File: model.php
<?php /** * @version $Id: model.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio $ * @package Joomla * @subpackage Installation * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. */ // no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); /** * @package Joomla * @subpackage Installation */ jimport('joomla.application.component.model'); class JInstallationModel extends JModel { /** * Array used to store data between model and view * * @var Array * @access protected * @since 1.5 */ var $data = array(); /** * Array used to store user input created during the installation process * * @var Array * @access protected * @since 1.5 */ var $vars = array(); /** * Constructor */ function __construct($config = array()) { $this->_state = new JObject(); //set the view name if (empty( $this->_name )) { if (isset($config['name'])) { $this->_name = $config['name']; } else { $r = null; if (!preg_match('/Model(.*)/i', get_class($this), $r)) { JError::raiseError (500, "JModel::__construct() : Can't get or parse class name."); } $this->_name = strtolower( $r[1] ); } } } /** * Generate a panel of language choices for the user to select their language * * @return boolean True if successful * @access public * @since 1.5 */ function chooseLanguage() { global $mainframe; $vars =& $this->getVars(); jimport('joomla.language.helper'); $native = JLanguageHelper::detectLanguage(); $forced = $mainframe->getLocalise(); if ( !empty( $forced['lang'] ) ){ $native = $forced['lang']; } $lists = array (); $lists['langs'] = JLanguageHelper::createLanguageList($native); $this->setData('lists', $lists); return true; } /** * Gets the parameters for database creation * * @return boolean True if successful * @access public * @since 1.5 */ function dbConfig() { global $mainframe; $vars =& $this->getVars(); if (!isset ($vars['DBPrefix'])) { $vars['DBPrefix'] = 'jos_'; } $lists = array (); $files = array ('mysql', 'mysqli',); $db = JInstallationHelper::detectDB(); foreach ($files as $file) { $option = array (); $option['text'] = $file; if (strcasecmp($option['text'], $db) == 0) { $option['selected'] = 'selected="true"'; } $lists['dbTypes'][] = $option; } $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); $this->setData('lists', $lists); return true; } /** * Displays the finish screen * * @return boolean True if successful * @access public * @since 1.5 */ function finish() { global $mainframe; $vars =& $this->getVars(); $vars['siteurl'] = JURI::root(); $vars['adminurl'] = $vars['siteurl'].'administrator/'; return true; } /** * Gets ftp configuration parameters * * @return boolean True if successful * @access public * @since 1.5 */ function ftpConfig($DBcreated = '0') { global $mainframe; $vars =& $this->getVars(); // Require the xajax library require_once( JPATH_BASE.DS.'includes'.DS.'xajax'.DS.'xajax.inc.php' ); // Instantiate the xajax object and register the function $xajax = new xajax(JURI::base().'installer/jajax.php'); $xajax->registerFunction(array('getFtpRoot', 'JAJAXHandler', 'ftproot')); $xajax->registerFunction(array('FTPVerify', 'JAJAXHandler', 'ftpverify')); //$xajax->debugOn(); $vars['DBcreated'] = JArrayHelper::getValue($vars, 'DBcreated', $DBcreated); $strip = get_magic_quotes_gpc(); if (!isset ($vars['ftpEnable'])) { $vars['ftpEnable'] = '1'; } if (!isset ($vars['ftpHost'])) { $vars['ftpHost'] = ''; } if (!isset ($vars['ftpPort'])) { $vars['ftpPort'] = '21'; } if (!isset ($vars['ftpUser'])) { $vars['ftpUser'] = ''; } if (!isset ($vars['ftpPassword'])) { $vars['ftpPassword'] = ''; } $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); $doc->addCustomTag($xajax->getJavascript('', 'includes/js/xajax.js', 'includes/js/xajax.js')); return true; } /** * Get data for later use * * @return string * @access public * @since 1.5 */ function & getData($key){ if ( ! array_key_exists($key, $this->data) ) { $null = null; return $null; } return $this->data[$key]; } /** * Get the local PHP settings * * @param $val Value to get * @return Mixed * @access protected * @since 1.5 */ function getPhpSetting($val) { $r = (ini_get($val) == '1' ? 1 : 0); return $r ? 'ON' : 'OFF'; } /** * Get the configuration variables for the installation * * @return Array Configuration variables * @access public * @since 1.5 */ function & getVars() { if ( ! $this->vars ) { // get a recursively slash stripped version of post $post = (array) JRequest::get( 'post' ); $postVars = JArrayHelper::getValue( $post, 'vars', array(), 'array' ); $session =& JFactory::getSession(); $registry =& $session->get('registry'); $registry->loadArray($postVars, 'application'); $this->vars = $registry->toArray('application'); } return $this->vars; } /** * Gets the parameters for database creation * * * @return boolean True if successful * @access public * @since 1.5 */ function license() { return true; } /** * Gets the parameters for database creation * * @return boolean True if successful * @access public * @since 1.5 */ function makeDB($vars = false) { global $mainframe; // Initialize variables if ($vars === false) { $vars = $this->getVars(); } $errors = null; $lang = JArrayHelper::getValue($vars, 'lang', 'en-GB'); $DBcreated = JArrayHelper::getValue($vars, 'DBcreated', '0'); $DBtype = JArrayHelper::getValue($vars, 'DBtype', 'mysql'); $DBhostname = JArrayHelper::getValue($vars, 'DBhostname', ''); $DBuserName = JArrayHelper::getValue($vars, 'DBuserName', ''); $DBpassword = JArrayHelper::getValue($vars, 'DBpassword', ''); $DBname = JArrayHelper::getValue($vars, 'DBname', ''); $DBPrefix = JArrayHelper::getValue($vars, 'DBPrefix', 'jos_'); $DBOld = JArrayHelper::getValue($vars, 'DBOld', 'bu'); $DBversion = JArrayHelper::getValue($vars, 'DBversion', ''); // these 3 errors should be caught by the javascript in dbConfig if ($DBtype == '') { $this->setError(JText::_('validType')); $this->setData('back', 'dbconfig'); $this->setData('errors', $errors); return false; //return JInstallationView::error($vars, JText::_('validType'), 'dbconfig'); } if (!$DBhostname || !$DBuserName || !$DBname) { $this->setError(JText::_('validDBDetails')); $this->setData('back', 'dbconfig'); $this->setData('errors', $errors); return false; //return JInstallationView::error($vars, JText::_('validDBDetails'), 'dbconfig'); } if ($DBname == '') { $this->setError(JText::_('emptyDBName')); $this->setData('back', 'dbconfig'); $this->setData('errors', $errors); return false; //return JInstallationView::error($vars, JText::_('emptyDBName'), 'dbconfig'); } if (!preg_match( '#^[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$#', $DBPrefix )) { $this->setError(JText::_('MYSQLPREFIXINVALIDCHARS')); $this->setData('back', 'dbconfig'); $this->setData('errors', $errors); return false; } if (strlen($DBPrefix) > 15) { $this->setError(JText::_('MYSQLPREFIXTOOLONG')); $this->setData('back', 'dbconfig'); $this->setData('errors', $errors); return false; } if (strlen($DBname) > 64) { $this->setError(JText::_('MYSQLDBNAMETOOLONG')); $this->setData('back', 'dbconfig'); $this->setData('errors', $errors); return false; } if (!$DBcreated) { $DBselect = false; $db = & JInstallationHelper::getDBO($DBtype, $DBhostname, $DBuserName, $DBpassword, null, $DBPrefix, $DBselect); if ( JError::isError($db) ) { // connection failed $this->setError(JText::sprintf('WARNNOTCONNECTDB', $db->toString())); $this->setData('back', 'dbconfig'); $this->setData('errors', $db->toString()); return false; } if ($err = $db->getErrorNum()) { // connection failed $this->setError(JText::sprintf('WARNNOTCONNECTDB', $db->getErrorNum())); $this->setData('back', 'dbconfig'); $this->setData('errors', $db->getErrorMsg()); return false; } //Check utf8 support of database $DButfSupport = $db->hasUTF(); // Try to select the database if ( ! $db->select($DBname) ) { if (JInstallationHelper::createDatabase($db, $DBname, $DButfSupport)) { $db->select($DBname); /* // make the new connection to the new database $db = NULL; $db = & JInstallationHelper::getDBO($DBtype, $DBhostname, $DBuserName, $DBpassword, $DBname, $DBPrefix); */ } else { $this->setError(JText::sprintf('WARNCREATEDB', $DBname)); $this->setData('back', 'dbconfig'); $this->setData('errors', $db->getErrorMsg()); return false; //return JInstallationView::error($vars, array (JText::sprintf('WARNCREATEDB', $DBname)), 'dbconfig', $error); } } else { // pre-existing database - need to set character set to utf8 // will only affect MySQL 4.1.2 and up JInstallationHelper::setDBCharset($db, $DBname); } $db = & JInstallationHelper::getDBO($DBtype, $DBhostname, $DBuserName, $DBpassword, $DBname, $DBPrefix); if ($DBOld == 'rm') { if (JInstallationHelper::deleteDatabase($db, $DBname, $DBPrefix, $errors)) { $this->setError(JText::_('WARNDELETEDB')); $this->setData('back', 'dbconfig'); $this->setData('errors', $errors); return false; //return JInstallationView::error($vars, , 'dbconfig', JInstallationHelper::errors2string($errors)); } } else { /* * We assume since we aren't deleting the database that we need * to back it up :) */ if (JInstallationHelper::backupDatabase($db, $DBname, $DBPrefix, $errors)) { $this->setError(JText::_('WARNBACKINGUPDB')); $this->setData('back', 'dbconfig'); $this->setData('errors', JInstallationHelper::errors2string($errors)); return false; //return JInstallationView::error($vars, JText::_('WARNBACKINGUPDB'), 'dbconfig', JInstallationHelper::errors2string($errors)); } } $type = $DBtype; if ($type == 'mysqli') { $type = 'mysql'; } // set collation and use utf-8 compatibile script if appropriate if ($DButfSupport) { $dbscheme = 'sql'.DS.$type.DS.'joomla.sql'; } else { $dbscheme = 'sql'.DS.$type.DS.'joomla_backward.sql'; } if (JInstallationHelper::populateDatabase($db, $dbscheme, $errors) > 0) { $this->setError(JText::_('WARNPOPULATINGDB')); $this->setData('back', 'dbconfig'); $this->setData('errors', JInstallationHelper::errors2string($errors)); return false; //return JInstallationView::error($vars, JText::_('WARNPOPULATINGDB'), 'dbconfig', JInstallationHelper::errors2string($errors)); } // Load the localise.sql for translating the data in joomla.sql/joomla_backwards.sql // This feature is available for localized version of Joomla! 1.5 jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $dblocalise = 'sql'.DS.$type.DS.'localise.sql'; if(JFile::exists($dblocalise)) { if(JInstallationHelper::populateDatabase($db, $dblocalise, $errors) > 0) { $this->setError(JText::_('WARNPOPULATINGDB')); $this->setData('back', 'dbconfig'); $this->setData('errors', JInstallationHelper::errors2string($errors)); return false; } } // Handle default backend language setting. This feature is available for // localized versions of Joomla! 1.5. $langfiles = $mainframe->getLocaliseAdmin(); if (in_array($lang, $langfiles['admin']) || in_array($lang, $langfiles['site'])) { // Determine the language settings $param[] = Array(); if (in_array($lang, $langfiles['admin'])) { $langparam[] = "administrator=$lang"; } if (in_array($lang, $langfiles['site'])) { $langparam[] = "site=$lang"; } $langparams = implode("\n", $langparam); // Because database config has not yet been set we just // do the trick by a plain update of the proper record. $where[] = "`option`='com_languages'"; $where = (count($where) ? ' WHERE '.implode(' AND ', $where) : ''); $query = "UPDATE #__components " . "SET params='$langparams'" . $where; $db->setQuery($query); if (!$db->query()) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Finishes configuration parameters * * @return boolean True if successful * @access public * @since 1.5 */ function mainConfig() { global $mainframe; $vars =& $this->getVars(); // get ftp configuration into registry for use in case of safe mode if($vars['ftpEnable']) { JInstallationHelper::setFTPCfg( $vars ); } // Check a few directories are writeable as this may cause issues if(!is_writeable(JPATH_SITE.DS.'tmp') || !is_writeable(JPATH_SITE.DS.'installation'.DS.'sql'.DS.'migration')) { $vars['dircheck'] = JText::_('Some paths may be unwritable'); } // Require the xajax library require_once( JPATH_BASE.DS.'includes'.DS.'xajax'.DS.'xajax.inc.php' ); // Instantiate the xajax object and register the function $xajax = new xajax(JURI::base().'installer/jajax.php'); $xajax->registerFunction(array('instDefault', 'JAJAXHandler', 'sampledata')); // $xajax->debugOn(); $xajax->errorHandlerOn(); $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); $doc->addCustomTag($xajax->getJavascript('', 'includes/js/xajax.js', 'includes/js/xajax.js')); // Deal with possible sql script uploads from this stage $vars['loadchecked'] = 0; if (JRequest::getVar( 'sqlupload', 0, 'post', 'int' ) == 1) { $vars['sqlresponse'] = JInstallationHelper::uploadSql( $vars ); $vars['dataloaded'] = '1'; $vars['loadchecked'] = 1; } if ((JRequest::getVar( 'migrationupload', 0, 'post', 'int' ) == 1) && (JRequest::getVar( 'migrationUploaded', 0, 'post', 'int' ) == 0)) { jexit(print_r(JRequest::getVar( 'migrationUploaded', 0, 'post', 'int' ))); $vars['migresponse'] = JInstallationHelper::uploadSql( $vars, true ); $vars['dataloaded'] = '1'; $vars['loadchecked'] = 2; } if(JRequest::getVar( 'migrationUploaded',0,'post','int') == 1) { $vars['migresponse'] = JInstallationHelper::findMigration( $vars ); $vars['dataloaded'] = '1'; $vars['loadchecked'] = 2; } // $strip = get_magic_quotes_gpc(); if (isset ($vars['siteName'])) { $vars['siteName'] = stripslashes(stripslashes($vars['siteName'])); } $folders = array ( 'administrator/backups', 'administrator/cache', 'administrator/components', 'administrator/language', 'administrator/modules', 'administrator/templates', 'cache', 'components', 'images', 'images/banners', 'images/stories', 'language', 'plugins', 'plugins/content', 'plugins/editors', 'plugins/search', 'plugins/system', 'tmp', 'modules', 'templates', ); // Now lets make sure we have permissions set on the appropriate folders // foreach ($folders as $folder) // { // if (!JInstallationHelper::setDirPerms( $folder, $vars )) // { // $lists['folderPerms'][] = $folder; // } // } return true; } /** * Perform a preinstall check * * @return boolean True if successful * @access public * @since 1.5 */ function preInstall() { $vars =& $this->getVars(); $lists = array (); $phpOptions[] = array ( 'label' => JText::_('PHP version').' >= 4.3.10', 'state' => phpversion() < '4.3.10' ? 'No' : 'Yes' ); $phpOptions[] = array ( 'label' => '- '.JText::_('zlib compression support'), 'state' => extension_loaded('zlib') ? 'Yes' : 'No' ); $phpOptions[] = array ( 'label' => '- '.JText::_('XML support'), 'state' => extension_loaded('xml') ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'statetext' => extension_loaded('xml') ? 'Yes' : 'No' ); $phpOptions[] = array ( 'label' => '- '.JText::_('MySQL support'), 'state' => (function_exists('mysql_connect') || function_exists('mysqli_connect')) ? 'Yes' : 'No' ); if (extension_loaded( 'mbstring' )) { $mbDefLang = strtolower( ini_get( 'mbstring.language' ) ) == 'neutral'; $phpOptions[] = array ( 'label' => JText::_( 'MB language is default' ), 'state' => $mbDefLang ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'notice' => $mbDefLang ? '' : JText::_( 'NOTICEMBLANGNOTDEFAULT' ) ); $mbOvl = ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') != 0; $phpOptions[] = array ( 'label' => JText::_('MB string overload off'), 'state' => !$mbOvl ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'notice' => $mbOvl ? JText::_('NOTICEMBSTRINGOVERLOAD') : '' ); } $sp = ''; /*$phpOptions[] = array ( 'label' => JText::_('Session path set'), 'state' => ($sp = ini_get('session.save_path')) ? 'Yes' : 'No' ); $phpOptions[] = array ( 'label' => JText::_('Session path writable'), 'state' => is_writable($sp) ? 'Yes' : 'No' );*/ $cW = (@ file_exists('../configuration.php') && @ is_writable('../configuration.php')) || is_writable('../'); $phpOptions[] = array ( 'label' => 'configuration.php '.JText::_('writable'), 'state' => $cW ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'notice' => $cW ? '' : JText::_('NOTICEYOUCANSTILLINSTALL') ); $lists['phpOptions'] = & $phpOptions; $phpRecommended = array ( array ( JText::_('Safe Mode'), 'safe_mode', 'OFF' ), array ( JText::_('Display Errors'), 'display_errors', 'OFF' ), array ( JText::_('File Uploads'), 'file_uploads', 'ON' ), array ( JText::_('Magic Quotes Runtime'), 'magic_quotes_runtime', 'OFF' ), array ( JText::_('Register Globals'), 'register_globals', 'OFF' ), array ( JText::_('Output Buffering'), 'output_buffering', 'OFF' ), array ( JText::_('Session auto start'), 'session.auto_start', 'OFF' ), ); foreach ($phpRecommended as $setting) { $lists['phpSettings'][] = array ( 'label' => $setting[0], 'setting' => $setting[2], 'actual' => $this->getPhpSetting( $setting[1] ), 'state' => $this->getPhpSetting($setting[1]) == $setting[2] ? 'Yes' : 'No' ); } $this->setData('lists', $lists); return true; } /** * Remove directory messages * * @return Boolean True if successful * @access public * @since 1.5 */ function removedir() { return true; } /** * Save the configuration information * * @return boolean True if successful * @access public * @since 1.5 */ function saveConfig() { global $mainframe; $vars =& $this->getVars(); $lang =& JFactory::getLanguage(); // Import authentication library jimport( 'joomla.user.helper' ); // Set some needed variables $vars['siteUrl'] = JURI::root(); $vars['secret'] = JUserHelper::genRandomPassword(16); $vars['offline'] = JText::_( 'STDOFFLINEMSG' ); $vars['errormsg'] = JText::_( 'STDERRORMSG' ); $vars['metadesc'] = JText::_( 'STDMETADESC' ); $vars['metakeys'] = JText::_( 'STDMETAKEYS' ); $vars['tmp_path'] = JPATH_ROOT.DS.'tmp'; $vars['log_path'] = JPATH_ROOT.DS.'logs'; // set default language $forced = $mainframe->getLocalise(); if ( empty($forced['lang']) ) { $vars['deflang'] = 'en-GB'; $vars['bclang'] = 'english'; } else { $vars['deflang'] = $forced['lang']; $vars['bclang'] = $lang->getBackwardLang(); } if ( empty( $forced['helpurl'] ) ) { $vars['helpurl'] = 'http://help.joomla.org'; } else { $vars['helpurl'] = $forced['helpurl']; } // If FTP has not been enabled, set the value to 0 if (!isset($vars['ftpEnable'])) { $vars['ftpEnable'] = 0; } /* * Trim the last slash from the FTP root, as the FTP root usually replaces JPATH_ROOT. * If the path had a trailing slash, this would lead to double slashes, like "/joomla//configuration.php" */ if (isset($vars['ftpRoot'])) { $vars['ftpRoot'] = rtrim($vars['ftpRoot'], '/'); } switch ($vars['DBtype']) { case 'mssql' : $vars['ZERO_DATE'] = '1/01/1990'; break; default : $vars['ZERO_DATE'] = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; break; } JInstallationHelper::createAdminUser($vars); /** * Write the configuration file */ jimport('joomla.template.template'); $tmpl = new JTemplate(); $tmpl->applyInputFilter('ShortModifiers'); // load the wrapper and common templates $tmpl->setRoot( JPATH_BASE . DS . 'template' . DS. 'tmpl' ); $tmpl->readTemplatesFromFile('configuration.html'); $tmpl->addVars('configuration', $vars, 'var_'); if (empty($vars['ftpSavePass'])) { $tmpl->addVar('configuration', 'var_ftpuser', ''); $tmpl->addVar('configuration', 'var_ftppassword', ''); } $buffer = $tmpl->getParsedTemplate('configuration'); $path = JPATH_CONFIGURATION.DS.'configuration.php'; if (file_exists($path)) { $canWrite = is_writable($path); } else { $canWrite = is_writable(JPATH_CONFIGURATION.DS); } /* * If the file exists but isn't writable OR if the file doesn't exist and the parent directory * is not writable we need to use FTP */ $ftpFlag = false; if ((file_exists($path) && !is_writable($path)) || (!file_exists($path) && !is_writable(dirname($path).'/'))) { $ftpFlag = true; } // Check for safe mode if (ini_get('safe_mode')) { $ftpFlag = true; } // Enable/Disable override if (!isset($vars['ftpEnable']) || ($vars['ftpEnable'] != 1)) { $ftpFlag = false; } if ($ftpFlag == true) { // Connect the FTP client jimport('joomla.client.ftp'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.path'); $ftp = & JFTP::getInstance($vars['ftpHost'], $vars['ftpPort']); $ftp->login($vars['ftpUser'], $vars['ftpPassword']); // Translate path for the FTP account $file = JPath::clean(str_replace(JPATH_CONFIGURATION, $vars['ftpRoot'], $path), '/'); // Use FTP write buffer to file if (!$ftp->write($file, $buffer)) { $this->setData('buffer', $buffer); return false; } $ftp->quit(); } else { if ($canWrite) { file_put_contents($path, $buffer); } else { $this->setData('buffer', $buffer); return true; } } return true; } /** * Set data for later use * * @param string $key Data key * @param Mixed data * @access public * @since 1.5 */ function setData($key, $value){ $this->data[$key] = $value; } function dumpLoad() { include (JPATH_BASE . '/includes/bigdump.php'); } function checkUpload() { // pie $vars =& $this->getVars(); //print_r($vars); $sqlFile = JRequest::getVar('sqlFile', '', 'files', 'array'); if(JRequest::getVar( 'sqlUploaded', 0, 'post', 'bool' ) == false) { /* * Move uploaded file */ // Set permissions for tmp dir JInstallationHelper::_chmod(JPATH_SITE.DS.'tmp', 0777); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $uploaded = JFile::upload($sqlFile['tmp_name'], JPATH_SITE.DS.'tmp'.DS.$sqlFile['name']); if(!$uploaded) { $this->setError(JText::_('WARNUPLOADFAILURE')); return false; } if( !eregi('.sql$', $sqlFile['name']) ) { $archive = JPATH_SITE.DS.'tmp'.DS.$sqlFile['name']; } else { $script = JPATH_SITE.DS.'tmp'.DS.$sqlFile['name']; } // unpack archived sql files if (isset($archive) && $archive ) { $package = JInstallationHelper::unpack( $archive, $vars ); if ( $package === false ) { $this->setError(JText::_('WARNUNPACK')); return false; } $script = $package['folder'].DS.$package['script']; } } else { $script = JPATH_BASE . DS . 'sql' . DS . 'migration' . DS . 'migrate.sql'; } $migration = JRequest::getVar( 'migration', 0, 'post', 'bool' ); /* * If migration perform manipulations on script file before population */ if ($migration == true) { $db = & JInstallationHelper::getDBO($vars['DBtype'], $vars['DBhostname'], $vars['DBuserName'], $vars['DBpassword'], $vars['DBname'], $vars['DBPrefix']); $script = JInstallationHelper::preMigrate($script, $vars, $db); if ( $script == false ) { $this->setError(JText::_( 'Script operations failed' )); return false; } } // Disable in testing */ // Ensure the script is always in the same location if($script != JPATH_BASE . DS . 'sql' . DS . 'migration' . DS . 'migrate.sql') { JFile::move($script, JPATH_BASE . DS . 'sql' . DS . 'migration' . DS . 'migrate.sql'); } //$this->setData('scriptpath',$script); $vars['dataloaded'] = '1'; $vars['loadchecked'] = '1'; $vars['migration'] = $migration; return true; } function postMigrate() { $migErrors = null; $args =& $this->getVars(); $db = & JInstallationHelper::getDBO($args['DBtype'], $args['DBhostname'], $args['DBuserName'], $args['DBpassword'], $args['DBname'], $args['DBPrefix']); $migResult = JInstallationHelper::postMigrate( $db, $migErrors, $args ); if(!$migResult) echo JText::_("Migration Successful"); else { echo '<div id="installer">'; echo '<p>'.JText::_('Migration failed').':</p>'; foreach($migErrors as $error) echo '<p>'.$error['msg'].'</p>'; echo '</div>'; } return $migResult; } }