File: svg.php
<?php /** * Define and embed simple SVG elements, paths and effects inside CSS * * @see docs/plugins/svg.md */ namespace CssCrush; \csscrush_plugin('svg', function ($process) { $process->on('capture_phase2', 'CssCrush\svg_capture'); $process->functions->add('svg', 'CssCrush\fn__svg'); $process->functions->add('svg-data', 'CssCrush\fn__svg_data'); $process->functions->add('svg-linear-gradient', 'CssCrush\fn__svg_linear_gradient'); $process->functions->add('svg-radial-gradient', 'CssCrush\fn__svg_radial_gradient'); }); function fn__svg($input) { return svg_generator($input, 'svg'); } function fn__svg_data($input) { return svg_generator($input, 'svg-data'); } function svg_capture($process) { $process->string->pregReplaceCallback( Regex::make('~@svg\s+(?<name>{{ ident }})\s*{{ block }}~iS'), function ($m) { Crush::$process->misc->svg_defs[strtolower($m['name'])] = new Template($m['block_content']); return ''; }); } function svg_generator($input, $fn_name) { $process = Crush::$process; $cache_key = $fn_name . $input; if (isset($process->misc->svg_cache[$cache_key])) { return $process->misc->svg_cache[$cache_key]; } // Map types to element names. static $schemas; if (! $schemas) { $schemas = [ 'circle' => [ 'tag' => 'circle', 'attrs' => 'cx cy r', ], 'ellipse' => [ 'tag' => 'ellipse', 'attrs' => 'cx cy rx ry', ], 'rect' => [ 'tag' => 'rect', 'attrs' => 'x y rx ry width height', ], 'polygon' => [ 'tag' => 'polygon', 'attrs' => 'points', ], 'line' => [ 'tag' => 'line', 'attrs' => 'x1 y1 x2 y2', ], 'polyline' => [ 'tag' => 'polyline', 'attrs' => 'points', ], 'path' => [ 'tag' => 'path', 'attrs' => 'd', ], 'star' => [ 'tag' => 'path', 'attrs' => '', ], 'text' => [ 'tag' => 'text', 'attrs' => 'x y dx dy rotate', ], ]; // Convert attributes to keyed array. // Add global attributes. foreach ($schemas as $type => &$schema) { $schema['attrs'] = array_flip(explode(' ', $schema['attrs'])) + ['transform' => true]; } } // Non standard attributes. static $custom_attrs = [ 'type' => true, 'data' => true, 'twist' => true, 'diameter' => true, 'corner-radius' => true, 'star-points' => true, 'margin' => true, 'drop-shadow' => true, 'sides' => true, 'text' => true, 'width' => true, 'height' => true, ]; // Bail if no args. $args = Functions::parseArgs($input); if (! isset($args[0])) { return ''; } $name = strtolower(array_shift($args)); // Bail if no SVG registered by this name. $svg_defs =& $process->misc->svg_defs; if (! isset($svg_defs[$name])) { return ''; } // Apply args to template. $block = $svg_defs[$name]($args); $raw_data = DeclarationList::parse($block, [ 'keyed' => true, 'lowercase_keys' => true, 'flatten' => true, 'apply_hooks' => true, ]); // Resolve the type. // Bail if type not recognised. $type = isset($raw_data['type']) ? strtolower($raw_data['type']) : 'path'; if (! isset($schemas[$type])) { return ''; } // Create element object for attaching all required rendering data. $element = (object) [ 'tag' => $schemas[$type]['tag'], 'fills' => [ 'gradients' => [], 'patterns' => [], ], 'filters' => [], 'data' => [], 'attrs' => [], 'styles' => [], 'svg_attrs' => [ 'xmlns' => 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', ], 'svg_styles' => [], 'face_styles' => [], ]; // Filter off prefixed properties that are for the svg element or @font-face. foreach ($raw_data as $property => $value) { if (strpos($property, 'svg-') === 0) { $element->svg_styles[substr($property, 4)] = $value; unset($raw_data[$property]); } elseif (strpos($property, 'face-') === 0) { $element->face_styles[substr($property, 5)] = $value; unset($raw_data[$property]); } } svg_apply_css_funcs($element, $raw_data); // Initialize element attributes. $element->attrs = array_intersect_key($raw_data, $schemas[$type]['attrs']); $element->data = array_intersect_key($raw_data, $custom_attrs); // Everything else is treated as CSS. $element->styles = array_diff_key($raw_data, $custom_attrs, $schemas[$type]['attrs']); // Pre-populate common attributes. svg_preprocess($element); // Filters. svg_apply_filters($element); // Apply element type callback. call_user_func("CssCrush\svg_$type", $element); // Apply optimizations. svg_compress($element); // Build markup. $svg = svg_render($element); // Debugging... // $code = implode("\n", $svg); // $test = '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($code) . '</pre>'; // echo $test; // Either write to a file. if ($fn_name === 'svg' && $process->ioContext === 'file') { $flattened_svg = implode("\n", $svg); // Create fingerprint for the created file. $fingerprint = substr(md5($flattened_svg), 0, 7); $generated_filename = "svg-$name-$fingerprint.svg"; if (! empty($process->options->asset_dir)) { $generated_filepath = $process->options->asset_dir . '/' . $generated_filename; $generated_url = Util::getLinkBetweenPaths( $process->output->dir, $process->options->asset_dir) . $generated_filename; } else { $generated_filepath = $process->output->dir . '/' . $generated_filename; $generated_url = $generated_filename; } Util::filePutContents($generated_filepath, $flattened_svg, __METHOD__); $url = new Url($generated_url); $url->noRewrite = true; } // Or create data uri. else { $url = new Url('data:image/svg+xml;base64,' . base64_encode(implode('', $svg))); } // Cache the output URL. $label = $process->tokens->add($url); $process->misc->svg_cache[$cache_key] = $label; return $label; } /* Circle callback. */ function svg_circle($element) { // Ensure required attributes have defaults set. $element->data += [ 'diameter' => 50, ]; list($margin_top, $margin_right, $margin_bottom, $margin_left) = $element->data['margin']; $element->attrs['r'] = $radius = svg_ifset($element->attrs['r'], $element->data['diameter'] / 2); $diameter = $radius * 2; $element->attrs['cx'] = svg_ifset($element->attrs['cx'], $margin_left + $radius); $element->attrs['cy'] = svg_ifset($element->attrs['cy'], $margin_top + $radius); $element->svg_attrs['width'] = $margin_left + $diameter + $margin_right; $element->svg_attrs['height'] = $margin_top + $diameter + $margin_bottom; } /* Rect callback. */ function svg_rect($element) { $element->data += [ 'width' => 50, 'height' => 50, ]; list($margin_top, $margin_right, $margin_bottom, $margin_left) = $element->data['margin']; $element->attrs['x'] = $margin_left; $element->attrs['y'] = $margin_top; $element->attrs['width'] = $element->data['width']; $element->attrs['height'] = $element->data['height']; if (isset($element->data['corner-radius'])) { $args = svg_parselist($element->data['corner-radius']); $element->attrs['rx'] = isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : 0; $element->attrs['ry'] = isset($args[1]) ? $args[1] : $args[0]; } $element->svg_attrs['width'] = $margin_left + $element->data['width'] + $margin_right; $element->svg_attrs['height'] = $margin_top + $element->data['height'] + $margin_bottom; } /* Ellipse callback. */ function svg_ellipse($element) { $element->data += [ 'diameter' => '100 50', ]; if (! isset($element->attrs['rx']) && ! isset($element->attrs['ry'])) { $diameter = svg_parselist($element->data['diameter']); $element->attrs['rx'] = $diameter[0] / 2; $element->attrs['ry'] = isset($diameter[1]) ? $diameter[1] / 2 : $diameter[0] / 2; } list($margin_top, $margin_right, $margin_bottom, $margin_left) = $element->data['margin']; $element->attrs['cx'] = $margin_left + $element->attrs['rx']; $element->attrs['cy'] = $margin_top + $element->attrs['ry']; $element->svg_attrs['width'] = $margin_left + ($element->attrs['rx'] * 2) + $margin_right; $element->svg_attrs['height'] = $margin_top + ($element->attrs['ry'] * 2) + $margin_bottom; } /* Path callback. */ function svg_path($element) { // Ensure minimum required attributes have defaults set. $element->data += [ 'd' => 'M 10,10 l 10,0 l 0,10 l 10,0 l 0,10', ]; // Unclosed paths have implicit fill. $element->styles += [ 'fill' => 'none', ]; } /* Polyline callback. */ function svg_polyline($element) { // Ensure required attributes have defaults set. $element->data += [ 'points' => '20,20 40,20 40,40 60,40 60,60', ]; // Polylines have implicit fill. $element->styles += [ 'fill' => 'none', ]; } /* Line callback. */ function svg_line($element) { // Set a default stroke. $element->styles += [ 'stroke' => '#000', ]; $element->attrs += [ 'x1' => 0, 'x2' => 0, 'y1' => 0, 'y2' => 0, ]; } /* Polygon callback. */ function svg_polygon($element) { if (! isset($element->attrs['points'])) { // Switch to path element. $element->tag = 'path'; $element->data += [ 'sides' => 3, 'diameter' => 100, ]; list($margin_top, $margin_right, $margin_bottom, $margin_left) = $element->data['margin']; $diameter = svg_parselist($element->data['diameter']); $diameter = $diameter[0]; $radius = $diameter / 2; $cx = $radius + $margin_left; $cy = $radius + $margin_top; $sides = $element->data['sides']; $element->attrs['d'] = svg_starpath($cx, $cy, $sides, $radius); $element->svg_attrs['width'] = $diameter + $margin_left + $margin_right; $element->svg_attrs['height'] = $diameter + $margin_top + $margin_bottom; } } /* Star callback. */ function svg_star($element) { // Minimum required attributes have defaults. $element->data += [ 'star-points' => 4, 'diameter' => '50 30', 'twist' => 0, ]; list($margin_top, $margin_right, $margin_bottom, $margin_left) = $element->data['margin']; $diameter = svg_parselist($element->data['diameter']); if (! isset($diameter[1])) { $diameter[1] = ($diameter[0] / 2); } $outer_r = $diameter[0] / 2; $inner_r = $diameter[1] / 2; $cx = $outer_r + $margin_left; $cy = $outer_r + $margin_top; $points = $element->data['star-points']; $twist = $element->data['twist'] * 10; $element->attrs['d'] = svg_starpath($cx, $cy, $points, $outer_r, $inner_r, $twist); $element->svg_attrs['width'] = $margin_left + ($outer_r * 2) + $margin_left; $element->svg_attrs['height'] = $margin_top + ($outer_r * 2) + $margin_bottom; } /* Text callback. Warning: Very limited for svg-as-image situations. */ function svg_text($element) { // Minimum required attributes have defaults. $element->data += [ 'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'width' => 100, 'height' => 100, 'text' => '', ]; $text = Crush::$process->tokens->restore($element->data['text'], 's', true); // Remove open and close quotes. $text = substr($text, 1, strlen($text) - 2); // Convert CSS unicode sequences to XML unicode. $text = preg_replace('~\\\\([[:xdigit:]]{2,6})~', '&#x$1;', $text); // Remove excape slashes and encode meta entities. $text = htmlentities(stripslashes($text), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false); $element->data['text'] = $text; $element->svg_attrs['width'] = $element->data['width']; $element->svg_attrs['height'] = $element->data['height']; } /* Star/polygon path builder. Adapted from http://svg-whiz.com/svg/StarMaker.svg by Doug Schepers. */ function svg_starpath($cx, $cy, $points, $outer_r, $inner_r = null, $twist = 0, $orient = 'point') { $d = []; // Enforce minimum number of points. $points = max(3, $points); for ($s = 0; $points >= $s; $s++) { // Outer angle. $outer_angle = 2.0 * M_PI * ($s / $points); if ($orient === 'point') { $outer_angle -= (M_PI / 2); } elseif ($orient === 'edge') { $outer_angle = ($outer_angle + (M_PI / $points)) - (M_PI / 2); } // Outer point based on outer angle. $x = ( $outer_r * cos($outer_angle) ) + $cx; $y = ( $outer_r * sin($outer_angle) ) + $cy; if ($points != $s) { $d[] = "$x $y"; } // If star shape is required need inner angles too. if ($inner_r != null && $points != $s) { $inner_angle = (2 * M_PI * ($s / $points)) + (M_PI / $points); if ($orient === 'point') { $inner_angle -= (M_PI / 2); } $inner_angle += $twist; $ix = ( $inner_r * cos($inner_angle) ) + $cx; $iy = ( $inner_r * sin($inner_angle) ) + $cy; $d[] = "$ix $iy"; } } return 'M' . implode('L', $d) . 'Z'; } function svg_apply_filters($element) { if (isset($element->data['drop-shadow'])) { $parts = svg_parselist($element->data['drop-shadow'], false); list($ds_x, $ds_y, $ds_strength, $ds_color) = $parts += [ 2, // x offset. 2, // y offset. 2, // strength. 'black', // color. ]; // Opacity. $drop_shadow_opacity = null; if ($color_components = Color::colorSplit($ds_color)) { list($ds_color, $drop_shadow_opacity) = $color_components; } $filter = '<filter id="f" x="-50%" y="-50%" width="200%" height="200%">'; $filter .= "<feGaussianBlur in=\"SourceAlpha\" stdDeviation=\"$ds_strength\"/>"; $filter .= "<feOffset dx=\"$ds_x\" dy=\"$ds_y\" result=\"r1\"/>"; $filter .= "<feFlood flood-color=\"$ds_color\"/>"; $filter .= "<feComposite in2=\"r1\" operator=\"in\"/>"; if (isset($drop_shadow_opacity)) { $filter .= '<feComponentTransfer>'; $filter .= "<feFuncA type=\"linear\" slope=\"$drop_shadow_opacity\"/>"; $filter .= '</feComponentTransfer>'; } $filter .= '<feMerge>'; $filter .= '<feMergeNode/>'; $filter .= '<feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"/>'; $filter .= '</feMerge>'; $filter .= '</filter>'; $element->styles['filter'] = 'url(#f)'; $element->filters[] = $filter; } } function svg_preprocess($element) { if (isset($element->data['margin'])) { $margin =& $element->data['margin']; $parts = svg_parselist($margin); $count = count($parts); if ($count === 1) { $margin = [$parts[0], $parts[0], $parts[0], $parts[0]]; } elseif ($count === 2) { $margin = [$parts[0], $parts[1], $parts[0], $parts[1]]; } elseif ($count === 3) { $margin = [$parts[0], $parts[1], $parts[2], $parts[1]]; } else { $margin = $parts; } } else { $element->data['margin'] = [0, 0, 0, 0]; } // 'Unzip' string tokens on data attributes. foreach (['points', 'd'] as $point_data_attr) { if (isset($element->attrs[$point_data_attr])) { $value = $element->attrs[$point_data_attr]; if (Tokens::is($value, 's')) { $element->attrs[$point_data_attr] = trim(Crush::$process->tokens->get($value), '"\'');; } } } if (isset($element->data['width'])) { $element->svg_attrs['width'] = $element->data['width']; } if (isset($element->data['height'])) { $element->svg_attrs['height'] = $element->data['height']; } } function svg_apply_css_funcs($element, &$raw_data) { // Setup functions for using on values. // Note using custom versions of svg-*-gradient(). static $functions; if (! $functions) { $functions = new \stdClass(); $functions->fill = new Functions([ 'svg-linear-gradient' => 'CssCrush\svg_fn_linear_gradient', 'svg-radial-gradient' => 'CssCrush\svg_fn_radial_gradient', 'pattern' => 'CssCrush\svg_fn_pattern', ]); $functions->generic = new Functions(array_diff_key(Crush::$process->functions->register, $functions->fill->register)); } foreach ($raw_data as $property => &$value) { $value = $functions->generic->apply($value); // Only capturing fills for fill and stoke properties. if ($property === 'fill' || $property === 'stroke') { $value = $functions->fill->apply($value, $element); // If the value is a color with alpha component we split the color // and set the corresponding *-opacity property because Webkit doesn't // support rgba()/hsla() in SVG. if ($components = Color::colorSplit($value)) { list($color, $opacity) = $components; $raw_data[$property] = $color; if ($opacity < 1) { $raw_data += ["$property-opacity" => $opacity]; } } } } } function svg_compress($element) { foreach ($element->attrs as $key => &$value) { // Compress numbers on data attributes. if (in_array($key, ['points', 'd'])) { $value = preg_replace_callback( Regex::$patt->number, function ($m) { return round($m[0], 2); }, $value); } } } function svg_render($element) { // Flatten styles. $styles = ''; $styles_data = [ '@font-face' => $element->face_styles, 'svg' => $element->svg_styles, ]; foreach ($styles_data as $selector => $declarations) { if ($declarations) { $out = []; foreach ($declarations as $property => $value) { $out[] = "$property:$value"; } $styles .= $selector . '{' . implode(';', $out) . '}'; } } $styles = Crush::$process->tokens->restore($styles, ['u', 's'], true); // Add element styles as attributes which tend to work better with svg2png converters. $attrs = Util::htmlAttributes($element->attrs + $element->styles); // Add viewbox to help IE scale correctly. if (isset($element->svg_attrs['width']) && isset($element->svg_attrs['height'])) { $element->svg_attrs += [ 'viewbox' => implode(' ', [ 0, 0, $element->svg_attrs['width'], $element->svg_attrs['height'] ]), ]; } $svg_attrs = Util::htmlAttributes($element->svg_attrs); // Markup. $svg[] = "<svg$svg_attrs>"; if ( $element->fills['gradients'] || $element->fills['patterns'] || $element->filters || $styles ) { $svg[] = '<defs>'; $svg[] = implode($element->fills['gradients']); $svg[] = implode($element->fills['patterns']); $svg[] = implode($element->filters); if ($styles) { $cdata = preg_match('~[<>&]~', $styles); $svg[] = '<style type="text/css">'; $svg[] = $cdata ? '<![CDATA[' : ''; $svg[] = $styles; $svg[] = $cdata ? ']]>' : ''; $svg[] = '</style>'; } $svg[] = '</defs>'; } if ($element->tag === 'text') { $svg[] = "<text$attrs>{$element->data['text']}</text>"; } else { $svg[] = "<{$element->tag}$attrs/>"; } $svg[] = '</svg>'; return array_filter($svg, 'strlen'); } /* Custom versions of svg-*-gradient() for integrating. */ function svg_fn_linear_gradient($input, $element) { $generated_gradient = create_svg_linear_gradient($input); $element->fills['gradients'][] = reset($generated_gradient); return 'url(#' . key($generated_gradient) . ')'; } function svg_fn_radial_gradient($input, $element) { $generated_gradient = create_svg_radial_gradient($input); $element->fills['gradients'][] = reset($generated_gradient); return 'url(#' . key($generated_gradient) . ')'; } function svg_fn_pattern($input, $element) { $pid = 'p'; // Get args in order with defaults. list($url, $transform_list, $width, $height, $x, $y) = Functions::parseArgs($input) + ['', '', 0, 0, 0, 0]; $url = Crush::$process->tokens->get($url); if (! $url) { return ''; } // If $width or $height is not specified get image dimensions the slow way. if (! $width || ! $height) { $file = $url->getAbsolutePath(); list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file); } // If a data-uri function has been used. if ($url->convertToData) { $url->toData(); } $transform_list = $transform_list ? " patternTransform=\"$transform_list\"" : ''; $generated_pattern = "<pattern id=\"$pid\" patternUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\"$transform_list>"; $generated_pattern .= "<image xlink:href=\"{$url->value}\" x=\"$x\" y=\"$y\" width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\"/>"; $generated_pattern .= '</pattern>'; $element->fills['patterns'][] = $generated_pattern; $element->svg_attrs['xmlns:xlink'] = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; return 'url(#' . $pid . ')'; } /* Helpers. */ function svg_parselist($str, $numbers = true) { $list = preg_split('~ +~', trim($str)); return $numbers ? array_map('floatval', $list) : $list; } function svg_ifset(&$var, $fallback = null) { if (isset($var)) { return $var; } return $fallback; } /* SVG gradients. */ function fn__svg_linear_gradient($input) { $gradient = create_svg_linear_gradient($input); $gradient_markup = reset($gradient); $gradient_id = key($gradient); $svg = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="150">'; $svg .= '<defs>'; $svg .= $gradient_markup; $svg .= '</defs>'; $svg .= "<rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" fill=\"url(#$gradient_id)\"/>"; $svg .= '</svg>'; return Crush::$process->tokens->add(new Url('data:image/svg+xml;base64,' . base64_encode($svg))); } function fn__svg_radial_gradient($input) { $gradient = create_svg_radial_gradient($input); $gradient_markup = reset($gradient); $gradient_id = key($gradient); $svg = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="150">'; $svg .= '<defs>'; $svg .= $gradient_markup; $svg .= '</defs>'; $svg .= "<rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" fill=\"url(#$gradient_id)\"/>"; $svg .= '</svg>'; return Crush::$process->tokens->add(new Url('data:image/svg+xml;base64,' . base64_encode($svg))); } function create_svg_linear_gradient($input) { static $angle_keywords, $deg_patt; if (! $angle_keywords) { $angle_keywords = [ 'to top' => 180, 'to right' => 270, 'to bottom' => 0, 'to left' => 90, // Not very magic corners. 'to top right' => [[0, 100], [100, 0]], 'to top left' => [[100, 100], [0, 0]], 'to bottom right' => [[0, 0], [100, 100]], 'to bottom left' => [[100, 0], [0, 100]], ]; $angle_keywords['to right top'] = $angle_keywords['to top right']; $angle_keywords['to left top'] = $angle_keywords['to top left']; $angle_keywords['to right bottom'] = $angle_keywords['to bottom right']; $angle_keywords['to left bottom'] = $angle_keywords['to bottom left']; $deg_patt = Regex::make('~^{{number}}deg$~i'); } $args = Functions::parseArgs($input); // If no angle argument is passed the default. $angle = 0; // Parse starting and ending coordinates from the first argument if it's an angle. $coords = null; $first_arg = $args[0]; $first_arg_is_angle = false; // Try to parse an angle value. if (preg_match($deg_patt, $first_arg)) { $angle = floatval($first_arg); // Quick fix to match standard linear-gradient() angle. $angle += 180; $first_arg_is_angle = true; } elseif (isset($angle_keywords[$first_arg])) { if (is_array($angle_keywords[$first_arg])) { $coords = $angle_keywords[$first_arg]; } else { $angle = $angle_keywords[$first_arg]; } $first_arg_is_angle = true; } // Shift off the first argument if it has been recognised as an angle. if ($first_arg_is_angle) { array_shift($args); } // If not using a magic corner, create start/end coordinates from the angle. if (! $coords) { // Normalize the angle. $angle = fmod($angle, 360); if ($angle < 0) { $angle = 360 + $angle; } $angle = round($angle, 2); $start_x = 0; $end_x = 0; $start_y = 0; $end_y = 100; if ($angle >= 0 && $angle <= 45) { $start_x = (($angle / 45) * 50) + 50; $end_x = 100 - $start_x; $start_y = 0; $end_y = 100; } elseif ($angle > 45 && $angle <= 135) { $angle_delta = $angle - 45; $start_x = 100; $end_x = 0; $start_y = ($angle_delta / 90) * 100; $end_y = 100 - $start_y; } elseif ($angle > 135 && $angle <= 225) { $angle_delta = $angle - 135; $start_x = 100 - (($angle_delta / 90) * 100); $end_x = 100 - $start_x; $start_y = 100; $end_y = 0; } elseif ($angle > 225 && $angle <= 315) { $angle_delta = $angle - 225; $start_x = 0; $end_x = 100; $start_y = 100 - (($angle_delta / 90) * 100); $end_y = 100 - $start_y; } elseif ($angle > 315 && $angle <= 360) { $angle_delta = $angle - 315; $start_x = ($angle_delta / 90) * 100; $end_x = 100 - $start_x; $start_y = 0; $end_y = 100; } $coords = [ [round($start_x, 1), round($start_y, 1)], [round($end_x, 1), round($end_y, 1)], ]; } // The remaining arguments are treated as color stops. // - Capture their color values and if specified color offset percentages. // - Only percentages are supported as SVG gradients to accept other length values // for color stop offsets. $color_stops = parse_gradient_color_stops($args); $gradient_id = "lg"; $gradient = "<linearGradient id=\"$gradient_id\" gradientUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\""; $gradient .= " x1=\"{$coords[0][0]}%\" x2=\"{$coords[1][0]}%\" y1=\"{$coords[0][1]}%\" y2=\"{$coords[1][1]}%\">"; $gradient .= $color_stops; $gradient .= '</linearGradient>'; return [$gradient_id => $gradient]; } function create_svg_radial_gradient($input) { static $position_keywords, $origin_patt; if (! $position_keywords) { $position_keywords = [ 'at top' => ['50%', '0%'], 'at right' => ['100%', '50%'], 'at bottom' => ['50%', '100%'], 'at left' => ['0%', '50%'], 'at center' => ['50%', '50%'], // Not very magic corners. 'at top right' => ['100%', '0%'], 'at top left' => ['0%', '0%'], 'at bottom right' => ['100%', '100%'], 'at bottom left' => ['0%', '100%'], ]; $position_keywords['at right top'] = $position_keywords['at top right']; $position_keywords['at left top'] = $position_keywords['at top left']; $position_keywords['at right bottom'] = $position_keywords['at bottom right']; $position_keywords['at left bottom'] = $position_keywords['at bottom left']; $origin_patt = Regex::make('~^({{number}}%?) +({{number}}%?)$~'); } $args = Functions::parseArgs($input); // Default origin, $position = $position_keywords['at center']; // Parse origin coordinates from the first argument if it's an origin. $first_arg = $args[0]; $first_arg_is_position = false; // Try to parse an origin value. if (preg_match($origin_patt, $first_arg, $m)) { $position = [$m[1], $m[2]]; $first_arg_is_position = true; } elseif (isset($position_keywords[$first_arg])) { $position = $position_keywords[$first_arg]; $first_arg_is_position = true; } // Shift off the first argument if it has been recognised as an origin. if ($first_arg_is_position) { array_shift($args); } // The remaining arguments are treated as color stops. // - Capture their color values and if specified color offset percentages. // - Only percentages are supported as SVG gradients to accept other length values // for color stop offsets. $color_stops = parse_gradient_color_stops($args); $gradient_id = "rg"; $gradient = "<radialGradient id=\"$gradient_id\" gradientUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\""; $gradient .= " cx=\"{$position[0]}\" cy=\"{$position[1]}\" r=\"100%\">"; $gradient .= $color_stops; $gradient .= '</radialGradient>'; return [$gradient_id => $gradient]; } function parse_gradient_color_stops(array $color_stop_args) { $offsets = []; $colors = []; $offset_patt = '~ +([\d\.]+%)$~'; $last_index = count($color_stop_args) - 1; foreach ($color_stop_args as $index => $color_arg) { if (preg_match($offset_patt, $color_arg, $m)) { $offsets[] = floatval($m[1]); $color = preg_replace($offset_patt, '', $color_arg); } else { if ($index === 0) { $offsets[] = 0; } elseif ($index === $last_index) { $offsets[] = 100; } else { $offsets[] = null; } $color = $color_arg; } // For hsla()/rgba() extract alpha component from color values and // convert to hsl()/rgb(). // Webkit doesn't support them for SVG colors. $colors[] = Color::colorSplit($color); } // For unspecified color offsets fill in the blanks. $next_index_not_null = 0; $prev_index_not_null = 0; $n = count($offsets); foreach ($offsets as $index => $offset) { if (! isset($offset)) { // Scan for next non-null offset. for ($i = $index; $i < $n; $i++) { if (isset($offsets[$i])) { $next_index_not_null = $i; break; } } // Get the difference between previous 'not null' offset and the next 'not null' offset. // Divide by the number of null offsets to get a value for padding between them. $padding_increment = ($offsets[$next_index_not_null] - $offsets[$prev_index_not_null]) / ($next_index_not_null - $index + 1); $padding = $padding_increment; for ($i = $index; $i < $n; $i++) { if (isset($offsets[$i])) { break; } // Replace the null offset with the new padded value. $offsets[$i] = $offsets[$prev_index_not_null] + $padding; // Bump the padding for the next null offset. $padding += $padding_increment; } } else { $prev_index_not_null = $index; } } $stops = ''; foreach (array_combine($offsets, $colors) as $offset => $color) { list($color_value, $opacity) = $color; $stop_opacity = $opacity < 1 ? " stop-opacity=\"$opacity\"" : ''; $stops .= "<stop offset=\"$offset%\" stop-color=\"$color_value\"$stop_opacity/>"; } return $stops; }