File: core.php
<?php /** * @version $Id: core.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio $ * @package utf8 * @subpackage strings */ /** * Define UTF8_CORE as required */ if ( !defined('UTF8_CORE') ) { define('UTF8_CORE',TRUE); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * UTF-8 aware alternative to strpos * Find position of first occurrence of a string * Note: This will get alot slower if offset is used * Note: requires utf8_strlen amd utf8_substr to be loaded * @param string haystack * @param string needle (you should validate this with utf8_is_valid) * @param integer offset in characters (from left) * @return mixed integer position or FALSE on failure * @see http://www.php.net/strpos * @see utf8_strlen * @see utf8_substr * @package utf8 * @subpackage strings */ function utf8_strpos($str, $needle, $offset = NULL) { if ( is_null($offset) ) { $ar = explode($needle, $str); if ( count($ar) > 1 ) { return utf8_strlen($ar[0]); } return FALSE; } else { if ( !is_int($offset) ) { trigger_error('utf8_strpos: Offset must be an integer',E_USER_ERROR); return FALSE; } $str = utf8_substr($str, $offset); if ( FALSE !== ( $pos = utf8_strpos($str, $needle) ) ) { return $pos + $offset; } return FALSE; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * UTF-8 aware alternative to strrpos * Find position of last occurrence of a char in a string * Note: This will get alot slower if offset is used * Note: requires utf8_substr and utf8_strlen to be loaded * @param string haystack * @param string needle (you should validate this with utf8_is_valid) * @param integer (optional) offset (from left) * @return mixed integer position or FALSE on failure * @see http://www.php.net/strrpos * @see utf8_substr * @see utf8_strlen * @package utf8 * @subpackage strings */ function utf8_strrpos($str, $needle, $offset = NULL) { if ( is_null($offset) ) { $ar = explode($needle, $str); if ( count($ar) > 1 ) { // Pop off the end of the string where the last match was made array_pop($ar); $str = join($needle,$ar); return utf8_strlen($str); } return FALSE; } else { if ( !is_int($offset) ) { trigger_error('utf8_strrpos expects parameter 3 to be long',E_USER_WARNING); return FALSE; } $str = utf8_substr($str, $offset); if ( FALSE !== ( $pos = utf8_strrpos($str, $needle) ) ) { return $pos + $offset; } return FALSE; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * UTF-8 aware alternative to substr * Return part of a string given character offset (and optionally length) * Note: supports use of negative offsets and lengths but will be slower * when doing so * @param string * @param integer number of UTF-8 characters offset (from left) * @param integer (optional) length in UTF-8 characters from offset * @return mixed string or FALSE if failure * @package utf8 * @subpackage strings */ function utf8_substr($str, $offset, $length = NULL) { if ( $offset >= 0 && $length >= 0 ) { if ( $length === NULL ) { $length = '*'; } else { if ( !preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $length) ) { trigger_error('utf8_substr expects parameter 3 to be long', E_USER_WARNING); return FALSE; } $strlen = strlen(utf8_decode($str)); if ( $offset > $strlen ) { return ''; } if ( ( $offset + $length ) > $strlen ) { $length = '*'; } else { $length = '{'.$length.'}'; } } if ( !preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $offset) ) { trigger_error('utf8_substr expects parameter 2 to be long', E_USER_WARNING); return FALSE; } $pattern = '/^.{'.$offset.'}(.'.$length.')/us'; preg_match($pattern, $str, $matches); if ( isset($matches[1]) ) { return $matches[1]; } return FALSE; } else { // Handle negatives using different, slower technique // From: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.substr.php#44838 preg_match_all('/./u', $str, $ar); if( $length !== NULL ) { return join('',array_slice($ar[0],$offset,$length)); } else { return join('',array_slice($ar[0],$offset)); } } }