File: ilink.php
<?php /** * @version $Id: ilink.php 12694 2009-09-11 21:03:02Z ian $ * @package Joomla * @subpackage Menus * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant to the * GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or is derivative * of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or other free or open * source software licenses. See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and * details. */ // Check to ensure this file is included in Joomla! defined('_JEXEC') or die( 'Restricted access' ); // Import library dependencies jimport('joomla.base.tree'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); /** * Internal link builder * * @package Joomla * @subpackage Menus * @since 1.5 */ class iLink extends JTree { var $_com = null; var $_output = null; var $_nodes = array(); function __construct($component, $id=null, $menutype=null) { parent::__construct(); if ($id) { $this->_cid = "&cid[]=".$id; } else { $this->_cid = null; } if ($menutype) { $this->_menutype = "&menutype=".$menutype; } else { $this->_menutype = null; } $this->_com = preg_replace( '#\W#', '', $component ); // Build the tree if (!$this->_getOptions($this->_getXML(JPATH_SITE.'/components/com_'.$this->_com.'/metadata.xml', 'menu'), $this->_root)) { if (!$this->_getViews()) { // Default behavior } } } /** * Returns the component * @return string */ function getComponent() { return $this->_com; } function getTree() { $depth = 0; $this->reset(); $class = null; // Recurse through children if they exist while ($this->_current->hasChildren()) { $this->_output .= '<ul>'; $children = $this->_current->getChildren(); for ($i=0,$n=count($children);$i<$n;$i++) { $this->_current = & $children[$i]; $this->renderLevel($depth,($i==$n-1)?1:0); } $this->_output .= '</ul>'; } return $this->_output; } function renderLevel($depth, $isLast=0) { $depth++; if (!isset($this->_depthHash[$depth])) { $this->_depthHash[$depth] = 0; } $this->_depthHash[$depth]++; if ($this->_current->hasChildren()) { $classes = 'node-open'; } else { $classes = 'leaf'; } if ($isLast) { $last = ' class="last"'; } else { $last = ''; } $parent = & $this->_current->getParent(); // Print the item $this->_output .= "<li".$last.">\n"; // Print the url if ($this->_current->hasChildren()) { $this->_output .= "<div class=\"".$classes."\"><span></span><a class=\"hasTip\" title=\"". JText::_( $this->_current->title ) ."::". JText::_( $this->_current->msg ) ."\">". JText::_( $this->_current->title ) ."</a></div>"; } else { $this->_output .= "<div class=\"".$classes."\"><span></span><a class=\"hasTip\" href=\"index.php?option=com_menus&task=edit&type=component&".$this->_current->url.$this->_cid.$this->_menutype."\" title=\"". JText::_( $this->_current->title ) ."::". JText::_( $this->_current->msg ) ."\">". JText::_( $this->_current->title ) ."</a></div>"; } // Recurse through children if they exist while ($this->_current->hasChildren()) { $this->_output .= "<ul>\n"; $children = $this->_current->getChildren(); for ($i=0,$n=count($children);$i<$n;$i++) { $this->_current = & $children[$i]; $this->renderLevel($depth,($i==$n-1)?1:0); } $this->_output .= "</ul>\n"; } // Close item $this->_output .= "</li>\n"; } function _getOptions($e, &$parent, $purl=null) { if (!$purl) { $purl = 'url[option]=com_'.$this->_com; // No metadata xml file in component root if (!$e) { return false; } } // Does the metadata file say no options available? if ($e->attributes('options') == 'none') { unset($node); $node = new iLinkNode($e->attributes('name'), $purl, $e->attributes('msg')); $parent->addChild($node); return true; } // Do we have defined options available? $options = &$e->getElementByPath('options'); if ($options) { $children = $options->children(); foreach ($children as $child) { if ($child->name() == 'option') { $url = $purl.'&url['.$options->attributes('var').']='.$child->attributes('value'); unset($node); $node = new iLinkNode($child->attributes('name'), $url, $child->attributes('msg')); $parent->addChild($node); } elseif ($child->name() == 'default') { unset($node); $node = new iLinkNode($child->attributes('name'), $purl, $child->attributes('msg')); $parent->addChild($node); } } return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @access private */ function _getViews() { $return = false; $path = JPATH_SITE.DS.'components'.DS.'com_'.$this->_com.DS.'views'; if (JFolder::exists($path)) { $views = JFolder::folders($path); } else { return $return; } if (is_array($views) && count($views)) { //$this->addChild(new iLinkNode('Views', null, 'Select the view'), true); $return = true; foreach ($views as $view) { if (strpos($view, '_') === false) { // Load view metadata if it exists $xmlpath = $path.DS.$view.DS.'metadata.xml'; if (JFile::exists($xmlpath)) { $data = $this->_getXML($xmlpath, 'view'); } else { $data = null; } $url = 'url[option]=com_'.$this->_com.'&url[view]='.$view; if ($data) { if ($data->attributes('hidden') != 'true') { $m = $data->getElementByPath('message'); if ($m) { $message = $m->data(); } unset($node); $node = new iLinkNode($data->attributes('title'), $url, $message); $this->addChild($node); if ($options = $data->getElementByPath('options')) { $this->_getOptions($data, $node, $url); } else { $this->_getLayouts(dirname($xmlpath), $node); } } } else { $onclick = null; unset($node); $node = new iLinkNode(ucfirst($view), $url); $this->addChild($node); $this->_getLayouts(dirname($xmlpath), $node); } } } } return $return; } /** * @access private */ function _getLayouts($path, &$node) { $return = false; $folder = $path.DS.'tmpl'; if (is_dir( $folder )) { $files = JFolder::files($folder, '.php$'); if (count($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { if (strpos($file, '_') === false) { // Load view metadata if it exists $layout = JFile::stripext($file); $xmlpath = $path.DS.'tmpl'.DS.$layout.'.xml'; if (JFile::exists($xmlpath)) { $data = $this->_getXML($xmlpath, 'layout'); } else { $data = null; } if ($layout != 'default') { $url = 'url[option]=com_'.$this->_com.'&url[view]='.basename($path).'&url[layout]='.$layout; } else { $url = 'url[option]=com_'.$this->_com.'&url[view]='.basename($path); } if ($data) { if ($data->attributes('hidden') != 'true') { $m = $data->getElementByPath('message'); if ($m) { $message = $m->data(); } unset($child); $child = new iLinkNode($data->attributes('title'), $url, $message); $node->addChild($child); } } else { // Add default info for the layout unset($child); $child = new iLinkNode(ucfirst($layout).' '.JText::_('Layout'), $url); $node->addChild($child); } } } } } return $return; } function _getXML($path, $xpath='control') { // Initialize variables $result = null; // load the xml metadata if (file_exists( $path )) { $xml =& JFactory::getXMLParser('Simple'); if ($xml->loadFile($path)) { if (isset( $xml->document )) { $result = $xml->document->getElementByPath($xpath); } } return $result; } return $result; } function _findNodes(&$node) { foreach ($node->children() as $step) { /* * For each child we need to see if it is an include and if so we * need to get those children and process them as well (break out into * another method). Then we need to create the objects in the _steps * array for each child of type step. For now we aren't going to handle * nested includes. */ if ($step->name() == 'include') { // Handle include $this->_getIncludedSteps($step, $node); } elseif ($step->name() == 'step') { // Include step to array $this->_nodes[] = $step; } else { // Do nothing continue; } } } function _getIncludedSteps($include, &$parent) { $tags = array(); $source = $include->attributes('source'); $path = $include->attributes('path'); preg_match_all( "/{([A-Za-z\-_]+)}/", $source, $tags); if (isset( $tags[1] )) { $n = count( $tags[1] ); for ($i=0; $i < $n; $i++) { $source = str_replace($tags[0][$i], @$this->_vars[$tags[1][$i]], $source); } } // load the source xml file if (file_exists( JPATH_ROOT.$source )) { $xml = & JFactory::getXMLParser('Simple'); if ($xml->loadFile(JPATH_ROOT.$source)) { $document = &$xml->document; $steps = $document->getElementByPath($path); foreach($steps->children() as $step) { if ($step->name() == 'include') { // Handle include } elseif ($step->name() == 'step') { // Include step to array $node->addChild('step', $step->attributes(), $node->level()+1); } else { // Do nothing continue; } } } } } } class iLinkNode extends JNode { /** * Node Title */ var $title = null; /** * Node URL */ var $url = null; /** * Node message */ var $msg = null; function __construct($title, $url = null, $msg = null) { $this->title = trim($title); $this->url = $url; $this->msg = trim($msg); } }