File: Process.php
<?php /** * * The main class for compiling. * */ namespace CssCrush; class Process { use EventEmitter; public function __construct($user_options = [], $context = []) { $config = Crush::$config; Crush::loadAssets(); // Initialize properties. $this->cacheData = []; $this->mixins = []; $this->fragments = []; $this->references = []; $this->absoluteImports = []; $this->charset = null; $this->sources = []; $this->vars = []; $this->plugins = []; $this->misc = new \stdClass(); $this->input = new \stdClass(); $this->output = new \stdClass(); $this->tokens = new Tokens(); $this->functions = new Functions(); $this->sourceMap = null; $this->selectorAliases = []; $this->selectorAliasesPatt = null; $this->io = new Crush::$config->io($this); $this->errors = []; $this->warnings = []; $this->debugLog = []; $this->stat = []; // Copy config values. $this->aliases = $config->aliases; // Options. $this->options = new Options($user_options, $config->options); // Context options. $context += ['type' => 'filter', 'data' => '']; $this->ioContext = $context['type']; // Keep track of global vars to maintain cache integrity. $this->options->global_vars = $config->vars; // Shortcut commonly used options to avoid __get() overhead. $this->docRoot = isset($this->options->doc_root) ? $this->options->doc_root : $config->docRoot; $this->generateMap = $this->ioContext === 'file' && $this->options->__get('source_map'); $this->ruleFormatter = $this->options->__get('formatter'); $this->minifyOutput = $this->options->__get('minify'); $this->newline = $this->options->__get('newlines'); if ($context['type'] === 'file') { $file = $context['data']; $this->input->raw = $file; if (! ($inputFile = Util::resolveUserPath($file, null, $this->docRoot))) { throw new \Exception('Input file \'' . basename($file) . '\' not found.'); } $this->resolveContext(dirname($inputFile), $inputFile); } elseif ($context['type'] === 'filter') { if (! empty($this->options->context)) { $this->resolveContext($this->options->context); } else { $this->resolveContext(); } $this->input->string = $context['data']; } } public function release() { unset( $this->tokens, $this->mixins, $this->references, $this->cacheData, $this->misc, $this->plugins, $this->aliases, $this->selectorAliases ); } public function resolveContext($input_dir = null, $input_file = null) { if ($input_file) { $this->input->path = $input_file; $this->input->filename = basename($input_file); $this->input->mtime = filemtime($input_file); } else { $this->input->path = null; $this->input->filename = null; } $this->input->dir = $input_dir ?: $this->docRoot; $this->input->dirUrl = substr($input_dir, strlen($this->docRoot)); $this->output->dir = $this->io->getOutputDir(); $this->output->filename = $this->io->getOutputFileName(); $this->output->dirUrl = substr($this->output->dir, strlen($this->docRoot)); $context_resolved = true; if ($input_file) { $output_dir = $this->output->dir; if (! file_exists($output_dir)) { warning("Output directory '$output_dir' doesn't exist."); $context_resolved = false; } elseif (! is_writable($output_dir)) { debug('Attempting to change permissions.'); if (! @chmod($output_dir, 0755)) { warning("Output directory '$output_dir' is unwritable."); $context_resolved = false; } else { debug('Permissions updated.'); } } } $this->io->init(); return $context_resolved; } ############################# # Boilerplate. protected function getBoilerplate() { $file = false; $boilerplateOption = $this->options->boilerplate; if ($boilerplateOption === true) { $file = Crush::$dir . '/boilerplate.txt'; } elseif (is_string($boilerplateOption)) { if (file_exists($boilerplateOption)) { $file = $boilerplateOption; } } // Return an empty string if no file is found. if (! $file) { return ''; } $boilerplate = file_get_contents($file); // Substitute any tags if (preg_match_all('~\{\{([^}]+)\}\}~', $boilerplate, $boilerplateMatches)) { // Command line arguments (if any). $commandArgs = 'n/a'; if (isset($_SERVER['argv'])) { $argv = $_SERVER['argv']; array_shift($argv); $commandArgs = 'csscrush ' . implode(' ', $argv); } $tags = [ 'datetime' => @date('Y-m-d H:i:s O'), 'year' => @date('Y'), 'command' => $commandArgs, 'plugins' => implode(',', $this->plugins), 'version' => function () { return Version::detect(); }, 'compile_time' => function () { $now = microtime(true) - Crush::$process->stat['compile_start_time']; return round($now, 4) . ' seconds'; }, ]; foreach (array_keys($boilerplateMatches[0]) as $index) { $tagName = trim($boilerplateMatches[1][$index]); $replacement = '?'; if (isset($tags[$tagName])) { $replacement = is_callable($tags[$tagName]) ? $tags[$tagName]() : $tags[$tagName]; } $replacements[] = $replacement; } $boilerplate = str_replace($boilerplateMatches[0], $replacements, $boilerplate); } // Pretty print. $EOL = $this->newline; $boilerplate = preg_split('~[\t]*'. Regex::$classes->newline . '[\t]*~', trim($boilerplate)); $boilerplate = array_map('trim', $boilerplate); $boilerplate = "$EOL * " . implode("$EOL * ", $boilerplate); return "/*$boilerplate$EOL */$EOL"; } ############################# # Selector aliases. protected function resolveSelectorAliases() { $this->string->pregReplaceCallback( Regex::make('~@selector(?:-(?<type>alias|splat))? +\:?(?<name>{{ident}}) +(?<handler>[^;]+) *;~iS'), function ($m) { $name = strtolower($m['name']); $type = ! empty($m['type']) ? strtolower($m['type']) : 'alias'; $handler = Util::stripCommentTokens($m['handler']); Crush::$process->selectorAliases[$name] = new SelectorAlias($handler, $type); }); // Create the selector aliases pattern and store it. if ($this->selectorAliases) { $names = implode('|', array_keys($this->selectorAliases)); $this->selectorAliasesPatt = Regex::make('~\:(' . $names . '){{RB}}(\()?~iS'); } } public function addSelectorAlias($name, $handler, $type = 'alias') { if ($type != 'callback') { $handler = $this->tokens->capture($handler, 's'); } $this->selectorAliases[$name] = new SelectorAlias($handler, $type); } ############################# # Aliases. protected function filterAliases() { // If a vendor target is given, we prune the aliases array. $vendors = $this->options->vendor_target; // Default vendor argument, so use all aliases as normal. if ('all' === $vendors) { return; } // For expicit 'none' argument turn off aliases. if ('none' === $vendors) { $this->aliases = Crush::$config->bareAliases; return; } // Normalize vendor names and create regex patt. $vendor_names = (array) $vendors; foreach ($vendor_names as &$vendor_name) { $vendor_name = trim($vendor_name, '-'); } $vendor_patt = '~^\-(' . implode($vendor_names, '|') . ')\-~i'; // Loop the aliases array, filter down to the target vendor. foreach ($this->aliases as $section => $group_array) { // Declarations aliases. if ($section === 'declarations') { foreach ($group_array as $property => $values) { foreach ($values as $value => $prefix_values) { foreach ($prefix_values as $index => $declaration) { if (in_array($declaration[2], $vendor_names)) { continue; } // Unset uneeded aliases. unset($this->aliases[$section][$property][$value][$index]); if (empty($this->aliases[$section][$property][$value])) { unset($this->aliases[$section][$property][$value]); } if (empty($this->aliases[$section][$property])) { unset($this->aliases[$section][$property]); } } } } } // Function group aliases. elseif ($section === 'function_groups') { foreach ($group_array as $func_group => $vendors) { foreach (array_keys($vendors) as $vendor) { if (! in_array($vendor, $vendor_names)) { unset($this->aliases['function_groups'][$func_group][$vendor]); } } } } // Everything else. else { foreach ($group_array as $alias_keyword => $prefix_array) { // Skip over pointers to function groups. if ($prefix_array[0] === '.') { continue; } $result = []; foreach ($prefix_array as $prefix) { if (preg_match($vendor_patt, $prefix)) { $result[] = $prefix; } } // Prune the whole alias keyword if there is no result. if (empty($result)) { unset($this->aliases[$section][$alias_keyword]); } else { $this->aliases[$section][$alias_keyword] = $result; } } } } } ############################# # Plugins. protected function filterPlugins() { $this->plugins = array_unique($this->options->plugins); foreach ($this->plugins as $plugin) { Crush::enablePlugin($plugin); } } ############################# # Variables. protected function captureVars() { Crush::$process->vars = Crush::$process->string->captureDirectives(['set', 'define'], [ 'singles' => true, 'lowercase_keys' => false, ]) + Crush::$process->vars; // For convenience adding a runtime variable for cache busting linked resources. $this->vars['timestamp'] = (int) $this->stat['compile_start_time']; // In-file variables override global variables. $this->vars += Crush::$config->vars; // Runtime variables override in-file variables. if (! empty($this->options->vars)) { $this->vars = $this->options->vars + $this->vars; } // Place variables referenced inside variables. foreach ($this->vars as &$value) { $this->placeVars($value); } } protected function placeAllVars() { $this->placeVars($this->string->raw); $rawTokens =& $this->tokens->store; // Repeat above steps for variables embedded in string tokens. foreach ($rawTokens->s as $label => &$value) { $this->placeVars($value); } // Repeat above steps for variables embedded in URL tokens. foreach ($rawTokens->u as $label => $url) { if (! $url->isData && $this->placeVars($url->value)) { // Re-evaluate $url->value if anything has been interpolated. $url->evaluate(); } } } protected function placeVars(&$value) { static $varFunction, $varFunctionSimple; if (! $varFunction) { $varFunctionSimple = Regex::make('~\$\( \s* ({{ ident }}) \s* \)~xS'); $varFunction = new Functions(['$' => function ($rawArgs) { $args = Functions::parseArgsSimple($rawArgs); if (isset(Crush::$process->vars[$args[0]])) { return Crush::$process->vars[$args[0]]; } else { return isset($args[1]) ? $args[1] : ''; } }]); } // Variables with no default value. $value = preg_replace_callback($varFunctionSimple, function ($m) { $varName = $m[1]; if (isset(Crush::$process->vars[$varName])) { return Crush::$process->vars[$varName]; } }, $value, -1, $varsPlaced); // Variables with default value. if (strpos($value, '$(') !== false) { // Assume at least one replace. $varsPlaced = true; // Variables may be nested so need to apply full function parsing. $value = $varFunction->apply($value); } // If we know replacements have been made we may want to update $value. e.g URL tokens. return $varsPlaced; } ############################# # @for..in blocks. protected function resolveLoops() { $LOOP_VAR_PATT = '~\#\( \s* (?<arg>[a-zA-Z][\.a-zA-Z0-9-_]*) \s* \)~x'; $LOOP_PATT = Regex::make('~ (?<expression> @for \s+ (?<var>{{ident}}) \s+ in \s+ (?<list>[^{]+) ) \s* {{ block }} ~xiS'); $apply_scope = function ($str, $context) use ($LOOP_VAR_PATT, $LOOP_PATT) { // Need to temporarily hide child block scopes. $child_scopes = []; $str = preg_replace_callback($LOOP_PATT, function ($m) use (&$child_scopes) { $label = '?B' . count($child_scopes) . '?'; $child_scopes[$label] = $m['block']; return $m['expression'] . $label; }, $str); $str = preg_replace_callback($LOOP_VAR_PATT, function ($m) use ($context) { // Normalize casing of built-in loop variables. // User variables are case-sensitive. $arg = preg_replace_callback('~^loop\.(parent\.)?counter0?$~i', function ($m) { return strtolower($m[0]); }, $m['arg']); return isset($context[$arg]) ? $context[$arg] : ''; }, $str); return str_replace(array_keys($child_scopes), array_values($child_scopes), $str); }; $resolve_list = function ($list) { // Resolve the list of items for iteration. // Either a generator function or a plain list. $items = []; $this->placeVars($list); $list = $this->functions->apply($list); if (preg_match(Regex::make('~(?<func>range){{ parens }}~ix'), $list, $m)) { $func = strtolower($m['func']); $args = Functions::parseArgs($m['parens_content']); switch ($func) { case 'range': //$items = range(...$args); break; } } else { $items = Util::splitDelimList($list); } return $items; }; $unroll = function ($str, $context = []) use (&$unroll, $LOOP_PATT, $apply_scope, $resolve_list) { $str = $apply_scope($str, $context); while (preg_match($LOOP_PATT, $str, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { $str = substr_replace($str, '', $m[0][1], strlen($m[0][0])); $context['loop.parent.counter'] = isset($context['loop.counter']) ? $context['loop.counter'] : -1; $context['loop.parent.counter0'] = isset($context['loop.counter0']) ? $context['loop.counter0'] : -1; foreach ($resolve_list($m['list'][0]) as $index => $value) { $str .= $unroll($m['block_content'][0], [ $m['var'][0] => $value, 'loop.counter' => $index + 1, 'loop.counter0' => $index, ] + $context); } } return $str; }; $this->string->pregReplaceCallback($LOOP_PATT, function ($m) use ($unroll) { return Template::tokenize($unroll(Template::unTokenize($m[0]))); }); } ############################# # @ifdefine blocks. protected function resolveIfDefines() { $ifdefinePatt = Regex::make('~@if(?:set|define) \s+ (?<negate>not \s+)? (?<name>{{ ident }}) \s* {{ parens }}? \s* \{~ixS'); $matches = $this->string->matchAll($ifdefinePatt); while ($match = array_pop($matches)) { $curlyMatch = new BalancedMatch($this->string, $match[0][1]); if (! $curlyMatch->match) { continue; } $negate = $match['negate'][1] != -1; $nameDefined = isset($this->vars[$match['name'][0]]); $valueDefined = isset($match['parens_content'][0]); $valueMatch = false; if ($nameDefined && $valueDefined) { $testValue = Util::rawValue(trim($match['parens_content'][0])); $varValue = Util::rawValue($this->vars[$match['name'][0]]); $valueMatch = $varValue == $testValue; } if ( ( $valueDefined && !$negate && $valueMatch ) || ( $valueDefined && $negate && !$valueMatch ) || ( !$valueDefined && !$negate && $nameDefined ) || ( !$valueDefined && $negate && !$nameDefined ) ) { $curlyMatch->unWrap(); } else { $curlyMatch->replace(''); } } } ############################# # Mixins. protected function captureMixins() { $this->string->pregReplaceCallback(Regex::$patt->mixin, function ($m) { Crush::$process->mixins[$m['name']] = new Mixin($m['block_content']); }); } ############################# # Fragments. protected function resolveFragments() { $fragments =& Crush::$process->fragments; $this->string->pregReplaceCallback(Regex::$patt->fragmentCapture, function ($m) use (&$fragments) { $fragments[$m['name']] = new Fragment( $m['block_content'], ['name' => strtolower($m['name'])] ); return ''; }); $this->string->pregReplaceCallback(Regex::$patt->fragmentInvoke, function ($m) use (&$fragments) { $fragment = isset($fragments[$m['name']]) ? $fragments[$m['name']] : null; if ($fragment) { $args = []; if (isset($m['parens'])) { $args = Functions::parseArgs($m['parens_content']); } return $fragment($args); } return ''; }); } ############################# # Rules. public function captureRules() { $tokens = $this->tokens; $rulePatt = Regex::make('~ (?<trace_token> {{ t_token }}) \s* (?<selector> [^{]+) \s* {{ block }} ~xiS'); $rulesAndMediaPatt = Regex::make('~{{ r_token }}|@media[^\{]+{{ block }}~iS'); $count = preg_match_all(Regex::$patt->t_token, $this->string->raw, $traceMatches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); while ($count--) { $traceOffset = $traceMatches[0][$count][1]; preg_match($rulePatt, $this->string->raw, $ruleMatch, null, $traceOffset); $selector = trim($ruleMatch['selector']); $block = trim($ruleMatch['block_content']); $replace = ''; // If rules are nested inside we set their parent property. if (preg_match_all(Regex::$patt->r_token, $block, $childMatches)) { $block = preg_replace_callback($rulesAndMediaPatt, function ($m) use (&$replace) { $replace .= $m[0]; return ''; }, $block); $rule = new Rule($selector, $block, $ruleMatch['trace_token']); foreach ($childMatches[0] as $childToken) { $childRule = $tokens->get($childToken); if (! $childRule->parent) { $childRule->parent = $rule; } } } else { $rule = new Rule($selector, $block, $ruleMatch['trace_token']); } $replace = $tokens->add($rule, 'r', $rule->label) . $replace; $this->string->splice($replace, $traceOffset, strlen($ruleMatch[0])); } // Flip, since we just captured rules in reverse order. $tokens->store->r = array_reverse($tokens->store->r); foreach ($tokens->store->r as $rule) { if ($rule->parent) { $rule->selectors->merge(array_keys($rule->parent->selectors->store)); } } // Cleanup unusable rules. $this->string->pregReplaceCallback(Regex::$patt->r_token, function ($m) use ($tokens) { $ruleToken = $m[0]; $rule = $tokens->store->r[$ruleToken]; if (empty($rule->declarations->store) && ! $rule->extendArgs) { unset($tokens->store->r[$ruleToken]); return ''; } return $ruleToken; }); } protected function processRules() { // Create table of name/selector to rule references. $namedReferences = []; $previousRule = null; foreach ($this->tokens->store->r as $rule) { if ($rule->name) { $namedReferences[$rule->name] = $rule; } foreach ($rule->selectors as $selector) { $this->references[$selector->readableValue] = $rule; } if ($previousRule) { $rule->previous = $previousRule; $previousRule->next = $rule; } $previousRule = $rule; } // Explicit named references take precedence. $this->references = $namedReferences + $this->references; foreach ($this->tokens->store->r as $rule) { $rule->declarations->flatten(); $rule->declarations->process(); $this->emit('rule_prealias', $rule); $rule->declarations->aliasProperties($rule->vendorContext); $rule->declarations->aliasFunctions($rule->vendorContext); $rule->declarations->aliasDeclarations($rule->vendorContext); $this->emit('rule_postalias', $rule); $rule->selectors->expand(); $rule->applyExtendables(); $this->emit('rule_postprocess', $rule); } } ############################# # @-rule aliasing. protected function aliasAtRules() { if (empty($this->aliases['at-rules'])) { return; } $aliases = $this->aliases['at-rules']; $regex = Regex::$patt; foreach ($aliases as $at_rule => $at_rule_aliases) { $matches = $this->string->matchAll("~@$at_rule" . '[\s{]~i'); // Find at-rules that we want to alias. while ($match = array_pop($matches)) { $curly_match = new BalancedMatch($this->string, $match[0][1]); if (! $curly_match->match) { // Couldn't match the block. continue; } // Build up string with aliased blocks for splicing. $original_block = $curly_match->whole(); $new_blocks = []; foreach ($at_rule_aliases as $alias) { // Copy original block, replacing at-rule with alias name. $copy_block = str_replace("@$at_rule", "@$alias", $original_block); // Aliases are nearly always prefixed, capture the current vendor name. preg_match($regex->vendorPrefix, $alias, $vendor); $vendor = $vendor ? $vendor[1] : null; // Duplicate rules. if (preg_match_all($regex->r_token, $copy_block, $copy_matches)) { $originals = []; $replacements = []; foreach ($copy_matches[0] as $rule_label) { // Clone the matched rule. $originals[] = $rule_label; $clone_rule = clone $this->tokens->get($rule_label); $clone_rule->vendorContext = $vendor; // Store the clone. $replacements[] = $this->tokens->add($clone_rule); } // Finally replace the original labels with the cloned rule labels. $copy_block = str_replace($originals, $replacements, $copy_block); } // Add the copied block to the stack. $new_blocks[] = $copy_block; } // The original version is always pushed last in the list. $new_blocks[] = $original_block; // Splice in the blocks. $curly_match->replace(implode("\n", $new_blocks)); } } } ############################# # Compile / collate. protected function collate() { $options = $this->options; $minify = $options->minify; $EOL = $this->newline; // Formatting replacements. // Strip newlines added during processing. $regex_replacements = []; $regex_replacements['~\n+~'] = ''; if ($minify) { // Strip whitespace around colons used in @-rule arguments. $regex_replacements['~ ?\: ?~'] = ':'; } else { // Pretty printing. $regex_replacements['~}~'] = "$0$EOL$EOL"; $regex_replacements['~([^\s])\{~'] = "$1 {"; $regex_replacements['~ ?(@[^{]+\{)~'] = "$1$EOL"; $regex_replacements['~ ?(@[^;]+\;)~'] = "$1$EOL"; // Trim leading spaces on @-rules and some tokens. $regex_replacements[Regex::make('~ +([@}]|\?[rc]{{token_id}}\?)~S')] = "$1"; // Additional newline between adjacent rules and comments. $regex_replacements[Regex::make('~({{r_token}}) (\s*) ({{c_token}})~xS')] = "$1$EOL$2$3"; } // Apply all formatting replacements. $this->string->pregReplaceHash($regex_replacements)->lTrim(); $this->string->restore('r'); // Record stats then drop rule objects to reclaim memory. Crush::runStat('selector_count', 'rule_count', 'vars'); $this->tokens->store->r = []; // If specified, apply advanced minification. if (is_array($minify)) { if (in_array('colors', $minify)) { $this->minifyColors(); } } $this->decruft(); if (! $minify) { // Add newlines after comments. foreach ($this->tokens->store->c as $token => &$comment) { $comment .= $EOL; } // Insert comments and do final whitespace cleanup. $this->string ->restore('c') ->trim() ->append($EOL); } // Insert URLs. $urls = $this->tokens->store->u; if ($urls) { $link = Util::getLinkBetweenPaths($this->output->dir, $this->input->dir); $make_urls_absolute = $options->rewrite_import_urls === 'absolute'; foreach ($urls as $token => $url) { if ($url->isRelative && ! $url->noRewrite) { if ($make_urls_absolute) { $url->toRoot(); } // If output dir is different to input dir prepend a link between the two. elseif ($link && $options->rewrite_import_urls) { $url->prepend($link); } } } } if ($this->absoluteImports) { $absoluteImports = ''; $closing = $minify ? ';' : ";$EOL"; foreach ($this->absoluteImports as $import) { $absoluteImports .= "@import $import->url" . ($import->media ? " $import->media" : '') . $closing; } $this->string->prepend($absoluteImports); } if ($options->boilerplate) { $this->string->prepend($this->getBoilerplate()); } if ($this->charset) { $this->string->prepend("@charset \"$this->charset\";$EOL"); } $this->string->restore(['u', 's']); if ($this->generateMap) { $this->generateSourceMap(); } } private $iniOriginal = []; public function preCompile() { foreach ([ 'pcre.backtrack_limit' => 1000000, 'pcre.jit' => 0, // Have run into PREG_JIT_STACKLIMIT_ERROR (issue #82). 'memory_limit' => '128M', ] as $name => $value) { $this->iniOriginal[$name] = ini_get($name); ini_set($name, $value); } $this->filterPlugins(); $this->filterAliases(); $this->functions->setPattern(true); $this->stat['compile_start_time'] = microtime(true); } public function postCompile() { $this->release(); Crush::runStat('compile_time'); foreach ($this->iniOriginal as $name => $value) { ini_set($name, $value); } } public function compile() { $this->preCompile(); $importer = new Importer($this); $this->string = new StringObject($importer->collate()); // Capture phase 0 hook: Before all variables have resolved. $this->emit('capture_phase0', $this); $this->captureVars(); $this->resolveIfDefines(); $this->resolveLoops(); $this->placeAllVars(); // Capture phase 1 hook: After all variables have resolved. $this->emit('capture_phase1', $this); $this->resolveSelectorAliases(); $this->captureMixins(); $this->resolveFragments(); // Capture phase 2 hook: After most built-in directives have resolved. $this->emit('capture_phase2', $this); $this->captureRules(); // Calling functions on media query lists. $process = $this; $this->string->pregReplaceCallback('~@media\s+(?<media_list>[^{]+)\{~i', function ($m) use (&$process) { return "@media {$process->functions->apply($m['media_list'])}{"; }); $this->aliasAtRules(); $this->processRules(); $this->collate(); $this->postCompile(); return $this->string; } ############################# # Source maps. public function generateSourceMap() { $this->sourceMap = [ 'version' => 3, 'file' => $this->output->filename, 'sources' => [], ]; foreach ($this->sources as $source) { $this->sourceMap['sources'][] = Util::getLinkBetweenPaths($this->output->dir, $source, false); } $token_patt = Regex::make('~\?[tm]{{token_id}}\?~S'); $mappings = []; $lines = preg_split(Regex::$patt->newline, $this->string->raw); $tokens =& $this->tokens->store; // All mappings are calculated as delta values. $previous_dest_col = 0; $previous_src_file = 0; $previous_src_line = 0; $previous_src_col = 0; foreach ($lines as &$line_text) { $line_segments = []; while (preg_match($token_patt, $line_text, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { list($token, $dest_col) = $m[0]; $token_type = $token[1]; if (isset($tokens->{$token_type}[$token])) { list($src_file, $src_line, $src_col) = explode(',', $tokens->{$token_type}[$token]); $line_segments[] = Util::vlqEncode($dest_col - $previous_dest_col) . Util::vlqEncode($src_file - $previous_src_file) . Util::vlqEncode($src_line - $previous_src_line) . Util::vlqEncode($src_col - $previous_src_col); $previous_dest_col = $dest_col; $previous_src_file = $src_file; $previous_src_line = $src_line; $previous_src_col = $src_col; } $line_text = substr_replace($line_text, '', $dest_col, strlen($token)); } $mappings[] = implode(',', $line_segments); } $this->string->raw = implode($this->newline, $lines); $this->sourceMap['mappings'] = implode(';', $mappings); } ############################# # Decruft. protected function decruft() { return $this->string->pregReplaceHash([ // Strip leading zeros on floats. '~([: \(,])(-?)0(\.\d+)~S' => '$1$2$3', // Strip unnecessary units on zero values for length types. '~([: \(,])\.?0' . Regex::$classes->length_unit . '~iS' => '${1}0', // Collapse zero lists. '~(\: *)(?:0 0 0|0 0 0 0) *([;}])~S' => '${1}0$2', // Collapse zero lists 2nd pass. '~(padding|margin|border-radius) ?(\: *)0 0 *([;}])~iS' => '${1}${2}0$3', // Dropping redundant trailing zeros on TRBL lists. '~(\: *)(-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+[a-z]{1,4}) 0 0 0 *([;}])~iS' => '$1$2 0 0$3', '~(\: *)0 0 (-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+[a-z]{1,4}) 0 *([;}])~iS' => '${1}0 0 $2$3', // Compress hex codes. Regex::$patt->cruftyHex => '#$1$2$3', ]); } ############################# # Advanced minification. protected function minifyColors() { static $keywords_patt, $functions_patt; $minified_keywords = Color::getMinifyableKeywords(); if (! $keywords_patt) { $keywords_patt = '~(?<![\w\.#-])(' . implode('|', array_keys($minified_keywords)) . ')(?![\w\.#\]-])~iS'; $functions_patt = Regex::make('~{{ LB }}(rgb|hsl)\(([^\)]{5,})\)~iS'); } $this->string->pregReplaceCallback($keywords_patt, function ($m) use ($minified_keywords) { return $minified_keywords[strtolower($m[0])]; }); $this->string->pregReplaceCallback($functions_patt, function ($m) { $args = Functions::parseArgs(trim($m[2])); if (stripos($m[1], 'hsl') === 0) { $args = Color::cssHslToRgb($args); } return Color::rgbToHex($args); }); } }