File: cli.php
<?php /** * * Command line utility. * */ require_once 'CssCrush.php'; define('STATUS_OK', 0); define('STATUS_ERROR', 1); $version = PHP_MAJOR_VERSION . '.' . PHP_MINOR_VERSION; $requiredVersion = 5.6; if ($version < $requiredVersion) { stderr(["PHP version $requiredVersion or higher is required to use this tool.", "You are currently running PHP $version"]); exit(STATUS_ERROR); } try { $args = parse_args(); } catch (Exception $ex) { stderr(message($ex->getMessage(), ['type'=>'error'])); exit($ex->getCode()); } ################################################################## ## Information options. if ($args->version) { stdout((string) CssCrush\Version::detect()); exit(STATUS_OK); } elseif ($args->help) { stdout(manpage()); exit(STATUS_OK); } ################################################################## ## Resolve input. $input = null; if ($args->input_file) { $input = file_get_contents($args->input_file); } elseif ($stdin = get_stdin_contents()) { $input = $stdin; } else { stdout(manpage()); exit(STATUS_OK); } if ($args->watch && ! $args->input_file) { stderr(message('Watch mode requires an input file.', ['type'=>'error'])); exit(STATUS_ERROR); } ################################################################## ## Resolve process options. $configFile = 'crushfile.php'; if (file_exists($configFile)) { $options = CssCrush\Util::readConfigFile($configFile); } else { $options = []; } if ($args->pretty) { $options['minify'] = false; } foreach (['boilerplate', 'formatter', 'newlines', 'stat_dump', 'source_map', 'import_path'] as $option) { if ($args->$option) { $options[$option] = $args->$option; } } if ($args->enable_plugins) { $options['plugins'] = parse_list($args->enable_plugins); } if ($args->vendor_target) { $options['vendor_target'] = parse_list($args->vendor_target); } if ($args->vars) { parse_str($args->vars, $in_vars); $options['vars'] = $in_vars; } if ($args->output_file) { $options['output_dir'] = dirname($args->output_file); $options['output_file'] = basename($args->output_file); } $options += [ 'doc_root' => getcwd(), 'context' => $args->context, ]; ################################################################## ## Output. error_reporting(0); if ($args->watch) { csscrush_set('config', ['io' => 'CssCrush\IO\Watch']); stdout('CONTROL-C to quit.'); $outstandingErrors = false; while (true) { csscrush_file($args->input_file, $options); $stats = csscrush_stat(); $changed = $stats['compile_time'] && ! $stats['errors']; $errors = $stats['errors']; $warnings = $stats['warnings']; $showErrors = $errors && (! $outstandingErrors || ($outstandingErrors != $errors)); if ($errors) { if ($showErrors) { $outstandingErrors = $errors; stderr(message($errors, ['type'=>'error'])); } } elseif ($changed) { $outstandingErrors = false; stderr(message(fmt_fileinfo($stats, 'output'), ['type'=>'write'])); } if (($showErrors || $changed) && $warnings) { stderr(message($warnings, ['type'=>'warning'])); } if ($changed && $args->stats) { stderr(message($stats, ['type'=>'stats'])); } sleep(1); } } else { $stdOutput = null; if ($args->input_file && isset($options['output_dir'])) { $options['cache'] = false; csscrush_file($args->input_file, $options); } else { $stdOutput = csscrush_string($input, $options); } $stats = csscrush_stat(); $errors = $stats['errors']; $warnings = $stats['warnings']; if ($errors) { stderr(message($errors, ['type'=>'error'])); exit(STATUS_ERROR); } elseif ($args->input_file && ! empty($stats['output_filename'])) { stderr(message(fmt_fileinfo($stats, 'output'), ['type'=>'write'])); } if ($warnings) { stderr(message($warnings, ['type'=>'warning'])); } if ($args->stats) { stderr(message($stats, ['type'=>'stats'])); } if ($stdOutput) { stdout($stdOutput); } exit(STATUS_OK); } ################################################################## ## Helpers. function stderr($lines, $closing_newline = true) { $out = implode(PHP_EOL, (array) $lines) . ($closing_newline ? PHP_EOL : ''); fwrite(defined('TESTMODE') && TESTMODE ? STDOUT : STDERR, $out); } function stdout($lines, $closing_newline = true) { $out = implode(PHP_EOL, (array) $lines) . ($closing_newline ? PHP_EOL : ''); fwrite(STDOUT, $out); } function get_stdin_contents() { stream_set_blocking(STDIN, 0); $contents = stream_get_contents(STDIN); stream_set_blocking(STDIN, 1); return $contents; } function parse_list(array $option) { $out = []; foreach ($option as $arg) { if (is_string($arg)) { foreach (preg_split('~\s*,\s*~', $arg) as $item) { $out[] = $item; } } else { $out[] = $arg; } } return $out; } function message($messages, $options = []) { $defaults = [ 'color' => 'b', 'label' => null, 'indent' => false, 'format_label' => false, ]; $preset = ! empty($options['type']) ? $options['type'] : null; switch ($preset) { case 'error': $defaults['color'] = 'r'; $defaults['label'] = 'ERROR'; break; case 'warning': $defaults['color'] = 'y'; $defaults['label'] = 'WARNING'; break; case 'write': $defaults['color'] = 'g'; $defaults['label'] = 'WRITE'; break; case 'stats': // Making stats concise and readable. $messages['input_file'] = $messages['input_path']; $messages['compile_time'] = round($messages['compile_time'], 5) . ' seconds'; foreach (['input_filename', 'input_path', 'output_filename', 'output_path', 'vars', 'errors', 'warnings'] as $key) { unset($messages[$key]); } ksort($messages); $defaults['indent'] = true; $defaults['format_label'] = true; break; } extract($options + $defaults); $out = []; foreach ((array) $messages as $_label => $value) { $_label = $label ?: $_label; if ($format_label) { $_label = ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', $_label)); } $prefix = $indent ? '└── ' : ''; $colorUp = strtoupper($color); if (is_scalar($value)) { $out[] = colorize("<$color>$prefix<$colorUp>$_label:<$color> $value</>"); } } return implode(PHP_EOL, $out); } function fmt_fileinfo($stats, $type) { $time = round($stats['compile_time'], 3); return $stats[$type . '_path'] . " ({$time}s)"; } function pick(array &$arr) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); foreach ($args as $key) { if (isset($arr[$key])) { // Optional values return false but we want true is argument is present. return is_bool($arr[$key]) ? true : $arr[$key]; } } return null; } function colorize($str) { static $color_support; static $tags = [ '<b>' => "\033[0;30m", '<r>' => "\033[0;31m", '<g>' => "\033[0;32m", '<y>' => "\033[0;33m", '<b>' => "\033[0;34m", '<v>' => "\033[0;35m", '<c>' => "\033[0;36m", '<w>' => "\033[0;37m", '<B>' => "\033[1;30m", '<R>' => "\033[1;31m", '<G>' => "\033[1;32m", '<Y>' => "\033[1;33m", '<B>' => "\033[1;34m", '<V>' => "\033[1;35m", '<C>' => "\033[1;36m", '<W>' => "\033[1;37m", '</>' => "\033[m", ]; if (! isset($color_support)) { $color_support = defined('TESTMODE') && TESTMODE ? false : true; if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '\\') { $color_support = false !== getenv('ANSICON') || 'ON' === getenv('ConEmuANSI'); } } $find = array_keys($tags); $replace = $color_support ? array_values($tags) : ''; return str_replace($find, $replace, $str); } function get_trailing_io_args($required_value_opts) { $trailing_input_file = null; $trailing_output_file = null; // Get raw script args, shift off calling scriptname and reduce to last three. $trailing_args = $GLOBALS['argv']; array_shift($trailing_args); $trailing_args = array_slice($trailing_args, -3); // Create patterns for detecting options. $required_values = implode('|', $required_value_opts); $value_opt_patt = "~^-{1,2}($required_values)$~"; $other_opt_patt = "~^-{1,2}([a-z0-9\-]+)?(=|$)~ix"; // Step through the args. $filtered = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($trailing_args); $i++) { $current = $trailing_args[$i]; // If tests as a required value option, reset and skip next. if (preg_match($value_opt_patt, $current)) { $filtered = []; $i++; } // If it looks like any other kind of flag, or optional value option, reset. elseif (preg_match($other_opt_patt, $current)) { $filtered = []; } else { $filtered[] = $current; } } // We're only interested in the last two values. $filtered = array_slice($filtered, -2); switch (count($filtered)) { case 1: $trailing_input_file = $filtered[0]; break; case 2: $trailing_input_file = $filtered[0]; $trailing_output_file = $filtered[1]; break; } return [$trailing_input_file, $trailing_output_file]; } function parse_args() { $required_value_opts = [ 'i|input|f|file', // Input file. Defaults to STDIN. 'o|output', // Output file. Defaults to STDOUT. 'E|enable|plugins', 'D|disable', 'vars|variables', 'formatter', 'vendor-target', 'context', 'import-path', 'newlines', ]; $optional_value_opts = [ 'b|boilerplate', 'stat-dump', ]; $flag_opts = [ 'p|pretty', 'w|watch', 'help', 'version', 'source-map', 'stats', 'test', ]; // Create option strings for getopt(). $short_opts = []; $long_opts = []; $join_opts = function ($opts_list, $modifier) use (&$short_opts, &$long_opts) { foreach ($opts_list as $opt) { foreach (explode('|', $opt) as $arg) { if (strlen($arg) === 1) { $short_opts[] = "$arg$modifier"; } else { $long_opts[] = "$arg$modifier"; } } } }; $join_opts($required_value_opts, ':'); $join_opts($optional_value_opts, '::'); $join_opts($flag_opts, ''); $opts = getopt(implode($short_opts), $long_opts); $args = new stdClass(); // Information options. $args->help = isset($opts['h']) ?: isset($opts['help']); $args->version = isset($opts['version']); // File arguments. $args->input_file = pick($opts, 'i', 'input', 'f', 'file'); $args->output_file = pick($opts, 'o', 'output'); $args->context = pick($opts, 'context'); // Flags. $args->pretty = isset($opts['p']) ?: isset($opts['pretty']); $args->watch = isset($opts['w']) ?: isset($opts['watch']); $args->source_map = isset($opts['source-map']); $args->stats = pick($opts, 'stats'); define('TESTMODE', isset($opts['test'])); // Arguments that optionally accept a single value. $args->boilerplate = pick($opts, 'b', 'boilerplate'); $args->stat_dump = pick($opts, 'stat-dump'); // Arguments that require a single value. $args->formatter = pick($opts, 'formatter'); $args->vars = pick($opts, 'vars', 'variables'); $args->newlines = pick($opts, 'newlines'); // Arguments that require a value but accept multiple values. $args->enable_plugins = pick($opts, 'E', 'enable', 'plugins'); $args->vendor_target = pick($opts, 'vendor-target'); $args->import_path = pick($opts, 'import-path'); // Run multiple value arguments through array cast. foreach (['enable_plugins', 'vendor_target'] as $arg) { if ($args->$arg) { $args->$arg = (array) $args->$arg; } } // Detect trailing IO files from raw script arguments. list($trailing_input_file, $trailing_output_file) = get_trailing_io_args($required_value_opts); // If detected apply, not overriding explicit IO file options. if (! $args->input_file && $trailing_input_file) { $args->input_file = $trailing_input_file; } if (! $args->output_file && $trailing_output_file) { $args->output_file = $trailing_output_file; } if ($args->input_file) { $inputFile = $args->input_file; if (! ($args->input_file = realpath($args->input_file))) { throw new Exception("Input file '$inputFile' does not exist.", STATUS_ERROR); } } if ($args->output_file) { $outDir = dirname($args->output_file); if (! realpath($outDir) && ! @mkdir($outDir, 0755, true)) { throw new Exception('Output directory does not exist and could not be created.', STATUS_ERROR); } $args->output_file = realpath($outDir) . '/' . basename($args->output_file); } if ($args->context) { if (! ($args->context = realpath($args->context))) { throw new Exception('Context path does not exist.', STATUS_ERROR); } } else { $args->context = $args->input_file ? dirname($args->input_file) : getcwd(); } if (is_string($args->boilerplate)) { if (! ($args->boilerplate = realpath($args->boilerplate))) { throw new Exception('Boilerplate file does not exist.', STATUS_ERROR); } } return $args; } function manpage() { $manpage = <<<TPL <B>USAGE:</> <B>csscrush <G>[OPTIONS] <g>[input-file] [output-file] <B>OPTIONS:</> <G>-i<g>, --input</> Input file. If omitted takes input from STDIN. <G>-o<g>, --output</> Output file. If omitted prints to STDOUT. <G>-p<g>, --pretty</> Formatted, un-minified output. <G>-w<g>, --watch</> Watch input file for changes. Writes to file specified with -o option or to the input file directory with a '.crush.css' file extension. <G>-E<g>, --plugins</> List of plugins (comma separated) to enable. <g>--boilerplate</> Whether or not to output a boilerplate. Optionally accepts filepath to a custom boilerplate template. <g>--context</> Filepath context for resolving relative import URLs. Only meaningful when taking raw input from STDIN. <g>--import-path</> Comma separated list of additional paths to search when resolving relative import URLs. <g>--formatter</> Possible values: 'block' (default) Rules are block formatted. 'single-line' Rules are printed in single lines. 'padded' Rules are printed in single lines with right padded selectors. <g>--help</> Display this help message. <g>--newlines</> Force newline style on output css. Defaults to the current platform newline. Possible values: 'windows' (or 'win'), 'unix', 'use-platform'. <g>--source-map</> Create a source map file (compliant with the Source Map v3 proposal). <g>--stats</> Display post-compile stats. <g>--vars</> Map of variable names in an http query string format. <g>--vendor-target</> Possible values: 'all' For all vendor prefixes (default). 'none' For no vendor prefixing. 'moz', 'webkit', 'ms' etc. Limit to a specific vendor prefix (or comma separated list). <g>--version</> Display version number. <B>EXAMPLES:</> # Restrict vendor prefixing. csscrush --pretty --vendor-target webkit -i styles.css # Piped input. cat styles.css | csscrush --vars 'foo=black&bar=white' > alt-styles.css # Linting. csscrush --pretty -E property-sorter -i styles.css -o linted.css # Watch mode. csscrush --watch -i styles.css -o compiled/styles.css # Using custom boilerplate template. csscrush --boilerplate=css/boilerplate.txt css/styles.css TPL; return colorize($manpage); }