREPORTING=Select the appropriate level of reporting from the drop down list. See the Help Screen for full details. TIPFEEDEMAIL=The RSS and Atom newsfeeds include the author's email address. Select Author Email to use each author's email (from the User Manager) in the news feed. Select Site Email to include the site 'Mail from' email address for each article. TIPFROMNAME=By default, this field is populated with the site name entered during installation. TIPFRONTENDUSERPARAMS=If set to Show, Users will be able to select their language, editor, and Help Site preferences on their Details screen when logged into the front-end. TIPENABLEFTP=Enable the built in FTP (File Transfer Protocol) functionality of Joomla! to be used instead of the normal upload functionality of Joomla!. TIPFORCESSL=Force site access to always occur under SSL (https) for selected areas. You will not be able to access selected areas under non-ssl. Note, you must have SSL enabled on your server to utilize this option. TIPFTPHOST=Enter the name of the host of your FTP server TIPFTPPASSWORD=Enter your FTP password TIPFTPPORT=Enter the port that FTP should be accessed by. Default is Port 21. TIPFTPROOT=The path to the root directory of the FTP server. The root directory is the base directory to which the FTP server is allowed access. TIPFTPUSERNAME=The username used to access the FTP server. TIPGLOBALSITEMETATADESC=Enter a description of the overall Web site that is to be used by search engines. Generally, a maximum of 20 words is optimal. TIPGLOBALSITEMETAKEY=Enter the keywords and phrases that best describe your Web site. Separate keywords with a comma and group phrases within single quotations. TIPHELPSERVER=Select the name of the Help Server from which your system will collect the Help Screen displays. Set to Local to use those files within the core installation of Joomla!. Click the Reset button to restore the default help server. Warning: Pressing Reset will erase any custom help servers you have added. TIPIFSETTOSHOWAUTHOR=If set to Show, the Name of the Author will be displayed. This a global setting but can be changed at Menu and Article levels. TIPIFSETTOSHOWDATETIMECREATED=If set to Show, the date and time an Article was created will be displayed. This a global setting but can be changed at Menu and Article levels. TIPIFSETTOSHOWDATETIMEMODIFIED=If set to Show, the date and time an Article was last modified will be displayed. This a global setting but can be changed at Menu and Article levels. TIPIFSETTOSHOWHITS=If set to Show, the number of Hits on a particular Article will be displayed. This a global setting but can be changed at Menu and Article levels. TIPIFSETTOSHOWREADMORELINK=If set to Show, the Read more... Link will show if Main text has been provided for the Article. TIPIFSETTOSHOWVOTING=If set to Show, a Voting system will be enabled for Articles. TIPIFYESTITLECONTENTITEMS=If set to Yes, the Title of Articles will be hyperlinked to the Article itself. TIPIFYESUSERMAILEDLINK=If set to Yes, the User will be e-mailed a link to activate their account before they can log in. TIPIFYOURSITEISOFFLINE=A message that displays in the Front-end if your site is offline. TIPIMAGEFOLDERWARN=You can create a new folder to use with the Image Manager and enter the path to that folder here. If you want to access this folder from the Media Manager, use the same folder name or make this a sub folder of the Media Manager folder. Warning: Do not delete or change the existing images/stories folder since it is used by the application. TIPFILEFOLDERWARN=You can create a new folder to use with the Media Manager and enter the path to that folder here. Warning: Do not delete or change the existing images folder. The images/banners, images/M_images, images/smilies, and images/stories folders are used by the application. TIPLOGFOLDER=For logging of Joomla!. Please specify a folder. TIPMAILER=Select which mailer you wish to use for the delivery of site e-mails. TIPMAILFROM=The e-mail address that will be used to send site e-mails from. TIPLINKS=If set to Yes, links to registered content will be shown even if you are not logged in. You will need to log in to access the full item. TIPNEWUSERTYPE=The default access level that will be applied to new Users registering via the front-end. TIPPRINTPDFEMAIL=Print, PDF, and E-mail will utilise Icons or Text TIPSECRETWORD=This is an auto-generated, unique alphanumeric code for every Joomla! installation. It is used for security functions. TIPSENDMAILPATH=Enter the path to the sendmail program directory on the host server. TIPSESSIONHANDLER=The mechanism by which Joomla! identifies a User once they are connected to the web site using non-persistent cookies. TIPSETSDEFAULTLENGTHLISTS=Sets the default length of lists in the Control Panel for all Users TIPSETYOURSITEISOFFLINE=Select whether access to the Site Front-end is available. If Yes, the Front-end will display the message below. TIPSHOWAUTHORMETATAGITEMS=Show the Author Meta Tag when viewing Articles TIPFEEDLIMIT=Select the number of content items to show in the Feed(s) TIPSHOWTITLEMETATAGITEMS=Show the Title Meta Tag when viewing Articles TIPSITENAME=Enter the name of your Web site. This will be used in various locations (e.g. the back-end browser title bar and <em>Site Offline</em> pages). TIPSMTPAUTH=Select Yes if your SMTP Host requires SMTP Authentication. TIPSMTPPORT=Enter the port number of your SMTP server. Use 25 for most unsecure servers, and 465 or 587 for most secure servers. TIPSMTPSECURITY=Select the security model that your SMTP server uses. TIPSMTPHOST=Enter the name of the SMTP host. TIPSMTPUSER=Enter the username for access to the SMTP host TIPSMTPPASS=Enter the password for access to the SMTP host TIPTMPFOLDER=Please select a writable Temp folder. TIPURLSUFFIX=If yes, the system will add a suffix to the URL based on the document type. TIPUSEMODREWRITE=Select to use the Apache Rewrite Module to catch URLs that meet specific conditions and rewrite them as directed. URL SUFFIX=URL Suffix USE MOD_REWRITE=Use Apache <em>mod_rewrite</em> USER SETTINGS=User Settings USERS=Users WARNAPACHEONLY=Apache users only! Rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess before activating. WARNPATHCHANGES=You can set new locations for the 'Path to Media Folder' and 'Path to Image Folder' folders. However, do not delete or change the existing images folder. The images/banners, images/M_images, images/smilies, and images/stories folders are used by the application. See the Help Topic for this page if you need assistance returning to the original directory structure. WARNDONOTCHANGEDATABASETABLESPREFIX=Do not change unless you have a database built using tables with the prefix you are setting. WARNING=WARNING! WYSIWYG EDITOR=WYSIWYG Editor