File: en-GB.plg_editors_tinymce.ini
# $Id: en-GB.plg_editors_tinymce.ini 13247 2009-10-20 04:27:52Z ian $ # Joomla! Project # Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. # License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php # Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM ABILITY TO CHANGE TEXT DIRECTION=Ability to change text direction ABSOLUTE=Absolute ADVANCED=Advanced ALWAYS=Always AUTOMATIC LANGUAGE SELECTION=Automatic Language Selection BR ELEMENTS=BR Elements CLEANS CODE ON EDITOR LOAD=Cleans code on editor load CODE CLEANUP=Code Cleanup CODE CLEANUP ON SAVE=Code cleanup on save CODE CLEANUP ON STARTUP=Code Cleanup on Startup COMPRESSED VERSION=Compressed Version CUSTOM CSS CLASSES=Custom CSS Classes CUSTOMCSSFILENOTPRESENT=The file name %s was entered in the TinyMCE Custom CSS field. This file could not be found in the default templates folder. No styles are available. DATE FORMAT=Date Format DESCLANGCODE=Editor UI Language. A value here is mandatory if manual language selection is set. DESCLANGMODE=If Yes, editor language will automatically match selected UI language. Do not activate if appropriate editor languages are not installed. DESCTINYMCE=TinyMCE is a platform-independent Web-based JavaScript HTML WYSIWYG Editor control. DIRECTIONALITY=Directionality DO NOT CLEAN ENTITIES=Do not clean HTML entities. ELEMENT PATH=Element Path ELEMENTS THAT WILL BE CLEANED FROM THE TEXT=Elements that will be cleaned from the text EXTENDED VALID ELEMENTS=Extended Valid Elements FLASH=Flash FORMAT OF INSERTED DATE. ONLY WORKS IN ADVANCED MODE=Format of inserted date. Only applies in Extended mode. FORMAT OF INSERTED TIME. ONLY WORKS IN ADVANCED MODE=Format of inserted time. Only applies in Extended mode. FRONT ONLY=Front Only. FULLSCREEN=Fullscreen FUNCTIONALITY=Functionality HORIZONTAL RULE=Horizontal Rule HTML HEIGHT=HTML Height HTML WIDTH=HTML Width INSERT DATE=Insert Date INSERT TIME=Insert Time LANGUAGE CODE=Language Code LAYER=Layer LEFT TO RIGHT=Left to Right LOAD CSS CLASSES FROM TEMPLATE_CSS.CSS=Load CSS classes from template_css.css NEVER=Never NEWLINES=New Lines NEWLINES WILL BE MADE INTO THE SELECTED OPTION=New lines will be created using the selected option. P ELEMENTS=P Elements PARAMBLOCKQUOTE=Insert blockquote tags around the highlighted text. PARAMCODECLEANUP=By default, TinyMCE will clean your code of certain HTML elements like script and center tags and check for security and XHTML compliance. We recommend you do not deactivate this functionality PARAMCODECLEANUPONSAVE=Recommended setting is 'Always'. Never = Do not clean up code on save. Front End = Clean up code on save when editing from front end only. Always = Cleanup on save when editing from front and back end. PARAMCOMPRESSEDVERSION=Tiny can be run in compressed mode resulting in slightly faster load speeds. However, this mode does not always work (especially in IE) so default for this is Off. Be careful when enabling this to ensure it works on your system. PARAMCUSTOMCSS=Optional CSS file that will override the standard editor.css file. Enter a file name to point to a file in the CSS folder of the default template (for example, templates/rhuk_milkyway/css/). Or enter a full URL path to the custom CSS file. If you enter a value in this field, this file will be used instead of the editor.css file. PARAMDIRECTIONALITY=Select whether to display the RTL button. Only Works in Advanced mode PARAMELEMENTPATH=If set to ON, it shows the set classes for the marked text. PARAMENTITIECLEANUP=If set to No, entities are stripped from the code. PARAMEXTVALIDELEMENTS=Allows the addition of specific valid_elements to the existing rule set. PARAMFLASH=Show/Hide the Flash button. Only applies in Extended mode. PARAMFULLSCREEN=Show/Hide the Fullscreen button. Only applies in Extended mode. PARAMINSERTDATE=Show/Hide the Insert Date button. Only applies in Extended mode. PARAMINSERTTIME=Show/Hide the Insert Time button. Only applies in Extended mode. PARAMHTMLHEIGHT=Height of HTML mode pop-up window. Only applies in Advanced mode. PARAMHTMLWIDTH=Width of HTML mode pop-up window. Only applies in Advanced mode. PARAMLAYER=Show/Hide the Layer control button. Only applies in Extended mode. PARAMPREVIEW=Show/Hide the Preview buttons. Only applies in Extended mode. PARAMPREVIEWHEIGHT=Height of Preview mode pop-up window. Only applies in Extended mode. PARAMPREVIEWWIDTH=Width of Preview mode pop-up window. Only applies in Extended mode. PARAMSEARCHREPLACE=Show/Hide the Search & Replace button. Only applies in Extended mode. PARAMSMILIES=Show/Hide the smilies buttons. Only applies in Extended mode. PARAMSTYLE=Show/Hide the CSS Style control button. Only applies in Extended mode. PARAMTABLE=Show/Hide the table control buttons. Only applies in Extended mode. PARAMTEMPLATE=Show/Hide the Insert predefined template content button. Only applies in Extended mode. PARAMTEMPLATECSS=By default the Plugin looks for an editor.css file. If it cannot find one in the default template, it loads the editor.css file in the system template. PARAMXHTMLXTRAS=Show/Hide the additional XHTML features. Only applies in Extended mode. POSITION OF THE TOOLBAR=Position of the toolbar PREVIEW=Preview PREVIEW HEIGHT=Preview Height PREVIEW WIDTH=Preview Width PROHIBITED ELEMENTS=Prohibited Elements RELATIVE=Relative RIGHT TO LEFT=Right to Left SAVE WARNING=Save Warning SAVE WARNING - GIVES WARNING IF YOU CANCEL WITHOUT SAVING CHANGES=Save Warning: gives warning if you cancel without saving changes. SEARCH AND REPLACE=Search & Replace SELECT FUNCTIONALITY=Select Functionality SHOW/HIDE THE HORIZONTAL RULE BUTTON=Show/Hide the Horizontal Rule button SIMPLE=Simple SMILIES=Smilies STYLE=Style TABLE=Table TEMPLATE CSS CLASSES=Template CSS classes TEMPLATECSSFILENOTPRESENT=Could not find the file 'editor.css' in the template or templates/system folder. No styles are available. TEXT DIRECTION=Text Direction TIME FORMAT=Time Format TOGGLE EDITOR=Toggle editor TOOLBAR=Toolbar URL BEHAVIOUR=URL behaviour URLS=URLs XHTMLXTRAS=XHTMLxtras # New definitions SKIN=Skin SELECT SKIN=Select skin ADD CUSTOM BUTTON(S)=Add custom button(s) ADD CUSTOM PLUGIN(S)=Add custom plugin(s) ADVANCED IMAGE=Advanced image ADVANCED LINK=Advanced link ALIGNMENT OF THE TOOLBAR=Alignment of the toolbar ALL DIALOGS TO OPEN AS FLOATING DIV LAYERS INSTEAD OF POPUP WINDOWS. THIS OPTION CAN BE VERY USEFUL IN ORDER TO GET AROUND POPUP BLOCKERS.=All dialogs to open as floating DIV layers instead of popup windows. This option can be very useful in order to get around popup blockers. BLOCKQUOTE=Blockquote COLORS=Colors CONTEXT MENU=Context menu CUSTOM BUTTON=Custom button CUSTOM PLUGIN=Custom plugin ENTITY ENCODING=Entity Encoding EXTENDED=Extended FONTS=Fonts INLINE POPUPS=Inline popups INSERT NONBREAKING SPACE ENTITIES=Insert nonbreaking space entities NAMED=named NONBREAKING=Nonbreaking NUMERIC=numeric OFFICE2007 BLACK=Office2007 Black OFFICE2007 BLUE=Office2007 Blue OFFICE2007 SILVER=Office2007 Silver PARAMCOLORS=Show/Hide the Colors control buttons. Only applies in Extended mode PARAMENTITYENCODING=Controls how HTML entities are encoded. Recommended setting is 'raw'. 'named' = used named entity encoding (for example, '<'). 'numeric' = use numeric HTML encoding (for example, '%03c'). raw = Do not encode HTML entities. Note that searching content may not work properly if setting is not 'raw'. PARAMS EXTENDED MODE=<strong>Extended Mode Options</strong><br />These options only apply in Extended mode. PARAMFONTS=Show/Hide the Fonts control selectors. Only applies in Extended mode PARAMMEDIA=Show/Hide the Media button. Only applies in Extended mode PARAMPASTE=Show/Hide the Paste buttons. Only applies in Extended mode PASTE=Paste POSSIBILITY TO SEE INVISIBLE CHARACTERS=Possibility to see invisible characters RAW=raw SAFARI COMPATIBILITY=Safari compatibility SEARCH-REPLACE=Search-Replace TEMPLATE=Template TINYBROWSER=Tinybrowser TOOLBAR ALIGN=Toolbar align TURN ON/OFF A MORE ADVANCED IMAGE DIALOG=Turn on/off a more advanced image dialog TURN ON/OFF A MORE ADVANCED LINK DIALOG=Turn on/off a more advanced link dialog TURN ON/OFF CONTEXT MENU=Turn on/off Context menu TURN ON/OFF SAFARI COMPATIBILITY PLUGIN=Turn on/off Safari compatibility plugin TURN ON/OFF TINYBROWSER FOR IMAGES/LINKS=Turn on/off Tinybrowser for images/links VISUALCHARS=Visualchars