File: Util.php
<?php /** * * General utilities. * */ namespace CssCrush; class Util { public static function htmlAttributes(array $attributes, array $sort_order = null) { // Optionally sort attributes (for better readability). if ($sort_order) { uksort($attributes, function ($a, $b) use ($sort_order) { $a_index = array_search($a, $sort_order); $b_index = array_search($b, $sort_order); $a_found = is_int($a_index); $b_found = is_int($b_index); if ($a_found && $b_found) { if ($a_index == $b_index) { return 0; } return $a_index > $b_index ? 1 : -1; } elseif ($a_found && ! $b_found) { return -1; } elseif ($b_found && ! $a_found) { return 1; } return strcmp($a, $b); }); } $str = ''; foreach ($attributes as $name => $value) { $value = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false); $str .= " $name=\"$value\""; } return $str; } public static function normalizePath($path, $strip_drive_letter = false) { if (! $path) { return ''; } if ($strip_drive_letter) { $path = preg_replace('~^[a-z]\:~i', '', $path); } // Backslashes and repeat slashes to a single forward slash. $path = rtrim(preg_replace('~[\\\\/]+~', '/', $path), '/'); // Removing redundant './'. $path = str_replace('/./', '/', $path); if (strpos($path, './') === 0) { $path = substr($path, 2); } return Util::simplifyPath($path); } public static function simplifyPath($path) { // Reduce redundant path segments. e.g 'foo/../bar' => 'bar' $patt = '~[^/.]+/\.\./~S'; while (preg_match($patt, $path)) { $path = preg_replace($patt, '', $path); } return $path; } public static function resolveUserPath($path, callable $recovery = null, $docRoot = null) { // System path. if ($realpath = realpath($path)) { $path = $realpath; } else { if (! $docRoot) { $docRoot = isset(Crush::$process->docRoot) ? Crush::$process->docRoot : Crush::$config->docRoot; } // Absolute path. if (strpos($path, '/') === 0) { // If $path is not doc_root based assume it's doc_root relative and prepend doc_root. if (strpos($path, $docRoot) !== 0) { $path = $docRoot . $path; } } // Relative path. Try resolving based on the directory of the executing script. else { $path = Crush::$config->scriptDir . '/' . $path; } if (! file_exists($path) && $recovery) { $path = $recovery($path); } $path = realpath($path); } return $path ? Util::normalizePath($path) : false; } public static function stripCommentTokens($str) { return preg_replace(Regex::$patt->c_token, '', $str); } public static function normalizeWhiteSpace($str) { static $find, $replace; if (! $find) { $replacements = [ // Convert all whitespace sequences to a single space. '~\s+~S' => ' ', // Trim bracket whitespace where it's safe to do it. '~([\[(]) | ([\])])| ?([{}]) ?~S' => '${1}${2}${3}', // Trim whitespace around delimiters and special characters. '~ ?([;,]) ?~S' => '$1', ]; $find = array_keys($replacements); $replace = array_values($replacements); } return preg_replace($find, $replace, $str); } public static function splitDelimList($str, $options = []) { extract($options + [ 'delim' => ',', 'regex' => false, 'allow_empty_strings' => false, ]); $str = trim($str); if (! $regex && strpos($str, $delim) === false) { return ! $allow_empty_strings && ! strlen($str) ? [] : [$str]; } if ($match_count = preg_match_all(Regex::$patt->parens, $str, $matches)) { $keys = []; foreach ($matches[0] as $index => &$value) { $keys[] = "?$index?"; } $str = str_replace($matches[0], $keys, $str); } $list = $regex ? preg_split($regex, $str) : explode($delim, $str); if ($match_count) { foreach ($list as &$value) { $value = str_replace($keys, $matches[0], $value); } } $list = array_map('trim', $list); return ! $allow_empty_strings ? array_filter($list, 'strlen') : $list; } public static function getLinkBetweenPaths($path1, $path2, $directories = true) { $path1 = trim(Util::normalizePath($path1, true), '/'); $path2 = trim(Util::normalizePath($path2, true), '/'); $link = ''; if ($path1 != $path2) { // Split the directory paths into arrays so we can compare segment by segment. $path1_segs = explode('/', $path1); $path2_segs = explode('/', $path2); // Shift the segments until they are on different branches. while (isset($path1_segs[0]) && isset($path2_segs[0]) && ($path1_segs[0] === $path2_segs[0])) { array_shift($path1_segs); array_shift($path2_segs); } $link = str_repeat('../', count($path1_segs)) . implode('/', $path2_segs); } $link = $link !== '' ? rtrim($link, '/') : ''; // Append end slash if getting a link between directories. if ($link && $directories) { $link .= '/'; } return $link; } public static function filePutContents($file, $str) { if ($stream = fopen($file, 'w')) { fwrite($stream, $str); fclose($stream); return true; } warning("Could not write file '$file'."); return false; } public static function parseIni($path, $sections = false) { if (! ($result = @parse_ini_file($path, $sections))) { notice("Ini file '$path' could not be parsed."); return false; } return $result; } public static function readConfigFile($path) { require_once $path; return Options::filter(get_defined_vars()); } /* * Get raw value (useful if testing values that may or may not be a token). */ public static function rawValue($value) { if ($tokenType = Tokens::test($value)) { if ($tokenType == 'u') { $value = Crush::$process->tokens->get($value)->value; } elseif ($tokenType == 's') { $value = Crush::$process->tokens->get($value); } } return $value; } /* * Encode integer to Base64 VLQ. */ public static function vlqEncode($value) { static $VLQ_BASE_SHIFT, $VLQ_BASE, $VLQ_BASE_MASK, $VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT, $BASE64_MAP; if (! $VLQ_BASE_SHIFT) { $VLQ_BASE_SHIFT = 5; $VLQ_BASE = 1 << $VLQ_BASE_SHIFT; $VLQ_BASE_MASK = $VLQ_BASE - 1; $VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT = $VLQ_BASE; $BASE64_MAP = str_split('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'); } $vlq = $value < 0 ? ((-$value) << 1) + 1 : ($value << 1) + 0; $encoded = ""; do { $digit = $vlq & $VLQ_BASE_MASK; $vlq >>= $VLQ_BASE_SHIFT; if ($vlq > 0) { $digit |= $VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT; } $encoded .= $BASE64_MAP[$digit]; } while ($vlq > 0); return $encoded; } }