File: Importer.php
<?php /** * * Recursive file importing * */ namespace CssCrush; class Importer { protected $process; public function __construct(Process $process) { $this->process = $process; } public function collate() { $process = $this->process; $options = $process->options; $regex = Regex::$patt; $input = $process->input; $str = ''; // Keep track of all import file info for cache data. $mtimes = []; $filenames = []; // Resolve main input; a string of css or a file. if (isset($input->string)) { $str .= $input->string; $process->sources[] = 'Inline CSS'; } else { $str .= file_get_contents($input->path); $process->sources[] = $input->path; } // If there's a parsing error go no further. if (! $this->prepareImport($str)) { return $str; } // This may be set non-zero during the script if an absolute @import URL is encountered. $search_offset = 0; // Recurses until the nesting heirarchy is flattened and all import files are inlined. while (preg_match($regex->import, $str, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $search_offset)) { $match_len = strlen($match[0][0]); $match_start = $match[0][1]; $import = new \stdClass(); $import->url = $process->tokens->get($match[1][0]); $import->media = trim($match[2][0]); // Protocoled import urls are not processed. Stash for prepending to output. if ($import->url->protocol) { $str = substr_replace($str, '', $match_start, $match_len); $process->absoluteImports[] = $import; continue; } // Resolve import path information. $import->path = null; if ($import->url->isRooted) { $import->path = realpath($process->docRoot . $import->url->value); } else { $url =& $import->url; $candidates = ["$input->dir/$url->value"]; // If `import_path` option is set implicit relative urls // are additionally searched under specified import path(s). if (is_array($options->import_path) && $url->isRelativeImplicit()) { foreach ($options->import_path as $importPath) { $candidates[] = "$importPath/$url->originalValue"; } } foreach ($candidates as $candidate) { if (file_exists($candidate)) { $import->path = realpath($candidate); break; } } } // If unsuccessful getting import contents continue with the import line removed. $import->content = $import->path ? @file_get_contents($import->path) : false; if ($import->content === false) { $errDesc = 'was not found'; if ($import->path && ! is_readable($import->path)) { $errDesc = 'is not readable'; } if (! empty($process->sources)) { $errDesc .= " (from within {$process->sources[0]})"; } notice("@import '{$import->url->value}' $errDesc"); $str = substr_replace($str, '', $match_start, $match_len); continue; } $import->dir = dirname($import->path); $import->relativeDir = Util::getLinkBetweenPaths($input->dir, $import->dir); // Import file exists so register it. $process->sources[] = $import->path; $mtimes[] = filemtime($import->path); $filenames[] = $import->relativeDir . basename($import->path); // If the import content doesn't pass syntax validation skip to next import. if (! $this->prepareImport($import->content)) { $str = substr_replace($str, '', $match_start, $match_len); continue; } // Alter all embedded import URLs to be relative to the host-file. foreach (Regex::matchAll($regex->import, $import->content) as $m) { $nested_url = $process->tokens->get($m[1][0]); // Resolve rooted paths. if ($nested_url->isRooted) { $link = Util::getLinkBetweenPaths(dirname($nested_url->getAbsolutePath()), $import->dir); $nested_url->update($link . basename($nested_url->value)); } elseif (strlen($import->relativeDir)) { $nested_url->prepend("$import->relativeDir/"); } } // Optionally rewrite relative url and custom function data-uri references. if ($options->rewrite_import_urls) { $this->rewriteImportedUrls($import); } if ($import->media) { $import->content = "@media $import->media {{$import->content}}"; } $str = substr_replace($str, $import->content, $match_start, $match_len); } // Save only if caching is on and the hostfile object is associated with a real file. if ($input->path && $options->cache) { $process->cacheData[$process->output->filename] = [ 'imports' => $filenames, 'datem_sum' => array_sum($mtimes) + $input->mtime, 'options' => $options->get(), ]; $process->io->saveCacheData(); } return $str; } protected function rewriteImportedUrls($import) { $link = Util::getLinkBetweenPaths($this->process->input->dir, dirname($import->path)); if (empty($link)) { return; } // Match all urls that are not imports. preg_match_all(Regex::make('~(?<!@import ){{u_token}}~iS'), $import->content, $matches); foreach ($matches[0] as $token) { $url = $this->process->tokens->get($token); if ($url->isRelative) { $url->prepend($link); } } } protected function prepareImport(&$str) { $regex = Regex::$patt; $process = $this->process; $tokens = $process->tokens; // Convert all EOL to unix style. $str = preg_replace('~\r\n?~', "\n", $str); // Trimming to reduce regex backtracking. $str = rtrim($this->captureCommentAndString(rtrim($str))); if (! $this->syntaxCheck($str)) { $str = ''; return false; } // Normalize double-colon pseudo elements for backwards compatability. $str = preg_replace('~::(after|before|first-(?:letter|line))~iS', ':$1', $str); // Store @charset if set. if (preg_match($regex->charset, $str, $m)) { $replace = ''; if (! $process->charset) { // Keep track of newlines for line numbering. $replace = str_repeat("\n", substr_count($m[0], "\n")); $process->charset = trim($tokens->get($m[1]), '"\''); } $str = preg_replace($regex->charset, $replace, $str); } $str = $tokens->captureUrls($str, true); $this->addMarkers($str); $str = Util::normalizeWhiteSpace($str); return true; } protected function syntaxCheck(&$str) { // Catch obvious typing errors. $errors = false; $current_file = 'file://' . end($this->process->sources); $balanced_parens = substr_count($str, "(") === substr_count($str, ")"); $balanced_curlies = substr_count($str, "{") === substr_count($str, "}"); $validate_pairings = function ($str, $pairing) use ($current_file) { if ($pairing === '{}') { $opener_patt = '~\{~'; $balancer_patt = Regex::make('~^{{block}}~'); } else { $opener_patt = '~\(~'; $balancer_patt = Regex::make('~^{{parens}}~'); } // Find unbalanced opening brackets. preg_match_all($opener_patt, $str, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); foreach ($matches[0] as $m) { $offset = $m[1]; if (! preg_match($balancer_patt, substr($str, $offset), $m)) { $substr = substr($str, 0, $offset); $line = substr_count($substr, "\n") + 1; $column = strlen($substr) - strrpos($substr, "\n"); return "Unbalanced '{$pairing[0]}' in $current_file, Line $line, Column $column."; } } // Reverse the string (and brackets) to find stray closing brackets. $str = strtr(strrev($str), $pairing, strrev($pairing)); preg_match_all($opener_patt, $str, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); foreach ($matches[0] as $m) { $offset = $m[1]; $substr = substr($str, $offset); if (! preg_match($balancer_patt, $substr, $m)) { $line = substr_count($substr, "\n") + 1; $column = strpos($substr, "\n"); return "Stray '{$pairing[1]}' in $current_file, Line $line, Column $column."; } } return false; }; if (! $balanced_curlies) { $errors = true; warning($validate_pairings($str, '{}') ?: "Unbalanced '{' in $current_file."); } if (! $balanced_parens) { $errors = true; warning($validate_pairings($str, '()') ?: "Unbalanced '(' in $current_file."); } return $errors ? false : true; } protected function addMarkers(&$str) { $process = $this->process; $currentFileIndex = count($process->sources) - 1; static $patt; if (! $patt) { $patt = Regex::make('~ (?:^|(?<=[;{}])) (?<before> (?: \s | {{c_token}} )* ) (?<selector> (?: # Some @-rules are treated like standard rule blocks. @(?: (?i)page|abstract|font-face(?-i) ) {{RB}} [^{]* | [^@;{}]+ ) ) \{ ~xS'); } $count = preg_match_all($patt, $str, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); while ($count--) { $selectorOffset = $matches['selector'][$count][1]; $line = 0; $before = substr($str, 0, $selectorOffset); if ($selectorOffset) { $line = substr_count($before, "\n"); } $pointData = [$currentFileIndex, $line]; // Source maps require column index too. if ($process->generateMap) { $pointData[] = strlen($before) - (strrpos($before, "\n") ?: 0); } // Splice in marker token (packing point_data into string is more memory efficient). $str = substr_replace( $str, $process->tokens->add(implode(',', $pointData), 't'), $selectorOffset, 0); } } protected function captureCommentAndString($str) { $process = $this->process; $callback = function ($m) use ($process) { $fullMatch = $m[0]; if (strpos($fullMatch, '/*') === 0) { // Bail without storing comment if output is minified or a private comment. if ($process->minifyOutput || strpos($fullMatch, '/*$') === 0) { $label = ''; } else { // Fix broken comments as they will break any subsquent // imported files that are inlined. if (! preg_match('~\*/$~', $fullMatch)) { $fullMatch .= '*/'; } $label = $process->tokens->add($fullMatch, 'c'); } } else { // Fix broken strings as they will break any subsquent // imported files that are inlined. if ($fullMatch[0] !== $fullMatch[strlen($fullMatch)-1]) { $fullMatch .= $fullMatch[0]; } // Backticked literals may have been used for custom property values. if ($fullMatch[0] === '`') { $fullMatch = preg_replace('~\x5c`~', '`', trim($fullMatch, '`')); } $label = $process->tokens->add($fullMatch, 's'); } return $process->generateMap ? Tokens::pad($label, $fullMatch) : $label; }; return preg_replace_callback(Regex::$patt->commentAndString, $callback, $str); } }