File: xml_domit_shared.php
<?php /** * @package domit-xmlparser * @version 1.01 * @copyright (C) 2004 John Heinstein. All rights reserved * @author John Heinstein <johnkarl@nbnet.nb.ca> * @link http://www.engageinteractive.com/domit/ DOMIT! Home Page * DOMIT! is Free Software **/ if (!defined('DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH')) { /* Path to DOMIT! files */ define('DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH', (dirname(__FILE__) . "/")); } //Nodes /** DOM Element nodeType */ define('DOMIT_ELEMENT_NODE', 1); /** DOM Attr nodeType */ define('DOMIT_ATTRIBUTE_NODE', 2); /** DOM Text nodeType */ define('DOMIT_TEXT_NODE', 3); /** DOM CDATA Section nodeType */ define('DOMIT_CDATA_SECTION_NODE', 4); /** DOM Entity Reference nodeType */ define('DOMIT_ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE', 5); /** DOM Entity nodeType */ define('DOMIT_ENTITY_NODE', 6); /** DOM Processing Instruction nodeType */ define('DOMIT_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE', 7); /** DOM Comment nodeType */ define('DOMIT_COMMENT_NODE', 8); /** DOM Document nodeType */ define('DOMIT_DOCUMENT_NODE', 9); /** DOM DocType nodeType */ define('DOMIT_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE', 10); /** DOM Document Fragment nodeType */ define('DOMIT_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE', 11); /** DOM Notation nodeType */ define('DOMIT_NOTATION_NODE', 12); //DOM Level 1 Exceptions /** DOM error: array index out of bounds */ define('DOMIT_INDEX_SIZE_ERR', 1); /** DOM error: text doesn't fit into a DOMString */ define('DOMIT_DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR', 2); /** DOM error: node can't be inserted at this location */ define('DOMIT_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', 3); /** DOM error: node not a child of target document */ define('DOMIT_WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR', 4); /** DOM error: invalid character specified */ define('DOMIT_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR', 5); /** DOM error: data can't be added to current node */ define('DOMIT_NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR', 6); /** DOM error: node is read-only */ define('DOMIT_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', 7); /** DOM error: node can't be found in specified context */ define('DOMIT_NOT_FOUND_ERR', 8); /** DOM error: operation not supported by current implementation */ define('DOMIT_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR', 9); /** DOM error: attribute currently in use elsewhere */ define('DOMIT_INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR', 10); //DOM Level 2 Exceptions /** DOM error: attempt made to use an object that is no longer usable */ define('DOMIT_INVALID_STATE_ERR', 11); /** DOM error: invalid or illegal string specified */ define('DOMIT_SYNTAX_ERR', 12); /** DOM error: can't modify underlying type of node */ define('DOMIT_INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR', 13); /** DOM error: attempt to change node in a way incompatible with namespaces */ define('DOMIT_NAMESPACE_ERR', 14); /** DOM error: operation unsupported by underlying object */ define('DOMIT_INVALID_ACCESS_ERR', 15); //DOMIT! Exceptions /** DOM error: attempt to instantiate abstract class */ define('DOMIT_ABSTRACT_CLASS_INSTANTIATION_ERR', 100); /** DOM error: attempt to call abstract method */ define('DOMIT_ABSTRACT_METHOD_INVOCATION_ERR', 101); /** DOM error: can't perform this action on or with Document Fragment */ define('DOMIT_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_ERR', 102); //DOMIT! Error Modes /** continue on error */ define('DOMIT_ONERROR_CONTINUE', 1); /** die on error */ define('DOMIT_ONERROR_DIE', 2); /** *@global Object Instance of the UIDGenerator class */ $GLOBALS['uidFactory'] = new UIDGenerator(); require_once(DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'xml_domit_nodemaps.php'); /** * Generates unique ids for each node * * @package domit-xmlparser * @author John Heinstein <johnkarl@nbnet.nb.ca> */ class UIDGenerator { /** @var int A seed value for generating uids */ var $seed; /** @var int A tally of the number of uids generated */ var $counter = 0; /** * UIDGenerator constructor */ function UIDGenerator() { $this->seed = 'node' . time(); } //UIDGenerator /** * Generates a unique id * @return uid */ function generateUID() { return ($this->seed . $this->counter++); } //generateUID } //UIDGenerator /** * @global object Reference to custom error handler for DOMException class */ $GLOBALS['DOMIT_DOMException_errorHandler'] = null; /** * @global int Error mode; specifies whether to die on error or simply return */ $GLOBALS['DOMIT_DOMException_mode'] = DOMIT_ONERROR_CONTINUE; /** * @global string Log file for errors */ $GLOBALS['DOMIT_DOMException_log'] = null; /** * A DOMIT! exception handling class * * @package domit-xmlparser * @author John Heinstein <johnkarl@nbnet.nb.ca> */ class DOMIT_DOMException { /** * Raises the specified exception * @param int The error number * @param string A string explanation of the error */ function raiseException($errorNum, $errorString) { if ($GLOBALS['DOMIT_DOMException_errorHandler'] != null) { call_user_func($GLOBALS['DOMIT_DOMException_errorHandler'], $errorNum, $errorString); } else { $errorMessageText = $errorNum . ' ' . $errorString; $errorMessage = 'Error: ' . $errorMessageText; if ((!isset($GLOBALS['DOMIT_ERROR_FORMATTING_HTML'])) || ($GLOBALS['DOMIT_ERROR_FORMATTING_HTML'] == true)) { $errorMessage = "<p><pre>" . $errorMessage . "</pre></p>"; } //log error to file if ((isset($GLOBALS['DOMIT_DOMException_log'])) && ($GLOBALS['DOMIT_DOMException_log'] != null)) { require_once(DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'php_file_utilities.php'); $logItem = "\n" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . 'DOMIT! Error ' . $errorMessageText; php_file_utilities::putDataToFile($GLOBALS['DOMIT_DOMException_log'], $logItem, 'a'); } switch ($GLOBALS['DOMIT_DOMException_mode']) { case DOMIT_ONERROR_CONTINUE: return; break; case DOMIT_ONERROR_DIE: die($errorMessage); break; } } } //raiseException /** * custom handler for DOM errors * @param object A reference to the custom error handler */ function setErrorHandler($method) { $GLOBALS['DOMIT_DOMException_errorHandler'] =& $method; } //setErrorHandler /** * Set error mode * @param int The DOM error mode */ function setErrorMode($mode) { $GLOBALS['DOMIT_DOMException_mode'] = $mode; } //setErrorMode /** * Set error mode * @param boolean True if errors should be logged * @param string Absolute or relative path to log file */ function setErrorLog($doLogErrors, $logfile) { if ($doLogErrors) { $GLOBALS['DOMIT_DOMException_log'] = $logfile; } else { $GLOBALS['DOMIT_DOMException_log'] = null; } } //setErrorLog } //DOMIT_DOMException /** * A class representing the DOM Implementation node * * @package domit-xmlparser * @author John Heinstein <johnkarl@nbnet.nb.ca> */ class DOMIT_DOMImplementation { function hasFeature($feature, $version = null) { if (strtoupper($feature) == 'XML') { if (($version == '1.0') || ($version == '2.0') || ($version == null)) { return true; } } return false; } //hasFeature /** * Creates a new DOMIT_Document node and appends a documentElement with the specified info * @param string The namespaceURI of the documentElement * @param string The $qualifiedName of the documentElement * @param Object A document type node * @return Object The new document fragment node */ function &createDocument($namespaceURI, $qualifiedName, &$docType) { $xmldoc = new DOMIT_Document(); $documentElement =& $xmldoc->createElementNS($namespaceURI, $qualifiedName); $xmldoc->setDocumentElement($documentElement); if ($docType != null) { $xmldoc->doctype =& $docType; } return $xmldoc; } //createDocument /** * Creates a new DOMIT_DocumentType node (not yet implemented!) * @param string The $qualifiedName * @param string The $publicID * @param string The $systemID * @return Object The new document type node */ function &createDocumentType($qualifiedName, $publicID, $systemID) { //not yet implemented DOMIT_DOMException::raiseException(DOMIT_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR, ('Method createDocumentType is not yet implemented.')); } //createDocumentType } //DOMIT_DOMImplementation ?>