File: IO.php
<?php /** * * Interface for writing files, retrieving files and checking caches * */ namespace CssCrush; class IO { protected $process; public function __construct(Process $process) { $this->process = $process; } public function init() { $this->process->cacheFile = "{$this->process->output->dir}/.csscrush"; } public function getOutputDir() { $outputDir = $this->process->options->output_dir; return $outputDir ? $outputDir : $this->process->input->dir; } public function getOutputFilename() { $options = $this->process->options; $inputBasename = basename($this->process->input->filename, '.css'); $outputBasename = $inputBasename; if (! empty($options->output_file)) { $outputBasename = basename($options->output_file, '.css'); } if ($this->process->input->dir === $this->getOutputDir() && $inputBasename === $outputBasename) { $outputBasename .= '.crush'; } return "$outputBasename.css"; } public function getOutputUrl() { $process = $this->process; $options = $process->options; $filename = $process->output->filename; $url = $process->output->dirUrl . '/' . $filename; // Make URL relative if the input path was relative. $input_path = new Url($process->input->raw); if ($input_path->isRelative) { $url = Util::getLinkBetweenPaths(Crush::$config->scriptDir, $process->output->dir) . $filename; } // Optional query-string timestamp. if ($options->versioning !== false) { $url .= '?'; if (isset($process->cacheData[$filename]['datem_sum'])) { $url .= $process->cacheData[$filename]['datem_sum']; } else { $url .= time(); } } return $url; } public function validateCache() { $process = $this->process; $options = $process->options; $input = $process->input; $dir = $this->getOutputDir(); $filename = $this->getOutputFilename(); $path = "$dir/$filename"; if (! file_exists($path)) { debug("File '$path' not cached."); return false; } if (! isset($process->cacheData[$filename])) { debug('Cached file exists but is not registered.'); return false; } $data =& $process->cacheData[$filename]; // Make stack of file mtimes starting with the input file. $file_sums = [$input->mtime]; foreach ($data['imports'] as $import_file) { // Check if this is docroot relative or input dir relative. $root = strpos($import_file, '/') === 0 ? $process->docRoot : $input->dir; $import_filepath = realpath($root) . "/$import_file"; if (file_exists($import_filepath)) { $file_sums[] = filemtime($import_filepath); } else { // File has been moved, remove old file and skip to compile. debug('Recompiling - an import file has been moved.'); return false; } } $files_changed = $data['datem_sum'] != array_sum($file_sums); if ($files_changed) { debug('Files have been modified. Recompiling.'); } // Compare runtime options and cached options for differences. // Cast because the cached options may be a \stdClass if an IO adapter has been used. $options_changed = false; $cached_options = (array) $data['options']; $active_options = $options->get(); foreach ($cached_options as $key => &$value) { if (isset($active_options[$key]) && $active_options[$key] !== $value) { debug('Options have been changed. Recompiling.'); $options_changed = true; break; } } if (! $options_changed && ! $files_changed) { debug("Files and options have not been modified, returning cached file."); return true; } else { $data['datem_sum'] = array_sum($file_sums); return false; } } public function getCacheData() { $process = $this->process; if (file_exists($process->cacheFile) && $process->cacheData) { // Already loaded and config file exists in the current directory return; } $cache_data_exists = file_exists($process->cacheFile); $cache_data_file_is_writable = $cache_data_exists ? is_writable($process->cacheFile) : false; $cache_data = []; if ( $cache_data_exists && $cache_data_file_is_writable && $cache_data = json_decode(file_get_contents($process->cacheFile), true) ) { // Successfully loaded config file. debug('Cache data loaded.'); } else { // Config file may exist but not be writable (may not be visible in some ftp situations?) if ($cache_data_exists) { if (! @unlink($process->cacheFile)) { notice('Could not delete cache data file.'); } } else { debug('Creating cache data file.'); } Util::filePutContents($process->cacheFile, json_encode([]), __METHOD__); } return $cache_data; } public function saveCacheData() { $process = $this->process; debug('Saving config.'); Util::filePutContents($process->cacheFile, json_encode($process->cacheData, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), __METHOD__); } public function write(StringObject $string) { $process = $this->process; $dir = $this->getOutputDir(); $filename = $this->getOutputFilename(); $sourcemapFilename = "$filename.map"; if ($process->sourceMap) { $string->append($process->newline . "/*# sourceMappingURL=$sourcemapFilename */"); } if (Util::filePutContents("$dir/$filename", $string, __METHOD__)) { if ($process->sourceMap) { Util::filePutContents("$dir/$sourcemapFilename", json_encode($process->sourceMap, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), __METHOD__); } if ($process->options->stat_dump) { $statFile = is_string($process->options->stat_dump) ? $process->options->stat_dump : "$dir/$filename.json"; $GLOBALS['CSSCRUSH_STAT_FILE'] = $statFile; Util::filePutContents($statFile, json_encode(csscrush_stat(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), __METHOD__); } return true; } return false; } }