File: toolbar.php
<?php /** * @version $Id: toolbar.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio $ * @package Joomla.Legacy * @subpackage 1.5 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. */ /** * Legacy class * * @deprecated As of version 1.5 * @package Joomla.Legacy * @subpackage 1.5 */ class mosToolBar { /** * Writes the start of the button bar table */ function startTable() { global $mainframe; // Initialize some variables $document = & JFactory::getDocument(); // load toolbar css $document->addStyleSheet( 'templates/system/css/toolbar.css' ); ?> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3" border="0" id="toolbar"> <tr valign="middle" align="center"> <?php } /** * Writes a custom option and task button for the button bar * @param string The task to perform (picked up by the switch($task) blocks * @param string The image to display * @param string The image to display when moused over * @param string The alt text for the icon image * @param boolean True if required to check that a standard list item is checked */ function custom( $task='', $icon=NULL, $iconOver='', $alt='', $listSelect=true ) { $icon = ( $iconOver ? $iconOver : $icon ); $image = JHTML::_('image.site', $icon, '/images/', NULL, NULL, $alt ); if ($listSelect) { $message = JText::sprintf( 'Please make a selection from the list to', JText::_( $alt ) ); $message = addslashes($message); $onclick = "javascript:if (document.adminForm.boxchecked.value == 0){ alert('". $message . "');}else{submitbutton('$task')}"; } else { $onclick = "javascript:submitbutton('$task')"; } ?> <td> <a class="toolbar" onclick="<?php echo $onclick ;?>"> <?php echo $image; ?></a> </td> <?php } /** * Writes the common 'new' icon for the button bar * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text */ function addNew( $task='new', $alt='New' ) { $alt= JText::_( $alt ); mosToolBar::custom( $task, 'new_f2.png', '', $alt, false ); } /** * Writes a common 'publish' button * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text */ function publish( $task='publish', $alt='Published' ) { $alt= JText::_( $alt ); mosToolBar::custom( $task, 'publish_f2.png', '', $alt, false ); } /** * Writes a common 'publish' button for a list of records * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text */ function publishList( $task='publish', $alt='Published' ) { $alt= JText::_( $alt ); mosToolBar::custom( $task, 'publish_f2.png', '', $alt, true ); } /** * Writes a common 'unpublish' button * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text */ function unpublish( $task='unpublish', $alt='Unpublished' ) { $alt= JText::_( $alt ); mosToolBar::custom( $task, 'unpublish_f2.png', '', $alt, false ); } /** * Writes a common 'unpublish' button for a list of records * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text */ function unpublishList( $task='unpublish', $alt='Unpublished' ) { $alt= JText::_( $alt ); mosToolBar::custom( $task, 'unpublish_f2.png', '', $alt, true ); } /** * Writes a common 'archive' button for a list of records * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text */ function archiveList( $task='archive', $alt='Archived' ) { $alt= JText::_( $alt ); mosToolBar::custom( $task, 'archive_f2.png', '', $alt, true ); } /** * Writes an unarchive button for a list of records * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text */ function unarchiveList( $task='unarchive', $alt='Unarchive' ) { $alt= JText::_( $alt ); mosToolBar::custom( $task, 'unarchive_f2.png', '', $alt, true ); } /** * Writes a common 'edit' button for a list of records * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text */ function editList( $task='edit', $alt='Edit' ) { $alt= JText::_( $alt ); mosToolBar::custom( $task, 'edit_f2.png', '', $alt, true ); } /** * Writes a common 'edit' button for a template html * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text */ function editHtml( $task='edit_source', $alt='Edit HTML' ) { $alt= JText::_( $alt ); mosToolBar::custom( $task, 'edit_f2.png', '', $alt, true ); } /** * Writes a common 'edit' button for a template css * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text */ function editCss( $task='edit_css', $alt='Edit CSS' ) { $alt= JText::_( $alt ); mosToolBar::custom( $task, 'css_f2.png', '', $alt, true ); } /** * Writes a common 'delete' button for a list of records * @param string Postscript for the 'are you sure' message * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text */ function deleteList( $msg='', $task='remove', $alt='Delete' ) { $alt= JText::_( $alt ); mosToolBar::custom( $task, 'delete_f2.png', '', $alt, true ); } /** * Writes a save button for a given option * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text */ function save( $task='save', $alt='Save' ) { $alt= JText::_( $alt ); mosToolBar::custom( $task, 'save_f2.png', '', $alt, false ); } /** * Writes a save button for a given option * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text */ function apply( $task='apply', $alt='Apply' ) { $alt= JText::_( $alt ); mosToolBar::custom( $task, 'apply_f2.png', '', $alt, false ); } /** * Writes a cancel button and invokes a cancel operation (eg a checkin) * @param string An override for the task * @param string An override for the alt text */ function cancel( $task='cancel', $alt='Cancel' ) { $alt= JText::_( $alt ); mosToolBar::custom( $task, 'cancel_f2.png', '', $alt, false ); } /** * Writes a preview button for a given option (opens a popup window) * @param string The name of the popup file (excluding the file extension) */ function preview( $popup='' ) { $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $sql = 'SELECT template' . ' FROM #__templates_menu' . ' WHERE client_id = 0' . ' AND menuid = 0'; $db->setQuery( $sql ); $cur_template = $db->loadResult(); $alt = JText::_( 'Preview' ); $image = JHTML::_('image.site', 'preview_f2.png', 'images/', NULL, NULL, $alt ); ?> <td> <a class="toolbar" onclick="window.open('popups/<?php echo $popup;?>.php?t=<?php echo $cur_template; ?>', 'win1', 'status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,titlebar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,width=640,height=480,directories=no,location=no');" > <?php echo $image; ?></a> </td> <?php } /** * Writes a cancel button that will go back to the previous page without doing * any other operation */ function back() { $alt= JText::_( 'back' ); $image = JHTML::_('image.site', 'back_f2.png', '/images/', NULL, NULL, $alt ); ?> <td> <a class="toolbar" href="javascript:window.history.back();" > <?php echo $image;?></a> </td> <?php } /** * Write a divider between menu buttons */ function divider() { $image = JHTML::_('image.site', 'menu_divider.png', '/images/' ); ?> <td> <?php echo $image; ?> </td> <?php } /** * Writes a media_manager button * @param string The sub-drectory to upload the media to */ function media_manager( $directory = '' ) { $alt= JText::_( 'Upload Image' ); $image = JHTML::_('image.site', 'upload_f2.png', '/images/', NULL, NULL, $alt ); ?> <td> <a class="toolbar" onclick="popupWindow('popups/uploadimage.php?directory=<?php echo $directory; ?>','win1',250,100,'no');"> <?php echo $image; ?></a> </td> <?php } /** * Writes a spacer cell * @param string The width for the cell */ function spacer( $width='' ) { if ($width != '') { ?> <td width="<?php echo $width;?>"> </td> <?php } else { ?> <td> </td> <?php } } /** * Writes the end of the menu bar table */ function endTable() { ?> </tr> </table> <?php } } ?>