File: Mercanet.php
<?php class Mercanet { const TEST = "https://payment-webinit-mercanet.test.sips-atos.com/paymentInit"; const PRODUCTION = "https://payment-webinit.mercanet.bnpparibas.net/paymentInit"; const INTERFACE_VERSION = "HP_2.20"; const INSTALMENT = "INSTALMENT"; // BYPASS3DS const BYPASS3DS_ALL = "ALL"; const BYPASS3DS_MERCHANTWALLET = "MERCHANTWALLET"; private $brandsmap = array( 'ACCEPTGIRO' => 'CREDIT_TRANSFER', 'AMEX' => 'CARD', 'BCMC' => 'CARD', 'BUYSTER' => 'CARD', 'BANK CARD' => 'CARD', 'CB' => 'CARD', 'IDEAL' => 'CREDIT_TRANSFER', 'INCASSO' => 'DIRECT_DEBIT', 'MAESTRO' => 'CARD', 'MASTERCARD' => 'CARD', 'MASTERPASS' => 'CARD', 'MINITIX' => 'OTHER', 'NETBANKING' => 'CREDIT_TRANSFER', 'PAYPAL' => 'CARD', 'PAYLIB' => 'CARD', 'REFUND' => 'OTHER', 'SDD' => 'DIRECT_DEBIT', 'SOFORT' => 'CREDIT_TRANSFER', 'VISA' => 'CARD', 'VPAY' => 'CARD', 'VISA ELECTRON' => 'CARD', 'CBCONLINE' => 'CREDIT_TRANSFER', 'KBCONLINE' => 'CREDIT_TRANSFER' ); /** @var ShaComposer */ private $secretKey; private $pspURL = self::TEST; private $parameters = array(); private $pspFields = array( 'amount', 'currencyCode', 'merchantId', 'normalReturnUrl', 'transactionReference', 'keyVersion', 'paymentMeanBrand', 'customerLanguage', 'billingAddress.city', 'billingAddress.company', 'billingAddress.country', 'billingAddress', 'billingAddress.postBox', 'billingAddress.state', 'billingAddress.street', 'billingAddress.streetNumber', 'billingAddress.zipCode', 'billingContact.email', 'billingContact.firstname', 'billingContact.gender', 'billingContact.lastname', 'billingContact.mobile', 'billingContact.phone', 'customerAddress', 'customerAddress.city', 'customerAddress.company', 'customerAddress.country', 'customerAddress.postBox', 'customerAddress.state', 'customerAddress.street', 'customerAddress.streetNumber', 'customerAddress.zipCode', 'customerContact', 'customerContact.email', 'customerContact.firstname', 'customerContact.gender', 'customerContact.lastname', 'customerContact.mobile', 'customerContact.phone', 'customerContact.title', 'expirationDate', 'automaticResponseUrl', 'templateName','paymentMeanBrandList', 'instalmentData.number', 'instalmentData.datesList', 'instalmentData.transactionReferencesList', 'instalmentData.amountsList', 'paymentPattern', 'captureDay', 'fraudData.bypass3DS' ); private $requiredFields = array( 'amount', 'currencyCode', 'merchantId', 'normalReturnUrl', 'transactionReference', 'keyVersion' ); public $allowedlanguages = array( 'nl', 'fr', 'de', 'it', 'es', 'cy', 'en' ); private static $currencies = array( 'EUR' => '978', 'USD' => '840', 'CHF' => '756', 'GBP' => '826', 'CAD' => '124', 'JPY' => '392', 'MXP' => '484', 'TRY' => '949', 'AUD' => '036', 'NZD' => '554', 'NOK' => '578', 'BRC' => '986', 'ARP' => '032', 'KHR' => '116', 'TWD' => '901', 'SEK' => '752', 'DKK' => '208', 'KRW' => '410', 'SGD' => '702', 'XPF' => '953', 'XOF' => '952' ); public static function convertCurrencyToCurrencyCode($currency) { if(!in_array($currency, array_keys(self::$currencies))) throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unknown currencyCode $currency."); return self::$currencies[$currency]; } public static function convertCurrencyCodeToCurrency($code) { if(!in_array($code, array_values(self::$currencies))) throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unknown Code $code."); return array_search($code, self::$currencies); } public static function getCurrencies() { return self::$currencies; } public function __construct($secret) { $this->secretKey = $secret; } public function shaCompose(array $parameters) { // compose SHA string $shaString = ''; foreach($parameters as $key => $value) { $shaString .= $key . '=' . $value; $shaString .= (array_search($key, array_keys($parameters)) != (count($parameters)-1)) ? '|' : $this->secretKey; } return hash('sha256', $shaString); } /** @return string */ public function getShaSign() { $this->validate(); return $this->shaCompose($this->toArray()); } /** @return string */ public function getUrl() { return $this->pspURL; } public function setUrl($pspUrl) { $this->validateUri($pspUrl); $this->pspURL = $pspUrl; } public function setNormalReturnUrl($url) { $this->validateUri($url); $this->parameters['normalReturnUrl'] = $url; } public function setAutomaticResponseUrl($url) { $this->validateUri($url); $this->parameters['automaticResponseUrl'] = $url; } public function setTransactionReference($transactionReference) { if(preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/', $transactionReference)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("TransactionReference cannot contain special characters"); } $this->parameters['transactionReference'] = $transactionReference; } public function setInvoiceReference($invoiceReference) { if(preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/', $invoiceReference)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("TransactionReference cannot contain special characters"); } $this->parameters['invoiceReference'] = $invoiceReference; } /** * Set amount in cents, eg EUR 12.34 is written as 1234 */ public function setAmount($amount) { if(!is_int($amount)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Integer expected. Amount is always in cents"); } if($amount <= 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Amount must be a positive number"); } $this->parameters['amount'] = $amount; } public function setCurrency($currency) { if(!array_key_exists(strtoupper($currency), self::getCurrencies())) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unknown currency"); } $this->parameters['currencyCode'] = self::convertCurrencyToCurrencyCode($currency); } public function setLanguage($language) { if(!in_array($language, $this->allowedlanguages)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid language locale"); } $this->parameters['customerLanguage'] = $language; } public function setPaymentBrand($brand) { $this->parameters['paymentMeanBrandList'] = ''; if(!array_key_exists(strtoupper($brand), $this->brandsmap)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unknown Brand [$brand]."); } $this->parameters['paymentMeanBrandList'] = strtoupper($brand); } public function setCustomerContactEmail($email) { if(strlen($email) > 50) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Email is too long"); } if(!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Email is invalid"); } $this->parameters['customerContact.email'] = $email; } public function setBillingContactEmail($email) { if(strlen($email) > 50) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Email is too long"); } if(!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Email is invalid"); } $this->parameters['billingContact.email'] = $email; } public function setBillingAddressStreet($street) { if(strlen($street) > 35) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("street is too long"); } $this->parameters['billingAddress.street'] = Normalizer::normalize($street); } public function setBillingAddressStreetNumber($nr) { if(strlen($nr) > 10) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("streetNumber is too long"); } $this->parameters['billingAddress.streetNumber'] = Normalizer::normalize($nr); } public function setBillingAddressZipCode($zipCode) { if(strlen($zipCode) > 10) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("zipCode is too long"); } $this->parameters['billingAddress.zipCode'] = Normalizer::normalize($zipCode); } public function setBillingAddressCity($city) { if(strlen($city) > 25) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("city is too long"); } $this->parameters['billingAddress.city'] = Normalizer::normalize($city); } public function setBillingContactPhone($phone) { if(strlen($phone) > 30) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("phone is too long"); } $this->parameters['billingContact.phone'] = $phone; } public function setBillingContactFirstname($firstname) { $this->parameters['billingContact.firstname'] = str_replace(array("'", '"'), '', Normalizer::normalize($firstname)); // replace quotes } public function setBillingContactLastname($lastname) { $this->parameters['billingContact.lastname'] = str_replace(array("'", '"'), '', Normalizer::normalize($lastname)); // replace quotes } public function setCaptureDay($number) { if (strlen($number) > 2) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("captureDay is too long"); } $this->parameters['captureDay'] = $number; } // Methodes liees a la lutte contre la fraude public function setFraudDataBypass3DS($value) { if(strlen($value) > 128) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("fraudData.bypass3DS is too long"); } $this->parameters['fraudData.bypass3DS'] = $value; } // Methodes liees au paiement one-click public function setMerchantWalletId($wallet) { if(strlen($wallet) > 21) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("merchantWalletId is too long"); } $this->parameters['merchantWalletId'] = $wallet; } // instalmentData.number instalmentData.datesList instalmentData.transactionReferencesList instalmentData.amountsList paymentPattern // Methodes liees au paiement en n-fois public function setInstalmentDataNumber($number) { if (strlen($number) > 2) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("instalmentData.number is too long"); } if ( ($number < 2) || ($number > 50) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("instalmentData.number invalid value : value must be set between 2 and 50"); } $this->parameters['instalmentData.number'] = $number; } public function setInstalmentDatesList($datesList) { $this->parameters['instalmentData.datesList'] = $datesList; } public function setInstalmentDataTransactionReferencesList($transactionReferencesList) { $this->parameters['instalmentData.transactionReferencesList'] = $transactionReferencesList; } public function setInstalmentDataAmountsList($amountsList) { $this->parameters['instalmentData.amountsList'] = $amountsList; } public function setPaymentPattern($paymentPattern) { $this->parameters['paymentPattern'] = $paymentPattern; } public function __call($method, $args) { if(substr($method, 0, 3) == 'set') { $field = lcfirst(substr($method, 3)); if(in_array($field, $this->pspFields)) { $this->parameters[$field] = $args[0]; return; } } if(substr($method, 0, 3) == 'get') { $field = lcfirst(substr($method, 3)); if(array_key_exists($field, $this->parameters)) { return $this->parameters[$field]; } } throw new BadMethodCallException("Unknown method $method"); } public function toArray() { return $this->parameters; } public function toParameterString() { $parameterString = ""; foreach($this->parameters as $key => $value) { $parameterString .= $key . '=' . $value; $parameterString .= (array_search($key, array_keys($this->parameters)) != (count($this->parameters)-1)) ? '|' : ''; } return $parameterString; } /** @return PaymentRequest */ public static function createFromArray(ShaComposer $shaComposer, array $parameters) { $instance = new static($shaComposer); foreach($parameters as $key => $value) { $instance->{"set$key"}($value); } return $instance; } public function validate() { foreach($this->requiredFields as $field) { if(empty($this->parameters[$field])) { throw new \RuntimeException($field . " can not be empty"); } } } protected function validateUri($uri) { if(!filter_var($uri, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Uri is not valid"); } if(strlen($uri) > 200) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Uri is too long"); } } // Traitement des reponses de Mercanet // ----------------------------------- /** @var string */ const SHASIGN_FIELD = "SEAL"; /** @var string */ const DATA_FIELD = "DATA"; public function setResponse(array $httpRequest) { // use lowercase internally $httpRequest = array_change_key_case($httpRequest, CASE_UPPER); // set sha sign $this->shaSign = $this->extractShaSign($httpRequest); // filter request for Sips parameters $this->parameters = $this->filterRequestParameters($httpRequest); } /** * @var string */ private $shaSign; private $dataString; /** * Filter http request parameters * @param array $requestParameters */ private function filterRequestParameters(array $httpRequest) { //filter request for Sips parameters if(!array_key_exists(self::DATA_FIELD, $httpRequest) || $httpRequest[self::DATA_FIELD] == '') { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Data parameter not present in parameters.'); } $parameters = array(); $dataString = $httpRequest[self::DATA_FIELD]; $this->dataString = $dataString; $dataParams = explode('|', $dataString); foreach($dataParams as $dataParamString) { $dataKeyValue = explode('=',$dataParamString,2); $parameters[$dataKeyValue[0]] = $dataKeyValue[1]; } return $parameters; } public function getSeal() { return $this->shaSign; } private function extractShaSign(array $parameters) { if(!array_key_exists(self::SHASIGN_FIELD, $parameters) || $parameters[self::SHASIGN_FIELD] == '') { throw new InvalidArgumentException('SHASIGN parameter not present in parameters.'); } return $parameters[self::SHASIGN_FIELD]; } /** * Checks if the response is valid * @param ShaComposer $shaComposer * @return bool */ public function isValid() { return $this->shaCompose($this->parameters) == $this->shaSign; } /** * Retrieves a response parameter * @param string $param * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function getParam($key) { if(method_exists($this, 'get'.$key)) { return $this->{'get'.$key}(); } // always use uppercase $key = strtoupper($key); $parameters = array_change_key_case($this->parameters,CASE_UPPER); if(!array_key_exists($key, $parameters)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter ' . $key . ' does not exist.'); } return $parameters[$key]; } /** * @return int Amount in cents */ public function getAmount() { $value = trim($this->parameters['amount']); return (int) ($value); } public function isSuccessful() { return in_array($this->getParam('RESPONSECODE'), array("00", "60")); } public function getDataString() { return $this->dataString; } } ?>